Don’t forget to leave 8.10 feedback on Overlord’s blog!
- there is no difference in server-client communication regardless of what class of vehicle you are playing (SS: some RU player is complaining that he gets lags only when playing arty)
- the fact 15mm BESA doesn’t have gold ammo is intentional
- 128mm on RhB WT can fully rotate because that’s how it was historically mounted
- apparently, decals of penetrations and ricochets will not be improved in the HD client, as “they are pretty even now”
From Overlord:
- Overlord has not heard of any upcoming damage nerf for gold shells
- rework of balancing methods is currently considered, there are no exact plans though (SS: related to the “new method” of showing whether a tank is OP)
Storm, under a post about the War Thunder damage model:
- “The system is normal, it’s different from ours only in the spalling cone and the availability of APHE” (later he adds that he forgot to also mention the HEAT working like HE explosions)
- Storm doesn’t think the APHE (and spalling cone) mechanism is needed for an arcade game
- Storm states regarding garage battles that the mechanism work would take only like a week, the interface would take longer to make, but the main problem is that very few players actually want this mode and Wargaming now focuses on stuff, that is interesting for a big part of playerbase
- there will only be 2-3 new branches in 2014
- many people play 7/42 battles, dozens of percent from the total amount of battles
- Panzer V/IV will not appear in historical battles, same goes for Tiger P
- WoT developers thought about making HEAT shells explode like HE (the way War Thunder plans to do it), because it would produce effects that will would confuse players (like the jet not penetrating, but the explosion still damaging the armor via a non-penetrating hit)
- apparently, HESH shells will be reworked by leaving them using the HE mechanism, but adding much higher chance to kill crew and destroy modules in addition to increased penetration value (SS: *FV215b 183 likes this post*)
- Storm states that noone will trace spalling particles, War Thunder included, the War Thunder model will be made using probabilities (SS: as in, in sphere A, there is a X chance of module damage, in spere B there is an Y chance etc.)
- HD client will come in 2014
- developers decided not to implement special mechanism for APHE shells, because “additional shell type would be too complicated to master for the players”
- Storm states that 25 percent penetration RNG influences the battle much less than the aim spread when shooting
>HESH will do even more crew damage
Yesterday a 183 set my FV215b on fire and killed the gunner, loader, and driver. The turret crew is separated from the driver by the entire engine block ._.
Once a 183 shot my 268, shaved off 1800 HP, and killed every single crewmember I had except the radio operator.
268 don’t have radio operator
“268 don’t have radio operator” Well…not any *more*
Commander doubles as a radio op.
Your radioman’s revenge is now complete.
“- apparently, HESH shells will be reworked by leaving them using the HE mechanism, but adding much higher chance to kill crew and destroy modules in addition to increased penetration value (SS: *FV215b 183 likes this post*)”
I think they were referring to L7A1 HESH, L4 gold HESH has a lot of pen already while the standard HESH is a bit weak (other tier X TDs would usually do more damage in one shot, has better reload time, and better gun handling).
Especially this change has a potential to make FV(183) overpowered. Now, standard AP shell has 310 mm and some 1200 dmg. HEAT has only 275 mm but huge approx. 1800 dmg nominal. I’m trying to master this beast currently and I like as it is now – a player has do choose – huge pen but smaller damage and pen loss over distance OR huge damage, no distance loos but quite high probability of non penetration (however good 275 mm might look, these shell are very, very unreliable – like not penetrating Tiger II side – and giving only 400-500 dmg for non-pen HEAT shot, they cant even pay for themselves). If WG increases penetration of the HEAT shell and adds more possibility to disable crew member or a module I’m afraild it would render 183 too strong, despite the fact that T32 can set it on fire frontally.
“- there will only be 2-3 new branches in 2014″
A month ago they said that there will be 4 branches…
“- HD client will come in 2014″
You mean the full HD client or the HD models?
HD client is more like a term for a great graphic improvement of all.
Isn’t the HD client just an incremental improvement ?
I think it’s great that not much branches come. I prefer to have little by little then a lot in on year.
It’s better for player too, mastering (to have a tier X I mean) take time.
As long as they improve the gameplay I’m fine with not that many branches, but I’m afraid they will screw it up, and left something out what they have promised to come out in 2014, just like the second german TD branch…
Given that it ends with a fantasy tank they should have left it out until a better tier X could be found.
Or they could have found a real tank instead of drinking Vodka the whole time.
- apparently, HESH shells will be reworked by leaving them using the HE mechanism, but adding much higher chance to kill crew and destroy modules in addition to increased penetration value (SS: *FV215b 183 likes this post*)
Ironic that tne one thing HESH really needs is a lot of normalization. At present it has none.
Damn, could they make the 183 more OP if they tried?
Lets hope RNG in WT wont be high. Or whiners will be whining again :D
I hear it’s already ridiculous in WT. You can often one-shot or shoot someone 300x and still not get ‘em.
it will be much higher than wot (jugding by how the planes are at the moment)
If WT:GF has the high RNG that people are speculating that it will have people won’t whine, they won’t play either.
- HD client will come in 2014
..yea right, hope it means also Moar then 1 Core HD Client.
I use all 4 for WoT :)
all 4 on 25% ….
A buff for the British? Impossiburu!
Buff for a tank that doesn’t need it. On the other hand FV215b is unicorn pretty much as 263 and they don’t give a shit about it.
Other brit tanks besides the 183 use Hesh…
- there will only be 2-3 new branches in 2014
Cmooooon FrenchheaviesFrenchheaviesFrenchheavies
and I think Gold rounds should be removed (commence fire attack) mostly because I think that the game would be more interesting. people use gold rounds way too much and it bothers me that (granted, I mostly play french heavies, so IDC about armor) armor of all other tanks is rendered moot. Gold rounds take a large part away from the game.
Gold rounds and sixth sense both need to go. Then we’d have a game on our hands…
Then alpha damage needs to be reworked as well….
Gold rounds? Then go back to past and kill the engineers who invented “gold ammo”.
Sixth sense is indeed too op.
Oh “Historical correct” GoldAmmo? Than Limit it with max. 3-5 Rounds for every tank.
The current Situation is unbalanced as hell. Some Tanks get +20% Penetration, some get +2% Penetration. Some Tanks dont have disadvantages from it, other’s have huge disadvantages and so on….
If we get rid of 6th sense, then we also need to get rid of tier X TDs.
Seriously. They don’t belong in this game.
So i’m not the only one who wants more french?! Haha. Seriously though, they’ve been left far too long now!
Wouldnt mind maybe the British LL, Germans assault guns, more french and tier X light tanks (AMX13/105, Scimitar, M551 Sherridan e.t.x)
quote: “-Storm doesn’t think the APHE (and spalling cone) mechanism is needed for an arcade game”
tough luck ! WT is not arcade, well .. not all of it
quote: – “The system is normal, it’s different from ours only in the spalling cone and the availability of APHE” (later he adds that he forgot to also mention the HEAT working like HE explosions)”
here’s the quote from WT page:
There is also a coherent jet formed at the point where the shell hit the target. Its effects are similar to those of a solid armor-piercing shell, striking all the modules on its trajectory and gradually losing some of its penetration ability with every module hit. The jet length is limited to a certain distance (usually 2 to 4 meters). Beyond this limit it is unable to deal any damage and dissipates quickly. Also the coherent jet generates a splinter cone with every impact, but it is much smaller compared to the conventional armor-piercing shells.
how does this sound like HE shells
But we have AP-HE shells in game, check SU-100Y premium ammo.
Actually most of AP shells in game are APHE, so I don’t see a point, especially considering that some nations only used APHE while some never used them (British).
Anyway, British WW2 tests concluded there is very, very little difference in after-effect of hit by solid shot AP and APHE, provided caliber is 57+mm.
As today the new Tier X USA medium leaked the 3 branches might be USA mediums, British lend and lease tanks (confirmed by the Chieftain) and the German Sturmtiger line (confirmed by SerB himself) right?
Also “- T95E2 is not going to be the next tier 10″. (It’s from the Chieftain’s stream Q&A) So technically the T95E6 could be the next Tier X tank? I mean the Chieftain said that because back then they knew that the E6 version will be implemented and not the E2 version or the next Tier X will be from another naton?
Yep T95E6…
it says there that T95E6 will be a reward tank, not standard tier X…
oh wait, its a different article.
here is a later article –
says its a special tank – possibly CW reward tank (as any tier X special tank).
Pleeeeeeeeeeeease bring on the SturmTiger. I know I’m setting myself up for a fall after wanting the Sturer Emil as much as I did but Sturm Tiger has been 31 on my list for ages.
err #1 sorry
WoT developers thought about making HEAT shells explode like HE (the way War Thunder plans to do it), because it would produce effects that will would confuse players (like the jet not penetrating, but the explosion still damaging the armor via a non-penetrating hit)
I think that the system would be easier to understand if they had implemented that. Now players wonder why their HEAT did 0 dmg crit because he didn’t hit a 0-degree armor.
Yes HESH is now an anti-tank crew… I wonder what happens all crew are out while your machine still lives
Nothing happens….you are a dead tank….your HP is still there, but your tank counts as dead(killed)
oh snap better but gold med kits for that one
You’ve never had that happen before? If all your crew dies it counts as your tank dieing, though your tank will still be there with HP left ( though IIRC shooting at it doesn’t give the enemy any more xp/credits). Total crew death uses to be a pretty big issue back when they were messing with the way HE works and made it do more crew/module damage.
goood old days for arty players :P
if the system where it show you what crit you do before the arty nerf and the HE rebalance you will laugh your ass off
1 arty shell can just mess up your tank
not only from big guns also from small one’s like 10.5 guns and stuff
- there will only be 2-3 new branches in 2014
Yes, give us some other shit faraway from Europe, like chinese and japanese tree.
I heard that North Pole is a major consumer , there will be North Pole tree soon, nvm that nobody wants it
- apparently, HESH shells will be reworked by leaving them using the HE mechanism, but adding much higher chance to kill crew and destroy modules in addition to increased penetration value (SS: *FV215b 183 likes this post*)
translated : “play more British tanks, we will make it lucrative”
To everyone bitching about FV215B (183) HESH…. You do know there is other HESH in the game right? As in the two (premium and non-premium) 105mm varieties used by the Centurion Mk.7/1 and FV4202 and the non-premium 120mm version used by the Conqueror, F(ake)V215B, and Tortoise?
The 105mm HESH absolutely does need a buff. And I look forward to slamming my 480 damage premium HESH shell into a T-54 the next time one of those little bastards tries to rush my Centurion after the HESH buff.
- Storm states that noone will trace spalling particles, War Thunder included, the War Thunder model will be made using probabilities (SS: as in, in sphere A, there is a X chance of module damage, in spere B there is an Y chance etc.)
But WWIIOL calculated spalling individually and I’m pretty sure WT will as well, including ricochets inside the cabin. Considering WT already computes thousands of MG rounds in plane battle, similar numbers of instantaneous spall particles would only be a smaller load on the server (no need to account for gravity, velocity or similar inconsequential parts of spall in a tiny area)
like the jet not penetrating, but the explosion still damaging the armor via a non-penetrating hit…
Then why does HESH do it?
Because HESH does not produce a jet, and is not primarily designed to penetrate the armour.
- apparently, HESH shells will be reworked by leaving them using the HE mechanism, but adding much higher chance to kill crew and destroy modules in addition to increased penetration value (SS: *FV215b 183 likes this post*)
Good, good, make tier 10 battles even *better*.
” – the fact 15mm BESA doesn’t have gold ammo is intentional”
Yea, I mean, giving BESA-equipped tanks the ability to kill most tanks they meet might make them overpowered or something. Sure would be scary~
Meanwhile, we have every other nation’s tier 1 vehicles running around with machine guns that can load decent APCR. Even the godawful French 13.2mm has some decent ones.
I understand that premium vehicles are supposed to be weaker than elited silver ones, but come the fuck on, WG. It’s not as if the LT VIc – I’m assuming it’s this BESA-equipped tank that brought it up – is especially powerful in any other respect, and anything else that can mount a BESA has better guns to use anyway.
There is a reason why DOTA dropped damage range and now it has a constant number all the time. RNG is bad, especially since WOT wants to be so high in esports. 25% +/- is ridiculous. Even a 10% would be on the high end.
Just don’t understand why DEV’s keep defending the 25% RNG factor in pen and damage.
Since it only takes one good battle where even the 42% WR daddies can get topgun due to luck to make them go ‘fuck it, i’ll buy a premium account/IS6′.
hm… did you really play DoTA or DoTA 2? only in LoL you have constant damage number. Damage range still exist in DoTA 2 (move the cursor to the damage value and you will see it range). DoTA is full of RNG in random skill ( crit change value, bash skill, evasion….). Beside, there is no fun to play CK without his massive damage range
+/- 25% Pen and DMG
i allways call WoT a gambeling game
Looking at all of these, and how many times ‘the mechanics would confuse some players’ I think I see one of the major differences in approach between Wargaming and Gaijin.
Not that I consider any approach better. Just different.
- Storm states that 25 percent penetration RNG influences the battle much less than the aim spread when shooting
Late to the party, but that line really annoys me. Looks like they use that as an excuse for the random penetration, when really, when really it shouldn’t be compared to aim spread at all.
Why? Because aim spread you can actually influence by your own distancing, which adds a lot of tactical depth. It also differentiates tanks from one another, which is certainly a very good thing and a big part of what makes WoT interesting.
Now random penetration is just that: random and nothing you can do about it. Sure, in few situations it might influence you not to fire to avoid a possible low roll ricochet, but mostly not. And that’s it.
I don’t think there would be any harm in reducing or removing both penetration and damage RNG, whereas if aim spread was removed, the game would be a lot less interesting and diverse, and ultimately fun.