- after independent suspension introduction, nothing will change for the aiming or gun stabilization, the change will be visual only
- the fact Chi-Ha is a light tank in the Chinese tree and medium in the Japanese tree is caused by the fact that both armies classified it differently historically (the Japanese Chi-Ha doesn’t have the LT camo bonus though)
- Q: “UEFA thinks Israel is in Europe and therefore Israeli tanks should be in EU tree” A: “Unfortunately, we have no agreements with UEFA”
- there is no “shooting and dying at the same time” in World of Tanks. One of these events happens always earlier, this is not a bug and it won’t be changed
- there is no corellation between the introduction of the HD client and new engine sounds (SS: new engine sounds will come actually, but it doesn’t depend on the HD client)
- it’s possible that dirt (mud) will make your tank dirty in battle as you go through it
- it’s possible tracks will “slip” (SS: when the vehicle traction is not enough) in the future
- changes in JT88? “If we change something, we’ll tell”
- fire and ammo rack explosion does influence income in battle: both do damage to modules and damage to modules counts towards your credit gain
- when balancing the income of a vehicle, “net” income (SS: income after deducting shell and repair costs) is taken into account – furthermore, the use of gold shells is taken into account also (SS: that means that the fact you will have little net income if you spam gold shells is not taken into account)
- when asked what is better XP gain-wise, to shoot an enemy for full damage, or to finish off one enemy who has low hitpoints for less damage but killing him, SerB answers that mostly it’s better to finish off that one enemy with low hitpoints, removing one shooting gun from the enemy team – by that you increase your chance of victory more and the average recieved reward from battle rises
- for now, SerB expects the HD content to be separate from the regular client
- apparently, bamboo patch (on Pearl River map) has no real foliage, therefore it provides no camo bonus
apparently, bamboo patch (on Pearl River map) has no real foliage, therefore it provides no camo bonus
Shame, as it should offer cover.
For fat pandas. Or Fiat Pandas :D
LOL… Jews… second war time and their own tanks… did i miss something?:P
That made no sense, nor was that even remotely relevant. How did using bamboo patches as camouflage translate to something about Israeli tanks?
I wonder why exactly are they saying that independant suspension will be just visual? I mean, won’t it be more smooth to drive over tracks and broken walls, small rocks… Or will it still rock the whole tank, since they say it’s “just visual”.
Plus, the whole gun stabilization on this same thing.. it’s weird, I mean, logicaly looking, it should make the gun less “jumpy”.. even if the tanks don’t have automatic stabilization..
For your second point: as far as I understand it, all the different suspension effects are already included in the vehicles/guns soft stats. And just think about it for a second: for example to give the same current degree of accuracy on the move to a certain gun for a tank with a very good suspension would mean reducing the soft stats of the gun to make the product the same again with the very smooth running compensated by gun “soft stats”…
Ye, true, but in WG language, this would translate to: “Too much work for almost nothing”. Still, I hope that driving over rocks and stuff will be less bumpy, because if it will be the same, its no use for them implementing it if it will still be as annoying to get stuck as now.
Well, driving over rocks and stuff will be less bumpy by around 2-3% (according to serB statement in another article) it means it won´t. Same goes for the weapon.
I must of missed it..what the issue with the JT8.8 now that they are talking about it?
Some time ago, JT was changed (notably a LFP nerf) to its historical values, JT88 was not.
Well, JT88 is already balanced by horribly sluggish mobilty, so I think it ain’t a big problem.
“- there is no “shooting and dying at the same time” in World of Tanks. One of these events happens always earlier, this is not a bug and it won’t be changed”
I have seen two tanks kill each other with their last shot, so network latency counters that answer.
Yep, but technically (engine-wise) he’s right.
Just the other day me and someone else killed each other, we were pretty far away also. But we both shot at the exact same time, so like you said, latency.
Latency? How about shell flight time?
And there’s shell travel time.
One time I engaged type 34 on full hp with my own type 34 with ~300hp, we both had same guns and it ended with double KO. The distance was somewhere around 150 meters.
For that to happen you don’t die when you shoot…in your example both players shoot and then die.
So it’s dying after shooting.
Q: “UEFA thinks Israel is in Europe and therefore Israeli tanks should be in EU tree” A: “Unfortunately, we have no agreements with UEFA”
Eurovision thinks Israel is in Europe as well. I hope for the love of all that is good in the world that Wargaming has no agreements with Eurovision.
Last time I watched it was when the great Lordi won, after that, everything was crap…
Eurovision thinks that Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia and other Caucasian countries are Europe.
Europe is from the Atlantic to Ural…
Not the geographic border, but the political one.
AT LAST a company that knows geography! Israel is classic middle east country, therefor ASIAN. As is turkey as well.
I agree totally.
But that would mean Jesus is Middle Eastern, rather than being European. So WG are clearly wrong.
Who the hell has even ever said that he is european?
Fox News.
this is why I don’t watch Fox News
Jesus never was european.
Last time I checked, Jesus IS Middle Eastern. Or at least more likely to be Middle Eastern than European, that’s for sure.
- when asked what is better XP gain-wise, to shoot an enemy for full damage, or to finish off one enemy who has low hitpoints for less damage but killing him, SerB answers that mostly it’s better to finish off that one enemy with low hitpoints, removing one shooting gun from the enemy team – by that you increase your chance of victory more and the average recieved reward from battle rises
He kind of dodging the question isnt he?
Still I believes I saw some info here at FTR that kind of said that getting the kill will get you somewhat more Xp
not too sure….
Even if he is avoiding question its far smarter to kill that enemy than hope your team mate will do it. It has happened before nah i wont waste my 750 damage shell to some 50hp tank but guess what nobody isnt shooting him.
Yes get rid of the enemy is always better, I thinks maybe the this question was asked to see if “kill steal” will get you more xp or not
What? You expect SerB to give a straight answer regarding top secret XP gain mechanism?
Hey SS.
“there is no “shooting and dying at the same time” in World of Tanks. One of these events happens always earlier, this is not a bug and it won’t be changed”
I have a replay with killing and dying at the same time. It is possible, yes.
Have Nice Battles,
That is not the same.
You cannot shoot at the instant a shell impacts on your tank. You can shoot while that shell is in flight, which is what you describe.
do these people think WWII (and close) shells are insta-laser-death???
Press fire, wait 0.5 to 3.0 seconds, shell hits enemy…
In that 0.5 – 3.0s the enemy presses fire, his shell says “hi” to your shell on the way past
He dies
You die
…..fractional differences in the timing of events…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IS2_LWQHa4w SS did you saw this already? It looks like another WoT plagiat. Do you think WG lawyers are gonna get busy again :D I tried it and it has so much things just as same as WoT do and they even copied the Jimbo’s crosshair as their default ingame crosshair :D And check out the Sturmtiger as T10 TD. So OP :D
Oh dear! haha I’ve just seen that.
well, they even have the same models in too… hmmm
the map shown in the vid is good actually… sth i really miss in WoT.
alot of different paths and ways.. either valleys or a huge city… where you actually can flank and work out tactics..
Im just annoyed by those open space spotting system abuse or “single valley of death without tactics” maps.
Here is the site. Quite funny: http://tanks.mail.ru/
Thats nuts this is a pure WOT clone WG get your lawyers on the phone.
Wg´s Apaches are already deployed and on the way (their submarines already returned ,as they couldnt find a path to the enemy Hq)
Apaches? Please, they’re from the East. They use Havocs and Black Sharks.
plzzz Hind plzzzz
They even copied J1mbos crosshair mod as well. LOL cant wait to see the next WoT ripoff to have XVM as standard as well!
It’s got the shitty version of Jagdpz E-100…
Looks like they implemented all the tanks players wanted, but WG still didn’t or won’t at all implement just to attract those people :) Because who wouldn’t want Sturmtiger that blast everything away and has super bouncy armor. Same goes for JgpzE100 Krokodil version :)
Yeah, and Pz I. as German Tier 1 tank, T-55 as russian Tier X med aaand there is no arty as far as I understand the russian manual. I’m lazy to google translate it.
LOL I might actually just play that game to see vehicles, WG is unable to put ingame, in action.
Sturmtiger looks solid and balanced indeed. :D
btw nice map
- changes in JT88? “If we change something, we’ll tell”
And then they stealth nerf credit income on premium tanks multiple times without telling anyone.
i guess youre getting worse. thats the point. :D
“- it’s possible tracks will “slip” (SS: when the vehicle traction is not enough) in the future”
But if the tracks slip through then the tracks itself should be an own physical object, so that they swing on the upper side. because If they only slip through and keep stiff it looks retarded.
Also streching of tracks when a tank starts to drive should be animated. Would be the non plus ultra!
Wat? All this means is that the tracks will move faster than vehicle itself if theres a lack of grip/traction, like car tyres spinning on ice…
“- when balancing the income of a vehicle, “net” income (SS: income after deducting shell and repair costs) is taken into account – furthermore, the use of gold shells is taken into account also (SS: that means that the fact you will have little net income if you spam gold shells is not taken into account)”
Is there a typo there? Since you first translate that gold shell usage is taken into account and add to that that gold shell spam is NOT taken into account.
I was wondering about the same thing exactly.
israel in eu? why not egipt? or iran? iraq?
well since India, Hong Kong and a bunch of others were British colonies or dependancies, then I think any of there tanks and the Indian Panzer should be in the British Line………….
UEFA invited Israel to European qualifying zone only because of the fact that no one from the Middle East didn’t want to play with them. Turkey is also in Euro zone because some part of its territory is in Europe. If Turkey won’t be counted as an European country, Russia shouldn’t be also. Most countries from Caucasus area were part of USSR before it collapsed and I guess that’s why they’re in Europe, even if nothing more link them with EU.
- there is no “shooting and dying at the same time” in World of Tanks. One of these events happens always earlier, this is not a bug and it won’t be changed
This exactly happened to me.
I have a replay, where in the same time i shoot and kill enemy and he shoot and kill me.