
- RNG won’t be reduced
- the feature of AFK tanks camping in base exploding one second after the last enemy tank has been killed (getting repair damage) has been around for a long time (SS: funny, never noticed that)
- skill MM won’t be implemented
- there will be more various combat missions
- 100 percent crew skill reset for credits won’t be implemented
- companies will not be changed for now, but new 7vs7 format will be introduced

- there will be special platoon searching interface (the way companies have it now)
- Storm states about the results of the increased gun accuracy: “For now it all looks pretty well”
- HE shell explosion can bring down trees. SerB states that the radius in which the trees will fall is not equal to HE splash radius, as the trees need to be dealt a certain amount of damage before they fall, so the radius is somewhat smaller. HE shells from nonartillery guns can also bring down trees
- TD’s do not have better shell spread within the aim circle than other classes
- the reason gun barrels are so hard to actually damage is that the devs don’t want everyone running around with damaged barrels
- it’s completely possible that the researchable hulls will bring the Panzer IV, StuG and Panzer III with Schürzen (additional side armor)
- there was no accuracy nerf in last 2 patches
- Q: “In this battle, I recieved only a little more experience than the guy who did 0 damage, that’s unfair” A: “That means you played only a bit better than the AFKer. Upgrade your skill.”
- SerB doesn’t consider it a problem that with the gun accuracy buff, several heavily armored vehicles (T95, Tortoise) get critted more often
- the hit ration of inaccurate derp guns rose with the gun accuracy buff “proportionally with the rest of the guns”
- SerB says he doesn’t like any player ratings, he judges player skill by winrate: “Because the damage done, scouting, hitrate etc. are all only means to the end, that is the victory”
- in WoWp, good players win much more often than in WoT, bad players lose more often too.
- company player stats will be separated from the general stats, platoon stats will stay within the general player stats (“who is preventing you from making a platoon with your friends?”) – at this moment some players start whining about platoons being in advantage, SerB states that it’s simply the way humans are: coordination brings better results
- reload timer in seconds: when it’s done it’s done (SS: most likely 8.9)
- Q: “A lot of battles end with 0-15 results for me, will this change in the future?” A: “It will, when you stop screwing up.”
- support service won’t refund you credits, if you sell a tank by accident (“kindergarten for players is over”)
- the twin-linked 122mm ST-I won’t be implemented for now, it’s just an idea
- Q: “Will you fix the game lags with Telia.net?” A:”Unfortunately, we haven’t bought Telia yet”
- some Soviet vehicles (T-70, SU-76) had two engines, linked together. SerB states that if one was knocked out, the vehicle couldn’t move, the other was blocked too.
- SerB won’t participate in streams: “no time for that, sorry”
- manual selection of “important achievements” (for first page of Service Record) is not planned
- in 9.0, the graphics improvement will start by implementing new lighting filters
- apparently the principle on how gold consumables work won’t be reworked (SS: as in, they being useable more than once for example)
- there won’t be a possibility to put the flags/inscriptions wherever you want
- SerB states there is a protection from bogus complaints in the complaint system in game
- if you have two accounts on one computer with Windows, you can save both accounts’ different settings by logging to each account under a different Windows user

114 thoughts on “24.9.2013

  1. - if you have two accounts on one computer with Windows, you can save both accounts’ different settings by logging to each account under a different Windows user

    nice.. I didn’t know that and I’ve been wondering if it was some sort of a bug :P

  2. - some Soviet vehicles (T-70, SU-76) had two engines, linked together. SerB states that if one was knocked out, the vehicle couldn’t move, the other was blocked too.

    What about the Matilda?

    • Chaffee and some american arties got two engines aswell iirc. I think they could run on one engine only with low speed.

  3. As for the (good) Telia question – it’s up to the data center to provide the connectivity. If they are cheap asses and provide Telia – change data center. Plain and simple. This is a very competentive market, where a such large client as WG would be welcome anywhere.

    • It depends on where your ISP is plugged into. Example: me and a friend live in the same city, different ISPs. I hop right onto Level3 and 5-6 hops later I’m on EU1/EU2 in 20-30ms, he is routed through Telia, which not only makes for twice as much hops, but those hops have high latencies and drop a lot of packets. So I am routing for him, so he can use my awesome Level3 – we can platoon again :)

      • Go to your ISP’s local office, and explain the situation to the local engineer. He can adjust the routing tables to avoid Telia for you. Bring him a six pack, a pack of steaks, and a $50. It works :)

      • So not everyone has Telia. That would explain why I have never seen any of these telia lag spikes people claim.

  4. And this:
    - SerB says he doesn’t like any player ratings, he judges player skill by winrate: “Because the damage done, scouting, hitrate etc. are all only means to the end, that is the victory”

    Another idiot words by serb.. Its not my problem that my team sucks.

          • They’d prefer your opinion Bertie because it’d mean less work. They should adhere to the opposite because it’d make for a more competitive gaming environment.

            • Not only it means less work, but it brings them more money. Because I don’t want to wait for several minutes for round, because there is less then few tens of thousands players with my “skill level” on whole server.

              And also I don’t want “competitive” enviroment, because I dont play this game for challenge, I play this game because I want spend some time in easy shoot’em’up.

        • Skill based MM will only result in more butthurt whiners…

          “I’m fooking ace.. I’m a top player and you’re all noobs”
          “… why am I dead in 20 seconds?”
          “HAX…!!! ”

          “I’m fooking ace.. I’m a top player…
          … why am I in the noob leagues..??
          …MM is wrong…!!!… “

    • How on earth are they stupid words? Whether you think of WR on its own as a good judge due to the unknown factors, you can hardly deny that a better player will get a better win rate – in the context of things like platoons, team companies, clan wars, tiers played, etc.

      And, as much as you may like to think otherwise, long term, you get no worse teams than ANYONE else. Anyone who seriously claims that their long term win rate (short term is another matter) is actually definably affected by the players they are put up against is doing nothing else than sheltering themselves from the reality of the fact that they aren’t playing well enough.

      • WR is important, but not the ONLY skill indicator. If the stats would be separated by company, CW and platoons, the WR would be a better indicator for (personal) skill. If anyone can push his WR by driving with (good) platoon-members, WR does not matter alone.

        It’s easy: A good player who does not platoon will have a good WR in randoms. But a good player who platoons with other good players will have a great WR.

        In order to compensate this, there has to be some kind of rating.

        • I agree completely – that’s pretty much exactly what I meant, if it wasn’t obvious; WR is a decent indicator, but can be manipulated easily enough to not make it perfect on its own.

          But someone who says we should have skill based MM to repair his ego on account of the fact that they have a bad WR will be sorely disappointed – no, just because you have an X% WR doesn’t mean you are actually as good as someone else with that high a WR, but, for players with any appreciable number of battles who still have a bad WR, chances are they’re just crap.

      • The problem nobody notices is that skill based MM would be even more 50% oriented – thus pulling good players down. So, it’s only bad players who really need it…

      • The only thing that skews WR is platooning. Aside from side SerB is totally right: WR (total + tank specific and also the number of games played towards that WR) tells me all I need to know about a player.

        I have seen to many players without any tactical sense or any regard for the map doing a lot of damage and easy kills in the end when the match was long lost. Good for their rating but still a loss due to incompetent play.

        Yeah. Sometimes your team sucks. Often even. But that’s why even the best players don’t get above 80%. The difference between 49% WR and your WR is your skill and your platoons’ skills.

        • well, I’m not platooning, yet my WR in some tanks is over 60% and in anothers it’s around 50%. that’s because some tanks can carry the game, but some are totaly team depandant (usually slow tanks with slow RoF) – and cannot tip the balance when team is bad (but not horrible)

          so there is more then one thing that “skews WR”. but if player have a few tanks which can carry (cromwell for example), you can see how good he is from it, that’s for sure

    • Hans: ” Its not my problem that my team sucks.”

      I can promise you one thing. If you continue to think like that, it will be very hard for you to improve your play.

      • How can it be that playing in a platoon increases your Win rate coniderably? I’ve always been under the impression, that there are platoons (mostly equal in number and size) on both sides.
        So, if a platoon wins, another one loses…
        Should you be able to really boost your Win Rate with your platoon that means your platoon is better than the platoons pitched against you which again means that your and your platoon mate’s skill is greater, which again means that your Win Rate is higher because of your greater skill. So still Win Rate is an indicator of player skill, playing in platoons or random…
        Just my 2 cents.

  5. “- SerB says he doesn’t like any player ratings, he judges player skill by winrate: “Because the damage done, scouting, hitrate etc. are all only means to the end, that is the victory”” Proof that he’s an idiot/was drunk when said that

    • I find it pretty fine. He’s right, even if you have noob team then just go with some friends ;) He’s right, if you don’t win you’re not good. Well, not bad, but not good ;) Even with stupid team.
      I prefer playing alone so I really don’t care about my stats, but if I want good stats I’ll play with good players. That’s all.

      • if i do 7k dmg kill 5 tanks and lose am i a bad player? if that happens 50% of the time am I bad player?

  6. “- SerB doesn’t consider it a problem that with the gun accuracy buff, several heavily armored vehicles (T95, Tortoise) get critted more often”

    “One of the tank’s main strengths got indirectly nerfed/made easier to bypass? Totally fine.”
    It’s as if he leaves his brain at home some days.

    ” – the hit ration of inaccurate derp guns rose with the gun accuracy buff “proportionally with the rest of the guns””
    That is to say, accurate guns became slightly more accurate, inaccurate guns became somewhat accurate and mildly overpowered (*coughRussiancough*), and derp guns followed suit.
    I mean, they weren’t even that inaccurate to begin with, now there’s pretty much no reason to not use one in low tiers unless you’re completely incapable of judging distance for forwarding :\

    “- some Soviet vehicles (T-70, SU-76) had two engines, linked together. SerB states that if one was knocked out, the vehicle couldn’t move, the other was blocked too.”

    Meanwhile certain tanks with linked engines (Matilda II for example) historically COULD “limp home” with one engine completely disabled/destroyed. What’s your excuse there, SerB? :v

    • In principle the last one could be pretty well simulated by simply giving such “tandem” engines relatively high HP pools – yellow damage state would then be one of the pair out of commission.

        • True. However I haven’t the foggiest about the actual component HPs hence the conditionals.
          Wasn’t there a site that listed the values extracted from the game files somewhere though?

  7. Q: “A lot of battles end with 0-15 results for me, will this change in the future?” A: “It will, when you stop screwing up.”

    7.5 k dmg done, i’m sorry for the screw-up

    • If you did 7.5k damage without getting a kill. . . . . . you should learn to focus more 15 low hp tanks can put out the same amount of damage as 15 full hp tanks, but less than 1 destroyed and 14 full hp tanks. Learn to take a gun out of the game when it is necessary.

      • You are retarded.

        Good artillery players almost always go for damage.

        261 only has 18 shells.

        So cease your plebian way of thinking.

          • If your team can’t finish off low HP tanks than it’s for sure their fucking fault you lose. 7,5k damage in arty is perfect example how arty should be played. Doing as much as possible damage and not finishing of low HP targets and even risking shooting your own players when they are dogfighting with the enemy like most of arty retards do.

            • As a SPG player I agree. Its ALWAYS about the damage. SPGs do not have enough shells to be worrying about finishing off nearly dead tanks. And if the team cant kill them, and I have seen this, its annoying as hell. A 2 health ALECTO limped around for 1/3 of the match before someone killed him. And the ALECTO mind you got kills while it limped around.

            • Exactly. Whoever goes for the low hp kill with high tier arty is a fucking idiot. Amazing how many retards read this blog.

            • Maybe you should learn from your mistakes and make the kills, even as artillery, or face another loss.

              Don’t you WANT to get better?

            • Ok so outside of arty which everyone knows is special if you put out 7.5k damage and you don’t kill something your doing something wrong.
              If you have multiple tanks shooting at you and you are only focusing on the high health ones expect to lose. Focus on taking the tanks out one at a time rather than just racking up a ton of damage.

            • There’s a conditional exception to that – autoloaders. When the magazine refill times are in the order of half a minute plus in an ideal world you shouldn’t be using your shells on hundred-hp “dead men walking” – but sadly in practice you generally can’t count on teammates to finish stuff off so bleh. :/

    • Stupid answer to a stupid question. So: well done SerB.

      The player’s question is what’s called anecdotal evidence. This kind of evidence is nice to colorfully support an already valid argument, but it is completely irrelevant as an argument on its own.

      • Why should “someone else” finish them off when you won’t waste your precious shells on low hp opponents (arty excluded). Might they be thinking the same thing?

  8. “- HE shell explosion can bring down trees. SerB states that the radius in which the trees will fall is not equal to HE splash radius, as the trees need to be dealt a certain amount of damage before they fall, so the radius is somewhat smaller. HE shells from nonartillery guns can also bring down trees”

    Duuh, being using that with my TD for clear the view since ages.

  9. - Storm states about the results of the increased gun accuracy: “For now it all looks pretty well”
    - there was no accuracy nerf in last 2 patches

    Huh, for me accuracy is much worse than in previous patches on most of tanks that i am playing, the exception is Leo PTA.

  10. “in WoWp, good players win much more often than in WoT, bad players lose more often too.”
    …In a game with even MM… How come he can say this anyways, if wins are the only benchmark that’s a self fulfilling prophecy…

    “SerB says he doesn’t like any player ratings, he judges player skill by winrate: “Because the damage done, scouting, hitrate etc. are all only means to the end, that is the victory””
    He can’t be serious… But well, we knew before.

    • My friend tried WoWp and said me the individual skill makes there much more difference. If you are good enough in an agile fighter you have a good chance nobody will hit you. The tanks are much more dependent on the initial positioning and often you can’t do much if your team is bunch of idiots.

      • Yes, in fighters on similar tiers it holds true. But seeing how easily you can get blasted out of the sky, for example by the extremely heavily armed “Germans” of Tiers 3-6 you are facing in the I-16s, you also need a lot of luck to get in to real dogfighting.

        But well, we should be discussing that on the WoWp forums ;)

  11. -skill MM won’t be implemented

    They need to start handing out ROs for asking this question as it comes up nearly every other day.

    • More like every other HOUR on the NA server, mostly because all of our “Unicums” are assholes. I’ve had yet to meet one who was at the very least NOT a conceited prick.

  12. - SerB says he doesn’t like any player ratings, he judges player skill by winrate: “Because the damage done, scouting, hitrate etc. are all only means to the end, that is the victory”

    Theres a flaw in that statment, because you can do a shitload of damage, and do alot to the team in a battle, and still loose because the team is filled with badplayers. You cant win alone when you get surrounded. IF the enemy aint just as stupid or even more stupid as the failteam you are in was.

    • Yet if you know your stuff your winrate WILL go up over time. Mine certainly seems to, if slowly (and the “Earning Your Steel” missions certainly aren’t helping ATM…). A certain amount of shit luck is universal and evens out over the long term.

    • But it will be a case one out of XX. So if you’re good, you WILL win more often and over a longer period of time, your WR will go up no matter what teams you get.

      • Yes that is true, and yes it is going up slowly.
        But his statment is still wrong since there is so many factors that plays in than just a higher WR. Just the factors he says aint as important, but the thing is that just those things are the ones showing how much you actually do.
        Some ppl with abit lower WR has high numbers on those things and that shows to me, that they are better than their WR is sayin. Imho its the overall stats that tells me the most, not only a higher WR.

  13. - SerB says he doesn’t like any player ratings, he judges player skill by winrate: “Because the damage done, scouting, hitrate etc. are all only means to the end, that is the victory”
    - company player stats will be separated from the general stats, platoon stats will stay within the general player stats (“who is preventing you from making a platoon with your friends?”) – at this moment some players start whining about platoons being in advantage, SerB states that it’s simply the way humans are: coordination brings better results

    These two contradict each other. If platoon W/R is not broken out, then you can’t judge someone based on W/R. Blah.

  14. “skill MM won’t be implemented”
    And that still sounds as fucking retarded as the first day, and thus people will keep asking for this obvious improvement. Not to pad stats (I know WR depends on your own skill), but to actually have FUN and CLOSE matches instead of 0-15, 15-0 constant stomps. I had two fun matches today, the rest were absolute roflstomps. Good for you if you enjoy that, but I’d rather have a balanced and close game every time.

  15. The feature of exploding afkers has been there for a long time

    I’ve seen non-afkers blowing up from full health after capping an enemy base successfully..or something like that

    Wr: i have 55% winratio, however i dont feel that im having less dumbass teams or survived matches. But for example you take out a kv1 first who would kill 6 tanks if you did not made the right choice, has a great effect on the outcome of the battle. Not when you are full of non-english speakers, who are in addition, useless noobs, camping in a corner with a heavy tank.d

  16. Pingback: 24.09.2013 | WoTRomania

  17. “- the feature of AFK tanks camping in base exploding one second after the last enemy tank has been killed (getting repair damage) has been around for a long time (SS: funny, never noticed that)”

    YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I’m not crazy! :P

  18. So how come “stupid” SerB is in a key position in a very successful company and all the smartasses here are not?

    And yes, the only meaningful WR rating is by wins and nothing else (platoon games should be left out). If you do good damage/scouting/donkey raping every game it will average out in a better win rate. Most of you morons just want single games to count in which you actually contributed something and the rest be forgotten. Kinda funny

    • I’ll agree with that in a way. It’s like comparing a guy who does 2,000 damage in a game versus a guy who does 6,000 damage in a game. Both contribute immensely and have the same win rate, and what this means is that while the guy with 2,000 damage isn’t so much the type that shoots everything in sight like the guy who dos 6,000, it means that he’s excellent at prioritizing his targets based on the tactical situation, meaning that every shot counts and knocks out a key target.

    • It’ll probably be nerfed, but it won’t happen in Patch 8.9. It’ll happen in 9.0 at the earliest, or so they say atm.

    • To be specific, it’ll be split into the KV-85 (which will take the place of the KV-1S and will basically just be the KV-1S with a 100 mm gun instead of the 122 m gun), and the KV-122 (which will likely be a Tier 7 Premium Heavy, basically making it a repeat of the Panzer IV nerf).

  19. - Q: “In this battle, I recieved only a little more experience than the guy who did 0 damage, that’s unfair” A: “That means you played only a bit better than the AFKer. Upgrade your skill.”

    Wow, did they even look at that battle result page? Screw you WG.

  20. “Because the damage done, scouting, hitrate etc. are all only means to the end, that is the victory”

    Ah totally agree to that. SerB is just trolly, but he does say great things every so often.

  21. Question about talking on stream: “No time for that”

    Well it’s obvious by all his negative, arrogant answers, that he probably also is antisocial, so scared of the camera for sure. Sad person.

  22. “- skill MM won’t be implemented” ROFL – are you kidding me. It is already there. Every really good player will have noticed it. To make sure all the mentally handicapped keep playing.
    “- SerB says he doesn’t like any player ratings, he judges player skill by winrate: “Because the damage done, scouting, hitrate etc. are all only means to the end, that is the victory””
    Again what do you expect from a mindless troll from belarussia ?

  23. Why do we continue paying attention to this asshole? I know he may have a prominent position within the dev team but enough is enough. He just recently got negated by another from his own team about Garage wars. In general, he seems to enjoy insulting the player base; his entire attitude makes me think that he actually hates his job.

  24. - reload timer in seconds: when it’s done it’s done (SS: most likely 8.9)

    - WG, make us a reload timer! – OK, it will be done in 2 or 3 patches!

    - Jimbo, make us a reload timer! – OK, 5 minutes!

  25. - in WoWp, good players win much more often than in WoT, bad players lose more often too.

    That’s a blatant lie, I’ve lost games with 9 Kills, since the rest of the team took a nosedive into the ground or kamikaze’d.

    If anything you’re worse off than in WoT, if you’re stuck with a team of idiots.

  26. ” there won’t be a possibility to put the flags/inscriptions wherever you want”

    That is so tough to implement, i mean no one ever did that, no one ever tough about it. Idiots.

    8.8 is such a crappy release, full of bugs. e.g. accelerate crew training button disappeared from all tanks in garage once I’ve clicked ok on popup telling me i have elite tank.. It came back after next battle.
    There is like everyday something. Most I miss is old “neat” service record with XVM support.

  27. - the feature of AFK tanks camping in base exploding one second after the last enemy tank has been killed (getting repair damage) has been around for a long time (SS: funny, never noticed that)

    I’ve seen afks survive, cause they SPAWNED OUTSIDE MY BASE CIRCLE!

  28. They should just admit they got no clue how to make skill based MM or even copy other game like LoL.
    Only a blind man can’t see the reason why skill based MM is needed.

    • Erm, so you think that stats are equal to skill then? Since when are stats a accurate indication of personal skills? If im not wrong stats can be manipulated quite easily by playing alot of CW and TC, along with beeing carried by platoon mambers, so seal clubbing. Also, how will skill based MM solve the real issues, like people team killing, afk, botting, camping with heavy and medium tanks etc? Please tell me that you have never seen any pro clan act like retards and refuse to act.

      Also what stats should MM take into consideration? Overall stats, or tank specifik stats, since these differ alot in some cases depending on your performance on your former tanks and the amount of battles you have played in them.

      Also, since its random game, it wont be that random any more if there are skill based MM, which is exactly the opposite of what random games are.

      • You obviously don’t know how the elo system works and haven’t even tried to check it.

        Elo stat is not equal to your skill, but it’s a very good approximation.
        With Elo, winner gets points looser is loosing. It’s not a rating you get for being accurate or for doing more frags then other guy, it’s a rating based mainly on your win/loss ratio and difference between your skill and your opponent skill.
        You win against bad opponent – they don’t loose much, you don’t gain much
        You win against opponent of higher skill – they loose more and you gain more

        This system works and it was proven by many games, starting with chess.

        —- If im not wrong stats can be manipulated quite easily by playing alot of CW and TC, along with beeing carried by platoon mambers, so seal clubbing.

        First, it’s easy to just separate CW and TC stats from everything. If they go into separate queue, why their stats should affect solo queue?
        Second, after your platoon is disbanded and you are no longer carried, you will start dropping in rating, ending up with people of your level.

        —- Also, how will skill based MM solve the real issues, like people team killing, afk, botting, camping with heavy and medium tanks etc?

        Such people will dwell in “elo hell” (very low rating) unable to get out of it, simple as that.

        —- Please tell me that you have never seen any pro clan act like retards and refuse to act.

        They won’t be pro if they act like that on constant basis, wouldn’t they? Also, risk of being demoted too low will keep most of the “pro” players from acting like retards.

        —- Also what stats should MM take into consideration? Overall stats, or tank specific stats, since these differ alot in some cases depending on your performance on your former tanks and the amount of battles you have played in them.

        Your overall Elo or your per-tank elo, it doesn’t matter much. Per-tank elo will make matchmaking bit more complicated and provide more consistent team composition.

        —- Also, since its random game, it wont be that random any more if there are skill based MM, which is exactly the opposite of what random games are.

        It will keep game random, as there is a large pool of players. Again, look at game such as LoL. Only in highest tier you run a risk of facing similar faces. And don’t forget, players pool will become much larger when roaming is implemented.

        Just read a bit about elo and how it works, even if you will not be convinced that elo is good for WoT, it’s a good read.

  29. “- SerB says he doesn’t like any player ratings, he judges player skill by winrate: “Because the damage done, scouting, hitrate etc. are all only means to the end, that is the victory”
    - Okay, but how do he explain that overall tank stats like XP, damage, KD, etc, is increasing, but WR is becoming lower? Thats exactly my and many others case. I think the opposite, you can perform very good with a tank, and still lose, because its a team fucking based game. How many of you havent been top damage dealers in losing team, time after time and still lose? As a solo player performing really good still isnt enough to win, how ever playing in a platoon with equally skilled players may make a bigger impact.

  30. - Q: “In this battle, I recieved only a little more experience than the guy who did 0 damage, that’s unfair” A: “That means you played only a bit better than the AFKer. Upgrade your skill.”

    Omfg, that’s not an answer! That guy did over 7000 hp worth of damage! I don’t think that is even close to “only a bit better than afk”.. I know that the xp rating varies upon what is your tier and enemy’s etc. but THAT is still very unreasonable amount of xp difference.

  31. PS. I really must agree with T3azz on the subject about being a good player. Good ratings (decluding win/loss ratio) tells about your skill; win/loss ratio on the other hand tells only that how good of a luck do you have in getting a decently co-operatable team.
    And that reminds me of an issue that has been bugging me :D It’s that there is no way to build up system that can increase your xp and credit rating in battle according your tactical or strategic performance (for example holding one front against bigger enemy masses, taunting enemy to come on the open so everyone else can shoot them to bits or intimidating enemy to hold their position by letting them think you have more support than you really have). You can imagine such situations. Besides, what random battles really need, is some kind of battlewise changing military hierarchy system. Someone really needs to give orders to others and strategize the battle because as the situation stands, everyone just do (or derp) as they please, most of the time with horrible consequences. Haha, this PS turned out to be a full comment :D