A post on Russian forums announces that Wargaming is looking for alpha testers for World of Warships.
Apparently, only Russian forum members (or rather, Russians – or at least people who speak Russian) are to post their application in any form into the abovelinked thread. What criteria are considered for an alpha-tester, in order of importance:
- World of Warships forum activity (at least 250 good posts, no spamming)
- WoT and WoWp alpha test veterans do get a priority
- experience in alphatesting other games
- being a professional tester, or an IT specialist
- proactivity and decency
What has NO effect on the application:
- amount of battles in WoT and WoWp
- winrate
- age
- country
- city
So I guess even the foreigners can apply, as long as they speak Russian? The demand of speaking Russian is not mentioned anywhere, I concluded it since this appeared on RU forums, might be wrong.
Are you going to cover WoWS as well here or will you just stick to tanks?
Probably will stick to tanks
Nice.. But why no EU Alpha Test? Get out of our Alpha, Western Capitalists! :-)
WOWS developers have said NA and EU get Alpha after couple weeks.
Hopefully i dont need to have 250 Posts in WoWS Forum :-)
When those idiots gonna wake up ?
And then they will ban us because of leaks, just like on WoT… -.-”
at least we know it is going to test now great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looking at WoWp development I think its safe to say game will be released in like 2 years. So no, its not time to fap about ships.
Dooh. Back to Jane’s fighting ships.
Actually they have said that they are 95% sure it will be Open beta with NDA lifted by Gamescon next year
Its about time… And for once, WG is on schedule.
Cast off…
We are off to great adventures and extraordinary discovery’s.
NA and EU Alphas should be 2-4 weeks behind the Russian one. If they are coming at all.
As usual ASIA gets the short end of the stick. We don’t even have WoWP beta yet so WoWS will be a long long way for us.
And now people are going to go make annoying posts on the forum trying to be constructive…
Maybe we will get lucky, and they will succeed at being constructive?
We can but pray.
I hope they have an NA alpha, I cant wait for WOWS!
You didn’t read all of the comments did you?
So they require one to speak Russian of all languages, which basically excludes the vast majority of the world from even THINKING of applying. Well…to hell with them. It’ll be as big a flop as WoWP was anyway.
I saw actual gameplay of WoWS at E3. I am really looking forward to this game and I reaaaaaaly want to alpha test. I asked the q&a guy when it would go to alpha and he told me they only did in-company testing. I guess not and now I need to test!