WG EU Fail? Your win!

Thanks to Dreadsteel for noticing

Hello everyone,

weekend is here and with it the weekly WG EU screwup. We all know they can’t do things right, but this time, you can use it to your advantage. The event Keep Calm and Tank On formally offers 30 percent discount on TOG and AT-15A:


But in fact, in the game, TOG has a 50 percent discount.


AT-15A still has only 30 percent.

58 thoughts on “WG EU Fail? Your win!

    • To get owned by the TOG horde.

      Getting back on topic, 50% off a TOG is quite a good deal– it’s easier to get 2 other friends into buying them and form statpad platoon. No other T6 HTs can do it that well–good gun, insane healthpool and limited MM.

        • Because its shit without support, as in without platoonmates. 3 tog plats are glorious, but alone its hard.

          • Some of us kill TOGs every time wee see them. It has an immense profile and is an almost unmissable target. Besides, TOG side armor is like cheese… anything pens.

        • Well, I drive mine alone (100%) and its WR= 59%, more then 100 battles, more then 1k+ average dmg. (my average -53%)

        • 3 good players in 3 togs can hold/push a whole line.

          Go on youtube and watch Jingles/Circumflex/Quickybaby party in TOGs

      • it’s slow, if it’s on the wrong flank it just can’t do anything to safe the game, it’s a fate it shares with a lot of slow vehicles. And you can’t win a game if you can’t get to places where you are needed in time. It’s also very vulnerable to artillery fire because of its size, lack of armor and the hight artillery damage countering its huge HP pool. It does rather well against other tanks of its tier and can even compete with some higher tier tanks thanks to its good gun and high HP pool. Cause in many situations armor is a non-factor anyway if the guns are powerful enough.

        • The super heavy spall liner works (kv-2 he cant pen me :) so does rarely arty (only on top roof).

      • It’s rather vulnerable to artillery fire and it’s hard to carry a battle cause of the slow speed denying you the ability to redeploy to a failing flank. But it has a large HP pool and can therefore slug it out with all other tanks of its tier and even some higher ones. The armor is non-existant, but so is the armor of the enemy for your gun so you gain the advantage thanks to your superior HP pool.

        It’s not an OP tank, not even great. But it’s better than most people think.

    • I already had the TOG in my garage but thought I would see what would happen if I bought it. Whether I get the full amount of gold in compensation or the discounted price.

      Turns out it was the discounted price.

      Also, don’t buy the TOG Premium Store pack with the garage slot included. It is €10.89 while for €9.95 you can get 2,500 gold. TOG 1,750 + Garage slot 300 = 2,050 gold That means you have 450 gold left and saved almost €1 as well. So a much better deal.

  1. [WG EU]= I’m a politician, which means I’m a cheater and a liar, and when I’m not kissing babies I’m stealing their lollipops.

    • The US server had 50% off instead of 30% off on SU-100Y and D. Max a few weeks ago, I guess this is so the EU community doesn’t feel left out?

  2. I think it is well possible that they did that on purpose, like to create extra interest in the offer.
    Still an absolutely awful tank and totally not worth any gold. Though i hope that a lot more of them show up in random battles now. There are no better mobile hp-pools to farm at will, if sniped on or outmaneuvered :)

    • Then why not announcing 50% of TOG2 like it really is? That would made extra interest for sure….If this wasn’t pubblished on FTR lots of people wouldn’t even knew it’s 50% off and not 30%….or they really like to be called brainless incompetent monkeys who can’t do their job every weekend?!

    • On the other hand you might have some point….i mean if it was announced 50% off from the beggining lots of people would just go meh…don’t care…but like this it looks like people are actually “scamming WG” sort of and lot of them are gonna buy it just because it’s even more discounted than it was said….people function in a strange ways sometimes

  3. The only way a Tog would end up in my garage would be as a present. And it would last only as long there as I needed to sell it. :P

  4. Didn’t really consider buying a TOG until now, half price gave me the incentive and now it sits in my garage. HAHA WG!

  5. Wasn’t going to get one at 30% but I’ve bought it at 50% (too good to pass on). One game so far, draw lol. Already had some idiot following me around and generally getting in the way – good times.

  6. I dont have probs playing TOG 2. Its my favourite tank.

    Anyways… I am guessing this event may made its way to SEA soon enough…

    • I believe thats the reason of the whole “fail” which feels more like intended action.

  7. More NA Server Aggravation! The TOG was originally listed at 50% off, then reduced to 30% and shows up as 30% off in game.

  8. Strangely enough in the gift shop the Excelsior, at least for me, costs even more, despite saying -41%.

  9. Well, I was thinking of buying TOG, just for lulz and trolling. This certainly makes my decision on buying it ;)