
- regarding the spaced armor being ripped off by shell impacts: it doesn’t concern only Havoc, it concerns also the game mechanism in general
- not all tanks will get optional spaced armor (SS: as a hull upgrade or a module, not sure), only those that had them in real life, that doesn’t however mean they had to have them fitted in a factory (apparently, vehicles that were field conversions in real life have a chance of appearing too), paper vehicles will get additional optional spaced armor only if necessery
- T-35 will apparently not appear before the multiturret mechanism is implemented (“that would be pointless”)
- apparently, more vehicle info (like the exact type of enemy vehicle) won’t be added to minimap, according to SerB the minimap would be unreadable that way (SerB states this won’t be implemented even as optional, because instead of implementing it the developers prefer to implement stuff useful to casual players)
- when a bunch of allied tanks hit the enemy tank at the same time, the damage “adds” and only one amount of hitpoints gets deducted (SS: as in, one tank hits for 150 and the other for 140 at the same time – both see that the enemy vehicle loses 290 hitpoints), it is possible to separate it, but it won’t be done in order not to spam the player with too much info
- camera viewpoint (from where what you see is calculated) is located in the geometrical center of the tank
- the abovementioned center changes its position only when the tank is moving (SS: in other words, it doesn’t matter where you turn the turret, it will still be the same)
- a special visibility check (whether you are visible or not) takes place when the tank stops and when it starts moving
- installing a wet ammo rack apparently doesn’t increase your ramming damage (SS: it’s not as stupid question as it sounds: wet ammo rack has a certain weight, that adds to the mass of the vehicle, increasing the damage done by the vehicle based on its weight by cca 1 percent, however, this increased mass also causes the vehicle to go slower, so all in all it’s the same)
- visual camo works only on maps of that respective type (summer camo on summer maps etc.) – however: it is NOT true that if you buy only one (for example only summer camo), it will not work at all (there was such a rumor)

44 thoughts on “30.10.2013

  1. So will they ever intoduce the mod that shows what tank name is on the mini-map in the actual game or there last known position?

    • Is serb trolling here or is he actually that clueless about his game? I guess the fact that we’re so reliant on mods still answers the question. The hd mini map is awesome, and hugely helpful to players. I have all the tanks labeled on the map and it’s not only usable, it becomes required. Knowing whether that enemy heavy on the other flank is a T34 or an IS7 can be crucial.

      I imagine at low resolution it wouldn’t work, so it should be optional. But it absolutely should be an option.

      If WG doesn’t want to waste resources on things people don’t want then stop dicking about with pointless new rating systems and the like. The fact that hundreds of thousands of players download mods every patch speaks for itself.

      • Always same story.Managers, who clueless about market and own products.
        Look at decisions and big fails of those firms: Sony-PS3, Ced-Alpha CPU,Cornered Rat-wwiionline ,Nokia-Winos,MS-killing XP etc…Now WT and WOT running full speed on the same way.

  2. “- apparently, more vehicle info (like the exact type of enemy vehicle) won’t be added to minimap, according to SerB the minimap would be unreadable that way (SerB states this won’t be implemented even as optional, because instead of implementing it the developers prefer to implement stuff useful to casual players)”

    You can already tell what the vehicle is by holding CTRL and hovering over the names on the player lists. This is usually all the info i need. Occasionally I don’t have the time/multitasking ability but it’s not that often so I can see their viewpoint on it being unnecessary clutter.

    A possible implementation that would not overly clutter the minimap would be to number the vehicles 1-15 at the start and just show a small number beside each icon. It would be pretty quick and easy to then identify the tank. (sounds like a mod idea)

    • XVM minimap shows tank types next to each tank on minimap. So far I haven’t heard fo ppl complining, this is actually a feature whose lack really makes you cry “faster” when there is a no working XVM just after the patch…

    • They were talking about the HD minimap mod, which brings the minimap to fullscreen view and shows a lot of aditional info. It’s easy not to clutter the map when you have the option to show that info only when the map is brought up to the size of the screen pressing CTRL.

      It’s extremely useful for CW and anyone calling battles.

    • Was the T23 any good armor wise? Cause I’ve played the American med line, minus the Jumbo, and they were all pretty much paper thin armor.

      • iirc it was similar to nowadays T25/2 TD. I think it’s the same hull. So no, not really good armor, but slightly better than T20′s.

        • Same Hull yes, but the T23 Medium had Torsion bar suspension back when it was in game and the T25/2 has the Vertical Volute suspension, so the T25/2 isn’t really a great example of the hull as far as relations are concerned. That being said, I am actually excited by the idea of the T23 hull being the upgrade hull for the T20. It makes a lot more sense as an upgraded hull than a higher tier tank, not because there is any correlation between the virtues of the real T23 prototype as an “in between” for the T20 and the M26 but mostly because the T23 is not needed int he current tech tree.

      • It was a bit faster and fired much faster… armour? haven’t heard of any… Oh, w8!
        There is a legend that the mantlet bounced an LTractor shot once…

  3. - visual camo works only on maps of that respective type (summer camo on summer maps etc.) – however: it is NOT true that if you buy only one (for example only summer camo), it will not work at all (there was such a rumor)

    yes but ther are 30 summer map and only 5-6 winter, desert map.. so only summer camo are useful (winter and desert are usless, i buy temporarily only for CW or Tournament)

      • As said improved physics such as tools that are hanging on tanks will move, radio antenas will swing. Also they said they’ll implement tanks tipping over when falling from heights or when rammed(for example E-50 ramming ELC). Destructable objects(buildings) will destruct much more detaily

  4. Frank, once again: could you please lock comments on old blog? I still occasionally get penis enlargement propositions :) and other crap from my past subscriptions…

  5. - apparently, more vehicle info (like the exact type of enemy vehicle) won’t be added to minimap, according to SerB the minimap would be unreadable that way

    mod can do this, and the minimap wont be unreadable

  6. So we have a mention of the T-35 again. I’m sorry if I missed it/forgot, but has there been mention of when the dual turrets might release?

  7. - apparently, more vehicle info (like the exact type of enemy vehicle) won’t be added to minimap, according to SerB the minimap would be unreadable that way (SerB states this won’t be implemented even as optional, because instead of implementing it the developers prefer to implement stuff useful to casual players)
    - when a bunch of allied tanks hit the enemy tank at the same time, the damage “adds” and only one amount of hitpoints gets deducted (SS: as in, one tank hits for 150 and the other for 140 at the same time – both see that the enemy vehicle loses 290 hitpoints), it is possible to separate it, but it won’t be done in order not to spam the player with too much info

    LMAO! These are two very important features that xvm provides. Tank names on the minimap is very important for situational awareness and being able to see separate damage helps to identify what tanks were shooting at someone, be it ally or enemy. Denying these features, that are already available through xvm anyway, even as an option, only not to confuse god damn potato players is beyond retarded.

    • Not to mention new players get confused a lot more about these damage shown numbers from WoT, because they think their guns can do up to XXXXX damage, when in reality, the target was hit by at least two shells.
      But hey, we got XVM, what would those guys do if WG would do their job?!

  8. - apparently, more vehicle info (like the exact type of enemy vehicle) won’t be added to minimap, according to SerB the minimap would be unreadable that way (SerB states this won’t be implemented even as optional, because instead of implementing it the developers prefer to implement stuff useful to casual players)

    XVM / Mods already do that and I would say it’s extacly opposite to what Serb claims. It’s primitive to play without enchanced minimap. Once again WoT developers can’t admit that WoT UI is badly made and and not user-friendly, and that some hobbist mod makers can make it way better than “professionals”.

  9. - when a bunch of allied tanks hit the enemy tank at the same time, the damage “adds” and only one amount of hitpoints gets deducted (SS: as in, one tank hits for 150 and the other for 140 at the same time – both see that the enemy vehicle loses 290 hitpoints), it is possible to separate it, but it won’t be done in order not to spam the player with too much info

    Moronic. Protect player from too much info by presenting wrong info. I bet 2 noobs out of 3 think they are shooting some 500 damage shots with their T-34 sometimes.

    • I know people who thought that at thr beginning. It’s very easy to do. For me, I prefer to play with as muvh info as possible, so xvm, map as big as possible, teamlist expanded to max, custom xvm config adding extra info to tanks

  10. - installing a wet ammo rack apparently doesn’t increase your ramming damage (SS: it’s not as stupid question as it sounds: wet ammo rack has a certain weight, that adds to the mass of the vehicle, increasing the damage done by the vehicle based on its weight by cca 1 percent, however, this increased mass also causes the vehicle to go slower, so all in all it’s the same)

    I actually took the time to run the numbers on ramming damage a while back. The source of the ramming damage was (obviously) my KV-5. The target I picked was the Lowe (Because it’s quite heavy and hence doesn’t give you an over-inflated sense of the damage ramming does). I calculated with Spall Liner and without Spall Liner.

    At the end the day, the difference in damage provided by the extra 1-ton of Spall Liner was paltry, something like 0.001% more damage with Spall Liner.

    Moral of the story: Loading Spall Liner because it increase ramming damage is dumb, the difference is so insignificant as to be worthless 99% of the time.

    • I don’t know about ramming damage as I didn’t pay attention to that very closely, but I love the spall liner when it comes to HE shells. Got 4 direct hits from a 13f3 in my KV-4 and barely got any damage from them ;)

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