Hello everyone,
Storm recently posted a LJ post, where he is asking about patch 8.10 feedback. From the discussion:
- apparently there will be no arty buff in 8.10, WG “never promised it”
Wargaming reworked the personal rating formula a lot, Storm is preparing a detailed post for it, but in general:
- hitrate influence was completely removed
- the importance of the survival rate has been reduced
- average damage per battle has been enhanced by adding spotting and detracking damage to the equation
- analogically to the winrate and survival rate, there is now some penalty for VERY high average damage per battle, this will however not influence you unless you are a top 50 player
- the battlecount multiplier has been removed, instead of it there is now a “functional dependence on the amount of battles”
- Highway is scheduled for rework in next patch (after 8.10), there is some imbalance in it, but not as critical as to remove it completely
- Dragon Ridge will not return apparently
- Port will be removed without a “geographical equivalent” replacing it (for CW regions)
- gun penetration in game is not based on DeMarre formula, but on real penetration tables
- medals will be removed from companies, so cheaters don’t grind them in rigged battles
- for now, the ability to remove 2-3 maps you don’t want to play in random battles from the map pool won’t be implemented
- WT RhB has better camo factor both when standing and when moving than Object 704
- Storm admits it’s possible the TD’s (SS: unclear if only the new German ones are meant) have too good camo
- replay settings system will not change until serverside replays are introduced
- test server capacity will not be increased
And what do you think of the test?
- Storm admits it’s possible the TD’s (SS: unclear if only the new German ones are meant) have too good camo
Oh yeah, JPE driver will laugh hard at this…….they have “too good” camo…..
He probably meant the new German TD line.
It’s just a joke. I know that already, bro
Did they not say recently on Q&A that TD’s in general have too much camo and the recently added camo bonus they got may well be rolled back?
In that case surely Storm meant TD’s in general and not just the recent Germans, which have decent camo but not so good they stick out like a sore thumb or anything.
Depends on what you look, Sturer Emil and WTE don’t have camo at all while Rheinmetall and PzIV WT do have quite a potent camo.
and the cloaking ISU is still around…
yeah, but let’s nerf the german tanks, they are clearly OP as you can see from the data we collected in a couple of weeks -_-
isu is blind like a mole, but wts have better viewrange than the rest of the tier.
and WT E100
The base camo of most TDs isn’t a problem, its the huge gain you get from a camo net and paint that makes all the difference. The camo net on particular needs to be reworked.
I hope they add more graphical bugs that will lower my FPS to 5 so I can play like the tomatos and have an excuse for it too! :D
Try disabling the track effects (lower right corner graphic settings), it improved FPS drastically for me.
Have to admit, it was the motion blur that killed my fps. Went from 60-80 with it off to 15-25 with it on.
This is my actual situation, so don’t joke about it. I remember you were one of the people that flamed at me when I asked for help >:|
Bcoz you have even 5fps in the current patch lol. How much you think you gonna get with this when ppl having a GTX 780 have drops to 20 fps. You wont go over 1 fps and I wish you luck with this and I bet even that wont be a problem for you to have fun playing the game! Am I right? Lol
Just stop lolling ok, you are not funny.
My laptop could run it fine before 8.0, now it cant anymore, so I only play on my desktop.
So yes, the game becomes heavier and heavier and because you only start having troubles now, it doesn’t mean you can piss off others.
“- Storm admits it’s possible the TD’s (SS: unclear if only the new German ones are meant) have too good camo”
I knew it! Thank god I didn’t grind up the Marder III, to replace my poor dead Marder II.
Typical WG. I knew they would bring something like this up as an excuse to yank our chain yet again – as if the Marder II’s repeated nerfs until they finally ran it into the ground in 7.5 wasn’t enough of an insult.
If they nerf the camo on the new German TDs (which have so little armor it’s not even funny – if you get spotted in them you’re dead), then they’d better nerf the other TDs too (in particular the M18 Hellcat and the Soviet TDs, and this is coming from somebody who plays and does very well in Soviet TDs)
they narrow panzerjäger I but not Pz I
can you WG modellers do anything right one time?
Also the Pz I does not even have a historical gun. =(
And this is?
If memory serves the Panzer I with the 20mm was a Spanish civil war conversion.
“And what do you think of the test?”
Well,the new graphics look nice,also the “Deep” color filter is awesome,but unfortunately I can`t enjoy them because I have to run everything at Medium if I want to get more than 20 FPS.
Back on the subject of map removed :
- Port : it’s bad news, for me : I was expecting the new penetration mechanism : that would be very interesting…. no more wagons for protection,… new tactics to try…. some changes….
for now, the ability to remove 2-3 maps you don’t want to play in random battles from the map pool won’t be implemented
the “for now” afraid me a little….. the idea is good and will have the agreement of all players (that”s what I think).
For the test, I haven’t download it yet…. (too big for my internet connection…. thinking of 7/8 hours of download….)
argh !! the quote on Storm’s answer didn’t work…..
Except that everyone will be disabling the same few maps:
Malinovka (I don’t usually mind this one too much, but it gets tiring)
Redshire (I hate this one with a passion)
and -depending on the type of tanks you like to play – either Himmelsdorf (if you like arty), El Halluf (if you drive something that isn’t a TD or German), or Westfield (some people just hate this map)
Oh and I forgot to mention:
If I had a third option, to add for myself, I’d have to pick either El Halluf, Sand River or Airfield. Why? Because I don’t like deserts; after living in them my entire life, I find them boring and would like a change in scenery (plus it’s been done to death already, and shows no sign of stopping all because the desert warfare is the Video Game Industry’s new go-to setting for any game involving warfare at all, no thanks to the “War on Terror”).
- Storm admits it’s possible the TD’s (SS: unclear if only the new German ones are meant) have too good camo
WTFE100 has to much camo. Nerf.
Suck on:
- graphics: FPS Drop for all new feature that is enabled.
- Filters are meh
Good on:
- GodRay effect (looks nice)
their incremental approach to adding new graphic feature’s with same client engine tech is bad, as clearly current engine cannot provide support.
they should develop next-gen client and allow those with normal PC’s enjoy it.
as they proclaim all the time : all calculation are server side, so you have a clear interface between client/server protocol wise ( i believe their client/server architecture is not clearly defined as they say).
Dragon’s Ridge…. :(
I’m not sure if SS meant forever or just for the next patch.
Forever pretty much.
shame, it was “interesting” just very very very very bad with a slow tank
RIP port… it would be nice with the new feature of penning walls , cars and stuff….
probably the reason why it got removed in the first place. Too much calculations to send to all other clients if everybody starts blowing up trains.
No Dragon’s Ridge :( How terrible
R.I.P Port
I really like the Object 430 it was fast, very maneuverable, and has armor and I enjoyed playing it. I couldn’t find a way to master the STB-1 but I’m ok with it. I did like the new map, and finally I find the graphics ok but the Fps drop is keeping me from customizing the graphics to my graphic card’s limit.
R. I. P. Port and Dragon’s Ridge ;-;
the game runs much better on standart graphics in 8.10 than 8.9
>> – analogically to the winrate and survival rate, there is now some penalty for VERY high average damage per battle, this will however not influence you unless you are a top 50 player
Penalty? You surely mean cap?
So let me get this straight. Port is removed in 8.10 and will never be returned? Or they plan to remove port in the future and when they do it will never be returned?
Port is gone and will not come back EVER. Period. With an exclamation point. !.
The 430 is under powered. it has pretty much the same armor as the obj 140 but worse gun parameters.
The STB-1 is OP in comparison to the 430 . The 430 lacks any real reason to play it.
the 430v2 is extremely under powered. it has a rear turret poor depression. limited rotation . and a poor gun. It should have the same gun as the 430 but maybe with less rof. if we can compare it to the new jap t9 it has the same gun at the stb-1 but less rof.
always nerf arty. arty take the fun out of the game. what makes the game fun is a tank on tank battle with the best player wining. there nothing worse an to get hit and killed by a arty that you can not see or fight back .
Can i have my dream where every match is fair . same number of tiered tanks in each battle. it’s possible it will take loner than 59s to assemble such a team but i would wait for fairness. this seems to be a problem at t9-t10
Can i have to rows for my tanks please at the bottom
Adding graphic setting is meh they just slow the game down. and i have 80 -160 fps
MM is fair enough. Add extra constraints and you could be waiting a long time for a match.
Search for locostans carousel mod. Not maintained by him any more, but new version will give you as many rows as you want as well as more filtering options (tier, doubles etc)
And your fps is higher than most. Be happy.
mods are painful . every new patch one of them doesn’t work and you have to go through each one to find out which one.
the problem with the MM seems to be when the server numbers are low (cos of my time zone) i would have no problem waiting for fair matches.
graphics dont make a game like this it’s the game play they just ass fluff and in a huge majority of cases people just turn the new options off so why waste time on deving stuff which really doesn’t add value to the major of players
- Storm admits it’s possible the TD’s (SS: unclear if only the new German ones are meant) have too good camo
Already?? I loled. It took them exactly one fucking patch to start bitching how germans are OP….ROFL Sure, whenever krauts gets decent tanks let’s nerf them to shit like those nazi fuckheads deserve.
Only one tank is clearly OP for me – KV1S and deserve nerf bat This tank ruin tier 6 battles alot
Medjed, L2P, shit for brains.
I would really like to get your WoT profile link. I just want to see who exactly is telling me to l2p. Also considering what you just wrote you don’t seem like a very smart person.
borsig with crew camo skill its very OP…but wt panzer 4 camo suck !
How about removing Komarin that map is a camp feast along with redshire “Campshire”
- Dragon Ridge will not return apparently
Disabling track effects and traces completely eliminated the fps drop so I can play normally on my default settings, otherwise, test server is running well, as usual.
“gun penetration in game is not based on DeMarre formula, but on real penetration tables” BUSHIT BULSHIT BULSHIT expecialy german guns 88mm – 170mm penetration
- average damage per battle has been enhanced by adding spotting and detracking damage to the equation.
So damage on spotting & detracking will finally be published. Wonder how that will affect WN7 & efficiency?