Not much today
- according to SerB, the problem with LL Matilda and LL Chruchill is that they are used as regular tanks in the British branch
- Object 430 will come out “it’s done when it’s done”
- A-43 and A-44 actually have the same turret, (“A-44″), but in the game this same turret is registered as two different turrets with the same name, as there are no shared turret modules in WoT
- if you sold your Superpershing for gold and want it back, you can simply buy it for the same price it was sold for in the ingame shop
- according to SerB, the problem with LL Matilda and LL Chruchill is that they are used as regular tanks in the British branch
That’s a problem why?
I haven’t played the premiums but my guess is that their performance is very similar to the standard tanks.
well I have Churchill 1 and 3 and I’d rate their playstyles as “not dissimilar” (lol) but there are tanks similarish already, it just seemed like an odd thing for Serb to say out of context, or maybe theyre removing them like the HotchkissMaus and PzB2
Also SS ty for using my WGNAgiftshopfail picture
Churchill 1 and 3 are totally different. Churchill 1 has accurate high-penetration sniper gun and weak armor. Churchill 3 has much more hull armor and 6-pounder machinegun. It works best when you lock sights on target and drive forward gunning everything down. Only with KV you have to actually aim.
the Churchill I can use the 6-pdr too.
I still don’t understand what the problem is though.
Church I can use the same 6 pounder and it has equal armour. They are identical.
No it’s not. Churchill III has strip of 176 mm armor on front and you can hide weaker part by angling. Also you should not use 6-pounder on Churchill I because it sees tier 7 unlike premium-CC.
Can you please elaborate a bit on why that’s a problem?
In what manner should their performance be different from standard tanks.
They are premium tanks, but have near identical non premium tanks so wg doesn’t get the money for the tanks as people buy with credits.
Same with type 62 vs wz131
Well I have the Valentine ll (ru) and the Valentine (uk) – they got my money.
I have the Type62 but not the WZ131 – they got more of my money.
I have the B2 (ger) but not the B1 (fr) – they got even more of my money.
I didn’t like the Churchill III on testserver and I didn’t like the Churchill I on live. So no money from me.
But Matilda ll: It’s sad, that she’s Tier5 otherwise I would’ve bought her too, since I like the Matilda (uk).
So in the end, I actually prefer the Premiumtanks, because they have a better MM ;)
Matilda II ?
Matilda IV is fine at tier 5 imo, but it needs a +/-0 MM (tier 5 max battles only).
MatildaBP seem to need a mobility buff, otherwise it should also have +/-0 MM.
nonsense, I have both LL churchill and standard churchills in garage, LL is far far better – essentially more mobile via soft stats, rof and pen – for its tier.
I play my LL Churchill very often, but the normal CHurchills ? once a year…
The problem is that WG doesn’t want to have premium vehicle same as vehicle within tree.
And in previous FTR I thought it was stated that WZ-120 is another exception because there are not enough vehicle for Chinese tree.
But for soviet tree, there are plenty of vehicle…so they think they should not use vehicle within tree as premium vehicle?
So will the 430 be a heavy tank? I heard ppl saying it will like the Chieftain for the British
No, medium tank.
You’re mistaking it with Obj. 430U I guess…. but I’m not sure if it’s real project or just made-up plastic kit.
Real as projects made in metal can be.
The Objekt 430U was a real project, although unlike it’s predecessor Objekt 430 and paralel project Objekt 432 (which became the T-64 MBT), it neither got to the prototype stage nor beyond AFAIK.
What is a LL Chruchill?
Russian “Lend-Lease” Churchill.
Churchill III in game to put it simple….British tank with red star on it :P
- A-43 and A-44 actually have the same turret, (“A-44″), but in the game this same turret is registered as two
different turrets with the same name, as there are no shared turret modules in WoT
that’s wrong
Black Princes Turret is the same as the stock-Cearnavon-Turret
even when you right-click on the turret, it states that it can be used on both
Models / real turrets are located in different folders under different names even on the BP. And it doesn’t say that it can be used on both, they just have the same model and (displayed) name.
weird cause for me that turret is not compatible with each other depending on from which one you came from
In 0.8.8 both turrets were the same and could be exchanged, if the BP had a other turret
in 0.8.9 they changed them into two different turrets.
I think its a way to nerf the British line for when the BP will get a 32Pounder with a 8-shell-autoloader
The Henshell turrent on VK.4502A was once called the same the the one on Tiger II.
But they do not share the module because having different turrent ring or other excuse.
- according to SerB, the problem with LL Matilda and LL Chruchill is that they are used as regular tanks in the British branch
Yet they didn’t remove them from the store after the British branch came out like they did for the 38H and B2 when the French tree came out =/
I think they planned to but for whatever reason didn’t follow through.
WG like premium tanks to fit more as prototypes now, less mainstream, which is “the problem” that SerB is referring to.
“- if you sold your Superpershing for gold and want it back, you can simply buy it for the same price it was sold for in the ingame shop” Silent Stalker what do you mean? I can get back the Super Pershing for credits? If yes that’s great! I have T34 though :P