
- the fact WT RhB 128mm now has a muzzle brake has no effect on its camo factor
- Chi-Ri can mount a rammer even when it has an autoloading gun (no other autoloader tank has that): this is not a mistake, SerB states that rammer is mounted on a tank independently, not tied to a gun
- the depression of STA-1 with gun facing back is only -2 degrees
- HD client will actually feature tracks with volume (like the KV-1 has in 8.10)
- Storm states the possibility to play WoT on weak computers will stay – more or less
- Storm doesn’t have a problem with current Chi-Ri
- the angle of frontal plate of STB-1 is 65 degrees, transferring fluently to 73 degrees
- the number of test rounds for 8.10 cannot be said in advance according to Veider

Stay tuned, more to come today. Much more…

42 thoughts on “6.12.2013

  1. ” – Storm states the possibility to play WoT on weak computers will stay – more or less.”
    We will need Supercomputers for this engine if we get more “Graphic” patches.

    • I think by that he meant that standard graphics will remain in the game and it will be possible to play on low end PCs that way….standard engine is not improving further, but it will remain in the game..

  2. Hmm, WoT will work on weak computers? Lol, the graphic “improvement” now already influenced huge FPS droppes… Im scared of what they will implement next -.-

    • me too, in this state, 8.10 is almost unplayable for me…Or playable(just driving around like an idiot) but without fight clashes…where my fps drops to 5-15 .

    • WoT works on weak computers. Because none of the improvements they added to the grapics will ever be seen on weak computers. The improvements are for the improved graphics. And if you are running improved graphics on a weak computer well you want to have lag happen.

    • I think that the funny thing is that, if you look at it… tanks that have autoloaders now cannot mount a gun rammer, because ALL the guns on the tanks are autoloading.. look at the french tanks and the US ones… No gun rammer because ALL the guns are autoloading.. But look at 59-16 and the Chi-Ri… not all the guns are autoloading, so I guess WG just didnt implement the ability to only use a gun rammer on a specific gun, but only for the whole tank.

    • So many responses and everyone forgets the AT-7. The 59-16 isn’t the only vehicle with a useless rammer-compatible autoloader.

      • They should have given the AT-8 the autoloading 6 pdr, would have at least made the stock grind slightly more bearable.

        Instead the tier 7 gets it where its about as useful as an automatic potato thrower.

  3. - Chi-Ri can mount a rammer even when it has an autoloading gun (no other autoloader tank has that): this is not a mistake, SerB states that rammer is mounted on a tank independently, not tied to a gun

    59-16 76mm autoloader and still have rammer ?

  4. - the fact WT RhB 128mm now has a muzzle brake has no effect on its camo factor.
    The question is: does it demask it more? (ofc it does – smart nerf I say)

      • I doubt Woras was refering to spotting checks. Demasking means that guns with muzzle brakes on their guns reduces vehicle’s camo more than guns without muzzle brake when they fire.

    • I think its possible that they decided that it would have a muzzle break on the gun before the last patch and they had enough time to adjust its camo factor (it’s just a number after all) but not enough time to get the model/collision model updated. That would mean that the change in this patch doesn’t affect the camo because it was already accounted for.

    • The 15cm has lost its muzzle brake, so now it should demask less with the 15cm and more with the 12,8

  5. - Storm states the possibility to play WoT on weak computers will stay – more or less
    As someone with a toaster laptop, this scares me

  6. I think WG plans to start selling hardware since their optimizations only make game more hardware hungry than before ;)…Dont like this,if they dont do something they might loose many players since majority of us dont have badass hardware to run game.

  7. “- the depression of STA-1 with gun facing back is only -2 degrees”
    Actually, you have 2 degrees gun depression, meaning that you can’t depress your gun fully horizontlly when facing backwards, it will always point 2 degrees up.

    • not sure, but if you look at the model change article the Kv tracks look different, in (IMO) a good way.

    • It means the tracks will take up space rather than being 2-Dish like they are now i.e. they take up more volume. It is stated this way because one way in CAD models to figure out the amount or weight of material used it to multiply volume by density of the material which most programs will even do for you

    • Yeah.Although it’s slow it works great as a flanker/peek-a-boo-er…Just poke the corners and unload, takes only 3 secs :)

  8. Muahaha Foch will be nerfed in 8.10 stradai pyderast buahaha
    By Evily:2 option:
    A) Nerf alpha to 650
    B) Nerf frontal armor to 120 mm

  9. Chi-Ri can mount a rammer even when it has an autoloading gun

    old news, so can 59-16!

  10. Pingback: 06.12.2013 | WoTRomania