Storm posted another post on the developer blog, I will make a separate post for that.
- (caps and typos authentic) Q: “WITH SUCH MM HALF OF MY TEAM HAS 2-3K BATTLES AND ENEMIES HAVE 20-30K BATTLES WHERE IS JUSTICE YOU HAVE TO COUNT IN EVERYTHING AND NOT JUST TECH TIER, OR TO SEPARATE IN HALVES” A: “Thank you very much, we will definitely take your opinion in account, if we decide to change something :)”
- there is new info on Japenese heaviers, but for now it won’t be published
- FV4202 and 113 buffs? “If necessery”
- Chinese arty and TD branch: “It’s done when it’s done”
- new arties haven’t been added for quite a while due to “other priorities”
- new hightier light tanks: “it’s done when it’s done”
- Panzer IV Hydro, MTLS tankette and SU-85I are not planned to appear in shops, they are special “event” tanks, they won’t be obtainable via missions apparently
- when considering tanks for MM purposes, the only thing taken into account is whether the player had a long streak of games on the bottom of the team (SS: no, winrate is NOT considered, yes, people are still asking this shit)
- skill MM is theoretically possible to implement according to SerB, but in praxis it is not
- optional hulls will be tied to the current unlockable tracks (suspension)
- it’s possible a tank will have more than two optional hulls
- when you damage a viewport on a tank (damage, as in “yellow status” not destroy), it does not reduce that tank’s viewrange
- Americans did have rear-turret tank proposals, they won’t be introduced for now (Yoh tanks)
- when switching optional hulls, apparently the camo will transfer from one hull to another
- when switching optional hulls, it’s possible the decals (inscriptions )will change places
- it’s possible that destructable ground will appear, but that is not tied to HAVOK, that is the next stage of WoT engine development, it’s very complicated and very far away
- XboX WoT will have the same tanks as the regular WoT does, XboX account will not be tied to the PC WoT one
- on a scale of 1 to 10, the size (importance) of the Patch 1.0.0 for WoT will be “10″
- no new Soviet heavy branch is planned for now (too overpowered)
- official mod support is planned
Storm also reacted on a Russian post about the Winter Mod (I reported about it earlier) with following:
- (regarding the fact the mod has a falling snow effect): “Bigworld snow and rain is very hardware-requiring, right now we are finishing our own normal implementation of weather effects”
- (regarding the snow maps): “It’s not difficult to make snow textures, but that means that all the textures are there doubled and these textures represent two thirds of the size of the client. We need other methods for mass distribution. We are, by the way, also developing them”
- for the majority of all maps there will be several seasons available, several kinds of weather and several times of day (morning, day, evening)
Hey jude….
Hey perma-ban
Have you ever heard about Beatles?
Oh hey Ludo :D
Woras! :D
We’ll bang, ok?
This guy was using e-mail “” as his register and was spamming “Jude” under other posts too. Somehow, I don’t think he was referring to Beatles.
Those detective skills came in handy :D
Nice mail adress. Ban him if you want, I did not write beatles because I’m defending him.
Thats a low caliber gun. 14mm? Imagine the pen :D
Maybe he is referring to his penis. Oh wait, he didn’t even have one…
At least you admit having no penis.
I’m Blue Da Ba De Da Ba Di
Do NOT feed the troll!
exterminate all roaches, jews, mongoloids and niggers instead.
Let xobx and pc play together, watch as xbox fags get ownd
:D all the fun in the world
Oh mio gahwds lurn 2 spel.
i want to see the tier X japanese HT picture :(
Type “Mount Fuji” in Google, use Photoshop to add tracks, there we go, Tier X Japanese Heavy.
hehe, very funny. i want to really see it, cus its not O-I its something even bigger
troll some more eheh
Of course I will, but glad you asked.
ok i dont need any info thanks
i dont need that trash so either real news or nothing
b…but it’s real
just stfu
im actually intrested too to see it. It is sayed for long time that tier X is not O-I but even bigger beast. its gonna be bigger than maus :O
btw, who knows that its tank with crew of godzillas?
In live size, too.
faar too small
btw i think that its just tier 5
Well, this seems to be the full tree…
best of them is 7th tier
tier 8 is tank which looks like godzilla
tier 9 is tank what haves crew of mechas
tier 10 is tank what haves crew of godzillas
get it?
btw, shouldnt we think something usefull? this is kinda waste of time lol :P
*shrug* I poast between shooting tenks…
I actually found some pictures that might be it, it’s just model works but it’s pretty accurate.
I shortened the link because it was some serious long arse Japanese link, don’t want to spam too much.
Wow, that might actually be the one they’ll introduce, thanks for the link!
It’ll probably look something like this:
That’s the Type 100 O-I, a concept for a 150-ton super heavy tank intended for the Imperial Japanese Army. Supposedly an even bigger, 200-ton O-I was being designed by the Navy, but information on either of them is a bit scarce.
The Navy should’ve kept building ships.
That winter mod was looking amazing, Im glad to hear that WG is working on something similar.
Agree with you totally. Can’t wait to see WG weather system and also night battles(if they really come).
About damn time! Wooden PCs can have their low gfx, but give some shiny stuff for high-ends :D
amen, screw poor people : D mine was 2500$
1000$. But its old as fuck now.
never go full retard anonanus
Jealous poor people are jealous. And don’t forget – poor. Now back to work, shitface. Or you can say goodbye to your salary.
FV4202 and 113 buffs? “If necessery”
113 and fv4202 are actually pretty decent tanks.
player is bad not the tank
113′s good, but the F4202…well…it’s not BAD, it’s just that it’s average…and the other mediums are at least as good or better.
If the FV 4202 gets a buff I demand a buff to the Patton too
Juice stees.
Just ice for you:
“- when you damage a viewport on a tank (damage, as in “yellow status” not destroy), it does not reduce that tank’s viewrange”
Wait what? So if it’s yellow, it won’t reduce viewrange at all? Then what’s the point in it turning yellow? What happens when it turns red then? 50% off viewrange?
Yello means the chance of it getting destroyed or damaged even more increases if im not wrong. Just like getting your tracks damaged but not tracked.
It means the module is at whatwasitnow, 50% HP. Further effects depend on the component in question, but most tend to have reduced functionality in that state. Dunno if the viewport is one of those.
go away, faggot
I address you like a reasonable human being for a change and this is what I get. :/
You really thought he was a human being? I am really disappointed…
learn to read. Clearly says there is no impact, like tracks.
Then why is Recon more effective when obs. devices are damaged? I think we’re being given false info.
Earlier on there was a question about it on.. I think they said recon bonus only applies when the obs. device is “red” not orange
Serious question this one is, earlier I thought yellow viewport = 50% viewrange & red = 50m viewrange. If there’s no difference between an undamaged viewport and a yellow one, there must be a mistake in “Recon” skill description.
Or, “damaged observation device” means viewport turning red? Funny because most people interpret “damaged” as “yellow” & “destroyed” as “red”.
It’s always amusing to see info released by WG conflict with one another.
Sir, the observation device have cracked glass, dusty surface, burn mark, broken metal pieces all over it, but I think I will do fine anyway!!!
We really need an explanation if its really viewrange or not perhaps draw distance
- (caps and typos authentic) Q: “WITH SUCH MM HALF OF MY TEAM HAS 2-3K BATTLES AND ENEMIES HAVE 20-30K BATTLES WHERE IS JUSTICE YOU HAVE TO COUNT IN EVERYTHING AND NOT JUST TECH TIER, OR TO SEPARATE IN HALVES” A: “Thank you very much, we will definitely take your opinion in account, if we decide to change something :)”
My favorite part of this is the smiley face.
And because everyone knows that those 40k game players who fire all HE from an IS-6 are better players than the 2k game players that haven’t given up on failing to aim and still fire AP.
i usually aim for weakspots and if i happen to be in a tank that can not penetrate an is6 with regular ammo i will swap to goldrounds if i see that there is still a chance to win the battle
It’s almost like players with 30k games and 45% WR don’t exist all!
Considering how much money they are raking in now I wish they would invest more in this future features department or whatever they call it.Things like weather effects destructable terrain
goes a long way in making a game “pretty” despite what anyone might say about gameplay is more important ,aesthetics have a huge factor in drawing players to a game.
Do you know what kind of hardware a good chunk, if not an outright majority, of the playerbase rolls with?
WG does.
- for the majority of all maps there will be several seasons available, several kinds of weather and several times of day (morning, day, evening)
When?? WHEN?? war thunder have all of this since he became pubblic, in world of thanks they talk about this since 2012 but they do nothing, they only talk…
then fuck off and play war thunder
If you don’t like it, then don’t rack up 5-10k+ battles, just uninstall. It’ll be better for your mental health.
It’s almost like foggy weather isn’t annoying as hell and I wouldn’t turn it off the moment such an option becomes available.
Can someone please post a link to a video with that winter mode? I just wanna see that snow :P
Yes I uploaded one to Google Video since Google+ is Fascist,
FFS, don’t do that again…
Classic.. when you get overdose by these things.. you stop to care :P
Then why did you post a Google link? Practice what you preach.
Theres a series of videos over 4 different pages and lots of photos.
Thank you (:
@Serb the king of Poland Sincerely go FUCK yourself!!
medjed confirmed for thoroughly trolled. :D
Weather effect is nice, as long as it won’t be a burden to my toaster.
The snow killed only 2-3 fps of my normal 12 fps so its not that big of an impact but then I run low graphics.
However once the snow was turned off there was no difference in FPS between normal games and the Winter Mod. Map loading however did take a few seconds longer to do but thats about it.
“- when you damage a viewport on a tank (damage, as in “yellow status” not destroy), it does not reduce that tank’s viewrange”
This cannot be right, can you double check the translation?
it’s the same with the tracks.
they don’t reduce you mobility when they are yellow
I highly doubt it, it would make the Eagle Eye perk completely useless.
Why? Eagle eye is still useful if you magically spot a damaged Ammo Rack and/or loader or a dead gunner inside an enemy tank before you run off to engage said victim.
I think he meant recon, it gives you back more view range should your viewports get damaged. Whether it it means actually damaged (as in yellow) instead of destroyed (as in red) or not is probably debatable, but description says damaged so I’ll roll with that it helps recover view range from a yellow damaged viewport. So having yellow viewport having no affected on view range anyway renders the skill partially useless (you still get the small view range boost it provides with undamaged viewports).
Personally I recall repairing damaged viewports because I couldn’t see a target shooting me and then being able to see him the next time he shot, so I call bullshit on that piece of info too.
Can anyone confirm this?? I’m interested.
- when you damage a viewport on a tank (damage, as in “yellow status” not destroy), it does not reduce that tank’s viewrange
What the hell, of course it does…
MTLS tankette
MTLS 1G14 or Dutch for manned tank. But this isn’t a tankette!
I Nerf you all !
I warned you SerB for nerfing!!
Serb will get banned for that? How terrible.
- when you damage a viewport on a tank (damage, as in “yellow status” not destroy), it does not reduce that tank’s viewrange
I somehow doubt this same as the majority of the people here…..every time i had damaged(yellow) that view range port i felt blind and not being able to spot people unless i get really close to them….i might be wrong and this might be true, but i doubt it
Damaged viewports increase aim time and dispersion, and not decrease view range. That’s the commander when he’s injured.
“Panzer IV Hydro, MTLS tankette and SU-85I are not planned to appear in shops, they are special “event” tanks, they won’t be obtainable via missions apparently”
Read: Panzer IV Hydro, MTLS tankette and SU-85I are not planned to appear in shops (outside of the RU server), they are special “event” tanks, they won’t be obtainable via missions apparently (outside of the RU server).
“- (regarding the fact the mod has a falling snow effect): “Bigworld snow and rain is very hardware-requiring, right now we are finishing our own normal implementation of weather effects”
- (regarding the snow maps): “It’s not difficult to make snow textures, but that means that all the textures are there doubled and these textures represent two thirds of the size of the client. We need other methods for mass distribution. We are, by the way, also developing them”
- for the majority of all maps there will be several seasons available, several kinds of weather and several times of day (morning, day, evening)”
Dear WG, you are late and no one cares whatever you do on your own little snow andweather things because we stick to the things that actually look better and are authentic, such as most Tank remodels, weather, day and night mod, snow, gnomefathers guns and engine sounds.
“when you damage a viewport on a tank (damage, as in “yellow status” not destroy), it does not reduce that tank’s viewrange”
This statement is probably not about view range (as in: stat used to calculate spotting distances), but about rendering range (1000×1000 m square outside of which tanks are not visible).
Of course, could be also SerB not knowing the mechanics of his own game – remember that it took him almost 2 years to learn that BiA works even if crew member gets killed, so…
…or just a mistranslation.
The 113 and FV4202 need buffs, it’s really obvious to anyone that’s put any time in these lately.
The 113 has no roll whatsoever to play, the front armor is deplorably bad that angling is 100% necessary to get any bounces with it. The turret’s not as bouncy as it should be. The gun’s the only decent thing about it, but it can’t keep up with the DPM that everything is spitting out these days. What needs to be done is drop the 113 to tier 9 and bring the WZ-111 1-4 back to the tier 10 status it had during test. It was a great alternative, if not better, than the IS-7. It’s really disappointing that it’s stuck in tier 9 with a nerfed front armor profile and HP pool.
The FV4202 is bad for very different reasons. The gun depression lends this to be a hill-peaking tank like the US line, but the turret doesn’t have the bounce like the comparative Russian line of meds. If it’s going to stay at a deplorable 40kmh top speed, it either needs more frontal hull armor, or a tougher frontal turret. It takes too long to aim in on a target while peaking over a hill that it gets hit all the time, and too much of the front turret is flat and easy to pen. It’s a very messy and odd shape, but still too many flat locations. Too often you’ll get RNG’d to death by random shots at the turret hitting the flat areas. This all completely misses the completely worthless HESH gold rounds and the non-functioning high-pen HE mechanics in play. 100 extra damage that is far too inconsistent to rely upon makes the standard APCR shells the only worthwhile ammo type to use.
nah,… the tier 10 in fist Chinese tank test was WZ-111 5A (or something i cant remember0\ well). It’s basically IS-7 with IS-4 gun. WZ-111 1-4 still the tier 9. Anyway, they never bring it back
agree. do not forget that WZ was not just IS-7 with IS-4′s gun.
it also had no pike nose, so angling was possible, effective armor on front was ridiculous. t had at least good mobility as 113. also, it had small silhouette and high hp pool. It was even more op than T57, we dont need it back. just buff the 113′s armor with 10-20mm extra-thickness, and its fine
SS do you have any statistical info about general battle stats for wot? Like how many matches in generally are win/lose/draw, or how much damage is dealt in an average battle? that would be quite nice to have for discussions about the relevance of stats like win rate or efficiency.
“when considering tanks for MM purposes, the only thing taken into account is whether the player had a long streak of games on the bottom of the team (SS: no, winrate is NOT considered, yes, people are still asking this shit)”
And what about this:
That “lesser developer” possibly blabbed out that important detail by mistake. Not sure if we can trust Storm to tell us the truth about this.
I’d rather have a player with 4-5k battles at >50% WR versus a 20-30k battles player at <50% WR.
no new Soviet heavy branch is planned for now (too overpowered)
made my day thx!