Well, the test is here. I am not sure how soon will I “join the action” and bring you the screenies, because (I guess due to the enormous interest in German vehicles) the download goes much slower than it usually does. Standby.
- apparently, the variant where there would be a transfer from old German TD branch to the new one is not considered
- Storm states that the developers never said there would be no tier 10 mediums, it’s players who made this up
- KV-5 will not return to the ingame shop for now
- the aim of the midtier arty buff in 8.9 is not aimed at reducing the number of TD’s in game, but to buff certain specific underperforming vehicles
- it’s “completely possible” certain popular hightier TD’s will be nerfed, but there will not be a TD hardcap
- optional unlockable hulls implementation will take a LOT of time, definitely not in 9.0
- HD World of Tanks (improved graphics) will run on BigWorld, improved version by Wargaming. Storm states that from the original engine there will be almost nothing left, everything will be rewritten
- blind shots (on targets noone spotted) count XP/credit-wise as if the shooter spotted them himself
- Wargaming doesn’t plan to sell their Bigworld engine variant
- Storm states that free camera in replays gives no game advantage
- tracers will not return, it will stay as it is now
- Q: “How do you plan to keep the companies actual?” A: “We don’t”
- there will be no massive vehicle rebalance in 0.9.0
- tank numbers (as in, decals displaying a huge number) will not be implemented apparently, as there is not enough room on tanks and they interfere with inscriptions and other decals
- Storm states that when it comes to selecting what vehicles to buff or nerf, he first looks at their winrate and when it stands out, he looks at secondary stats as well
- the duties of the radioman (SS: as in the skills, perks etc) on German tanks (where the commander acts as a radioman) won’t be transferred to the loader as it is in Soviet tanks
- no suitable tier 8 premium medium candidates for Soviets have been found (T-44A fits more like tier 7)
- Storm states that if the Jagdpanzer E-100 had a front-mounted gun and the same armor, the frontal suspension would be overloaded
- VK45XX tanks might have the bow machinegun removed as a weakspot
- it’s possible the Porsche Jagdtiger will appear as an optional hull for Jagdtiger itself
- for now, 7/42 battles will not have automatic relogging to another server, maybe in the future
- apparently the fact a vehicle is not popular doesn’t mean much when considering rebalance
- 112 and T-34-3 will be sold via ingame magazine in 0.8.9
- T-44-85 will have 126 regular pen and 167 gold pen
- for now, there are no plans for reducing the MM spread of A-20, T-50, Panzer 38NA, Luchs, M5 Stuart and M5A1 in connection with more tier 6 lights appearing in the game
- Storm states that it’s normal that things get constantly rebalanced in any online game (SS: yes it is)
- 8.9 will apparently bring no changes for Jagdpanzer IV according to Storm
- apprently T-44-85 will have reduced MM
- T-34-2 stats will be revisited, might get rebalanced
- Q: “Will there be premium tier 8 heavies for Britain and Japan?” A: “If we find some, we’ll put them in plans.”
- Brummbär will most likely come in 2014
- LeFH 18 will not be transferred to German branch
- Sturmtiger will most likely be an unlockable vehicle, not a premium one
- Leopard 1 is statistically doing fine apparently
- Storm states that Mines encounter actually has some small imbalances, but strangely enough, on low tiers one side has better winrate and on high tiers the other side has better winrate. And it changes over time too, so for now it won’t be reworked.
- there won’t be a possibility to transform a regular vehicle into a premium one
- for now, the new AMD R7 and R9 graphic cards with API Mantle technology won’t be supported by WoT, maybe in the future
- for now there are no plans to implement Churchill AVRE: “It will be really difficult to balance”
- HESH shells still work like HE shells, they don’t lose pen over distance
- Storm states that HE and AP shells don’t have different trajectories because of their shell types, everything depends on shell velocity
- there will be no skill MM in historical battles
- there will be a video made to explain ingame balance (MM), it’s being worked on
What is Porche Jagdtiger? Is it a JT with 1 less wheel?
Also, 112 and T-34-4 wont be sold in the ingame magazine . You mean ingame store. In russian Magazin means store. You probably noticed it by now.
Possible a TD with one less wheel, cannon, armor and etc. Since WG plans to nerf popular TDs which JT actually is, we can expect than. I can bet my girfriends sisters virginity (shes 18) that they will nerf the stats of these TDs similar to artys. Thats is worse aimtime, reload, mobilty. Do this to german popular TDs and they will be obsolete.
I dont know why you had to put your girlfriend’s sister in here :D
Pics of said sister?
In bikini if possible.
Um – and you know your own sister is a virgin how .. ich – never mind.
Since Porsches proposals kept being rejected due to the unreliable electric transmission the company had a lot of unused production capacity and decided to build a slightly modified variant of the Jagdtiger using 8 road wheels which were slightly smaller than the 9 road wheels of the Henschel design, the Porsche variant was easier to produce and the vehicle was 2 tons lighter, but less robust. It was also noted that the gun had to be recalibrated after even short off-road travels, which was considered a bigger problem with the Porsche suspension than the Henschel one. However only 11 Porsche models were produced and otherwise both variants were practically identical.
Its a JT that looks like a VW beetle.
- Q: “Will there be premium tier 8 heavies for Britain and Japan?” A: “If we find some, we’ll put them in plans.”
Things might be interesting with the Japanese Tier VIII heavy premium candidate.
I need annother KV-5-like tank anyways, so why not one of the O-I
Especially that they have problems in putting together the first heavy branch.
I’ve already made the outline.
They should make a early model of the chieftain as a prem.
Chieftain prototype (the earlyest model) is a candidate for an english tier X… dunno how can you put it on tier 8 without enraging some people.
If I hear another ***** say that the Chieftain prototype should be a tier 8 premium, I am going to flip….
I got to say though, the Chieftain prototypes glacis is going to be 85 mm thick @ 72 degrees, that’s 275 mm effective, very good yes? but then add to that shell normalization, I am guessing – 5 degrees and its 217 mm effective… not so great now.
The lower plate is 76 mm @ 45 degrees = 107 mm effective – 5 degrees it will be 99 mm effective. The sides will be paper thin as well, 38 mm + 13 mm, so no side scraping.
I really don’t have a any idea what the turret will be like, but already the Chieftain Prototype is not looking so heavy to me, and the funny thing is, it will be pretty much the same weight as the T110E5, yet smaller… got to love that blueprint magic.
Looks like someone is going to win 2500 gold! :D
(The ones who are active on EU forums will know :P )
The guy already sent it. I guess next time, noone will take that bet .)
Great! At least the man stands for his word!
“there will be a video made to explain ingame balance (MM), it’s being worked on”
Will it be a bunch of pictures of bull feces?
Apparently, there will be a picture of your face in it.
Sturmtiger likely wont be a premium? THANK YOU!!!!! :) :)
I second this. :)
Strumtiger is not that great really. It’s like a grille that can’t do long range shots. But has some armor. Except it reloads slower and drives slower.
“- it’s “completely possible” certain popular hightier TD’s will be nerfed, but there will not be a TD hardcap”
Okay, and how will this solve the issue with “too” many TDs overall? I see many problem with this since many people can just switch to other less popular ones, just like ex-arty players switched to TDs. Or they will just keep on playing their nerfed TDs. Similar to the situation with artys in high tiers, where according to some, numbers are increasing slowy.
Also, are popular TDs the same as good TDs? If im not wrong many german TDs are very popular despite them having worse WR than for example french, russian and british TDs. Do that mean german popular TDs will get nerfed, despite alreaddy beeing worse than other TDs?
Question is how much TDs will have to be nerfed to force people play them less so they only occur 2-3 in every team? Also, what prevents people from changing to un-nerfed TDs still filling up the slots in the team?
Since the heavy and medium idiot community whines about all TDs, I bet my right testicle that even if there will be 5-6 bad, nerfed TDs in the team people will complain. Just like people complain about 2-3 high tier artys, despite them beeing nerfed.
I see what is happening here, no harccap for TDs, begin with small nerfs here and there for some time, just like with artys. And then end up with a class wide nerf for all TDs making them so useless compared to now that people will switch to other tanks, possible heavys with high alpha guns or autloaders.
If there are too many TD’s, play medium and light tanks or even arty!
Simple as that.
Apart from rebalancing their hitpoints count (already low in tier 7 and below) and maybe a few vehicles’ DPM (SU-152 I’m looking at you), I don’t see why people whine so much about TDs.
When you need to pass through an open area, at least try to get some cover from bumps and such, and when fired upon use either your armor or mobility to escape damage !
IMHO TDs are generally well balanced, only a few vehicles stand out as potentially OP but mostly because they’re tactically interesting vehicles people like to stack a few 100s battles with before they sell them.
Lol JPE is far from OP. I mean, ppl already target ur LFP, and most of the time, they don’t find it hard to pen you.
That is right, how ever note “possible nerf of popular TDs”. The german ones are really popular if you look how many people play or have played them. Does that mean they will recieve a nerf? Still nerfing popular TDs wont make TD-people play less TDs, as I mentioned before. Thats why WG nerfed ALL artys to prevent people playing those still are un-nerfed.
Im a TD played by heart, 2100 games in ferdinand still enjoying it since I started playing as a little cute noober. Do I play it because I think Its OP and superior? Well no, because I played it back then, were TDs were relatively few and also were artys were dominating. It think it will be sad if WG fuck all dedicated TD players to the point that they will stuggle to make the same damage and earn the same XP and credits like before, and even lose money unless you do particularly good evey game.
Yup, I 100% agree. Instead of adding a hardcap mechanic and increasing MM time slightly they decide nerfing is the answer. I enjoy WoT as a whole (though I am dissatisfied with many things) but I hate WG.
Hard cap would work if it would limit TDs to 5 I guess, because most games have fewer or exactly 5 TDs according to me. Only on rare occasion do we get more than 5 TDs per side, and im playing tier 8, which means I face tier 6 and 10 tanks. Problem is though, even if there would be 4-5 TDs the community would still complain, because they are heavy and medium tank biased. Its a bad enviorment for TDs these days, on one had you have ex-arty players beeing pissed off artys got nerfed and now complaining on TDs because they are the next special tenk doing fairly good, and you have medium and heavy tankers not beeing able to dominate as much as they did, because there are more TDs actually killing. By that said, TDs are not invincible, patch 8.6 affected some TDs negative as well, because bushes got nerfed = bigger TDs easily spotted, and better accuracy made tanks outsnipe TDs on occasions, I know that for sure.
This is something the community as a whole dont want to discuss at all, despite some TDs generally are worse in all aspects of heavy and medium tanks, except the gun. And I refer to german 1st line TDs. There are slot of ignorace, why else do people in 80% of cases mention object 268 and foch 155 in relation to TDs? Are all TDs like that? Tsss…play 1000+ games in some german TDs and come back to tell how stealthy or mobile thay are, or how good armor they have. Theres a reason german TDs have particularly bad global WR compared to others…
I hope they will take care about USSR TD’s. Both of them are ridiculous at camo, mobility, accuracy (as far as I remember USSR were mentioned as a inaccurate but with high dmg and penetration) and armor. While from other nations maybe just Foch 155 got camo, mobility and armor like them. But all are behind USSR TDs with accuracy or DPM. DPM for all t10 TDs (crew 100%, BiA, vent and rammer)
Obj 268 – 3634
Obj 263 – 3630
T110E3 – 3377
T110E4 – 2944 (!)
Foch 155 – 2738
Only FV215b (183) with HESH can deal 4239 (but this is still HE shell).
Not to mention Jagdpze100 :), which has even lower DPM. But really nerfing isnt the way to go, because if you nerf some tanks, others will possible appear and become stronger by time, and will also get nerfed. I personly dont have a problem with any tanks in the game, despite I play only TDs which generally have bad amor and bad mobilty as well as lower HP, so Im dead regardles of the tank I face.
What is the job of td’s??
killing tanks that’s where the td’s are specific for
nerfing the popular ones is one of the dumbest idea because??
as mentioned above Good Medioum players can massacare a td with no real struggle
if you are so dumbass and go alone while all td’s are watching then what to say??
one more thing
how often u come against obj 263 and complain about it’s dpm??
obj 263 is the least playable td in EU server why the need to nerfe it??
but the new german td’s are on the test and we will see how big the whining will come again especially with tier 10 if it stays as it is
“Since the heavy and medium idiot community whines about all TDs”
Medium tankers whine about TDs? Which ones? The 40% W/R medium tankers? Because otherwise I don’t see why would the killers of TDs whine about more TDs. The time to dominate in medium tanks is just about right now.
Its is easy, since mediums generally suffer from mediocre mobilty due to physics, and because there are too many TDs watching the street. Which means one medium might flank one TD and take a hit and have half the HP left, but 3 TDs are waiting back there to finish off that medium. Look on the official forum, there are many threads mentioning the problem driving mediums, specially in tier 10.
Of course I think all this is rubbish since mediums are not suppose to destroy tanks as effective as TDs from the frist place, but the general population believe heavys and mediums are too weak, when TDs are more than 4-5 per team.
The general population is dumb as fuck and engage heavy tanks and TDs frontally with low pen guns. Real medium tankers will just massacre everything in their way. Some medium tanks are so OP that I am already bored with them.
- HD World of Tanks (improved graphics) will run on BigWorld, improved version by Wargaming. Storm states that from the original engine there will be almost nothing left, everything will be rewritten
Everything WILL be rewritten? I thought they have it already, and only need to implement it. So if that is true, we can wait over a year for better graphics…
Some, but not all graphics improvements will arrive in 9.0.
They’re not done copy-pasting it yet.
- it’s possible the Porsche Jagdtiger will appear as an optional hull for Jagdtiger itself
If people wanna know how it looks like, look this vid.
Mhhhh, see no difference :/
Porsche JT lacks one pair of wheels.
- for now, there are no plans for reducing the MM spread of A-20, T-50, Panzer 38NA, Luchs, M5 Stuart and M5A1 in connection with more tier 6 lights appearing in the game
Am I the only person that want Luchs to get higher battle tier? Like tier 9/10? My hunt for Orlik will be far easier this way GG
do i sense sarcasm here?
by the way luchs was best on tier3
Im online in test now and cant find an single buff for arty
Maybe WG buffed unseen stats? (gun range, shell velocity, gun traverse limit)
Check the SU-8 top gun range (8.8: 1400 m)
Check the SU-26 top gun range (8.8: 1200 m)
Check the traverse of SU-14-1 and SU-14-2 (8.8: -4/+4)
Supposed to be slight increase in shell velocities iirc.
- T-44-85 will have 126 regular pen and 167 gold pen
What a load of ass. Sounds like they plan to ruin what could have been a great tier 7 prem, I reckon it’ll be worse than the Panther M10 (which isn’t very good to begin with)
- apprently T-44-85 will have reduced MM
doesn’t save it either. 126 pen is fucking awful for tier 7.
Very disappointed. Hope they come to their senses.
T-44 used the same gun as the T-34-85. This really isn’t news at all.
Except that the 126 pen gun is NOT the top gun of the T-34-85. You can find it on the T-34 and its the de-facto gun on the A-43
Historical gun, not top gun.
If the historical gun wasn’t any better then it should be a tier 6.
I agree on this.
the gun is NOT better – just compare it to Type 58 which also uses a low pen 85mm with same damage per shot. see how much worse T-44-85′s gun is ?
it should be tier 6, or the gun should be equal or better than Type 58′s.
WAYY too much armour for a tier 6. It has the same armour as the regular T-44, which can bounce 170mm pen guns with some angling.
It doesn’t have the same armor, though. Check it: all around, the armor is thinner.
I don’t understand the whine.
Tier 7 premium with tier 6 gun and limited MM spread completely matches the official concept of premium tanks, which is better than a stock tank of the same tier but worse than elite. This thing is very agile, quite small, moderately good armour.
Whine never changes.
Yet when people see stuff like the SU-122-44, they go “Soviet bias, nerf!”. Odd isn’t it?
I dont want a freacking front mounted JagdPanzer with the same gun.
I want chocolate cake
I like turtles.
the cake is a lie
- tank numbers (as in, decals displaying a huge number) will not be implemented apparently, as there is not enough room on tanks and they interfere with inscriptions and other decals
Somehow in RL there was enough room -.- Well, at least we have plenty of room for Stalin inscriptions!
Well you don’t really see numbers and incriptions on the sides of a tank’s turret at the same time irl. It’s either one of the other.
- Storm states that the developers never said there would be no tier 10 mediums, it’s players who made this up
Horseshit. I read this on old FTR blog. They perfectly said that current T9 TDs and mediums are fine and balanced properly so there is no need for T10s.
- Storm states that if the Jagdpanzer E-100 had a front-mounted gun and the same armor, the frontal suspension would be overloaded
The Jgdpz E-100 chassis would be overloaded but the Pz4 Chassis originally conceived during the 1930′s can take a gun that was to be installed on the JagdTiger chassis, JUST FINE!? I agree, WAT.
Waffenträger auf Panzer IV is a real German project. Whether it would have worked or not, is a different matter, but the Germans did put it to paper.
Only the the WTe100 is a WG creation and even that is mentioned in designs (I believe)
WTE-100 was never mentioned, it is 100% fake WG creation
Read your own post. Front mounted AND same armor. Waffentrager pz iv’s gun is back mounted and has thin armor. Jagdpanzer E-100 wouldn’t be well balanced (the weight) with its gun frontally mounted as its weight is being held over thin air instead of being distributed over the hull. Some vehicles have their weapons mounted on the back for a reason.
I know they have reasons for being rear mounted, but I’d take a front mounted Jgdpz E-100 with the JT’s 128, the one on the WT Pz4. I understand it wouldn’t be able to take the 17cm and all that armour.
Well, “There is no need” and “there won’t be” are two different things.
@all….yes i am aware what he(Storm) was talking about imbalance between front and rear, but just stop for a second and think how many tanks already in game have guns that they weren’t able to carry in the RL and weren’t meant to carry them and main reasons for that were heavy guns, big recoils, imbalanced weight distribution and then you have something as ridiculous as PzIV hull with big ass gun from JT. Just imagine that vehicle in RL. One fired shell and whole tank would torn itself apart or it would tip itself over. But on the other hand he’s pulling again that historical accuracy bullshit card on JgpzE100 saying that Krokodile version wouldn’t be able to carry the gun on the front cause of the too much weight on the frontal transmission. Double standards much?
Just like most of the artillery ingame this thing would have to braced and never be able to fire on the move . But they made such compromises with arty and are extending it here.
- Storm states that the developers never said there would be no tier 10 mediums, it’s players who made this up
Horseshit. I read this on old FTR blog. They perfectly said that current T9 TDs and mediums are fine and balanced properly so there is no need for T10s.
So whats the problem? You just proved what WG said. WG never said there would be no Tier 10 mediums. Saying there is no need has nothing to do with saying that they won’t make them.
I was gonna call BS on this too. This was one of the most commonly asked things back in beta, where for a while mediums topped out at tier 8! It was said that they were not going to do any tier 10 mediums because the tanks of that level were the first Main Battle Tanks and would remove the value of the heavy tanks.
Tier 9s on the other hand weren’t specifically said, and did come shortly before the end of beta.
If they’d had plans for tier 10s, they would have said they were coming “when they’re done” the same as they have everything else. Storm tells lies.
“HD World of Tanks (improved graphics) will run on BigWorld, improved version by Wargaming. Storm states that from the original engine there will be almost nothing left, everything will be rewritten”
Yeah they will be rewriting everything to the new files and then press save. Isn’t easier to just copy them to the new folder dudes?
‘ VK45XX tanks might have the bow machinegun removed as a weakspot’
I’d prefer they get rid of the stupid weakspots on the top of the turret tbh.
You mean the cupola or the turret roof?
The turret roof is painfully thin, you don’t need much elevation difference between you and an enemy for it to be effortless to penetrate by fairly well any tank you could possibly face.
IS-3 agrees, has a headache.
That’s due to the diesel mushroom vodka.
I posted a few pics …
The WT’s were already posted here in FTR so I skipped those.
- Storm states that if the Jagdpanzer E-100 had a front-mounted gun and the same armor, the frontal suspension would be overloaded
This is a crock. The “Krokodil” modellers dream TD that came up is essentially a JagdPanther on steroids. Everything was essentially “Scaled up” – meaning if the hull was bigger, and the gun was bigger, it’s so freakin’ obvious the suspension would me made a hell of a lot bigger to compensate. This game is essentially “a tank undamaged will perform to 100% of its potential until it receives damage.” No truer is this principle than in the JagdTiger which was notoriously overloaded and constantly breaking down in real combat.
They could give us that model, they just don’t want to – Royalties or not.
-” Storm states that free camera in replays gives no game advantage ”
– Youtube and other media promotions by players more people get the eyes hookt at the game :|
WG language: MORE MONEYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! and thats not a advantage to them -_-
Advantage to company yes.
Advantage to players in game. No.
- tank numbers (as in, decals displaying a huge number) will not be implemented apparently, as there is not enough room on tanks and they interfere with inscriptions and other decals
Okay, here’s a thought then: Modify the decal system to include a way to put your own tank number on. Problem solved.
- Wargaming doesn’t plan to sell their Bigworld engine variant
That’s because nobody wants that outdated fugly engine lol.
- the aim of the midtier arty buff in 8.9 is not aimed at reducing the number of TD’s in game, but to buff certain specific underperforming vehicles
“midtier arty”
Rebalanced (slightly improved characteristics) the following SPGs: SU-26, SU-122A, SU-8, SU-14-1, SU-14-2, 212A, G.Pz.Mk. VI (e), G.W. Tiger (P), G.W. Tiger, M41, AMX 13 105 MA mle. 50
In Szovjet Russia, midtier artys have 200+ mm guns…
Lol like someone would by their shitty version of a shitty engine.
You guys who were on the test server. What’d they do to my lovely Churchill VII?
Wow, some people still upset over tier 10 meds? That was ancient history.
“- 8.9 will apparently bring no changes for Jagdpanzer IV according to Storm”
Taken from official website http://worldoftanks.eu/en/news/46/first-public-test-update-89/
“Rebalanced (slightly improved characteristics) the following vehicles: Jagdpanzer IV ”
“Leopard 1 is statistically doing fine apparently”
did people think the leo 1 was underperforming? that thing is awesome.
People can’t deal with having no armour.
I have played on test server on 8.8 and i love it
it is veeeery fast the gun is exelent 1.9 aiming is just stop shot go on another location no waiting for sniping
but u know internet is a large pool of idiots dont sitting for a while and think
what is this tank?
how should i play it??
what differs it from other medi’s ???
what adv and disadv it has????
but these 4 quetions seeeeeems to be nuclear physics for a large majority of people which is sad
So they nerfed Arti because Med and Heavy tank players cried (lol I did too)…and now they may Nerf TDs because those players complain that they still have to use their brains when it come to playing their tank, and are not able to just rush out in the open.
Since WG keeps getting it wrong…go ahead and Nerf certain “Popular High Teir TDs” and of course everyone will be hit hard except Russian TDs.
Why even bother introducing new TDs into this game? From what lvl do they consider “High Tier”?
If this does happen…Next you’ll see people complaining about Certain High Tier Mediums or Heavy Tanks, and then here comes the Nerf on those.
It will be great to see certain tanks that players spent their time to get, get trashed and just sit in the hangar.
Cant wait to see what they do to WoWP or WoWS down the line.
i buy a tier10 td…nerf…
foch is OP ok…obj 268..but other is great.
nerf suck!
well i’ve been apart of WoT for 3 years since the closed beta and i know for a fact they said they would not bring tier 10 meds or arty.
- Storm states that free camera in replays gives no game advantage
what smartass asked this?
T-34-2 stats will be revisited, might get rebalanced
“i shall bath in the tears of the wallet warriors” serb
The T-34-2 is a tech tree tank.
T-34-2 shud definitely get a buff cos its inferior to the premium 34-3.
“- HD World of Tanks (improved graphics) will run on BigWorld, improved version by Wargaming. Storm states that from the original engine there will be almost nothing left, everything will be rewritten”
Poor WoT, that’ll surely eat a big sum of what little profit they make. Best of Luck WG and WoT.
Say that to WG, not here
- tracers will not return, it will stay as it is now
I was hoping they’ll return, hard to fight invisibile enemies, or at least muzzle flash when the enemy shoot
why you removed article with first impressions about new td line?
sorry i didnt see it on first page :)
“- it’s “completely possible” certain popular hightier TD’s will be nerfed, but there will not be a TD hardcap”
Did SerB or Storm mention the TD’s in question? It would be nice of them to give us a HEADS UP.
But i think that will ruin their plans (after all they want you to spend as much time in-game as possible), i wouldn’t be surprised if they won’t name the tanks that will be nerfed (that will mean that certain players will avoid them and that COULD make them spend less time in-game).
Well, as far as I know, popular TDs are not the same as “good” or OP ones. Germans are most played but they dont have the highest WR compared to other TDs. Also as I mentioned before, who says people will play less TDs, just because some are nerfed? Arty is alreaddy comming back in high tier games…
Its a endless battle, as long as WG trying to regulate people playing certain vehicles by buffing/nerfing them, nothing positive will come out of it. Suppose most of the people playing arty, still would play arty these days, what would WG do then? Because really high tier artys can be played with succes these days as long as you make every shot count and have prem account so you dont lose that much cash.
Now tell me, if 3 tier 10 artys even in 8.8, dont bring back memories of 8.5? It surely does to me.
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