Contributors, be recognized!

Hello everyone,

so, the other day I was checking out Rita’s stream page and one noticed one thing: she has a list of all the contributors (who donated or otherwise contributed to her and the stream) under her stream, nice and visible. And I was like “Why don’t I have such a thing?” See? Good influence.

Last year, a lot of you guys helped me out and I am really grateful for that. In order to recognize you, contributors, I decided to have something like this too this year. And so, I created a page of contributors, because your continuous support is very important to me. You will find it on the menu below the logo too – and I will be doing a public update every week or two.

Thank you all

4 thoughts on “Contributors, be recognized!

  1. Nice idea and I also must thank the people who donated as I appreciate this page every day. You helped FTR stay alive.

  2. For me the fact that FTR continues to do the good work is reward enough and I would rather that you spent the time working on FTR or, more importantly, ensuring that Plzeňský Prazdroj was maintaining its high standards by an intensive program daily sampling. I cannot get to Prague as often as I would like to keep them on their toes.