
For all those interested in modelling (real life modelling, like plastic tank kits), Revell is offering its products with World of Tanks codes inside. Pretty neat.

Also, the first FTR QA test was not successful: the questions were not replied for some reason, but the player was not banned, so no rules were broken. Will run a second test.

- there is no special MM for platoons
- the D-83 gun is not planned for World of Tanks (SS: Soviet experimental gun projected for IS-3, if I recall correctly with like 380mm pen)
- Soviet “konisch” type squeezebore guns (for example the S-40 with 76-57mm) are not planned

- apparently, the ARL-44 armor and engine horsepower are correct in game, wikipedia (SS: well, at least the Russian one) has it wrong
- WoWp won’t apparently have plans with 80-100mm guns
- SerB states that the autoloader vehicles implementation in WoT is okay
- the number reload timer in 8.9 is not based on any mod, it was made from scratch
- more functions, allowed by mods (SS: for example custom healthbars and such) do not appear in the game because their usefulness is “questionable”. When asked, who decides what is questionable, SerB replies that WoT is not a democracy and the developers decide what is useful and what is not
- XP gain when someone else is scouting: when damage done is equal, both TD/tanks and arty get the same amount of XP
- there are no camo mechanism changes in 8.9
- there is a small XP bonus for surviving a battle, but SerB states it’s not much
- there is already a rough concept for the European tech tree, but it’s very premature, SerB states that it is analogical a bit to the way Chinese tanks added (SS: as in, there are some local versions of existing tanks, just like China has for example the Chinese Chi-Ha)
- according to SerB, the F1 turret and not the prototype turret was picked for ARL-44, because there were very little differences between this turret and the regular one
- price of a shell is not determined by the shell power apparently (SS: that’s why the Chinese 122mm HEAT shells were not made cheaper, even though their penetration was nerfed)
- there is already a concept how to handle the European tech tree crews, it will be disclosed when the time is right
- apparently, there will be no special permanent reward for the best damage dealer of the losing team in randoms (as an improvement to the “courageous resistance”)
- there will be at least one more patch in 2013 apart from 8.9

132 thoughts on “23.10.2013

  1. “For all those interested in modelling (real life modelling, like plastic tank kits), Revell is offering its products with World of Tanks codes inside. Pretty neat.”
    NICE! I love tose things. 1:72 models a bit hard, but I love glueing togeather those tanks. :3

  2. - there will be at least one more patch in 2013 apart from 8.9

    0.9.0 will come this year, eh?

    I hope the japanese tanks will be shipped with it… and not another disaster like with the chinese tree. :/

    • Its actually turning into that way, that it is highly unlikely that japs come in 9.0.
      They still havent modeled tier 7-10 yet.
      Remember that they need to test them, etc.

    • Chinese are awesome. You have no idea about them if you say such thing.

      They might do the same as with 8.0 where they decided to add only soviet mini TD branch with obj. 263 instead of British tree because it was too much content at once along with new render and they couldn’t test it properly.

      • Logical actually.
        French tree= 7.1
        UK tree= 8.1
        Japan tree= 9.1

        9.0 would bring 2nd french ht line, they are already modelled and there will only 3 (?) of them
        (unless AL line gets Somua SM for tier 7, then 4)

        • I really wish you were right. But they said the french tanks are not planned for this year or even in the “near future”.

      • They are and if you re-read my comment you’ll notice I said nothing about their performance.
        If you remember the chinese tree was pushed back, because of a few errors that were made.

        That’s the disaster I meant… the Chinese were ready, tested, and had to be pulled back from release.

        (I have both tier IX chinese tanks and love them, no intention of getting the tier Xs anytime soon need the credits for the Waffenträger line)

  3. - there is already a rough concept for the European tech tree, but it’s very premature, SerB states that it is analogical a bit to the way Chinese tanks added (SS: as in, there are some local versions of existing tanks, just like China has for example the Chinese Chi-Ha)

    The Pan-European tree should be simple… just make each branch for each nationality o_O

      • I suspect the tree will be littered with “mini-branches” that one could “Cross-over” to continue pushing forward to. Sure, it wouldn’t make too much sense to jump from an Italian tier 7 to a Polish tier 8, but what else could they do?

        The only other alternative I can think of is a “mixed bag” tree like it’ll most likely be, and a NATO crew I suppose. =/

    • I’m glad European tree is back on the map!

      I have already started European tree,National branches project

      the idea is that each country has its own branch and a tier 1 vehicle if possible. but also branches should be interconnected on joint projects. Think of these branches as part of one big European tech tree. The reason why I am doing National branches and not the whole tree is to break it up a bit.

      The branches themselves should be interconnected as much as possible

    • Well, remember that Chinese tree has copies of tanks mainly of the USSR. Something similar can be done with the Polish line. By the way, how did you get six tiers from the Polish tanks?!

  4. If anyone’s interested (though my German may be a little rusty) the deal on Revell models appears to be 450 gold plus 1 week premium:

    > Das PC Spiel “World of Tanks” ohne langwierigen Download als DVD
    > Einen Premium-Account für eine Woche
    > 450 Gold für die Aufrüstung seines Panzers

    Shame I don’t have my modelling stuff at Uni as I have a small collection of Airfix and Milicast tanks at home… Might have to recreate my beloved T-34-85 in model form when I’m home over Christmas :P

    • Edit: My bad, the descriptions on the models are slightly different. there’s also a PZ S35 F and garage slot for it.

    • Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f) tank.
      1 Hangar slot for it.
      450 gold.
      1 week premium time.

      Is included in each Revell model of the promotion, and i figures not changes about it with different scale (1:35, 1:72, 1:76)

      • Yeah, just saw the description on the model (what I posted above) doesn’t mention the extra tank and garage slot. Strange I didn’t see it when I was doing some modelling over the summer as I check the Revell site a few times >_>

  5. Any idea what the codes with the models are for? Not interested if they are invite codes…

      • Sorry I got it wrong, in full it’s:

        Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f) tank.
        1 Hangar slot for it.
        450 gold.
        1 week premium time.

        As the promo page has it slightly different to the model descriptions. My bad.

  6. For all those interested in modelling (real life modelling, like plastic tank kits), Revell is offering its products with World of Tanks codes inside. Pretty neat.

    Awesome I hope one code is for a Lowe.

    • The few I checked were all the same – 450 Gold and 1 Week premium, that was on the Panthers, T-34, Pz IV and one of the Shermans.

      • Just checked the site it appears that it would be cheaper to buy the gold and that and the model separate.

        I’m more of a /35 modeller myself

        • No it’s not, unless you’re buying directly from Revell. They are overpriced there. If you buy from other retailers they cost more or less the same as those exact models without the bonus so it’s a no-brainer really. I bought three promotional kits last Spring – the quality is really good! And you can use multiple bonus codes on your existing account, although I suspect there is some limit.

        • Sorry I got it wrong, in full it’s:

          Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f) tank.
          1 Hangar slot for it.
          450 gold.
          1 week premium time.

          As the promo page has it slightly different to the model descriptions. My bad.

  7. EU tech tree… I hope they add Israeli tanks on that too.

    Would like to see copies of Centurion and Pattons just like how the Russians have copies of their ISs on the Chinese.

  8. “- there is already a concept how to handle the European tech tree crews, it will be disclosed when the time is right”

    I already know that there will be a problem because the different crew nations, but how WG will solve it?

    • Probably as either a lump Euro crew, or different nation crews able to run all the Euro tanks.(Like Spaniards in romanian tanks)

    • The tree is european, all nations are members of EU(though Brits, French and Germans might fell left out), so the simple trick is to make 1 nation – Europeans.

      • That’d probably have any number of patriotic types weeping blood.
        Needs to be implemented yesterday.

          • guess what, the soviet union doesn’t exist since 20 years too and still we play soviet tanks, so if they’re gonna bring the EU tree there probably will be yugoslavian tanks. (and theyre not talking about the fcking european union, its about EUROPE, swiss and (ex-)yugoslavia are a part of europe.)

    • I think they already said it at some point – you will be able to pick a nation for the crew, when choosing them for any Europena tank.

  9. - according to SerB, the F1 turret and not the prototype turret was picked for ARL-44, because there were very little differences between this turret and the regular one

    That makes NO sense at all, both historically and ingame. There are other tanks whose stock and upgraded turrets are virtually identical.

  10. Here some pictures of the CD that revell puts with the models. Got this one last year while buying a Comet model.


    Also here a picture with the box of the model on it, here you can clearly see the round sticker which marks that there is a WoT code inside.(Boxes without this sticker don’t have a Code or CD!)


  11. - there is already a rough concept for the European tech tree, but it’s very premature, SerB states that it is analogical a bit to the way Chinese tanks added (SS: as in, there are some local versions of existing tanks, just like China has for example the Chinese Chi-Ha)

    –> You mean Japanese Chi-Ha. (*blessyou*)

  12. I already built a Revell KT, Comet, Firefly and T-62 when I was a kid, I doubt I’d go back to making models but it’s a nice offer, I’m glad they’re finally cashing in on WoT :)

  13. my father works at revell (I should ask him for codes :D )
    and now: all buy modells for his job security!!!!111

  14. If only they’d struck up the same deal with Tamiya, AFV Club or Dragon, I’d be interested. Revel kits are the sort of kit to buy so you practice a painting technique before doing a paint job a 1:35 or 1:16 model. Still, I might get one so I can practice some chipping before I do it on a 1:16 Panzer III L.

  15. Revell’s US site is crap, 4 “tanks” of which only two are actual tanks and the arty is discontinued. It’s almost impossible to buy a decent tank model in the states anymore, and I don’t like having something like that shipped halfway around the world. Shame, I would like to get back into modeling, it’s very cathartic for me.

    • Have you thought of joining military modelling forum I’m in it and the guys there would be happy to help you get back into modelling again.

    • Buy from Squadron or one of the other big distributors, they stock direct from manufacturers so they carry more models than the companies’ US distros do. Revell Germany kit quality is usually a lot better than those made in the US as well, but you have to research because a lot of it is rebranded or originally designed by other manufacturers. Which is the case with a lot of the Asian brands as well, some kits are the same parts but sold by 3 or more brands, and usually quality goes downhill fast as the design circulates.

  16. For those who can’t read German, that Revell code thing, is that in the UK too?

    VERY interested here, I collect Revell!

  17. about revel models
    if they cooperate with WG why they dont put some wot models?? like AMX 50, T57 heavy, maus (i saw only made by dragon)..
    100% that i will buy one of those… Already i make KV-122 by thumpeter :)

    • There’s a GuP Maus model coming up lol…
      (of course it’s a Dragon kit reboxing)
      In general, for most prototypes you’re going to have to search for resin models, and a lot of time they’re gonna be 1/72 rather than 1/35 and dubious on accuracy, for example:
      OKB Grigorov has 1/72 AMX 50/120, IS-4, IS-7, IS-8 (or rather the T-10M), M103, T57, T58…but who knows what quality they are.
      There have also been 1/35 kits of the Obj.704 and 268, although they are extremely rare. Sometimes one will show up on ebay.
      The more difficult (PE, extremely tiny parts, instructions require you to modify some of the plastic yourself) models still appeal to only a niche market and of course the snaptites and simple glue models are aimed at kids who aren’t going to know about rare models. Also even the larger model companies only do small runs of kits (although they have increased the numbers somewhat, in the old days you might see a kit go out of stock everywhere within a week) with reissues every few years. Additionally, this niche market contains a very vocal population which points out every error, and will compare the kit to photographs and even go and measure the actual vehicles in person.

      So, you’re looking at a fairly small market, requiring your company to do extensive research and travel to ensure accuracy, and any found errors may damage not only sales of that model but of your whole lineup if they’re bad enough. If one of the aftermarket companies make parts to correct the inaccuracies you might make up some sales… Unless a lot of people are asking for these prototypes it’s not worth it for these companies to devote the time and effort to developing a kit.

  18. - according to SerB, the F1 turret and not the prototype turret was picked for ARL-44, because there were very little differences between this turret and the regular one

    Yes, because one being a fucking barn and the other an actual turret is totally not that big of a difference.

  19. - there will be at least one more patch in 2013 apart from 8.9

    Arent they already said that 9.0 will came within 2013?
    I hope the Jp tech tree made it but anything could happened

  20. “For all those interested in modelling (real life modelling, like plastic tank kits), Revell is offering its products with World of Tanks codes inside. Pretty neat.”

    they do this since almost 1 year now. its a great gold value if you can get your hands on one of the 6.99€ kits though

  21. I had some codes from a Trumpeter ASU-85 kit, 1 bonus and one invite, both gave a low tier premium, gold, credits, and premium time. Can’t remember the amounts but it added up to something like $30 worth of stuff, not bad when the kit was about the same price. Probably most of their new kits have codes, can’t remember if the box had any sign it had one.

  22. Revell … well who does 1/72 scale? If they were thinking these would have been 1/35 which is more common. This type of offer was done in the US recently and it was for Trumpeter, Bronco and at least 1 more brand of models. This needs to be done more, tie in models with WoT.

    • there is a panther ausf D in 1:35 with that dvd available too. its 18€ on amazon which is pretty cheap considering the fact that the 1:72 kits are 16-18€ too.

  23. - according to SerB, the F1 turret and not the prototype turret was picked for ARL-44, because there were very little differences between this turret and the regular one

    The shape’s different enough, so the armor profile would have been different even if the thickness wouldn’t.

    Pull your head out of your ass, SerB.

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