A stream with Veider – summary

Source: http://world-of-ru.livejournal.com/2782099.html
Author: Magnus_25

Hello everyone,

today, developer Veider was playing 7/42 battles live on a stream and he was answering questions. Here’s a summary of what he said:

- 7/42 (team) battles will recieve many more new features that are being developed
- 7/42 teams will see the map for next battle in advance, so they can pick their tanks accordingly
- next patch will bring more maps for 7/42 battles, such as the Siegfried Line
- there will be special achievements (medals) for 7/42 battles
- Sturmtiger will definitely appear in 2014

- skill MM works so that there is the special rating for team battles only and both teams in 7/42 battles are balanced so they have the same sum of team rating, not by the sum of vehicle MM weight. This rating is hidden and you don’t need to compare it with regular player statistics
- premium tier 7 T-44-85 will recieve a penetration buff, that was its main weakness. New shells for it have been found.
- developers have an idea how to reduce the amount of 7/42 draws, they are currently testing it (but Veider states he hasn’t seen a single draw in 7/42 battles yet)
- Patton III won’t be buffed for now, KV-5 won’t be buffed, Foch 155 will be nerfed, E-100 won’t be buffed, IS-7 won’t be touched for now, T57 Heavy will be nerfed, IS-6 won’t get a penetration buff, ISU-152 won’t be nerfed, rear-turret VK4502B will be buffed, Maus won’t be buffed, T69 penetration apparently won’t be nerfed
- developers do think that 7/42 battles will help develop the cybersports, it will become a training ground
- Waffenträger E-100 won’t be nerfed, statistically it’s fine now, but it’s watched closely
- the log on T-44 might return
- Havok will bring the option to customize a tank, for example by adding or removing the wooden log on a tank
- there will be tournament interface for 7/42 battles apparently
- IS-3 top turret armor was changed because Yuri Pasholok found very accurate documents, describing the turret armor, the armor was brought to be as accurate according to them as possible
- T-34-100 will appear at some point
- IS will be separated into IS-1 and IS-2 at some point
- only “a few” Japanese tanks will have autoloaders (SS: as far as I remember only one, Chi-Ri)
- bugs in voicechat will apparently be fixed soon
- new city maps will come after New Year, including Kharkov
- Object 416 gun won’t be nerfed
- bonus for “tanking” (resisting damage with your tank) will come soon, possibly even in 0.9.0
- there will be Chinese tank destroyers and artillery, but not soon
- it’s possible 7/42 will change to 7/56, but not decided – it has to be tested
- there will be a reward tank for New Year
- Night maps? Veider: “To be honest, I don’t know whether there will be night maps or not, it’s possible, even though I don’t understand who the hell needs them”

78 thoughts on “A stream with Veider – summary

  1. - Night maps? Veider: “To be honest, I don’t know whether there will be night maps or not, it’s possible, even though I don’t understand who the hell needs them”

    I get the feeling night battles are going to be something that everyone wants to have but hates it with their guts as soon as it’s out :|

  2. - there will be a reward tank for New Year
    Does that mean new gift tank (like ltp, t7, t1e6 and tetrarch) of a tank you get for completing some mission?

  3. Yay, bonus for taking potential damage (hopefully only PD that exceeds the tank’s HP will count – it would be logical in my humble opinion)!

    • To some tanks it happens all the time. Take the Maus for example. I dont have one yet, but even the Tier 9 Vk4502B rarely leaves a battle with less than 2k potential damage while usually only taking a few scratches if everything goes to my diabolical plan.

      • JustNo wanted to say that now potential DMG is all dmg done to tank and dmg from non-penetrating shots.. if it will be base for that bonus all taks will get that minimum as much as they got HP.. that’s not fari, couse Maus won’t have to ‘play armor’ and still got more bonus than 8T MT who bounced 1,5k dmg..

    • Wonder how they will deal with the 500m blast radius (what I remember from think tank)

      • Dunno bout that blast radius, but it could devastate a whole street block of multiple houses…

  4. “Patton III won’t be buffed for now, KV-5 won’t be buffed, Foch 155 will be nerfed, E-100 won’t be buffed, IS-7 won’t be touched for now, T57 Heavy will be nerfed, IS-6 won’t get a penetration buff, ISU-152 won’t be nerfed, rear-turret VK4502B will be buffed, Maus won’t be buffed, T69 penetration apparently won’t be nerfed”
    KV-5 is fine, doesn’t need buffs. It’s a beast.
    Good that the foch is getting nerfed, I just hope they don’t nerf it too much. A slight mobility nerf would do.
    E-100 is fine and doesn’t need a buff
    IS-7 is passable, but could use a little refresher. Maybe a slight buff to terrain resistance or something. Or aim time.
    T57 is really not that OP at all, especially since 8.6 when pen got nerfed and HEAT got nerfed……I’m afraid they will overdo it and make it useless.
    IS-6 is a beast, just like the KV-5 is. It doesn’t need a pen buff.
    ISU wont be nerfed…….alright. Meanwhile, the new tier 8 german TD is inferior in every way…….
    rear turret VK deserves a buff.
    No buff for the Maus? Alright…….could use a bit more DPM maybe….
    T69 doesn’t need a pen nerf……what it needs is a pen buff to regular shells, and a pen nerf to HEAT. Make it so that you don’t need to run HEAT to be useful.

    • “T69 doesn’t need a pen nerf……what it needs is a pen buff to regular shells, and a pen nerf to HEAT. Make it so that you don’t need to run HEAT to be useful.”

      This for sure, however even the HEAT sucks sometimes. I’ve bounced off the side (not tracks) of a T32 with T69 HEAT. At 90 degrees, from about 20m…3x in a row (last shot did pen tho – a full clip of gold to kill a 10% T32)

    • T57 wouldnt be OP if there werent this fucking OP gun.
      2 secs between eatch shot
      => 1600 dmg in 6secs
      7.74 r/m
      =>3096 dmg/m
      + enough pen for heavy tank
      + good accuracy
      + aim time is ok

        • I would have to say that the T57 isn’t that op. sure it might have a decent gun but the tank is soft as cotton wool with absolute shit maneuverability. You ever tried reversing in one??? I suppose all these “oh this tank is sooooo OP’ comments are coming from people who have never driven one but on the wrong end of one.

      • it also has crap mobility, crap armor, and crap module damage.

        ever play one? It’s not OP. It’s just a good tank.

      • it also has crap mobility, crap armor, and crap module damage.

        ever play one? It’s not OP. It’s just a good tank. The problem isn’t OP tanks, it’s that they need to buff the old tanks that have been forgotten (Maus, IS-7, IS-4)

    • T57 is really not that OP at all, especially since 8.6 when pen got nerfed and HEAT got nerfed……I’m afraid they will overdo it and make it useless.

      Cant agree with that, its mathematically OP because of ~3094 DPM, which is the best DPM in the game for a heavy, E5 has 2400, 268 has 3000,s o yeah.
      Actually, they could do something different, buff the 50B so its equal to the T57, that would do it too.

    • Y’know, they sure could buff the Patton. Please. 10 more meters of view range, now that the AwfulTraeger is sharing the top view range. Please.

    • “Meanwhile, the new tier 8 german TD is inferior in every way…….”

      Other than having a lower profile, having better camo, and having a fully rotating turret you mean. How could you even think the above is true given the advantages the new TD has?

  5. Sturmtiger looks cool, but it will be another TD? does the germans haven’t enough TD’s?

  6. Oh yes with Havok I can finally add 3 tons of sandbags on my T-26 and make it in impenetrable by T18′s

    • Actually, tests showed that adding crap to the tank (like sand bags, spare tracks, concrete) actually makes the shell penetration better. So you’ll do worse (you’ll be slower) and you’ll be easier to hit by adding stuff like that to your tank.

  7. The only way I could see it feasible to add a night time map would require a slight game tweak (possibly borrowing a little fromthe warship game in development). You make a city map with a harbor. You have warships firing starburst phosphorous rounds over the battlefield. As the shells flew overhead and fell back to earth you get highly varied lighting and shadow effects.

  8. “Patton III won’t be buffed for now”

    That means it’s going to receive a buff right? Or is it some kind of marketing wording technique? The ‘for now’ part is the one bothering me.

  9. - IS will be separated into IS-1 and IS-2 at some point

    Uhm… what would be the point of doing that? Especially when selectable hulls are coming out. And there already is an IS-2 in the Chinese tech tree.

    • That’s probably what they mean (hulls). IS wouldn’t be able to exist on two tiers without massive buffs/nerfs.

  10. Just got myself a Patton III a few days ago, only have the Leo to compare, but for what i’ve seen the Patton could really use some kind of buff, given the tank dimensions all the specs and behaviour are ok but it somehow feels inferior to the other mediums. HP buff maybe?

  11. “T69 penetration apparently won’t be nerfed”

    It’s good ammo already got nerfed, why would it need another. It needs an ap pen buff if anything, weakest tier 8 pen

    • Pershing might possibly have a gun nerf to the T32′s stock gun, as the current gun is fictional, so I wouldn’t complain about 3 mm more pen. :-P

  12. *** 7/42 teams will see the map for next battle in advance, so they can pick their tanks accordingly ***

    Interesting. I hope that this feature will, in some way, make it into random battles or the future 7/42-similar mode for Tier 10. After the reduced randomness to shell spread, being in the wrong tank on the wrong map is one of the biggest issues I have with the game, which ruins my fun. If something like this does not make it to other modes… I guess I need to play 7/42 more :P

  13. >ISU-152 won’t be nerfed


    >there will be a reward tank for New Year

    Another 1 free garage slot! :D

  14. Here’s a quick question: I’ve been keeping an eye out for years but have not seen any discussion of three-way fights as possible. Did I miss something, or is this just lumped in with “other battle modes done when done?”