
- too many shots damaging the engine on A-44? “Don’t play A-44″
- apparently, AMX 50/100 was not changed to have its turret weaker (SS: a player is complaining about too many crits)
- the statistic of each player’s tanks currently in hangar won’t be disclosed
- in new player statistics, draws count as losses, because “a draw is a loss – the goal of the game was not completed” and “well, we don’t encourage camping”

- SerB states that if the situation when a killed crewmember doesn’t disable BIA is indeed so, it’s a bug (SS: as in, it is intended for BIA to stop working when one crewmember is killed), SerB is currently discussing this issue with Storm, states that BIA is a “must-have” perk possibly because of this bug. Furthermore, SerB comments on BIA thus: “It’s logical. Crew, that is close to each other and has everything trained to the point of being automatic loses one person – and all the trained procedures are gone. That’s how it was intended. But, as you can see, someone succumbed to whining and as a result, BIA became imbalanced. So much for ‘listen more to players’, yea…”
- top tier arty too weak? “Don’t have top-tier arty in your garage”
- apparently, tanks shouldn’t be able to catch fire from arty splash
- the amount of aim spread after a shot (how much bigger is the aim circle made after a shot) does not depend on gun or caliber, but on a tank, theoretically it’s possible for a 90mm gun to have bigger aim spread after shot than a 122mm gun
- a player asked about SerB’s statement that we should learn from the Chinese and their attitude to Kuomintang, whether he means the reaction on Stalin in Europe. Instead, a “global moderator” employee replied that Stalin and Red Army weren’t subjected to war crime tribunal, unlike nazis
- SerB: “Wittman’s medal was removed after an official request of German authorities. If they request the removal of Rudel’s medal in WoWp, it will be removed too.”
- there won’t be missions with gold rewards it seems: “our content is available even without having to spend gold”
- (unlike BIA) camouflage, firefighting and repair skill do not get disabled when one crewmembers get killed, they are calculated from the average of the crew, so the killed crewmember skill simply drops to 0, this same mechanism will not be implemented for BIA, as the skill would become imbalanced
- SerB on stalinist symbols in Europe: “We are watching the European reactions on stalinist symbols very closely” (SS: sarcasm)
- SerB states that if 6th sense works when the commander is dead, it’s also a bug (apparently, ANY perks working with their crewmembers not being alive are a bug)
- Q: “I have doubts that tier 3 premiums are weaker than regular tier 3 tanks” A: “Then have doubts, we don’t mind”
- T-44 having an optional T-44B hull and T-44-100 turret in the future, or possibly a hull with additional spaced armor? “We’ll see”
- statistically the LB-1 is doing fine after the changes
- SerB doesn’t care about trollplatoons on tier 10
- common WoWp and WoT missions (with goals for both games) are technically possible, but complicated and not needed
- there will most likely be an official portal section for Top 1000 players rating-wise
- it’s possible there will be another render version of the “simple graphics” (“old render”) made in the future (SS: apparently based on the new render), but SerB states they don’t want to disable the optional simplified graphics render for weak computers at all
- apparently, automatic player status change (for example a player tagged as AFK after 10 mins of inactivity) won’t be implemented

153 thoughts on “16.10.2013

  1. - apparently, tanks shouldn’t be able to catch fire from arty splash

    That happened to me just yesterday. Shouldn’t and can’t are two very different things, it seems.

    • “Shouldn’t and can’t are two very different things, it seems.”

      That’s right, that’s why they are two different modal verbs.

    • Yes that is basic English.

      Shouldn’t means should not but is able to. Like you shouldn’t hit your keyboard with your face. But it doesn’t stop most players from hitting the keyboard with their face as their way of controlling their tanks.

      Can’t means can not and not able to. Like you can’t do good at this game if you control your tank by face smashing your keyboard.

    • Yea i know that one on my FV 183

      *Arty hits turret* .. *No crits happen only a dead commander* Fire! fire! fire!!

      Just not funny :D

  2. guess the arty and TD whining is getting old, so now we are crying about perks basically being OP? wtf ever WG & you scrubs, you all can kiss my a$$..

  3. “the amount of aim spread after a shot (how much bigger is the aim circle made after a shot) does not depend on gun or caliber, but on a tank, theoretically it’s possible for a 90mm gun to have bigger aim spread after shot than a 122mm gun”

    If this is the case… Why do the M36 Jackson and the M18Hellcat have the same dispersion after shot (3,5), while the M18 weights 8 ton less than the M36 Jackson?

      • ( I actually don’t really see the advantage of the M36 to the M18. Maybe a thin strip af armor extra?)

          • Tanks after Jackson (except T25AT) = rolling bunkers, 20kph top speeds but insane armor
            Tanks after Hellcat (except T25/2) = heavy tanks with oversize guns, with none of this “average alpha, great aim time & DPM” nonsense the lower-tier tds have. It’s worth noting that the tier 9 T30 is literally a heavy tank (modified T29) WG decided to re-categorize to fit the tech tree.

            • both american TD line is similar at tier 8 and 10…

              T28 and T28-P is basically the same thing (same frontal plate armor) except T28 has tough structure beside the gun mantlet (in other words, cheeks) while T28-P have soft turret cheeks.

              T110E3 is just an up-armored T110E4, but the armor is in exchange of the turret.

            • you’re right, T28 and T95 roof armor is so thin that not only can arty HE shell pen it easily, but 100mm+ guns would pen it almost all the time due to the over-match mechanic.

  4. - SerB: “Wittman’s medal was removed after an official request of German authorities. If they request the removal of Rudel’s medal in WoWp, it will be removed too.”
    What a bullsh*t. trolol

      • It was removed cos Storm wanted it to remove – no German authorities ever asked WG to removed it – so that statement IS Bullsh*t

          • Proof would be that Wittmann was of the SS and it’s illegal to glorify the SS in any way. A medal named after an SS officer to praise you for great success in a game would be glorifying.

            However, state attorneys here (I am German) don’t “ask” for people to remove something. They either press charges or claim it’s not within their jurisdiction.

            So I really doubt “German authorities” requested anything, especially since they couldn’t enforce anything without a court order.

            So either wg got trolled by someone claiming to be German authority, or serB is fucking lying again.

            • Uhh so basically it went through lawyers . German state attorneys served WG …WG lawyers told management , management told devs . Devs removed medal . He could have typed out all that or he could just say that …German authorities asked for it’s removal . Lol in his place i would have answered similarly .. 1 sentence is better than 4.

            • Johannes Bölter was Wehrmacht, not SS. Key difference.

              And again, no fucking jurisdiction or charges are being pressed. No “telling” them to do something. That’s not how German state attorneys work.

              read the post right for the first fucking time,

            • What ? You serious ? That is exactly how the german govt functions ? You don’t know your own country well enough it seems.

          • You want docs for something that *did not* happen?

            If it did not happen, how can there even be docs? Those can only be there if something *did* happen…

    • So if the polish authoritiys request the removal of the stalinistic content, WG will remove it also?

      • Nope. Only German government has the power to force WG’s hand.

        Think hard, methinks, there is a conspiracy theory sleeping somewhere around here, just waiting to be discovered…

      • How many video games have ever been requested by “polish authoritiys [sic]” to remove or censor content depicting Stalinism?

      • And of course, this wasn’t the reason they stated when it was removed two years ago. They could’ve averted a lot of EU community howl just be saying this, but no. Constant trolling tends to hurt credibility.

  5. “- there will most likely be an official portal section for Top 1000 players rating-wise”

    Hello replacement for CR/D, so long pubbie trash.

        • there isn’t one….

          Basically, if you weight any element of the game above any other, then its paddable…

          Trying to rate a player based on completely different tank playstyles is also rubbish…
          ..you cannot compare a scout player to a Heavy player or an artillery REMF…

          I can’t brawl in big heavies to save my life… and the slow Brit TDs bore the shit out of me.. but in certain tanks that suit me I can fook over most players…
          (no.. that is not a challenge.. any invites ingame get rejected if I don’t know you)

          And “rinsing data” to match/validate WR is just rubbish… Why not just use WR?

          Oh.. and a good 1/4 of stats are not publicly available..

      • WG rating, WN7, WN8… the majority of the top 1000 are already in the top 1000 of any of the rating systems, so it doesn’t really matter does it?

        The important factor is keeping out wannabe-troll-spam from the serious, meta-ironic discussion that goes on between the 1%.

        • Imo Wn 7 is so paddable it is not even funny . Drive any tier 9/10 td and alternate it with playing the hellcat .. Instant 2500 Wn 7 for the period you play it like that .(ok fine this is applicable to all non window lickers that can atleast do their own Hp in damage per game and have more than a 50 % winrate)

  6. “Crewmembers are getting killed”, this is bullshit they arent killed they are just wounded cause thats the reason u can heal them (bring them back to life LeL) with a normal health kit (maybe they use some necromancy sorcery ingredients).

    • I think a 152 mm bullet in the face won’t be causing simply some minor wound. And yes, medikits are comprehensive of a disposable Magic Ankh of Revive.

      • Duh!! here we go again..with idiots thinking the game is a real life simulator.. it’s an arcade game dillweed, learn to accept that, and stop with all this stupid “in real life” crap.

    • My grandfather was wounded in his PZ.KPfw. 38 (t) by a hit from a russian Anti-Tank Gun. His shredded right leg had to be amputated later. So with a normal health kit his comrades could have instantly healed him to go on commanding his tank?
      Instantly healing someone who is wounded heavily enough that he’s not able to do his job in a tank by using a health kit also is bullshit. ;-)

      • Duh!! here we go again..with idiots thinking the game is a real life simulator.. it’s an arcade game dillweed, learn to accept that, and stop with all this stupid “in real life” crap.

        • Yeah, but then why does SerB answer with “real life” and “logical” examples? If the health kit is magical, the crew can be magical too, and know how to do their stuff even if one of them is dead.

          Realism and logic works both ways.

          • The crew members each have a designated job. If one dies, that job must be fulfilled by another crew member, which besides doing the new job poorly, can’t do his own job as well as before. Logic still works even in magic WoT land where commanders have a spider-sense, your viewpoint floats somewhere above the tank and “kits” can instantly heal tank or crew damage. Would you have wanted that as long as one crew member is alive from a total of 6, the tank can function perfectly ?

            • Wouldn’t make a difference. It’s like saying in a fantasy game that the wizard can’t cast two fireballs, because it would not be realistic.

              But my comment wasn’t about this. It was about how can he justify logic and reason in a game mechanic that has very little to do with logic and reason in the first place. SerB states that it’s only logical that a tank won’t be able to function properly without a full crew. It’s true. But in the context (as in: a crewmember can be instantly revived with a health kit, all dead crewmembers get revived after the battle is over – but, hang on, the dead crewmember gets less exp, because, you know, he was dead for a while) it’s completely overdoing it. If half of the mechanism isn’t realistic, why are you trying to force realism to the other half? Especially in a skill that gives 5% extra something, which in most cases means 0.001 unit of change in a given area. If BiA would give 20% or more bonus, I would understand the reasoning, but tiny bonuses remain tiny, no matter how you look at them.

            • Hence why I said, that if BiA would give a bigger bonus, I would understand the reasoning. Right now, I don’t see people running around, yelling “FU you idiot bcoz u hev BIA u mad bro cheatorzzz!”.

              It’s 5%. Five percent. Are we seriously talking about a skill that barely gives any bonus by itself, and it takes a good while to use, since that 5% only works if everybody in the tank has it. But sure, let’s reduce a useless number to 0, because of logic, realism and playability. The game is so unplayable solely because of BiA, anyways.

              /end sarcasm

  7. “…So much for ‘listen more to players’, yea…”

    Because playerers are like women – they dont know what they want.
    If they do – they dont realize what consequences it would have.
    If they do – such playerers dont whine or complain. They adapt.

  8. - Q: “I have doubts that tier 3 premiums are weaker than regular tier 3 tanks” A: “Then have doubts, we don’t mind”
    Isn’t this already confirmed and working as intended? I mean the statement that premium tanks are/should be a bit weaker than their regular counterparts?! What kind of morons are asking this questions anyway?

    • Sure it is. And that is what this guy doubts. Apparently someone has destroyed his tank with a Tier 3 Premium. So of course they are completely and utterly overpowered ;-)

    • This speculation is legit. Make a 3-man platoon of SU-122-44s and you won’t find any non-premium TD platoon that would be stronger. Same applies for T-34-3, wich is almost like pre-nerf Type 59 in disguise and finding a stronger non-premium tier 8 med platoon is difficult aswell.

      • Not true. Su-122-44 is amongst the better premiums, but once you have played one yourself you learn to adapt to when the enemy team has one (or a platoon of them). Just like any other tank.

        A 3 man platoon of Su-122-44? If those are good players they could as easily dominate in t29s or su-152s or jpanthers and so on…

      • Actually the T-34-3 is BETTER in some ways than the Type 59. It doesn’t have the trollish frontal and turret armor, but it’s more mobile and has a better gun.

  9. So if I read that perk post right, ammoracks suddenly collapse into exploding piles and fuel lines instantly erode and start leaking when their corresponding crewmember dies? Or does it simply refer to active skils like sixth sense or adrenaline rush, and not passive buffs like the aforementinoed safe stowage. I can hardly imagine the loader holding all the shells in his lap, motherly hugging them to keep them safe.

    • I can actually imagine the loader juggling the shells inside the tank to keep them away from incoming penetrating shots. Some kind of sixth sense + super human strength. Or even better, he stops incoming penetrating shells Neo style. The text says “all perks”, so …

      Again, this is arcade, it’s not supposed to make sense in real life terms.

  10. Since perks shouldn’t work when a crew member is killed, how about safe stowage? Do the shells magically revert to their original places?

    • Basically, Yes.

      It’s like putting headphones in your pocket or on a desk. As soon as you stop looking at them they instantly tangle into a ball. As soon as the skilled loader is no longer there to keep the shells in a nice organized safe storage, they immediately begin to revert to their natural unsafe state.

  11. - SerB: “Wittman’s medal was removed after an official request of German authorities. If they request the removal of Rudel’s medal in WoWp, it will be removed too.”
    Aaah anti-nazi’s law. That’s a bit stupid, IMO. I mean… well that’s only a guy, not some Big figures of the Nazi (like Hitler, Himmler ect.)

    ib4 you’re a Nazi

    • Hallo Unwissender, auch “kleine” Helden des dritten Reiches werden von den Neonazis glorifiziert.

      • Yes, these guys are so stupid, they would even glorify Karl Ranseier, if you know what I mean.

        Karl Ransaier was probably the least successful tank commander of the war
        He volunteered for the Tank Corps. Already in completing the forms he broke the pencil down, the ink of the fountain-pen used afterwards was empty and Karl Ramseier bent the spring.
        After an unsuccessful training he forgot to refill his fuel tank and the war ended for him 100 yards behind the exit of the barracks.
        Karl Ranseier died last week when he tried to trumpet the Radetzky march on the muzzle while his loader loaded the gun and the firing security switch was already disengaged.

  12. They weren’t subject to war times because the won. One American general said “If we lost the war, I would have been a war criminal”.
    What a stupid Argument

    • The winners make the rules. The losers are punished by those rules. If you don’t like it. Go win a war and make some rules to punish the other people.

    • Yeah, for some military personnel being tried at Nuremburg, you actually had military personnel from the Allies actually come to their defence (the trial of Karl Donitz comes to mind).

    • Funny, pretty sure I’ve read of the Allies court-martialing and executing a fair few soldiers for doing naughty things.

      Also the lack of rabidly eliminationist racial programmes oughta been relevant.

  13. “- SerB doesn’t care about trollplatoons on tier 10″

    SerB is very likely the granddaddy of this.

  14. “That’s how it was intended. But, as you can see, someone succumbed to whining and as a result, BIA became imbalanced. So much for ‘listen more to players’, yea…”
    so, basicly serb is blaming players for wg’s programists retardness?

      • And players always blame either Serb, WG, or both for everything. Even if that involves their own inaptness or their dog dying.

    • Actually he seems to be ‘implying’ that Storm doesn’t ignore the playerbase’s whining hard enough.

  15. - a player asked about SerB’s statement that we should learn from the Chinese and their attitude to Kuomintang, whether he means the reaction on Stalin in Europe. Instead, a “global moderator” employee replied that Stalin and Red Army weren’t subjected to war crime tribunal, unlike nazis

    When you ran out of arguments, blame nazis

      • The only problem is that WG doesn’t know the second part of Godwin’s Law: they automatically lose the argument and any credibility on the subject.

        • WG lost any credibility in “Stalin” questions long time ago.

          I would love to put Stalin on trial for all the crimes he commited, but it would have to be a russian trial ordered by putin himself – otherwise they would never believe he was just the same as hitler.

          I fear they have the same feeling about politics. Stalin = Left wing extremist, Hitler = right wing extremist. Both mass murdering f***heads. Both equally bad.

          Oh and by the way: Hitler was never “subjected to war crime tribunal” because of his death (just like Stalin nowadays) – that does not make him any better or any worse.

  16. “Stalin and Red Army weren’t subjected to war crime tribunal, unlike nazis”


      • “Right, as the world goes, only comes to question between equals in power; while the strong do what the can, and the weak suffer what they must.”

        Nobody *obliged* Hitler & Co. to try to take over half Europe and exterminate a few hundred million people on the side you know. They tried anyway and rounded it off by getting their asses thoroughly kicked, which sort of thing is neither a good career move nor conductive to positive appraisal by posterity.

        • That depends on your point of view:

          Machiavelli advised in “The Prince” to either kill or befriend, never injure. What the Treaty of Versailles after WW1 did to Germany was injury (with insult included), and as stated in “The Prince”, those injured would seek revenge for what was done unto them.

  17. Regarding BiA not working when any crew member is knocked out …

    I think it was all fine with BiA actually working when any crew member was injured until some smart ass in WG thought they may put more demand on large med kits (and thus on creds and thus on prem accounts or prem tanks) if they “fix the bug” of the BiA perk. You know, if you have only regular small med kit and lose 2 crew members no matter what you do you won’t get that BiA working again. On the other hand large med kit will sort out multiple wounded crew members and on top of that it will reduce the chance of them getting ht in the first place ….. but it will cost you.

    • No really? Anyone who thinks the game doesn’t have ways to encourage people to spend gold is an idiot. Its a free to play game. The intention of the pay elements is to make playing it and grinding easier. Everything is possible without spending a single penny but if you want to have an easier time acquiring things you have to spend money. That is how free to play with pay options works.

    • Yeah because you totally can’t buy Large Meds for 20k creds a pop, or half that if you do like me and buy consumables in bulk during discounts.
      All *credits* cost you is the time needed to earn them, and that’s done by playing tanks which is the point of the game anyway.

    • It’s not like I’m complaining. I can afford it and I’m already running some tanks with premium consumables for the fun of it. I was merely expressing an opinion that on this one WG is more likely after adjusting things to their (financial) favour rather than fixing bugs for the sake of having a neat and tidy game.

  18. “- (unlike BIA) camouflage, firefighting and repair skill do not get disabled when one crewmembers get killed, they are calculated from the average of the crew, so the killed crewmember skill simply drops to 0, this same mechanism will not be implemented for BIA, as the skill would become imbalanced”

    OMG WTF, BIA is imbalanced!!!!! Fix it quickly developers!

    It was “bugged” for how long? A year? More? So fucking imbalanced that the retarded developers did not notice it at all. How the fuck are they monitoring the game when they don’t notice something like this and then suddenly say BIA is imbalanced? Seriously the amount of bullshit that comes out of WG factory is just amusing. They are so stupid.

    • When perks were introduced the description of BIA was that it would not work if one crew died. When players showed it did still work Overlord claimed it was working as intended.

      So this bug has been known about since day 1 yet SerB only just found out.

      • I remember it a bit differently, but the overall effect is the same (i.e. “SerB only just found out”):

        On test server of the patch that introduced new skills/perks, wounded tanker removed the bonus from BiA. When the patch went live, it was changed, as they said otherwise it would be too punishing for players, or something along these lines.

    • This is really bullshit if they remove BIA if 1 of crews wounded…. Unlike another perks, BIA need full crew wit 100% skill to active. It was too much if we lose it only because 1 crew knocked down. You know in this game we normally fight with one or more crews down, and even large med kit doesn’t help if they continues shot at your weak spot (poor KV-5′s radio operator). I thing they should make it still work even 1 crew dead, maybe it’ll not work if 2 dead instead, for the cost to have it active…

      • Perhaps if they buffed the BiA bonus to 10% and make it stop working when crew member is knocked out it would still be worth it … while it lasts.

  19. Pingback: 16.10.2013 | WoTRomania

  20. Does SerB cares about something? Maybe, about his salary. Or his boyfriend.

    Why do you continue to try getting something usefull from this bad professional?

    • So mature of yours to hint towards his nonexistent homosexuality to be offensive.

      If he was a bad professional, he would have been fired, supposedly. And even if he wasn’t good under your criterion… well, it’s not your criterion what has made Wargaming so successful, is it?

        • Woah, woah! Steady the buffs!

          I don’t know what you have against SerB, but he has helped develop a game which you obviously love enough that you visit a blog everyday to find out extra things about it. Surely you must have worked out how much of a hypocrite you are being?


          • Aham! I love the game.

            Obviously now! You are the SerB boyfriend! You visit a blog everyday to find out extra things about her.

            Came on! Send her flowers and my kind regards! But also say her, she is doing the worst job over the MMOs world. She is letting the game a bag of shit. Should be worried about War Thunder!

            Also, please ask her about Golden Joystick results!

            Kind Regards to you, too!

      • What made Wargaming so successful was making the only online “WW2″ tank multiplayer game. I hope that when that other game’s tanks come out they actually put in the effort to balance things instead of blaming the community (their paying customers…) for everything and only listening to their own dicks.

  21. - apparently, AMX 50/100 was not changed to have its turret weaker (SS: a player is complaining about too many crits)

    If you let them hit your turret, you’re doing it wrong.

  22. “- SerB doesn’t care about trollplatoons on tier 10″

    This guy is literally saying, that WoT is a game created for morons.

    Srsly, message is clear: “If you have a brain, we won’t allow you to have fun in WoT. Play some nerdy games, smartass”.

  23. - top tier arty too weak? “Don’t have top-tier arty in your garage”

    top tier arty too weak? That gave me a damned good laugh.

  24. i don’t like these dev’s to much of “we don’t care what you think” attitudes…

  25. Instead, a “global moderator” employee replied that Stalin and Red Army weren’t subjected to war crime tribunal, unlike nazis.

    Yeah if nazis won the war they wouldn’t be subjected to war crime tribunal too…

    • If the Nazis won the war Europe would also have several hundred million people less. Quite likely including you.

      Not really seeing your point.

  26. “- apparently, automatic player status change (for example a player tagged as AFK after 10 mins of inactivity) won’t be implemented”

    Awww, I was hoping for some chat changes and this was one of them :(

  27. “employee replied that Stalin and Red Army weren’t subjected to war crime tribunal, unlike nazis”
    Because they won the war, not because they where not guilty.
    Guess who would have to standing before a war crime tribunal and who has not if germany had won the war.
    Yes, exactly.