
- matchmaker does not take into account whether a vehicle is stock or elite (SS: apart from the “first few battles you get better MM” rule)
- according to developers, there has been some mistake earlier in explaining the viewrange, so – this is how it is: a damaged viewport (yellow) still gives you 100 percent viewrange, red viewport gives you 50 percent viewrange
- the difference between a yellow and white (undamaged) viewport is only the number of its hitpoint remaining and – indirectly – its vulnerability, since next hit might knock it out completely

- the museums supported by Wargaming are the Stalin Line complex (WG apparently restored their StuG and T-34), Kubinka and Bovington
- press accounts don’t stay activated for long
- LL Valentine (Soviet prem tank) is fine according to SerB
- it’s possible to implement concrete-breaking shells (anti-bunker), but (apart from different penetration) there will be no mechanism difference when compared to AP shells
- SerB, regarding destructable terrain: “The problem is not the fact you change the terrain, the problem is its synchronization between client and server, plus for example changing the optimization of the elements of visibility checks accordingly” (SS: as in, you destroy ground, you hide in a crater and the enemy won’t see you)
- the Ki-33 plane in WoWp is not normally available in the game, a player saw it yesterday – SerB answers that it was either a tester, someone who got it during some event or a press account
- SerB states that WG is using outsourcing when it comes to WoT, but they outsource entire offices, not individual people, as it was proven that the individuals cannot work with required speed and quality
- it’s possible that the following feature will be implemented: when a heavy HE shell lands next to a tank, the tank is moved (swayed) or even thrown into the air by the blast wave
- client physics (Havok) will be implemented into WoWp
- while some houses in the future will be destructible, some houses (SS: for example the Himmelsdorf streets) will stay indestructible
- despite what was said in some news, World of Tanks: Blitz server part will work on a slightly re-worked Bigworld, not Unity engine (so there will be no cheaters, hackers etc.), SerB doesn’t know what exactly the client engine is, but he states there will be no cheating

Some additional answers from Storm’s developer blog:

- there will be no separate “HD client”, everything will be done within one client
- the minimal terrain settings in WoT apparently strongly add performance on really bad computers
- it’s possible minimal terrain settings will have a big red letters warning that when it is enabled, it’s possible the visual terrain won’t correspond to the real terrain model (SS: the issue is that on minimal settings, the engine doesn’t render some of the smaller hills on the ground, which improves performance, but it can cause you to shoot into small hills you don’t see)
- the Object 140 turret armor in 8.10 will be more like the one of T-62A
- there will definitely be no changes in WoT in 8.10 when it comes to Nvidia 3D (SS: no idea what the issue is)
- tank tipping over (on their roof) will come in near-to-medium future
- there will be new achievements for random battles

75 thoughts on “19.11.2013

  1. - the Object 140 turret armor in 8.10 will be more like the one of T-62A

    Yes… because the 140 needed to be more like the 62A.

    • Well… why not ? They were both close competitors and obj. 140 was rejected because it wasn’t much of an improvement and T-62 was cheaper.

      I see no issue in these being tank twins.

  2. (SS: apart from the “first few battles you get better MM” rule)

    For some reason, my second game in any newly bought tank is always with max MM, i.e. I am lowest tier.

        • When you buy tanks they are fully stock, until you install already researched modules. I think this lottery doesn’t worth it, because fully stock tanks are crap usually, so even if you could be top tier it isn’t guaranteed that you can farm big XP with the crap stock tank.

      • Did you read the first line of the post ? Let me help you out.
        “matchmaker does not take into account whether a vehicle is stock or elite, apart from the first few battles you get better MM rule” .
        This means that modules are not recognized by mm, which means that ALL NEW tanks should get better mm even if immediately elited with free XP.

    • The number of players in the sever also contributed into getting into a higher than your tier I read long ago

    • because its not based on when you bought it, but is based on when you unlocked it.

      so if you didn’t buy it within a few days after unlocking it, you won’t get the pref. MM.

  3. “apart from the “first few battles you get better MM” rule” i still believe this is a lie. I’ve bought the pershing when was available with discount from top of the tier, and i’ve played versus tier 10 in my third match with that tank, and it’s not the only tank i’ve encountered that problem. Maybe it was a minor, hard to reproduce issue, but i can’t ask myself if that rule really works.

    • This is not a permanent rule, it can be overridden if the wait time is too long and there aren’t enough suitable tanks to match.

    • once again, the pref. MM doesn’t start (to expire) when you bought it, but starts when you unlocked the tank.

      I have many tanks unlocked and almost never bought a tank right after researching it so I rarely experienced getting pref. MM.

      • mmm… actually it lasts N matches after you researched it and isn’t dependent on time past after research till 1st match. a.f.a.i.r. it was said that rule just reduces possibility of high tier matches, not completely block them. thus it is easy influenced by current filling of waiting buffer.

  4. - it’s possible minimal terrain settings will have a big red letters warning that when it is enabled, it’s possible the visual terrain won’t correspond to the real terrain model (SS: the issue is that on minimal settings, the engine doesn’t render some of the smaller hills on the ground, which improves performance, but it can cause you to shoot into small hills you don’t see)
    Why can’t they model the terrain to correspond to the real one even on minimal settings….

    • Can’t you read what is written?
      SS: the issue is that on minimal settings, the engine doesn’t render some of the smaller hills on the ground, which improves performance, but it can cause you to shoot into small hills you don’t see

      the engine doesn’t render some of the smaller hills on the ground, which improves performance

      doesn’t render some of the smaller hills on the ground, which improves performance

      on the ground, which improves performance

      which improves performance

      improves performance


      Here you go buddy

  5. “the difference between a yellow and white (undamaged) viewport is only the number of its hitpoint remaining and – indirectly – its vulnerability, since next hit might knock it out completely”

    Does this apply to tracks too? Yellow tracks don`t make the tank slower than white ones?

    “it’s possible that the following feature will be implemented: when a heavy HE shell lands next to a tank, the tank is moved (swayed) or even thrown into the air by the blast wave”

    It would be really awesome if they would implement this feature,imagine a KV-2 shell landing near a tier 4 tank !

    • Nice to know, I have occasionally repaired yellow viewports when playing as a scout thinking that it would give me better view range. Turns out I’ve just being wasting a repair kit.

  6. - there will be new achievements for random battles.
    “Achieve 15 defeats in a row and continue to stay online” – “Rigless Matchmaking”.

  7. How many times will people ask, whether MM takes in account modules of the vehicle.

    I understand that SerB’s trolling – to answer the same questions over and over again…

    I see dumb people. I see dumb people everywhere….

  8. - it’s possible that the following feature will be implemented: when a heavy HE shell lands next to a tank, the tank is moved (swayed) or even thrown into the air by the blast wave

    So I can get throw into water by the arty?
    interesting kind of a buff imo

  9. “- it’s possible that the following feature will be implemented: when a heavy HE shell lands next to a tank, the tank is moved (swayed) or even thrown into the air by the blast wave”

    Let the epicness spread in World of Tanks!

  10. - it’s possible that the following feature will be implemented: when a heavy HE shell lands next to a tank, the tank is moved (swayed) or even thrown into the air by the blast wave

    wow :3

      • Woras is right.

        Devs already said that tank flipping upside-down is possible even with current physics but it wouldn’t look realistically and the tanks don’t have their bottom modeled and textured.

  11. “- it’s possible that the following feature will be implemented: when a heavy HE shell lands next to a tank, the tank is moved (swayed) or even thrown into the air by the blast wave”

    DO WANT!

    • Stop whining please. Just because you bought a tank you have no clue how to drive doesn’t mean it’s shit. If you used your brain, you wouldn’t be in this situation.

    • It sees only Tier 4. And any smart players look at the stats of a tank before they buy it to figure out if they like it or not. If you don’t like the pen don’t buy the tank. If you buy the tank then whine about the pen or about any other stat on a premium being UP. Well its your fault for buying a tank you can see is UP before buying it. Its meant to be worse than a regular tank of same tier. WG will only buff it if its unhistorical.

    • Don’t you just love it when people say “stop whining” when there’s no whining to be seen? :v

      As for the tank, there’s always something wrong when a tank can’t penetrate its own armor with the gun given. 51 penetration is very low, even for only facing tier 4 tanks, as many of them can shrug it off. To put it into perspective: the MS-1 gets what is basically the same gun. At tier 1. Another premium, the T-127, gets the same gun at tier 3, where it is perfectly fine. Tier 4 is seriously pushing it, especially in a tank that has little else going for it.

      So while there is currently no whining in evidence at the moment, I wouldn’t blame people for doing so. The gun is crap at tier 4. The tank itself is good for soaking a few shots while crawling around the battlefield before dying to artillery or a TD, after having uselessly bounced off half the enemy team’s tanks. Sorry to be the one to shatter your delusions and SerB-worship, but it’s a pretty terrible premium tank. There’s a reason you never see any around.

      • ‘kay, I won’t call it whining, but ignorance.

        The gun is useless against heavily armored targets like AMX 40 & B1, but there aren’t that many of them on Tier 4, much less on Tier 3, so it’s not that much of a problem + all tanks have weakspots and you can always load some premium shells. This tank is not moneymaker after all, it’s in existence for pedobearing and crew training.

        Also, for getting killed by arty/TD + not focusing on weakspots – This has nothing to do with the tank itself, but the player. Just because you have no clue about how to do basic things like taking cover, using terrain to your advantage and trying to hit weakspots does not mean the tank is crap. It means you are bad.

        You are bad player, that’s all there is to this issue.

        • Also – before you buy something, get as much information about it as you can, compare it with competition and try ro imagine how it will perform and if it will really suit your needs.
          This goes not only for virtual tanks, but pretty much everything you can buy aside from mundane things.

        • AMX 40, B1, Matilda, M8A1, Hetzers. There’re plenty of the last three at tier 4, two laugh at 51 penetration without any angling whatsoever.

          That loading gold ammo becomes necessary proves the point: the gun is bad at tier 4. It has far below average penetration, and the accuracy is too poor to hit weak spots consistently at ranges that won’t get you murdered by tanks with better guns and/or drivers who have even an inkling of what they’re doing.

          Alright, taking cover is fine for artillery. What do you do about TDs, ask them politely not to go through your turret face like it’s made of delicious peanut butter, while you flail weakly against their armor? And please, tell me more about using terrain most effectively with all of that glorious Soviet gun depression.

          The tank in this configuration is bad, mainly due to the gun. If you can do well in it, cool, that’s great. People like (somehow) and can do well in the M3 Lee as well, but that doesn’t change it being terrible in most aspects.

  12. - it’s possible that the following feature will be implemented: when a heavy HE shell lands next to a tank, the tank is moved (swayed) or even thrown into the air by the blast wave

    I’ve got two tests to run then. I want to fire a shell from my JPZE100 and hit the ground underneath an ELC AMX. Then I’m gonna need a bunch of T2 light tanks in a circle and send a Sturmtiger shell into the center lol

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