- according to SerB, the fact that in 0.8.8 one team gets a tier 10 heavy while the other gets tier 10 arty is normal, as “tanks are not balanced against one another”
- SerB likes the WT E-100 model
- 122mm top gun for WZ-120 too XP expensive? “Don’t play WZ-120″
- (regarding previous question) Q: “Jokes aside, 200 thousand XP for a gun is 2,5 times more than on other tanks” A: “Too bad”
- it’s possible lendlease Soviet Lee and Sherman will come in forseeable future
- T-35 will not come this year or the next apparently (SS: odd)
- T-44-122 will not be available for regular players, it is a supertester gift
- premium tanks as mission rewards? “No idea, but hardly.”
- Panzer IV Hydro and SU-85i for random players? “When it’s done it’s done”
- it’s possible that in some future premium derp tanks with howitzers will be added, but no plans for that now
- there were historically fast (agile) French tanks for tiers 1-4
- FCM 36 might appear on tier 2, SerB will check it out
- tier 8 French medium premium tank? “We’ll see later”
- Wargaming (via Tactical Press) will possibly make books on planes too, not just tanks (SS: in Russian only. I wish there was stuff in English too)
- SerB states that the rear turret VK4502 is pleasant to play, despite players whining that it’s dull. He also states that DW2 is doing normally
- theoretically the physics WoT engine allows for practically unlimited speed (SS: earlier, the tank speed was limited by 72 km/h by the engine)
- in the near/medium future: further physics development, new clanwars, historical battles
- Swamp and Komarin maps are bad? “Your opinion is, as always… (SS: very important to us)” (SS: Komarin is great! :) )
- Object 261 acting like TD too overpowered? “Don’t drive in front of Object 261″ (no plans to change it)
- Type 59 and limited MM – according to Storm it fits how it is now
- old Service record window won’t return
- there will be no general nerf for TD’s (like there was for arty), nor will there be a TD hardcap in battles, Storm states that “it’s simply not needed”
- there will be a rework of hangar and magazine interface
- Q: “Why did you nerf Chinese and US HEAT shells?” A: “Don’t shoot Chinese and US HEAT shells”
- ZIS-4 gun on T-34 had its ROF nerfed? “Don’t play T-34 with ZIS-4″
- it’s completely possible that some nations won’t have hightier light tanks and some will, for example the British have nothing suitable for hightier scouts, but SerB states that they didn’t dig around Bovington for that yet
- apparently the KV-3 stock and middle engines won’t be reworked (Storm states that the V-5 is experimental, V-2IS was a serial engine)
- the reasons some medals were removed from individual tank statistics (Kay, Carius medals) were “technical reasons”
- Mountain Pass access to the mountains (where players used to camp) was removed “to change the gameplay”
- the tier 9 Waffentrager on Panzer IV chassis was chosen because “nothing else was found”, it will have hitpoints analogical to other tier 9 TD’s
- it’s possible various maps will have spring/summer/fall/winter settings, more variants of lighting and sky textures – this was considered, it might come but not anytime soon
- damaging the suspension does not reduce terrain passability
- Chaffee will be reworked in time
- it’s possible Tetrarch will be sold, but “not necesserily as a premium tank” (SS: Tetrarch was planned a long time ago to be a British regular light tank)
- the new tier 6 prototype Panther and Tiger rebalance have nothing to do with upcoming historical battles, this was done independently
- for now, server won’t be selectable directly from hangar
- it’s possible that it will be possible to switch servers without having to disband a platoon or company
- stone fences apparently do block view range, low TD’s can hide behind them
- servers are named by numbers (RU1,2 etc…) because numbers are easier to remember than abstract names (they won’t be renamed after cities where they are hosted)
- it’s possible that if new interesting vehicles are found for tiers that are already occupied by other vehicles, they will be added as an alternative possibility to go thru (like the Ferdinand/JP2)
- it’s possible that if some nations won’t have enough vehicles for an entire 2nd/3rd branch, these vehicles will be implemented as an incomplete minibranch, that will end in the original branch (the way China has it for example)
- HEAT and APCR shells do the same damage as AP shells “for game reasons”
- A-44 engine gets critted too often even with cyclone filter? “Don’t play A-44″
- there will be further improvements made to the teamdamage punishment system
- VK4502A depression will be changed “if needed”
- Q: “Developers, did you think about improving the minimap?” A: “No, we don’t have no brains at all, we don’t think about anything”
- it’s possible the absolute numbers will return to the winrate statistics (like it was in 8.7)
- when you shoot a blue (teamkiller) teammember, that damage doesn’t count towards your damage done reward
- SerB on whiners: “I don’t give a damn about some individual hysterical players, beggars and idiots. Do not confuse those with regular players – unfortunately, small parts of those groups do intersect with one another”
- Q: “SerB, do you answer questions while suffering from hangovers?” A: “No, since I don’t suffer from hangovers. But the topic is, as I understand, close to you? :)”
- SerB on mods and cooperation with modders: “We and the modders generally differ in opinions – we don’t consider many of the mod functions to be necessery. Even further, we don’t want the interface to look like an Excel table. I for example do not use any mods. Accordingly, for those for whom the standard interface is not enough and have the need to have an “excel-like” interface we are going to introduce official mod support (including their certification)”
- there are Chinese arties available, the only tiers not decided yet are 9 and 10, they don’t have any specificity compared to current arties
- average battle time has increased since the arty nerf, but not significantly
- WG will not disclose, how will they fight rigged company battles
- more variety in destroyed tank models is planned, but that doesn’t mean they will have holes in it where they were hit, that would be technically difficult to do
- the unlockable hull modules are not tied to historical battles
- WG is preparing improved WoT graphics, won’t be announced for now
- Munster doesn’t want to release RU251 info, so it’s not ready yet
- Soviet tank A-41 (improved T-34 program prototype) will possibly make it into the game as an optional hull for A-43
- unlockable hulls will most likely come next year, as the amount of modelling needed for that is huge
- WG is preparing improved WoT graphics, won’t be announced for now
lovely.. this is to go against the WT uber-cyber-hot looking screenshots
WoT movie mode does sound nice though.
Yes, screenshots. Not sure there are enough hours in the day for your computer to render 30 people running around large maps doing their things at once.
With such detail.
You want Panzer Nerfer to visit you first? That can be arranged.
second, actually, but if you want donkey, prepare yourself ;)
How in the world did this donkey thing get started?
Type 59 won’t get limited MM, according to Storm it fits how it is now
O.o Type does have limited MM.
ON type and limited MM. Read it again! It’s about some player’s (including mine) opinions type 59 shouldn’t have limited MM, as it is equal if not superior to other tier 8 meds (it’s as good as the Pershing) and can do very well even in tier 10 (i know it from platoon experience). Apart from SP and -3 , who are crippeled in more than one ways, Type 59 has no obvious flaws and should be able to get into tier 10. This will not happen tho, keeping Type as the only decent premium with limited MM.
SS changed it , noob
“Type 59 won’t get limited MM, according to Storm it fits how it is now” is the original post ;)
Yet the type already has a limited MM…
Nice, calling him “noob” for no reason. Keep being pathetic.
- SerB on mods and cooperation with modders: “We and the modders generally differ in opinions – we don’t consider many of the mod functions to be necessery. Even further, we don’t want the interface to look like an Excel table. I for example do not use any mods. Accordingly, for those for whom the standard interface is not enough and have the need to have an “excel-like” interface we are going to introduce official mod support (including their certification)”
Why can’t he answer all questions like this? Knowing him he could easily answer this like. “How terrible” and “Don’t play with mods”. I know there is tons of retarded questions, but some of them are really legit and he just trolls them and don’t answer at all.
because most of those questions where already asked 20 times and i don’t think he likes asking them 20 times seriously ;)
Because most questions are endlessly repeated or just plain stupid and answering them is waste of time.
That’s fine by me, it’s just annoying when he trolls valid comments that calls the devs out on something illogical. That’s like an obnoxious kid going BLAHBLAHBLAH I CAN’T HEAR YOU and then acting like he’s won the argument. But yes, most of the troll replies are warranted.
He’s showing off, that HE chooses to do this the way HE wants. Also, repetition.
Especially as it’s not his job to answer to players, he does this voluntarily.
10 gold says that WG mod support winds up like Mojang mod support — they make a big announcement, then two years of silence while changes to the client screw over the entire mod community every few months.
- 122mm top gun for WZ-120 too XP expensive? “Don’t play WZ-120″
- (regarding previous question) Q: “Jokes aside, 200 thousand XP for a gun is 2,5 times more than on other tanks” A: “Too bad”
And that is a troll in a position of power he will never concede anything.
Why, he is right.
The sky is blue. I’m right too. What’s your point?
Developer head is a gigantic egomaniac? How terrible. Don’t play his game.
Can’t figure out what’s actually essential about a game? How terrible, ragequit already.
Research the 113 heavy tank first and you get the top gun for Wizard-120 for free (no XP required to research it)…
according to SerB, the fact that in 0.8.8 one team gets a tier 10 heavy while the other gets tier 10 arty is normal, as “tanks are not balanced against one another”
I could swear I’ve seen Storm saying that is not welcome like month ago… Seems like they are too dumb to fix it so it became fine.
- Q: “Developers, did you think about improving the minimap?” A: “No, we don’t have no brains at all, we don’t think about anything”
Well everything points to that.
Serb said they’re going to fix 8.7 bug with tier 10 vs 8 as top, and they did it. And tiet X arty now acts like tank of same tier so this one is normal.
These guys “working” at wargaming were not even able to add reload timers to the game so they are very much exactly like serb says. No brains. Asking these wg people to add stuff to minimap is like asking squirrels questions about quantum physics.
SerB on whiners: “I don’t give a damn about some individual hysterical players, beggars and idiots. Do not confuse those with regular players – unfortunately, small parts of those groups do intersect with one another”
People can bitch about SerB being a troll ect, but after seeing games like WoW, UO, SWG and others ruined because the dev’s listened to every stupid fucking idea and change everyone had, I agree with him 100%
Keep up the damned good work SerB!
This trolling is pointless if he doesn’t want to listen to sugestions he can stop answering altogether.
Or you could just stop reading the translated SerB facts? If it weren’t for SS and FTR, there wouldn’t be any answers for you to get butthurt about.
Well i’m not buthurt but annoyed by SerB’s devil may care attitude. I thank you, SS for the great job you are doing! No trolling intended because some people might take it the wrong way.
This is *Q&A*. There’s a separate thread for suggestions AFAIK, and by all accounts it’s full of stupid too.
There are SOME features they implemented, although they only admitted one to be influenced by player suggestion – the narrow +-2 MM spread.
Other than that, we have more reward for the best player on the losing team, quite enjoying that, and a WG personal rating. The latter is kind of useless, but it cuts down on the forum whine threads that have been asking for an “official efficiency rating” since forever.
Also, gold ammo for credits was originally players idea.
That’s… two or three, out of how many ball-punchingly stupid?
>HEAT and APCR do as much damage as AP for game reason
OR they could, you know, make loading premium a meaningful tactical choice instead of expensive pwnage.
In situations where you actually *need* them the question is not “how much damage will this shot do?” but rather “can this shot do any damage AT ALL?” you know…
“- it’s possible that in some future premium derp tanks with howitzers will be added, but no plans for that now”
was hoping to see the T88 soon. :(
Chieftain has said that he doesn’t want to see more howitzer tanks (i.e. T88) in the game. Makes you wonder if Chieftain is being over-ruled.
(SS: Komarin is great! :) )
Nope. It still the same bullshit as it was in the past but now it looks nicer
– Münster (museum) ….
As written in the last RU 251 news. Münster has nothing to do with the Munster panzer museum.
AKAIK the Panzer Museum in Munster has no information about the Ru251. In the Panzertruppenschule in Munster there is a special testing department which was also responsible for testing the Ru251. The documents about this vehicle are still under governmental shut down therefore wargaming will have no chance to get the data until the Bundeswehr decides to publish them
why keep info on RU251 secret?
“Type 59 won’t get limited MM, according to Storm it fits how it is now”
I thought Type has limited MM?
Its not Münster, but Munster.
- Münster (museum) doesn’t want to release RU251 info, so it’s not ready yet
I don’t get this, why would a museum not want to release information?
Well, it’s their property…maybe they don’t want to make it public or want to be overpayed in order to do that.
You know…everyone is selfish/greedy nowadays
It is total stupid that they need the exact values. What do they need?
Armour? It will be a papertank so noone cares if it is 20mm or 22mm.
Engine horsepower? They buff and nerf this without even touching this stats. WG just change ground resistance etc.
Gun penetration? Just pick a similar US gun and thats it. dpm etc are balance anyway.
This museum story is just a lame excuse.
They might need internal layout in case there comes a smartbutt, points at WG and says: “stupid n00b WG developerz made our über RU 251 wrong module placementz”
RU251 was a prototype, not a paper plan. Know what the hell you’re talking about.
paper tank, not plan, as in no armor. know what YOU are talking about.
Paper armor tank, not paper tank. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU …. ah forget it …
«- SerB on mods and cooperation with modders: “We and the modders generally differ in opinions – we don’t consider many of the mod functions to be necessery. Even further, we don’t want the interface to look like an Excel table. I for example do not use any mods. Accordingly, for those for whom the standard interface is not enough and have the need to have an “excel-like” interface we are going to introduce official mod support (including their certification)”»
He doesn’t use any mods, yet, he agrees with the “features” added in the game, inspired from popular mods(over-target markers, soon reload timers)
I’m wondering why the hell that isn’t in game yet.
Funny how Jimbo already managed to deal with the new scripts in time WG faced major problems…duh…
Thing is they want to do it server-side so it can be accurate. I love J1mbo’s crosshairs, but there’s sometimes problems with the reload time because it runs client-side.
most reload timers had problems when going into/out of sniper mode, where “total reload time” would get set to the current point of the reload., etc.. WG probably didn’t want a “bug” like that in their version.
There were “problems” with it.
Fucking clueless on british tanks TV15000 british light tank, FV301 British light tank, Vickers had a 24 ton paper project for a light tank with a 20lb gun there tier 6 7 and 8 lights done, dumbasses in Minsk. Not surprised ex-soviets hate the UK more than they hate the US.
Do the words french tanks mean anything to you? The 50B and bat-Chatillion have been nerfed to high hell from their original states.
tell me about it.
“SerB states that the rear turret VK4502 is pleasant to play, despite players whining that it’s dull”
That’s true, Asuf.B is my favorite tank!
It’s one of the only rear-turreted tanks in the game. How on Earth could playing it be considered dull?
Oh right, because pubbies don’t know how to play it properly, get their asses handed to them and complain it’s a ‘dull tank’.
orly! it’s quite nice to exploit the 40mm rooftop. seeing some player sidescrape like a boss for no avail is kinda funny ;)
” more variety in destroyed tank models is planned, but that doesn’t mean they will have holes in it where they were hit, that would be technically difficult to do”
Is there a reason for this? If “live” tanks can have impact marks, why not “dead” ones?
Because the game engine is outdated and practicaly they don’t know how to do that or maybe they are just focusing on other things.
The live ones just have decals slapped on. Wee bit different from modeling busted armor plate on the wreck.
Impact marks are decals applied over the texture. Holes would require dynamic mesh deformation support and it’s not that easy to do on an MMO.
plus this game tears people’s computers in half enough already.
Because there are people playing the game with computers made of rocks and twigs
Hedhehogs have been observed hibernating in some of them.
Impact decals on busted tanks would be better than nothing.
they would, but considering the amount of them needed (there is a maximum limit of how much impact decals can be placed on a tank, and if it would be exceeded, the lag would come) it would be waste of computting power
Can’t say I see the point.
Quite a long read today. Ty SS! :)
“there will be a rework of hangar and magazine interface”
Did you mean store? (As far as i remember “magasin” means shop/store)
Magazines are news/infos publications(some kind of book, but not about a story).
Magazines are also the clips of some guns.
I think it’s a typo and he ment store/shop.
Or maybe he’s referring to the garage slider(with all of your vehicles)?
Wasn’t that called “carousel”?
200k xp for a gun? Where is this mythical gun they are talking about?
It’s not the gun itself, it’s the exp needed to get it.
45k for the first gun, 23k for the turret, 59k for the 2nd gun and another 59k for the last gun.And you’ll also need the tracks to mount all those stuff afaik.
or you grind scouts and heavys and you just need to unlock turret and tranks.
btw who the f ask for a LL lee?
We who are interested in historical variety and not gameplay ability( or the lack of that in case of M3)
Referring to all the shit you need to grind to get it if you took medium tank route, 22,4k for tracks + 23,5k turret + 45k for 2nd 100m then + 59 for 3rd 100m + 59k for top gun. All in all 208.900 XP.
Wooping 181 Pen to 189 > 215, finally > 249,
It’s a painful grind, but oh so worth it when you get that last gun IMO
Goddammit, another Alex beat me to it lol
Hope you aren’t impersonating anyone around here…I’m poasting/trolling here since Frank returned from his old ban…
it’s possible lendlease Soviet Lee and Sherman will come in forseeable future
‘Ya right’.
They’ve had the ‘Firefly’ modelled for years and its still not made an appearance, still waiting!
So we can review this in the distant future!
They’ve never had the firefly modeled, what are you smoking man O.o? The french on the other hand have been modeled and finished for a very long time now, but they haven’t put them in yet.
They have the garage icon for the Firefly.
Looking forward to an in-tree Tetrarch. I like the little bugger, but would love to see it with the 2lber with the Littlejohn adapter. That thing would be nearly as annoying as the E-25.
Tetrarch is already annoying to the enemies. :)
I get 4 kills on average, unless I get one-shot by T18.
They will fuck it up(It’s WG, just for remind u)… better leave it as it is now<.<
I have more problems with Pz.Ic, those buggers don’t need to stop to aim. Just BRRRBRRRBRRRT and usually crew and modules are ded.
- T-44-122 will not be available for regular players, it is a supertester gift
Basically this confirms NA will never see these since they killed us off (The NA Supertest group) nearly a year ago.
And the EU will also never see this tank. Besides, you can still get it (sort of) by putting a 122 mm on a regular T-44.
oh god why would you do that?
So that you can shoot it at the ground at the start of the match and then complain about unfair ammo costs in general chat after the match.
and SS predicted it will be to reward the RU supertesters who “gave welcome information to the public” or something like that.
“SerB, do you answer questions while suffering from hangovers?” A: “No, since I don’t suffer from hangovers. But the topic is, as I understand, close to you? :)”
Well, back in my college days, I too learned that you never get hangovers if you never sober up.
Hey other method being curing the hangover by drinking more
Although I much like that solution, my liver disagree a bit :D
FCM 36 at Tier 2? Oh boy…
He meant tank, not a prem TD
Still amazing though. 40/20/40 armor with amazing angles, it will be a slower, but amazingly better H35.
- SerB likes the WT E-100 model
? as in WarThunder WT?
he speaks of waffenträger E 100, who, you know, träger big fat autoloading E100 waffen
- there were historically fast (agile) French tanks for tiers 1-4
– FCM 36 might appear on tier 2, SerB will check it out
– tier 8 French medium premium tank? “We’ll see later”
Oh yes! been waiting for a french update. Any news SS?
Just a quick question/ suggestion, do you think there could be a branch built using the ELC 30, ELC 75, ELC 90, ELC Bis?
As ever: Thanks!
“- WG is preparing improved WoT graphics, won’t be announced for now”
Yes! Happy to see that.
“- unlockable hulls will most likely come next year, as the amount of modelling needed for that is huge”
Anyone can explain me how it would change the game? Will it be a big change?
Also some others things no related to this, but since I’m here.
-In the 8.8 we don’t see the drag shells (like in the test server). Anyone know why? I find it pretty good in the server.
Will you update the FAQ SS? There are some things that’s implemented right now.
Basically it allows for two or possibly more hull variations of a vehicle(Such as the Panzer IV’s models), which could allow for different armor and performance statistics. WoWP uses this system of unlocking a second fuselage
So not only would it require making a fresh set of hull models for “EVERY” tank in game(theoretical max, some probably won’t have a second hull like the Indien Panzer so if they needed one it’d be under a shoehorned name like “Ausf. B”), it would also possibly require rebalancing on every tank that got hull modules
The German tank tree might see consolidation because of this, as the Panthers(Tier 7 and 8) and E-50s were brought up as potentially being merged
Oh and the 45.02(P)’s
Okay! Thank you! ;)
Why no special event for 17.09 anniversary?
Oh right, they only deported one million people, that’s not enough to make a special event…
Tip; Soviet attack on Poland = 17.09.1939
because we like to party end of wars, not the beginning?
SerB being absolutely honest for the first time in Q&A:
“No, we don’t have no brains at all, we don’t think about anything”
I think he is glad to have this off his chest now :D
Obviously SerB and the other devs are robots.
- it’s completely possible that some nations won’t have hightier light tanks and some will, for example the British have nothing suitable for hightier scouts, but SerB states that they didn’t dig around Bovington for that yet
Hmm… That doesn’t seem quite right, let me fix it.
- for example the British have no suitable tanks but SerB states that they didn’t dig around Bovington for that yet
there we go. Much more fitting with how they’ve been handling the British recently.
- ZIS-4 gun on T-34 had its ROF nerfed? “Don’t play T-34 with ZIS-4″
Strange, the chinese zis-4 ROF was not nerfed….
SerB is wrong. T-34 ZiS-4 gun is not nerfed. New RoF applies only to the stock turret, in the top one it remains unchanged (17 vs 27 AFAIK).
I used to think that SerB was deliberately cultivating a hateful persona. Now he just sounds like he doesn’t know the answers to the questions he’s being asked.
- Q: “Developers, did you think about improving the minimap?” A: “No, we don’t have no brains at all, we don’t think about anything”
Here’s us asking SerB:
122mm top gun for WZ-120 too XP expensive? “Don’t play WZ-120″
“Why did you nerf Chinese and US HEAT shells?” A: “Don’t shoot Chinese and US HEAT shells”
A-44 engine gets critted too often even with cyclone filter? “Don’t play A-44″
Q: “Jokes aside, 200 thousand XP for a gun is 2,5 times more than on other tanks” A: “Too bad”
Here’s our side:
WG’s antics too annoying? “Don’t play the game, or failing that, don’t pay WG.”
Q: “Jokes aside, you play WoT 5 times more than any other game and should vote it for Golden Joystick.” A: “Too bad, literally.”
Yep, this is exactly the arrogance why I won’t be voting for WoT.
Especially the HEAT nerf. They already nerfed the mechanics and now another one. US tanks in particular were researched up based on how they performed and now they’re getting nerfed to hell. Look how much less T57′s get used in Clan Wars and how fewer T69′s are in tournament matches. This isn’t simply a matter of -”well don’t use HEAT”! F.U. Serb!!! I’ve wasted hundreds of hours, XP, credits and gold research thse tnaks and now you’re making them useless! As well as ever other US tank that sues HEAT. And there’s also an upcoming nerf to the T57. FU Serb and FU WG!!!
If you don’t want HEAT used, give the US tanks better performing AP shells. And leave the T57 alone. Or is it just the AMX 50B wasn’t researcehd and purchased enough so you wanted your player base to play more, research more and aim for those aut0-loaders???
Seriously FU WG!!!
That’s a lot of text for inane butthurt over, what, two tanks. BTW I find the T69 plays just fine and rarely even use the prem shells I keep for emergencies…
“WG will not disclose, how will they fight rigged company battles”
Anyone have any idea what they’re talking about here? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a “rigged” company battle…
Well, apparently companies where one team intentionally loses are not exactly something WG desires.
I think they mean all those medium tank companies where they rig their company to lose. Like all KV-1S’s because the commander doesn’t know that those things are terrible.
According to vbaddict then DW2 is NOT doing normally, rock bottom with 46,51% winrate after 13.000 battles.
It’s doing fine the way they wanted it – to be the German’s equivalent of the M3 Lee.
Every branch has to have its citrons, this one is ours.
- SerB states that DW2 is doing normally.
That means this tank is a piece of crap.
His standard answer for balanced tanks is “tank xy is doing fine”
Frank, you know, all this trolling with “buy 51% of shares if you want sth. changed” – there actually ARE a few Arab guys playing WoT, who are rich enough to do it. It would be incredibly funny backfire trolling :) if that happened…
in your dreams.
And you think WG will really sell their product after their huge succes…maybe later(2-3 years or more) when the game won’t be popular anymore.
It’s not about buing the product: it’s about buing whole company :) .
Golden T-55 Enigma incoming to gift shop?
the books are in Russian only… what a surprise!!!
Two things. Russian players are idiots asking mostly the same questions all over again, and secondly – SerB does not have a hangover, because he is constantly drunk. That’d explain his general assholnes, as there are generally two types of drinkers, the ones that are cheerful, and the SerB type…
“- Swamp and Komarin maps are bad? “Your opinion is, as always… (SS: very important to us)” (SS: Komarin is great! :) )”
(Mao: Komarin, Swamps, Serene Coast are great! :) Tundra is nice too. )
“- Munster doesn’t want to release RU251 info, so it’s not ready yet”
I want to get rid of Awful Panther already! :(
Chinese Arty? Wut. Never thought I would see the day.
I wonder when they will set stars on premium tanks to give coins instead of exp – just thinking this could be interesting.
hmm why do i feel like person answering the question is bit arrogant?
because it’s serb, he’s always a douche bag like that. Until a mass exidous happen in WoT, that asshole will act like he’s king of the world
Don’t see why he shouldn’t be able to answer stupid questions however the fuck he feels like given that the last I heard he was doing it purely on volunteer basis.
Also? Grow a thicker skin over your fragile little egos.
Serb must of ran out of butt plugs made out of crack and meth, or else I can’t explain why he’s so anal right now
- 122mm top gun for WZ-120 too XP expensive? “Don’t play WZ-120″
– ZIS-4 gun on T-34 had its ROF nerfed? “Don’t play T-34 with ZIS-4″
I am waiting when players will finally say: “Don’t like lack of changes in World of Tanks? – We stop playing World of Tanks”. i wonder if SerB’s reaction will be “How terrible” if they finally piss off too many players.
Your petty bitterness has been duly noted, ignored.
Pingback: 17.09.2013 | WoTRomania
Oh yes, Soviet Lee – what we’ve all been waiting for
Pingback: WoT - Discutii generale - Page 1230
Well, nothing new.
Type 59 MM is good, I like platoons where I get X tiers, I have medals for killing X tiers :)
XPs on gun for WZ-120 are fine because you can get it via HTs