Storm posts on 8.10 fixes


Hello everyone,

Storm posted another “microdigest” post about what will happen in 8.10 – this time, it’s about bug fixes in 8.10. Storm states he’s slowly putting a list of them together. Amongst other things to appear in 8.10 will be (the list is not complete):

- from 8.10, “soft” objects (fences, benches, stone walls etc.) will be penetrable by AP and APCR shells – penetrating such an object will reduce shell’s penetration capability and the object will get destroyed
- fixed statistics bug appearing on some tanks and with some players after 8.9
- fixed the armor of the “IS-3″ turret on WZ-111 1-4

- fixed the appearance of the frontal hull armor of Lorraine 40t
- fixed the bug where Waffenträger Rheinmetall-Borsig drowns too soon (SS: it starts drowning as soon as it even smells water)
- fixed the Object 140 turret armor
- fixed the FPS drop when enemy tank destruction message appears
- fixed rare bug where the shell might pass through enemy tank without dealing damage (SS: ghost shell bug)
- fixed the proper displaying of enemy silhouette, when taking cover behind a tank corpse
- fixed issues with the UI, when many objects are displayed (for example many tanks in a garage)
- in the achievement window the time since player’s last battle has returned
- fixed the bug where the average crew XP per battle is displayed incorrectly
- fixed the bug with the incorrect message displayed for IS-7 loader about being unable to train radioman skills
- fixed a bug where some players were sometimes kicked from the server with “spam_protection” listed as a reason
- fixed rare client crashes when loading maps
- fixed a rare bug causing you to lose control over your tank in battle

Storm also adds that today, the developers discussed global changes in balance/mechanisms for near/medium/far future. The developers agreed well, there were few arguments, they decided on several interesting solutions. What solutions – that will of course not be disclosed.

From the discussion:

- severside replays will not necesserily depend on their implementation in WoWp first
- full list of penetrable objects will not be released
- Lorraine 40t nose will be “sharp-edged” like on IS-3
- gold shells for credits will not be removed (SS: yes, someone is STILL asking)
- there will also be some stuff for tier 10 tank (“when it’s done it’s done”)
- Tundra map also has an Easter Egg, like on Komarin
- one tank can penetrate more “soft” objects in a row as long as it doesn’t run out of penetration
- HE and HEAT shells will not penetrate soft objects
- apparently there will be some change in how screenshots get saved
- roughly 50 percent of all WoT players play on 1024*768 resolution
- Object 140 armor was not buffed, just redistributed

90 thoughts on “Storm posts on 8.10 fixes

        • I wonder if Malinkova buildings (and similar others) which are commonly used for cover will also be penetrable… if so, it will surely reduce a lot of potential cover now available on many maps.

          And how much of a penetration loss are we looking at? moreover, is there going to be a limit to how man obstacles can the shell penetrate before exploding, e.g., two walls of building, two stone fences, etc.

  1. - fixed the bug where Waffenträger Rheinmetall-Borsig drowns too soon (SS: it starts drowning as soon as it even smells water)

    I swear this came up recently in the Q&A and the response from (SerB?) was “Don’t play it”…

      • At least now no one’s going to complain that stock turret is better than upgraded one, though it truly never was. The top turret was more practical ,aside from having access to lovely IS-7 gun, it had no top weak spot, had far superior front armor (useful against X TD’s, I mean mantlet itself had 250mm + 150mm turret armor behind most of it) and of course the usual stuff like hp, view range etc.

        But still, that stock 220mm all around was good for dealing with carouseling lights and meds in a dense situation…

  2. - fixed the proper displaying of enemy silhouette, when taking cover behind a tank corpse

  3. - fixed rare client crashes when loading maps
    If that is related to the crash i have been experiencing if i minimize the game before it begins to load the map we have a new fail from wargaming EU support team, because they were blaming a corrupt installation and mods.
    (if someone is wondering the crash is produced in a file called managed_effect.cpp because of a failed assertion. By the way, if someone wants to try to get the code behind the game, in the log comes the full route to the source file)

  4. Huh, I wonder if the metioned UI bug is the reson why sometimes the tank carousel movement gets stuck to my mouse movement as if I was still dragging it.

  5. “one tank can penetrate more “soft” objects in a row as long as it doesn’t run out of penetration”

    Yes, finally I can shoot an annoying row of stone pillars on Himmelsdorf rails and similar places with only one shell!

    • Cap Circle on Prokhorovka Encounter Mode. All houses destroyed by a couple of shells. I think this will certainly change some game tactics. No more Maus hiding between the houses.

    • It’s a small buff and small neft too. It mean no more small brick wall to use as temporary shield to hide your LPA and hull-down. But it still effect if enemy use HEAT of HE. But thank god, now i dont need to destroy a house to kill a scout hide behind it anymore XD

  6. - Object 140 armor was not buffed, just redistributed

    And what will be this new distribution?

    • Probably more thickness in the front in exchange for less in the sides and rear. That is to say, where it’s useful.

      I recall seeing something about it in a previous post, but not specifically what they were going to do, so just a guess.

  7. “the developers discussed global changes in balance/mechanisms for near/medium/far future”

    Decrease view range and camo for light tenks, increase alpha and camo for tds, increase pen for mediums, remove top engines from heavies for historical reasons?

  8. “Storm also adds that today, the developers discussed global changes in balance/mechanisms for near/medium/far future. The developers agreed well, there were few arguments, they decided on several interesting solutions. What solutions – that will of course not be disclosed.”

    Now you have a target SS – start digging pls! :-)

  9. - fixed a rare bug causing you to lose control over your tank in battle

    Rare bug my ****

    I’ve been losing control of my tanks for short 15 second windows for a few days now, every day. I check my lag indicator when it happens, it’s green. My ping number also seems to freeze, but it’s usually under 100 when it happens.

    This has caused me to die in many important occasions, and it seems I wasn’t the only one. People in my clan were complaining about this too. So it better be fixed next patch like stated

  10. ‘fixed a rare bug causing you to lose control over your tank in battle’
    good, i got this bug only like 2-3 times, couldnt stop going forward in a hellcat, (no 999ms), until i got my butt blown up by campers

  11. ” there will also be some stuff for tier 10 tank (“when it’s done it’s done”)”

    “some stuff”… very specific lol, does anyone have any idea what this means?

  12. “- fixed a bug where some players were sometimes kicked from the server with “spam_protection” listed as a reason
    - fixed rare client crashes when loading maps”
    I hope so, both bugs suprised me, the second one even 2 times (so much about rare) :D
    And no, without mods.
    Does WG even know about the chat-clones? Yesterday, my clan-chat got tripled…

    • How does one “fix” ignorance?

      You obviously have no clue about making games – or any other applications and programs. Trust me or not, it’s VERY complicated and bugs and mistakes are present more often than not. Even the so called AAA games have them. Be glad they actually try to fix them. AAA example: Fallout: New Vegas is running on improved version of several years old engine, yet it still has the same physics bugs as Oblivion (which runs on the older version of the engine) even after all of the patches. So, yeah, it’s pretty common. Deal with it or don’t play.

  13. - fixed the proper displaying of enemy silhouette, when taking cover behind a tank corpse
    Thank you Jesus!!!

  14. -from 8.10, “soft” objects (fences, benches, stone walls etc.) will be penetrable by AP and APCR shells – penetrating such an object will reduce shell’s penetration capability and the object will get destroyed

    I actually liked this, I use those stone walls as a way to go hull down in a pinch.

    • off topic question regarding the most recent poll why is the European Tech Tree so popular it seems players would like to see more then the jap tanks just try to understand the logic behind it?

      • you know, people are always interested in what they didn’t see or hear anything about it rather than what they already know even only a bit about it. Did you hear about Japanese Heavy? of cause yes,and you see some leak information of them. Did you hear anything about European Tree? No! Not single thing about how it look like. So that why many people want to see it
        “you always want what you don’t know”

        • I haven’t heard of anything regarding Japanese heavy tanks or Europe tanks and I’m not interested in them I’m more interested in the british tanks.

      • probably because european tanks played a bigger role in the war than japanese tanks. Japan did not really do much with tanks, whereas Italian, Hungarian, Polish, Czech, etc. tanks were very prominent.