
Just so you know, apparently the STB-1 depression will be -10, not (historical) -6

- Storm states that there will not be one “super patch” with HD client. There will be series of patches with improvements and additions, which will eventually lead to the “HD client”. The “HD client” will also feature full multicore support.
- when hitting a breakable object, the penetration of AP and APCR shells will decrease by a fixed number, not by a percentage of its full penetration
- captured German KV-1 (Pz.Kfpw.KV-1 756(r)) will be armed with the 75mm L/43 KwK 40 with the muzzle brake from the L/48 model
- angle of impact on a breakable object doesn’t influence the amount of penetration lost
- while the turret flying off will be implemented, this feature will not influence TD’s and arty.
- Object 430 will apparently have the analogical elevation to T-64 (SS: -6/+14), SerB is satisfied with the result

- the turret ripped off by an explosion will be a material object
- cruise control in WoT (R and F keys) is made so that the speed is kept constant and engine horsepower is adjusted dynamically to keep it constant
- not even WG staff (support) can change the results of a game already played (SS: by adding for example more credits)
- it takes the matchmaker singular seconds to put a battle order together, these times however differ between peak times and mornings for example
- the amount of gold shells in tier 8-10 battles has not decreased/increased since the last time it was reported (some times after gold ammo for credits was introduced)
- using prem shells has no effect on what your MM will be (SS: yes, players are still asking that)
- Q: “European 7/42 are noobs and Russians will destroy them if roaming is enabled, what will you do about it?” A: “Well, we’ll see how it goes”
- WG will not sell their technical drawings and documents of historical tanks
- for now, no plans for 7/42 battles economy are planned
- it’s theoretically possible there was another turret for T-62A, a player linked this schematic from a Russian tank magazine
- Japanese Chi-Ha is medium but Chinese Chi-Ha is a light tank in game, because it corresponds to their historical classifications by the respective armies: the Chinese considered it to be a light tank, the Japanese a medium tank

And, answers by Storm:

- it’s possible the Japanese map in 8.10 will NOT appear in 8.10 on RU/US/EU servers after all (will be “dumped” on Chinese server and for the Japanese), everything depends on player feedback (SS: read “Russian player feedback”)
- after this Asian map, the new maps will be all city maps: Kharkov, Minsk, Konigsberg, they will apparently feature historical places
- Storm states that Zlobny “did everything normally”, “everyone else who remains” will deal with balancing now, later he states that he won’t comment on the entire situation, but he doesn’t have and never had anything against Zlobny
- players are not happy about the fact one third of the new map will not be passable, Storm states this was done in order to put a big mountain there, that looks reall nice
- it’s possible that KV-1S will simply become an alternative hull for the KV-1, KV-85/100/122 will stay on tier 6 with reduced mobility
- T-62 will not be implemented, as it has a smoothbore gun
- it’s possible arty low and mid tiers will be further buffed, hightier arties are fine according to Storm
- WG is also thinking about balancing TD’s by removing the TD class camo bonus altogether
- the option to see the map before the 7/42 battle in advance will not come in 8.10
- no plans for IS-7 buff
- apparently, deformable objects and deformable ground will not be implemented for now (SS: as in, armor bending, craters after shells), it’s very very difficult to implement
- 7-8 new maps will be added to 7/42 (SS: in 8.10)
- 7/42 MM will be fixed somehow (regarding better skill MM implementation)
- while the turret, that got ripped off by ammorack explosion will be material, its gun will remain non-material
- it’s not known when Japanese heavy tanks will come, it’s possible they will not come next year at all
- after the Japanese tanks are out, Wargaming will take a long break in releasing new regular branches, apart from 2-3 premium/event tanks per patch. After this break, the British medium branch with Firefly might come, but this is not yet 100 percent sure
- for now, the “Alien” M6A2E1 will not get limited MM, as – strangely enough – it is doing fine in full MM only, it’s statistically around the middle of thanks of the same tier
- for now, there are no plans for a tier 8 Japanese medium tank
- while the lag during the “tank destroyed” message was fixed, the “stutter” (small freeze) when a tank is lit up for the first time is not (this is connected to the loading of the new model to memory, this is not possible to fix by pre-caching, as weak computers don’t have enough memory for that)
- trees and grass will be optimized in the client
- shadows will apparently not be optimized anymore: Storm stated that they did what they could, but shadows are problematic and requiring in any game
- there is no plan to allow reconnecting to server into a battle after a disconnect
- old render (standard graphics) will no longer be developed
- it’s possible the T71 will recieve an optional hull (SS: basially, there were two T71 proposals IIRC: the ingame T71 is a turret from proposal 1 and hull from proposal 2, an unhistorical mashup)
- Object 430 will have the same damage as T-62A (SS: yep, because it will have the same gun)
- developers thought about what to do with 6th Sense perk: Veider is for removing it altogether
- apparently, visual camo net (SS: a tank with visible camo net covering it) will NOT be implemented
- Havok will feature visually nice destruction of objects, but all objects will have to be remade under it
- Xbox version alread has Havok
- water will also recieve reflection optimizations

149 thoughts on “28.11.2013

  1. STB-1 makes WT-E100 look balanced, hopefully it will end up with about 1400 hit points and 360 view range to balance out the rest.

    • If it’s too stronk, they’ll nerf it. Test Server will show what people will think about that. If it’s too powerful, the nerf is guaranteed.

          • >Turret is already nicely armored.

            not really, its basically the same as the M103, and we all know how STRONK this turret is.

            The cheeks of the turret are only 132mm, also mantle is only 115+35mm.

            • Wrong. The armor angling/sloping of the STB turret is much better. In world of tanks, armor sloping is king. The effective armor will be very high with such a shallow slope.

      • Well, someone remember that tier 10 chinese heavy that was too stronk of a tenk? It got replaced with the 113 we have now.
        Doubt they will do that replacement thing again with the Japanese. My bet is the STB-1 is going to be another T57 Heavy or Foch 155.

            • Well, no. FV4202 is pretty good, in most ways better than Patton, and the line is not very pppular. And in the other hand we have the Leopard with a weird brach, very hard on tier 7, just like with the japanese tier 7

                • I have no idea why people like you find the FV bad… it’s just beyond me.
                  On tier 10 mediums i find that FV, 121 and Leo are the best mediums. It also shows in my win ratios. I find the 50M or the M48 or even T62 much less capable of influencing the battles than the FV is.

        • Take in count that DPM is on tier 7 with the T-44-122, and with low pen (175). Otherwise it has pretty tier 10 mds stats, good view range like FV4202, Leopard and M48A1. The pen is just like Bat Chat and WZ-121. The gun depresion mates the FV4202 and barely by one degree with the Patton. It’s just fine

              • They are no meant to do the same, Leo is a snipe grat sniper, STB-1 is a hull down brawler, probably it won’t have good came, despite the smaller it is

                • Sorry for being off-topic but…
                  Leo 1 a sniper?…dafuq I just read….

                  If you camp and “snipe” with it you’llkill 75% of it’s advantages, those being greatspeed, greatmobility, greatview range, greatgun depression and holy camo + decent accuracy on the move.
                  (Leo1 solo 57%wr+2850 dpg driver)

                • When i say sniper y mean it’s main advantage compared to the other, Leo is better sniping, STB-1 is, due to the armour and RoF, a better brawler

        • Actualy, they removed WZ-111 variant 5 because it was just a copy paste and they received blueprints of 113 from china, that’s why chinese were postponed for another patch.

          WZ-111 5 had just up-armored front plate from 120 to 150 and had 113′s gun along with 130mm one.

          I’m happy they replaced it with 113, its a much better tank.

          • WZ-111 5A was removed because it made the IS-7 redundant.
            It had similar armor, better speed, better stats for both of its guns, and way more hitpoints.

            113 is an “okay” tank, it’s pretty much an Object 430U with the bias of soviet tank stripped away from it. I wish the 5A was still the tier 10 as it would be both a good pubbing tank plus clan wars reliable.
            113 is neither of those.

            • Same armour layout on turret and hull, the 121 havin 10 les mm on the side and having -1 less dregree of gun depresion. Othersise is almost the same, exep for what I sais earlier

              • 113 has its 120mm hull angled at 68 degrees, its effective armor is around 270mm.
                121 has its 120mm hull angled at 60 degrees, its effective armor is around 210mm.

      • Doubtful. It’s hard to understand how wargaming makes its decisions on what to nerf after a test server run. A lot of the time they nerf things that don’t need it, just in case they might turn out to be stronger on the live server, but then other times they leave things that seem obviously overpowered.

        I played on the last test server and the new tier 8 and 9 german TDs seemed fine, but then they nerfed the absolute shit out of them in the second test patch. Everyone thought they were going to nerf the WTE100 but they left it alone. I personally didn’t think the WTE100 needed nerfing, but that seemed to be the whine from a lot of players. I do think the Pz4 WT (tier 9) was over nerfed (tier 8 is still ok), but wargaming won’t admit that until several months worth of gaming statistics are in.

        If the STB1 is left like this and turns out to be overpowered on the live server it won’t be changed until months later.

    • well the sturer emil has -15 depression it doesn’t seem OP to me.. also the STB’s gun isn’t as accurate as the leo’s

      • Gun depresion is nothing when is one of your only two good things, the Esturer Emil only has good gun and good gun depression (the 400 view range is found on tier 3 with the french marder and in tier 5 with the bath tank

      • The sturer emil doesn’t have fantastic superstructure armor that will let it bounce shots when it’s hull down, that’s why it doesn’t seem overpowered to you. You’re ignoring one part of the problem …the fantastic armor of the STB1 turret. In world of tanks, generally only heavy tanks can use the hull down tactic well. Medium tanks either don’t have the turret armor or they don’t have good gun depression. The STB has both AND an incredible DPM, very good aim time, good accuracy and heavy tank penetration. Not to mention much better mobility than a heavy.

    • It is nearly impossible that the Supertest stats stay this way:
      (or should i say impossibru?)

      - better DPM, speed, view range and frontal hull armor than T-62a and Obj. 140 while having insignificantly less acc. and aim time

      - better gun depression, speed and turnrate (both hull and turret) than the M48 Patton, while having the same frontal hull armor and potentially bouncier turret, but hey, Patton got 10m moar view range.

      - better gun depression, same view range and frontal armor than leopard while having a small lack of mobility

      My thoughts? This tank, as its stats are now, is retardedly OP. Semi-bouncy turret, american gun depression, insanely high DPM, same hp/ton ratio and view range as the leopard with no trade-off in frontal hull armor compared to other tier X meds. As far as it looks to me, STB-1 will be the new T-54 back from the old, dark times. Yes it has 10 mm less penetration (wow), but 254 mm pen is enough for most tier X tanks and there is still good old gold to shoot with (which has the same pen than every other meds).

      When this tank is released, I think I’ll pack a bit more HE than usual, just so i can crit the shit out of these 35 mm sides.

  2. - it’s not known when Japanese heavy tanks will come, it’s possible they will not come next year at all

    Stop dumping everything on me.

  3. - after the Japanese tanks are out, Wargaming will take a long break in releasing new regular branches, apart from 2-3 premium/event tanks per patch. After this break, the British medium branch with Firefly might come, but this is not yet 100 percent sure

    Would have though the lend lease line could have made it’s own short line independent of original British designs. There are certainly enough!

    • Not up to tier 10, and they are no only lend lease, someones are australins and canadians (part of the commonwealth)

  4. - while the turret flying off will be implemented, this feature will not influence TD’s and arty.
    I wish it would explode like a tin can.

  5. I was hoping that Object 430 would have a bigger gun. It seems that they just want the T-62A to be the third option when you have already used the 430 and the 140 on Clan Wars

    • T-62A is better at showing its turret; 140 and 430 have very weak turret tops to allow for 6 degrees gun depression.

    • The turret of a KV-5 is 21 tons, so it can kill a LT – and/or create a mini roadblock/cover

  6. - WG is also thinking about balancing TD’s by removing the TD class camo bonus altogether.
    At least WTF100 wont feel anything.

  7. - while the turret flying off will be implemented, this feature will not influence TD’s and arty.

    What about M8A1, T49, M10, M18, M36, T28 Prototype, T30 and T110E4? Or the turreted German TDs?

  8. - developers thought about what to do with 6th Sense perk: Veider is for removing it altogether.
    Give 4s delay time and leave it?

      • I would love the Tortoise to be in tier 10 with better top speed and hp/t, dat DPM with speed and some armour agains low tier would be deadly. And of course a turreted td line with the 183 on tier 10

      • Oh the humanity! There’s also a second french TD line! The French superheavies! I just don’t get it why we’re getting second british medium line when Frechies were added 10 patches before brits and yet no new tech is coming for them ? This is outrageous, I will rant now until they add at least one line!

  9. - while the turret, that got ripped off by ammorack explosion will be material, its gun will remain non-material

    Even though guns are non-material right now, the gun of a dead tank can still block your shots if you are unlucky enough to hit it while aiming at a guy hiding behind it. Will this also be the case for guns on blown up turrets?

  10. “- players are not happy about the fact one third of the new map will not be passable, Storm states this was done in order to put a big mountain there, that looks reall nice”
    More like most of the new maps were made like that, getting real tired of your fucking rocks, mountains, lakes and buildings. Port is your most grotesque example, WG.

  11. - developers thought about what to do with 6th Sense perk: Veider is for removing it altogether

    NONONONONO! If they do that, they have to give every commander who had sixth sense enought xp for 3 skills + 1k gold…. Its the most important skill of all.

    • Its an OP skill… It saved my butt so many times that i dont have enough fingers to count them all. I have no clue what i’ll do with myself without sixth sense…. On my Amx 50B, i need it so badly though, if i’m lit and i dont know it, ill be hit by arty so hard ill piss my pants.

    • people have forgot how to play this game because of that skill
      tactical thinking and reaction to what goes on are now way less important than they should be

      • Yeah Easy Mode (6th Sense) – FTW…. I just want to keep it… and its no more OP or game breaking than Premium Ammo… and we all use that… and have access to it without the need to grind crew….

  12. I still think even after update 100.0 they will not bring to life the Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte…
    My mistake, if they rejected the project already.

    • i wasn’t going to get the STB-1 was it wasn’t anything special It has a worse gun than the leo expect for ROF but if it really has -10 and that gets implemented then this may actually be a reason to get this tank after all

    • I do not understand why people keep praising Firefly. Of course it was great and I too would wish to have it in full glory, but do not forget how people got their hopes high with Emil and how it ended. Firefly with 17Pdr on tier 6 medium (IIRC) ? It will have dpm like 1500 or awfully bad mobility or non existent depression or something like that. In worst case scenario, we will get another Panther with giant poking device on one tier lower, i.e. nice gun and everything, but vehicle as whole only suitable for camping afar (which frankly can be done with almost any tank in game)

      • Well yea i see what you mean.. but i just like the look of it too + look at the slope not the best but yea (ofc i have more but i wont tell now hehe)

        • Irl it was a good match for the tiger.
          This is because they could both penetrate each other at standard combat ranges.

          In game, I think the difference in tiers will be balanced by the difference in hp mainly.
          I’d hope to see it with the same dpm as m1a2 on e2/8 but lower rof.

  13. Pingback: 28.11.2013 | WoTRomania

  14. Isn’t -10 depression a compromise because they couldn’t implement the hydro-pnemeumatic suspension?

  15. - WG is also thinking about balancing TD’s by removing the TD class camo bonus altogether
    Why not just remove TD all together. Maybe then fucking whiners will stop whining and then finally be somewhat useful in their hurr durr i iz in heavi tenk, i iz invincible tanks. It’s not like TDs are still spotted easily just like any other tanks.

    - developers thought about what to do with 6th Sense perk: Veider is for removing it altogether
    Yea do that and see the shitstorm rising. If no one complains about it then why fucking changing/removing it?

        • Well, premium ammo is the most complained about ‘feature’ yet they want to kill 6th sense and remove TD camo. Only Tier 9-10 TDs are OP (some, not all) and should be dealt with by slight rebalance to their HP pool (which is too high – same as heavies almost) and slightly reduced Alpha (850>750 and 1050>900) while keeping their ROF.

  16. - Q: “European 7/42 are noobs and Russians will destroy them if roaming is enabled, what will you do about it?” A: “Well, we’ll see how it goes”

    Good players will make a stand even if they are rly worse, that’s the best learning opportunity ever and noobs shouldn’t play 7/42 at all.

  17. “for now, there are no plans for a tier 8 Japanese medium tank”
    shouldn’t be premium japanese medium tank?
    isn’t sta-1 medium on VIII tier ?

  18. “after this Asian map, the new maps will be all city maps: Kharkov, Minsk, Konigsberg, they will apparently feature historical places”


  19. i have never.used 6th sense after 8k battles… when i finally decide to put it on tanks, it is planned to be removed.. gj wg
    city maps are welcome though, best maps are urban ones

  20. - WG is also thinking about balancing TD’s by removing the TD class camo bonus altogether
    Uhhh, byebye my ninja 268….. QQ

    - developers thought about what to do with 6th Sense perk: Veider is for removing it altogether
    And the most important skill of all my tank will be gone(?). And again many ppl will complain about TDs coz they’re blind now, and die from big caliber shell rain

    - Havok will feature visually nice destruction of objects, but all objects will have to be remade under it
    This is all skinner biggest nightmare

    • They are NOT blind. They are idiots if they do not counter the TD threat by changing their tactics. 6th sense is the dumbest perk they could have ever added into the game. I don’t rely on it to win games and I do well enough. People CAN change their play style to do with out the 6th sense and if they cant then that’s their own problem.

      It may sound a bit harsh and it should be. Something will change soon enough and knock TD;s off their high horse eventually. So if 6th sense suddenly went away I would not worry at all. I suppose practicing in Historical Mode once in awhile makes you realize just how sneaky you can be in a tank. =)

  21. the amount of gold shells in tier 8-10 battles has not decreased/increased since the last time it was reported (some times after gold ammo for credits was introduced)

    Well, i cannot believe this… To my experience this is not true

    • It’s fucking lie, that’s what it is. Every retarded decision they make is working as intended.

  22. - it’s possible arty low and mid tiers will be further buffed, hightier arties are fine according to Storm

    8.6 general arty nerf
    8.9 slight arty buff
    8.10 slight arty buff again


  23. the amount of gold shells in tier 8-10 battles has not decreased/increased since the last time it was reported (some times after gold ammo for credits was introduced)

    how can they sell us this bullshit, is beyond me…
    since I installed that mode that tells you what kind of ammo type is shot at you, I am just disgusted with the amount of gold flying right and left specially from “good” and “great” players who are supposed to know how and where to aim and are supposed to be “good” and “great”…

    I already knew that bad players are spamming gold shells just to be able to barely stay in the game.. but a lot of green, blue and purple players are shooting only gold shells specially in tanks that don’t need it at all, like tier 10 mediums or even tier 10 TDs which I find just retarded and sad :(

  24. “- captured German KV-1 (Pz.Kfpw.KV-1 756(r)) will be armed with the 75mm L/43 KwK 40 with the muzzle brake from the L/48 model”

    Nice! I wonder where they’ll put it? Premium?
    BTW I think it’s Pz.Kpfw, isn’t it?

    I wonder if we’ll get GuP’s voice in the 8.10.

  25. “it’s possible the T71 will recieve an optional hull” I like the sound of that!
    “apparently, visual camo net (SS: a tank with visible camo net covering it) will NOT be implemented”
    That news sucks, was always hoping to get that. Then again WG has been known to say things like this and then change their minds. With cosmetic additions supposedly coming I can easily see the eventuality of a visual camo net.