
Apparently, I was a bit too fast with the 2nd test announcement, it will probably be up tomorrow. Looks like 8.9 doesn’t run on schedule. There is a date when it comes out, but I won’t announce it for now, as there is a high probability it will be changed and I don’t want to see tons of OMGUWEREWRONG posts again.

Also, check this out: Armchair General magazine made an interview with The_Chieftain, pretty interesting stuff (*wink* check last two answers *wink*)

If you are interested in mobile gameplay, Overlord asks for your opinions for WoT:Blitz

- Q: “Will there be an automatic platoonmember search (SS: like in 7/42) for platoons, based on rating too?” A: “I am not for rating, but for winrate”
- Q: “Can I hope for more premium medium tanks in 0.9.0 or 0.9.1, since the Chinese lately got one?” A: “You can hope, but we don’t guarantee the result and we won’t tell in advance”

- according to SerB, there is a huge imbalance in the game when it comes to perks (SS: specifically BIA), apparently the fact that the BIA nerf could seriously damage KV-5 (SS: radioman dies often) is not a factor
- developers will decide, whether to disable Sixth Sense when the commander dies (SS: apparently, currently the perk works even with the commander dead), there are also “questions” when it comes to repair, camouflage and firefighting skill, everything will be checked “as a whole”
- it’s possible that if there is a big revision of all skills and perks, a free skill/perk reset will come with it
- SerB states that a tank popularity only counts as a secondary indicator in balancing, primary is the winrate
- for now, the developers will not release any new info on Chinese tank destroyers, but there was a SU-122-54 analogue developed in China
- T28 will most likely not become an optional hull for the T95 TD (“if we did that from the start with optional hulls, it would probably be like that, but now I really doubt it”)
- there are no plans to allow two or three consumables of the same type on tank (repair kit + gold repair kit don’t count)
- SerB on WoT development priorities: “First is always the fixing of critical bugs. At this moment, it is followed by improved graphics along with client optimization and then it’s new game modes.”
- it’s possible ZIS-30, M56 Scorpion and ASU-57 will appear in the game
- for now, more maps will not be added to the announced ones for 7/42, later – SerB: “I’ll see”
- ingame IS-3 turret armor was based on this document
- there will most likely be no tier 5-6 premium German heavies (SerB states that there is a problem overall with German heavies on that tier) (SS: VK6501?)
- which nations will get new premium tanks with high probability? “No comment”
- it’s possible the Japanese Chi Nu Kai parameters will change within the test period
- SerB “didn’t notice” that the Japanese crew portraits look more hand-drawn and similiar to one another
- apparently, the Lorraine 40t frontal upper plate is not historical, it won’t be fixed for now
- SerB states that the optional hulls (if they come) will not be introduced all at once, but gradually (SS: thanks god)
- apparently, Hunter, Patton Valley and Lion of Sinai-like medals will not be introduced for other nations, as the top tiers of other nations (SS: for example France) were never destroyed en masse

108 thoughts on “17.10.2013

  1. Could you say wich week of the year the update comes :) Even if its not certain, then we got an estimate.

      • No problem, thanks in advance. Since its in the comments I hope people will realize its just an estimate.
        And keep up the nice work. Lovely blog to read.

      • your job is not to make precise wg decisions. you are bring us info from WG. i dont understand why anyone would blame you for that. you are doing a great job by getting us these inf ahead. if they change its not your fault. anyone who comes to your site, is looking for stuff that are being developed and will come in future and should be well aware that things change. not to mention that WG are kinda ass holes.

      • There is a Halloween garage included in the test client, so perhaps the 30th or 31st of October.

    • Something I’ve noticed is that Wargaming.net likes to update in between “This is the…(Tank)” events.
      If it doesn’t come at the end of October then expect mid November.

  2. If they just scrap the Gold-for-credits ammuniton, i could see a positive change in WG behavior :3
    (Maybe making a new concept for these ammo types… maybe i should write an article… :p)

    • SerB said he thought that the BiA works only when all crewmembers are alive – apparently, it is not so. So now WG thinks weather they should do it as it was to be in the first place, or let it be as it is now.

      • And what is the reason for that really, unless making people spend more money on medical kits, and/or make casual players whine less thinking the game is too hard and unfair. They alreaddy fucked themselves introducing 2nd german TD line, where one simply can use gold ammo and make a few shots, making more damage then the 1st line TDs where you actually have to “work” for your damage output

        • Well, the very description of BiA implies that everyone has to be alive for it to work I feel. Seems to me like a bug that never got noticed until now.

          • You realize you can HE almost all new German TDs for INSANE amounts of damage and crew kills?

            Yes, they do have awesome firepower, but they are fragile as hell too…

        • Don’t forget, second German TD branch is “Paper thin”…
          WT E-100 is penetrated by lvl1 guns))
          and of course don’t forget abou penetration which isn’t that great either

          • Paper thin? And how is armor valuable at all in the ages of gold ammo anyways? And penentration, tier 10 is filled with gold ammo, and creeping into lower tiers as well lately.

      • So basically serB doesn’t know how his own fucking game works, and as a result they rather change the game than tell him he’s wrong…

  3. And how is perks working with dead crew members unbalanced, when it works the same for everybody? If feels like WG is trying to make the gap smalled by those having skills/perk and those fuckers playing tanks woth no skills/perk at all. I wont be happy for this nerf, because I have spend alot of fucking time training ym crew to 5 skills/perks. Now they will have less value.

    • Same here. They also want us to duplicate perks when we can ( e.g two loaders, both must have safe stowage if you want to be sure that your tank wont go boom when one of them dies.

      • This clearly shows that they wanna make the gap between specialized players like me (who grind the same fucking tanks enledss hours to get crew skills)´and casual idiots that barely run crews on 100%. Now any idiot HE using derper can shoot me and knock out my crews making no perks/skills work, making my crew as effective as the other tomatoes with no crew skills/perks. Hon the fuck is that sane? I think they need to make a new skill/perk that allows all others to work ifa crew is beein knocked out. And face it, nowdays with the accuracy buffs and HE derping sluts roaming, it isnt unusual to hget 2-3 crews knocked out per game.

        • Do note that HE was the most common ammo used in WW2, so u could say that WG is making the game more HISTORICAL. Or do u want to say u rather want GAMEPLAY?

          We are all whining that tanks aren’t historical, this and that ain’t historical, but when it comes to bugs we all love they gotta stay?
          It’s natural that if the commander gets knocked out that he won’t be able to tell if u have been spotted (Hell, this perk should not even exist!) Same goes for the rest of the specific perks and skills.
          Ofc, Firefighting, Camo and Repair aren’t depending on the crew members individually and shouldnt work as they want BIA to do (one member knocked out, skill fails) as this is a personal skill as every other and isnt depending on the team.

  4. Just as before it will either be released on the last days of October or around 7-10th of November.

  5. Why do they keep saying bia is OP? Most crew member-specific perks are way more usefull.

    • Because the general mindset is that people want everything fast, that is they dont usually grind perks first, allowing “perked” players having a advantage over the majority of lazy casuals who dont have any perks at all.

    • Everyone is different but I believe most serious players realise a no-brainer like maxing out your crew base abilities.
      What would you rather have- 100% loader/ gunner/ driver/ commander or (with vents) 110% or ( with premium consumables) 120%?
      Other skills are good too but BIA gives you an powerful edge.
      Prem Large first aid kit will help you keep BIA after hits & I think its right if a crew member dies you will suffer overall. Adds a bit of realism.

      I do have a question though;
      All my crew are 110% commander & 121% rest of crew. The +11% is the commander bonus for the rest of crew? I forget..
      Having your crew at 120%commander & 131% everyone else really is kick ass. Add on top of BIA 100% Repair all crew, 100% Camo all crew + 100% other perk x2 plus toolkit+ large repair kit & now were talking..

      • “Everyone is different but I believe most serious players realise a no-brainer like maxing out your crew base abilities.”
        not true, eg here on wotlabs forums you can see most stronk playerers dont like bia, specialized perks are just better:

        “All my crew are 110% commander & 121% rest of crew. The +11% is the commander bonus for the rest of crew? I forget..”
        the 11% is commander bonus yes.

        • Thanks for clearing up the 11% thing, As for BIA & your forum link, well, It’s a forum of opinions nothing more than that.

      • Realisism in wot is useless so that statement isnt valid. How is BIA OP actually? Every player can get all skills on their crews if they wish to really. With nerfed perks, it will be less reason to grind skills/perk at all since once your medic kit is out, having one dead member will make your crew as effective as one motherfucker not even thinking about getting crew skills from the frist place. If a player thinks BIA is really good, but dont have time grinding it and instead choose another skill, then its up to him. Perks are not as equipment, since you can have all perk on crews, you just have to play athousand battles with premium account to train them, but so what?

        • I guess bringing realisn into WoT is a mistake. ( What with the whole “Join the army” thing SerB trolls..)
          Anyway it’s simple don’t like it don’t grind it. I have BIA on ALL my tanks & am happy with & don’t care too much if others don’t like it..


      • Arties are fine, some autloaders arnt. But by that said, people who are dumb enough to NOT crews skills and equipment and consumables are not entliled to say anything about game balance.

        • Not sure if u meant some autoloaders are OP or UP (guess OP)

          Autoloaders might be OP as they are now, but if u want true realism..
          They are irl able to shoot when a shell is loaded. not when a full clip is loaded.
          So lets say the new WT E-100 has 4 shells, loaded in 40s.. (that was it right?) Then it should be able to shoot every 10 seconds. That’s as fast as a normal tank can do (or not? idk).
          On top of that, if the WT E-100 autoloader does get a minute to fill his clip he can unleash 3k dmg in a short amount of time, and deal another round every 10 seconds after that.
          That would mean that autoloaders would be the only tanks roaming the battlefields, and make them the most OP tanks ever.
          I guess thats why WG wont change the way they work now.

          • For true realism, most of the autoloaders would be parked for the duration of the battle after firing while the dismounted crew reloads the magazines. There are a lot of tanks in this game that were not capable of driving, shooting and reloading all at the same time.

  6. Question to readers;
    Is, like me, BIA 1st choice on your crew skills?

    I tend to take the boost for granted now but would be gutted if it was nerfed..

    • Casuals…casual, make the skill gap smaller by those actually playing and those who buying tanks like candy and play them with no crew skills. On the official forum there are alreaddy a bunch of people thiking its “unfair” with players having 2-3 skills/perks towards newer players. Do I have to say this game is getting less and less rewarding for people actually PLAYING and put time and money into it?

      • Not sure what your saying.
        By grinding skills/ perks your bettering your crew. If a noob doesn’t you’ll have the advantage. I don’t believe anyone is going to change this. By playing more games & gaining experience you as a gamer also increase your advantage against noobs.
        I’m not a casual gamer, at least 14K+ isn’t too noobie although there are many with several times that. You have 6K+ T3azz I believe which is… Less than some & more than others.. xP

        • Well, casual idiots get advantage if they nerf BIA and other perks, because that allows them to have the same efficiency on their crews as another with 4 skills/perks for example, but one dead member. There are people who have 20 000 games, but they play so many tanks they barely have 2 skills/crews. I for once feel im entitled to have my crew skills/perk as they are since Im on 93% 5th skill on my ferdie and 2200 games, if that isnt beeing dedicated, I dont really know. Sure people can say “dont get shoot at”, but the game is all about taking damage and making damage, specially in the age of gold ammo and to some extent HE ammo from derp russian guns causing massive damage to crews.

          I personly feel I have been saved many times due to my skills/perks, which made me do things i couldnt with no skill/perks, whats wrong with that? Making the skill gap smaller by nerfing things like perks, tanks, etc. only pointing towards the mentality that all players should “play the same”. And hence a team full of kv1s with 75% crews would be utlimate since none would have a advantage over the other, unless personal skills, which is fact is only a part of the game.

          • Oh okay I see what your saying. The BIA being cancelled by a crew death is how it was supposed to have been from the start I believe so we’ve been lucky its been bugged this long.
            2200 games just on Ferdinand is an impressive stat, my compliments, I’m still trying to surpass my top 600+ Lowe even though I sold it a long long time ago, relic from my early noob days.
            I’ve played most tanks in the game & agree with what you say about people having so many tanks with crap crews. I recently cleared out my garage & only have 6 tier X’s + 6 matching Gold tanks for crew training. They’re all on their 4th or 5th skill & that’s the way I’m gonna keep it. It has been a long expensive investment, they are damn good & I’m damn happy with those crews & tanks.

            T3azz do you have gold TD for your Ferdi? 2200 + more games on same crew? Example I have 544 on my FV4202 but also 160 on Matilda BP..

      • ok, so let them cry, because I’m going on a hunt with T2L2 (6 perks crew)

        P.S. Never liked people crying on forums about things…
        P.P.S. … I mean it’s not like I bought my perks, I went through hard work to get them… And most of all hate those like “U have a prem tank so U have advantage over us, your gold tanks is OP, blah blah blah”. :@

    • first choice for me is sixth sense.
      I havent chosen bia for a single crew so far, guess that wont change in the future, if they nerf it.

  7. - according to SerB, there is a huge imbalance in the game when it comes to perks (SS: specifically BIA), apparently the fact that the BIA nerf could seriously damage KV-5 (SS: radioman dies often) us not a factor

    Is there any typo on this sentence? I can’t get this T_T

  8. no Problem with this BIA nerf…usuallay one crew member dies and gets alive with a health kit….two death crew members are rare….

    • Rare? So you mean that 1-2 crews getting knocked out isnt ususall? Lol it depends on your tank and playstyle. Sure one can sit and camp all time with the heavy, medium or TD, but one can also play miore agressive which is perfered. Nowday you can play relative agressive and succesfull with your crew because perks works even if crews are knocked out, later on not so much, which is sad. As if the game wasnt campy and unforgiving enough….

    • οοο yeah rare my
      hit by arty knocked 3 of my crew members do i should consider it as a random rng ???
      the thing is that most who say naaa it’s ok nerf bla bla bla
      1st propably dont know What Bia does
      2nd dont know enought the game of dont experience
      3rd not putting the brain to work and just spamm bullshit random cause everyother whining idiots doing also known fooling the lemming train in whatever
      dont spam bullshit without thinking and knowing some things about the mecs of the game

    • My Russian Mediums and my ST-I crews would like to have a word with you… (especially ST-I, that thing’s driver and gunner get KO almost every game, especially when arty splashes you)

  9. kv 5? Guess no one plays t34 prem where the radioman sits on the front bumper every game. and the driver sits right behind him. Exceptionally unusual to make it through a game with one, if not 2 dead. While it might be rare in kv 5, its not rare in t34. But as kv 5 does not have T10s smashing his tough armor, t34 with its weak armor does not have that luxury.

      • Soon any idiot with no crew skills will be as effective as your crews, only differance is that he havent spend any time grinding crew skills/perk. Fun and fair uh :)?

    • If you give tier 10 tanks shots at the hull of your T34, you’re doing something wrong.

  10. - developers will decide, whether to disable Sixth Sense when the commander dies (SS: apparently, currently the perk works even with the commander dead), there are also “questions” when it comes to repair, camouflage and firefighting skill, everything will be checked “as a whole”
    Iirc 6th sense stops to work if your commander is dead….noticed that several times in battles…

    - SerB on WoT development priorities: “First is always the fixing of critical bugs. At this moment, it is followed by improved graphics along with client optimization and then it’s new game modes.”- SerB on WoT development priorities: “First is always the fixing of critical bugs. At this moment, it is followed by improved graphics along with client optimization and then it’s new game modes.”
    If recent lag/packet loss issue isn’t critical then i don’t know what is…

  11. What the hell is he talking sixth sense has never worked when commander dies. But changing the BIA is BS. I could only accept BIA nerf if it would just weaken its effect when someone dies. For example your tank has 5 crew member bonus is 5% if one dies your bonus will be 4%.

  12. I’m fine with “nerfing” the BIA and 6th sense so that they won’t work if the crew member is dead. As long as that is the only nerf they will get that is.

    Who doesn’t have a First Aid kit on their tank anyway? How possible it is that your commander dies more than once in a battle? Pretty rare if I’d say so.

    And KV-5 has been unplayable anyway. Not a single perk nerf would do much to it after all the crap.

    Also I’d like to say that things that really need nerfing are the “food” consumables. They give a whopping 10% boost to all major skills while an Improved vent/BIA gives you only 5%. They should be lowered to same amount at least.

    • Get rid of all premioum consumables, unlike perks/skills which you really need to work for/play, any noob can buy premium consumables.

    • eee yeah who doesnt have a first aid kit right??
      tell what happens if a maus loses radioman and they heals it to have bia working and then suddenly have it’s gunner taken out
      or having a slow tank like kv4s having the commander-loader(these 2 get knocked out occasionally but the cuppola snipe) and then u heal them and you have your dirver dead/??it is a slow tank and then it becomes in the standarts of t95
      food consumables??wtf is that shit??
      who logic person get’s rid of one consumable space(repair-first aid-fire extinguisher)to get one of that into that spot?
      and last thing kv5 is an example not the only tank that has this issue
      the thing is players whine too much for stuff that is being like that from scratch and dont bother learning the game that is what happening here and many more online games like that

      • Why the hell would I need a Fire Extinguisher in my Leopards for example? Chocolate in those tanks feel just so OP.

        Besides it’s just one perk. If you don’t like to lose your crew then don’t use it.

        • and what happens if the monkeys in WoT decide to increase the fire rate on leopard tanks??
          have u consider that?
          they constantly changing the tanks behavior

  13. I mean of WG really wanna fucking balance the game, get rid of gold ammo and premium consumables, unless they do that they can fuck off with their casual friendly balacing bullshit.

    • WG will never get rid off the gold ammunition as long as the mentally challenged kiddos are playing the game. Their auto-aim + shooting just doesn’t work with normal ammo.

      Besides people can’t live without their OP HEAT spamming T-54 pets.

    • Too many “pro” Clans are using this type of ammunition… so they will never take it out (unfortunately) :(

      • There are no pros in WOT. Also I dont really see any need for using gold ammo in medium tanks, because they are no fucking TDs. If they for some reasons cant pen heavys or TDs frontally, they should gtfo and not use gold ammo. I dont see any skill loading gold ammo and derp thru 300mm of effective armor. Thats the fucking TDs jobs. So before these idiot heavy tankers complain aboput OP TDs penentraion, take a look at pen values on tanks that WERE NEVER meant to be TDs from the frist place, like well all medium tanks in the fucking game.

        • inb4 Leopard 1 (which is a dedicated support Sniper), and the E-50M (which is a counter-offensive sniper).

  14. ” – apparently, the Lorraine 40t frontal upper plate is not historical, it won’t be fixed for now”

    They added it in game, they nerfed it, they slightly buffed it, they moved it 1 tier upper, they buffed it again and still, they haven’t figured out that they should fix it’s armour and gun depression until now, after 1 year and a half since it’s introduction…

  15. - there will most likely be no tier 5-6 premium German heavies (SerB states that there is a problem overall with German heavies on that tier) (SS: VK6501?)

    *here coming a rage German* (What about captured KV-1 become to ‘Pz.Kpfm KV-1 756′ even other tanks in http://www.achtungpanzer.com/ctpic2.htm

  16. If the skills Camo, Repair and Firefighting not 100% working if 1 member dies. Tanks with more crewmember would be way better than tanks with less.
    7 = 85,7%
    6 = 83,4%
    5 = 80%
    4 = 75%
    3 = 66,6%
    2 = 50%

  17. I wonder if wounding the commander would also remove his bonus, which for 100% crews with BIA means 16% off skills and that is a bloody lot. And this will probably lead to one thing: more campa.

    • It already does work that way. Dead commander = commander bonus lost. If you have reload timers you can see that.

  18. ” which nations will get new premium tanks with high probability? ‘No comment’ ”

    Aw…i was hoping for some sort of tier 8 brit prem medium to replace the (TBH) pos that is the Matilda BP.

  19. “The M56 Scorpion was an unarmored American self-propelled anti-tank gun, which featured a 90mm M54 gun with a simple blast shield, and unprotected crew compartment. ”

    Mmmm… unarmored… No thanks!

  20. I just wanted to ask one thing!

    I can expect the American tanks at 9.0? the end lane for chaffee?

  21. Nicholas “The_Chieftain” Moran_(from the linked interview)
    I do pay attention to For the Record, as the information is usually highly relevant, and I have a fair relationship
    with the contributors there; many of them hang out on the NA forum.

  22. - there will most likely be no tier 5-6 premium German heavies (SerB states that there is a problem overall with German heavies on that tier) (SS: VK6501?)

    I don’t believe SerB for one bit. If that’s a problem, just used the captured KV-1 as a tier 5 premium, but oh, that’s right, it’s just fine for tanks from countries other than the tree to exist, as long as it’s not in the German tree (the French tanks on the German tree notwithstanding, because those were added in before the French tanks were, and only one of them is available via the in-game shop).

    I mean, seriously, the Americans have the Ram II (which is Canadian, which means it should be on the British tree, and technically the T14 could be there too because it was jointly-developed by the US and the UK), the Soviets have the lend-lease Churchill and Matilda (and will soon have captured Panzer IVs and Panthers), the French have the FCM Pak 40 (aka “Marder 1″), and the ENTIRE Chinese tree is made of imported/copied tanks (or variants thereof). Quit neglecting the Brits and the Germans already! Not all of of have the money for a Lowe or the patience for a TOG II* (I’m not even gonna acknowledge the Excelsior – it’s garbage), you know!

    • Or a captured KV-2 at tier 6. But since it’s all too obvious that WG doesn’t want Soviet tanks in German markings, then the Italian Carro Armato P40 at tier 5 should suffice.

          • The TOG II’s okay but situational (it’s a MONSTER if multiple TOGs platoon together) and the AT-15A’s not bad as long as the guys you’re fighting against are idiots and don’t know where your frontal weakspots are.

            By comparison, the Matilda BP and Excelsior are shit.

  23. *thank god, not thanks god, and it should also be God if you actually care about yahweh or some other superstition

  24. i loled hard as i read their primary task is fixing bugs… i know of the fps-dropdown bug when switch to sniper from around 2 years. Only the max-farplane mod helps with it (disables some mipmaps) and with every new patch they bring new bugs. Improving graphics is a big LOL also. The new renderer is crap. Something they can’t be serious with. But let them think they “improved” the engine…

  25. uao italian tank :D wft e100 is not OP.A light tank can destroy withouth a problem with HE bullet. FVB183 with gold can destroy wft e100 with 1 shot. Turret have a paper armor.
    BIA is r0x. :D

  26. Regarding BIA surely it would be better to dimish the bonus for each crew member that dies, after all if one of the 5 crewmembers dies the other 4 are still brothers in arms? or is it one dies the others give up and stop speaking to each other ?

    • I think the effect only should be reduced if one dies, its totally retarded to have a perk that ONLY works if all members have it. Totally UP to be honest.

      • Indeed, especially since their logic for why it would STOP working can ALSO theoretically make it MORE effective – the remaining crew goes berserk and does everything they can to make life for the enemy hell as revenge for killing their comrade(s).

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