Overlord is asking: what do you think of the Missions system in WoT? You can answer him under his post.
- the reason the U-8TS gun (that the tier 10 Soviet meds have) has various characteristics on various tanks is caused by different turrets, different ergonomics and different equipment, it’s completely realistic for one gun to give different performance on different tanks
- apparently implementing the amount of crew XP recieved in post-battle statisics doesn’t have high priority
- apprently both the T110E3 and T110E4 will be nerfed (SS: if I understand it correctly), currently T110E3 has a bit better winrate than T110E4
- it seems that SerB is not exactly agreeing with the implementation of the option to disable the battle chat
- the fact that the 155mm T7 (US gun) has better penetration in game than the 120mm T53 is not historical (SS: it was vice versa, in fact the 155mm could only fire HE shells IIRC), it is a game balance decision
- it’s not yet sure that there will be improved destruction model of trees (SS: breaking, splintering), but it’s possible
- it’s possible that the models of grass and bushes will also be improved so that they get crushed once the tanks roll over them
- apparently, different types of shells will destroy buildings differently
- the time before the “tracks” your tank leaves on the ground disappear will be seriously increased, but they will still disappear (won’t stay forever)
- it’s possible there will be some significant optimization in the game for those, who play on maximum settings
- IS-3 hull will be remodelled
- for now, all the patches (updates) will be downloaded altogether: at least in the beginning there will not be separate “HD” patches and separate “normal” patches
- according to Storm, disabling the camera “waving” in sniper mode (“dynamic camera”) does not give you any significant combat advantage
- Storm (and other developers) believes that the D-25, D-10, S-70, M-62 and M-64 Soviet guns are implemented correctly (penetration-wise): he argues that there are many various penetration tables for those guns and some differ significantly from each other
- Veider on hardware (graphic card) upgrade: “I also started on 7600GT, then 9800, then GTS250, GTX460, GTX550, GTX580, now I have GT770. If you like to play, you have to like also switching graphic cards :)”
- Veider does not know exactly whether GTX770 will be able to run the HD client on top settings: “I hope it will”
- apparently the developers tested allowing players to create their own maps, the results of this were unplayable
- apparently the premium tanks, that are not in the ingame shop anymore (KV-5, Type 59) do not display correctly on your Depot screen, it’s a bug and it will be fixed in 8.11
- according to Overlord, WoTB will enter open beta stage soon
Overlord also talks about an interesting concept, “personalised missions” – to quote him:
A system that would track player’s progress throughout the game (tanks researched and purchased, crew skills, etc) and offer unique missions based on that progress? In such a system, each player would always have a goal (or a few) to complete.
and here is an example from Overlord:
Supposing, you are going US medium line (at M4A3E8), missions could be:
- upgade to top gun (in 2h)
- unlock T20 (in 2d)
- upgade crew to 100%
- reach 55% W/R (100 battles min)
An interesting insight for sure!
Those personal mission are good idea. But only for progress, not grind over limited time.
Exactly. I’d add missions like killing a specific tank(s) that were historical nemesis for each other or are more-less realted to your tank, that would be interesting.
Like Easy 8 gets bonus for killing panthers and call this mission a “myth buster” or even more deeper missions like when you get to pershing you’ll get bonus for panther kills equal to the number of how many times a panther killed you while driving Easy 8, I know it might have flaws and get exploited but I’m just throwing ideas, maybe someone will get inspired and thinks of a better idea :)
Like “Achieve 1M Xp on certain tank”.
Please no. It’d increase botting.
How about “achieve 500 average XP on a certain tank”? 500 seems reasonable, honestly.
Gief me my prize!
it would have to be “achieve” X multiplier of needed Xp to elite tank from tier 1. so for a tier 1, it would be something like 10k or 20k for a tier 10 it would be closer to 20 mil xp.
I would give a better depiction of it, but I’m at work and can’t log in to get numbers.
still, to give an idea, say the tier 1 needs 2k to reach elite, you would need 20X that to get the award. a tier 5 needs 100k to elite from no research on the tier 1, so it would be 2 mil for the award. and to reach the tier 10 at elited status, you would need 1 mil, so you need 20 mil xp for the award.
They will be probably something like “Get 100k XP in a XXX tank in one day for 2 hours of premium”. Well, at least on the other-than-RU servers.
That counts as grind. And I dont like such. “I’ll get there when I fucking get there”.
Im feeling like orc peon from Warcraft just when reading about these fast grind personalised missions.
Work Work… Be Happy To… No Time To Play…
Indeed, although to be frank a mission should be achieving a reasonable goal (i.e. win a game in which you have at least three kills, deal at least your tank’s maximum HP worth of damage to enemy vehicles, and miss no more than X number of shots), not completing a chore (i.e. kill 50 of X nation’s tanks in 24 hours).
I’d like to see missions for a single battle – for example you’re in T6 battle and there are 5 KV-1Ses in an enemy team, so you get the mission to kill 3 of them, or you’re 13 90 and you have to spot 10 enemies and kill 2 and so on…
I think the word that would uit this better would be “Achievements”.
Reminds me of them Steam/PS3/XBOX(i hate xbox) achievements
“- it’s possible that the models of grass and bushes will also be improved so that they get crushed once the tanks roll over them”
But only people with PC that are stronger than a nuclear reactor would be able to see it
“- the time before the “tracks” your tank leaves on the ground disappear will be seriously increased, but they will still disappear (won’t stay forever)”
Maybe it will be possible to follow the tracks of an enemy tank? :)
Grass is not needed.
And I want to be able to track down invisible enemy tonks :D
Am I the only one who just disables grass?.
do you really have grass in sniper mode?!
I also have all flora disabled.
All flora disabled for me.
Hell….who doesn’t?
It gives nothing except fps drops and the impossibility of seeing stuff on a lower ground.
Yeah that would be an interesting method of tracking vehicles that are normally hard to find (i.e. tank destroyers, or the last scumbag arty driver on the enemy team that you’re trying to kill before your team caps or he throws himself off a cliff), and imho could be a way to somewhat nerf tank destroyers, since seeing their tracks would mean that not only did the vehicle pass through that area, but also that they did so recently, and might still be close by.
Hmm…the new “personalised” mission concept sounds cool…looking forward to it.
What’s WoTB?
World of Tanks: Blitz, it’s WoT for mobile devices and no, it’s not cross-platform compatible.
World of Titty Babes
Werld af teh bewbeyzz
World of Tanks: Blitz (For mobile devices. I.E. smartphones, tablets.)
- IS-3 hull will be remodelled
Yeah these missions look interesting.
Well… SS said the IS-3 is currently the most historical tank in the game at the moment in its model
Isn’t it all about HD remodeling ? I’m sure modelling it in Vanilla again would be plain lunacy.
Oh really? The sloping of the lower glacis sure as hell is better than the majority of them were historically, poor quality control during production not withstanding.
“- IS-3 hull will be remodelled”
Again? I hope it’s the last time -.-
- Veider does not know exactly whether GTX770 will be able to run the HD client on top settings: “I hope it will”
If GTX770 wouldn’t be able to run it then you are doing something wrong…..and i find hilarious this “I hope it will” :D To me it looks like http://mondaybynoon.com/wp-content/uploads/xVyoSl.jpg but we hope something good will happen :D
And +1 for those personalised missions.
exactly … I can run Far Cry 3, new Tomb Raider, War thunder, Last of Us etc on my 610 on high/max
they gonna be telling me that I need … what? two Titans and 8 core CPU just to run their “HD” ?
damn, I know that 40% of players can barely play the game … but their high end optimalisation is one of the worst I have ever seen
The idea of personal missions sounds sweet!
Seems like I need to upgrade my graphics cards >.>
Anyway, Woras are you planning to create more Great European Randoms?
There are plans, and not only for GER. Other than that – KTTC :)
You’re making me curious ma’ frend!
Regarding the dynamic Camra mode. Not giving you a combat advantage
Mechanically this is true
But congnitivly you do get a advantage cause you tank it’s shaking thus you feel more comfortable taking shots then in a shaking tank even though the tank isn’t actually shaking.
Yep…it’s annoying to see the camera going up and down everytime you shoot…although it’s somewhat realistic.
Also, you tend to move the camera a bit down because of those shakings and, thus, aiming wrong.
Nice thought on the personalized missions. Rather than the long term missions, this should give some motivation for players to grind through tanks considered as ‘ underpowered ‘ so that they can continue up that tank line.
- apprently both the T110E3 and T110E4 will be nerfed (SS: if I understand it correctly), currently T110E3 has a bit better winrate than T110E4
Should have guessed better no to buy that thing (T110E3) and now its too late.
for me, the big difference between those 2 tanks is the “top bubble”
its very hard to penetrate on the E3 but it is like butter on the E4
There is a reason why the top cupola(mini turret) is much harder to pen on E3. It’s T95s successor and it shouldn’t have that obvious weakspot. It would significantly reduce the life span of an E3 and that is wrong for a tank that comes after fortress called T95.
Sure… they will nerf 2 ok TDs… Especially E4 needs nerf… And why nothing about USSR ninja TDs? Like Obj 268 which has effective armor about 300 mm, insane camo, good mobility, accuracy, RoF, riDICKulous gold ammo penetration?
No-one said yet they wouldn’t.
If they are going to nerf my T110E3 then they better be ready to pay me back in full the ex and credits I had to spend to get it. I will send in support tickets till their severs full up and crash! They need to work on making the game playable and stop screwing around with quick fixes. Maybe a little less time making billboards, birds, and battle modes no one plays would help. The team battle mode is a joke as well.
“- reach 55% W/R (100 battles min)”
Impossible for 90% of players…
100 games is still a low enough sample size to allow some crazy fluctuation. My AMX12t hit 64% solo with, IIRC, >100 battles, and I was average at the time.
55% W/R is meant on that certain tank, and it’s not that difficult
- Veider on hardware (graphic card) upgrade: “I also started on 7600GT, then 9800, then GTS250, GTX460, GTX550, GTX580, now I have GT770. If you like to play, you have to like also switching graphic cards :)”
It’s really sad to see that WG is “ignoring” ATI gpu’s. I am really wondering if they ever care about ATI.
WG is ignoring everything that’s not the first processor core anyway.
Also, I don’t think that WG buys GPUs for their employees, maybe Veider just prefers nVidia cards.
I really hope they ignore ATI GPUs, last one was HD 5970.
AMD my friend, ATI is no more.
I can run pretty much any new game on (almost) max settings with my old GTX560, Far Cry 3 and Planetside 2 both look beautiful with 40~60 FPS. Wot runs on 60 FPS with everything on max.
If my card won’t be able to run it after HD graphics they are really not giving two f*cks about game optimisation.
I think with their ammount of money they could hire enough developers to implement Havoc + DirectX11 support in a single month. But no, the game still runs on a single processor core.
And people still give this company money…
60 fps avg????
I got a gtx 660ti and on max I just get 45-60 fps.
I have a GTX 560ti SOC and I dont have 60 fps on max. with 1920*1080….
Maybe he uses 800*600 xD
Upgrade your CPU. I have 650Ti not overclocked and it runs on max about 60fps constantly.
DirectX + Havok? My fps would go up from 30 to… a lot. The max my screen could render °~°
>M-64 303mm penetration reasonably realistic
>Substantially higher muzzle velocity on BL-10 only enabled 244mm according to Soviet tests
Granted, the shell quality was probably better, but that much pen? No way.
so according to this..
only a few rich dudes would be able to play the game in full settings….so why bother to improve something that almost noone will be able to have/see?
is there any conspiracy that connects WG with videocard building companies?
No, just “SUPER EXTRA UBER HD GRAPHICS GAME WITH TANKS BUY SOME GOLD” looks nice on advertisements and trailers. Also, War Thunder is releasing their tanks with pretty, shiny graphics.
lool…i wonder…where the armor is rusty…..does the armor have same value or should be lower…..and rusty bolts (where is the case) have same strength as new ones?…
oh irony…
Well, I’ve been playing with a 9800 GT for over a year and a half now….
Same here 9800GTX+, but im getting a new computer in april that hopefully will make WoT playable with an SSD drive too.
“- it’s possible there will be some significant optimization in the game for those, who play on maximum settings”
I find it a bit hilarious – after reset, “default setting” detected by the WoT set everything on max.
And I had like 5-10 fps all the time.
Only setting most things to medium and low (or even OFF) allowed me to play in relative comfort.
It went medium for me – before that I had high :D
For me, the “reset” put me on minimum with every effect OFF… If I choose all the settings myself, on medium, I can gain 5~10 fps
My current ATI HD 5770 plays WoT on max 900p …
I think the 770 will be overkill.
wait for the new graphics
1440×900 (19” display)
- apprently both the T110E3 and T110E4 will be nerfed (SS: if I understand it correctly), currently T110E3 has a bit better winrate than T110E4
Please don’t nerf the armor on the T110E3. That is the only thing it really has going for it.
But, but mediums can’t kill it frontally….because WHY would they flank?!
You mean “mediums can’t kill it frontally with non-premium rounds and without aiming at it’s view-ports weakspot.”
- it’s possible that the models of grass and bushes will also be improved so that they get crushed once the tanks roll over them
I can’t wait for all of those siemkas riding over their own bushes and leaving their TDs with no cover. Also, I certainly hope it wouldn’t be visible to arty.
- Veider does not know exactly whether GTX770 will be able to run the HD client on top settings: “I hope it will”
Knowing the WG’s “optimisation” quality I hope that at least GTX Titan will be able to handle their HD client.
We need quantum contuper to actually work that old ass engine :D
Indeed its a quite poor engine, anyone know if any other company uses it for its game(s)? Cant see many companys who would wanna use it.
YES to personalized missions with winrate targets. Actually encourage people to learn to play better than their usual tomato standard.
“- it seems that SerB is not exactly agreeing with the implementation of the option to disable the battle chat”
Amazing, the only one at WG HQ that has some sense about this topic is SerB… is this the Apocalypse?
“- IS-3 hull will be remodeled”
It doesn’t look anything like a rl tank. Specialy the pike nose. It’s completely off the charts with the lower plate angle. They’ve done pretty shitty job with the current model tbh.
VR vs RL – of course it doesnt look like it.
Last days I am playing wot, now I have 20fps on lowest graphics…
Try standard render…nothing changed to it except the flora recent remodel which implies huge fps drops for low GPUs.
nice work but is3 rework why? is one the best tank in the game
Funny argument, if one tank is one of the best it must be balanced.
Yes, nerf the only tank that is capable of fighting face to face with Foch 155 and bounce some of its shots. Amazing.
“If you like to play, you have to like also switching graphic cards”, this is total BS since other modern games run flawlessly while WoT struggles at 30FPS. The WG devs are too butt hurt to admit that their Big World engine is utter crap compared to real commercial engines like Frostbite or CryEngine.
WOT needs some serious optimization when all the HD client is done if a GTX 770 wont be able to run at top settings that indicates an issue with optimization. LOL i just bought a GTX770 which in reality a GTX 770 is just a GTX 680 on steroids that’s a high end card what will other people do are we going to need 7990s or titans to play on the HD client at top settings.
Game is badly optimized yes, and even those having high end systems have far less fps in wot than in other online games like bf4, etc. I have 120hz screen so my priority is to have higher fps rather than nice graphics. I just hope this HD bullshit wont mess things up, so we have to run at even lower settings to the the same fps. If thats the case, i reappy hope you can turn off the HD graphics thing.
- apprently both the T110E3 and T110E4 will be nerfed (SS: if I understand it correctly), currently T110E3 has a bit better winrate than T110E4
So are they getting double nerf? Tier 10 TD nerf and then E3/E4 nerf as well?
For fucks sake. :/
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