
Hello everyone,

most of the answers in this post are related to the 8.11 patchnotes – if you haven’t read them yet, you probably should :)

- SerB statest that his position on tank transmission causing fires in WoT has not changed
- the main reason WoT actually has draws and not just wins/losses is the “game session prolonging”.
- apprently the occasional cases of tanks getting stuck on walls and terrain won’t be fixed anytime soon
- the bugs mentioned above will be fixed in second stage of the physics improvement, because a part of these issues will be fixed by the new (HD) tank models
- Chinese and Japanese will not take part in national battles
- roaming is being tested and polished
- the Foch 155 armor was changed to correspond to these schematics, specifically the sides, rear and the roof was changed (the roof is thinner), the range-finder got nerfed too
- DPM of Object 268 will also be changed (SS: as in nerfed)

- rain currently has no effect on visibility, but Storm states that in the future it might have: they will implement it now and then test it, whether it’s playable or not
- Foch alpha nerf will not be compensated, Object 268 alpha nerf will be compensated only partially, basically Foch will have thinner armor overall, lower mobility (engine nerf) and lower DPM
- exact details about the increase of profitability of some premium tanks will be written in final patchnotes when the patch is released, but in general, all the premiums will be brought on par with Jagdtiger 88 profitability
- KV-5 profitability won’t be buffed, it’s good already

- the new “Main Caliber” hero of the battle medal has following conditions:

“This award will be given to the player, that dealt the most damage of all the players in the battle. The player must deal damage that equals no less than 20 percent of the sum of the entire enemy team hitpoints and no less than 1000 damage. If more players meet the requirements, the award will be given to the player with most raw XP in the battle.”

Storm also states that for team full of IS-4 tanks, the player would have to deal no less than 7500 damage

- the new “Tanker-Sniper” hero of the battle medal has following conditions:

“This award will be given to the player, that dealt the most damage at distance of no less than 300 meters. At least 1000 damage must be dealt this way and the damage dealt must be higher than the amount of hitpoints of the player’s own tank. The hitrate in that battle has to be no less than 85 percent and no less than 80 percent of all hits must actually cause damage to the enemy (including module damage). There must be no hits against allied tanks, otherwise the medal is not awarded. If more players meet the requirements, the award will be given to the player with most raw XP in the battle. This medal is not given to artillery players.”

- both medals are specifically designed to be very difficult on low tiers in order not to encourage sealclubbing
- artillery won’t be buffed in 8.11
- disabling the chat is intentionally not disabling minimap pings and generic “command wheel” commands
- the change in “ranks” mentioned in the patchnotes is only a graphical change of the insignia format
- new Ruinberg and new Himmelsdorf will have the same chance to drop like the other maps, Storm confirms it means that any Ruinberg and any Himmelsdorf (both new and only) will not have double chance to drop
- developers decided not to give new maps higher chance to drop in 8.11
- the 10 percent artillery MM weight reduction applies for tier 9 and 10 too, the reason for this is not to have arty balanced with heavies on the top of the team
- the chance for various modes to drop for you (with all enabled in following order: random, encounter, assault, national battle) is 40/20/20/20 percent, if one mode is disabled, its percentage will spread equally amongst the rest
- if only random and one other mode is enabled (see question above), the chance is 60/40 (in random favour)
- Storm confirms the rain will reduce FPS, but not by much
- Q: “Storm, is it possible to fire all the mountain lovers from the map department?” A: “Of course. Fire them. You have a map department too?”
- new sound (improvements) will come in 9.0 (it was earlier confirmed for 8.11, but they didn’t manage to put it in on time)
- apparently, if you buy camo and emblems for gold, they will get “saved” for that tank even if you sell it
- T110E3 and T110E4 will have their alpha nerf compensated to keep the DPM the same
- regarding the T-54 changes, all T-54 clones were made the same size in 8.11 (T-54 and Type 59 will become tiny bit longer)
- hangar and tank selection (carousel) changes are still planned (when it’s done it’s done)
- in “National battles”, you will not be able to meet enemy team of the same “nationality”, but otherwise, anyone can meet anyone
- the chat history will be scrollable only in battle apparently
- currently, the order in which the tanks are cycled, when you switch from one to another in the post-mortem camera depends on the order in which the tanks are in the team list
- T-44-85 will not appear in 8.11 – it was reported earlier by Evilly in one of his streams, but Storm states Evilly was wrong
- Storm confirms specifically: new French regular branches will not come in 2014 (2015 at the earliest)
- “national battles” will for now available only for random battles, Storm will see how it goes
- the Nashorn size was changed to fit the Hummel
- regarding the mods in 8.11: “Some work from modmakers and everything will work. Don’t panic.”
- there might be other “different” versions of existing maps in the future (like Himmelsdorf/winter Himmelsdorf, not all maps, but some yes)
- Sacred Valley rework? “We can’t do everything at once”
- there is no plan to implement permanent version of national battles (so you play only those and not other modes)

141 thoughts on “16.1.2014

  1. ”- Storm confirms specifically: new French regular branches will not come in 2014 (2015 at the earliest)”
    Thats sad :(
    But any hope for japanese HTs in 2014?

  2. Rest in peach Foch 155:

    Lower DPM
    Lower Alpha
    30% less engine HPs
    Less armor

    See you some day…

    • great way to over nerf a tank into extinction..

      sure the view range got nerfed also… people bitched and complained about the armor, so they nerf everything, brilliant WG, just brilliant.

        • It takes ages too aim, gun is inaccurate, reticle is going big with every gun movement. And armor is weak (frontal) if you know where to aim (lower part of UFP). Oh, and almost 50 s refilling clip.

          • The damned rangefinder still bounces premium HEAT ammo as it is, the lower fornt plate is a tiny ass weakspot that still needs a minimum 210mm penetration to penetrate.

            It NEEDS these nerfs.

            • don’t shoot HEAT, spaced armor negates it ;)
              since the new HEAT mechanics i use nearly only AP on my T110E5 in CW’s, because the HEAT is really unpredictable now… the only targets that I use HEAT against are Maus and E100, and that only when it is impossible to shoot anywhere else than at the turret front.

              but yeah, the Foch 155 needs it ;)

      • someday, all the whiners and complainers will make sure everything gets so nerfed, that the one tier 10 tank they final got to is all they will ever need.. seems logical if u think about it..

        • Shoot its mantlet. Load gold if your AP pen is sub 260mm.

          Or you may shoot HE at the mantlet and hopefully knock his gun out

        • You, sir, are a noob, if you dont know where to pen o263.

          And yes, it must be so OP armored. Thats why nobody drives it.

          First shot into LFP – engine out
          Second shot into LFP – fire
          Shot into mantlet – penetration and gun out
          Hit by arty- massive damage because of no roof, bambilion of critical hits

          Why the hell would anybody want to nerf that thing only because tomatoes bounce it and nobody drives it anyway?

          What needs to be nerfed are T8-T10 german TD´s – all they cause is massive camp and insane dmg at the end of the battle. Even tomatoes own with it, because sitting in a bush and pushing left mouse button is managable even by noob.

    • Gonna miss my Foch 155. Thats sad how WG listen to tomatoes….they are always crying OMG OP FOCH NURF NAOW! IMPOSSIBRU TO KILL! and BAM! Foch is nerfed- what will be next? Bat Chat? Pz I Ausf. C? or even (not so mighty nowadays) Maus? Keep that way WG and you will loose good players….

      • Much butthurt. So amaze. Wow.

        Can’t live with “Only” 2250 dmg/ burst, still stronk front, still faster than most heavies mobility? Unless you sidescrape all the time your whine is not legit.

        • Foch lovers who claim it wasn’t OP: Check the new tank rating system graphs, and be amazed how average+ players in 155 pwn much better than in most tier 10 tanks.

          Or be ignorant and yell tomatoes nerfed my perfectly balanced TD.

      • There is less than 1% of good players (among active ones). Why care about them? If all leave, will anybody notice?

      • I am not a tomato by any stretch of imagination, and I am one of the people calling for a nerf. The Foch was- is – badly OP. The WT E-100 is OP as well, but at least you can kill it reliably. The Foch combines armour, agility, speed and the ability to kill any T10 with a single burst. The time it needs to aim is irrelevant since it can simply drive up in your face and unload when it is done aiming. From the sound of it, now you can at least hurt it in return, but I very much suspect it will still be (borderline) OP. The burst dmg is still insane. Maybe, just maybe, it is nerfed to death, we will see, but I will bet you good money you will still be able to rule the battlefield.

      • I kinda agree. Mobility is definitely the fochs “thing”, and nerfing it is probably a mistake.
        It would have been enough to simply make the weakspots actually, y’know, weak.

        I do get awfully sick of hearing “they dinged us” after a well aimed shot to the rangefinder… just been trying to shoot the sides of the damn box lately.

    • Object 268 heavily nerfed.

      Russian Bias

      But seriously, IMO there was no need for a DPM nerf as well.

      Inb4 the “How Terrible” or “Don’t like it? Don’t play it” under my comment

      • heavily nerfed? I disagree.
        Obj.268 was too good because it has no real weakness. Trollish front/sides, Great alpha(before and after nerf), good gun handling, good speed, semi-autopen AP and autopen HEAT, and most important of all best camo in tier with 400m viewrange. Post nerf it would still play vision games and facerape heavies.

        • Trollish front? Stop shooting at it with a t6 scout and you’ll go right through. Also, good gun handling? Are you serious? It has only a tiny bit of gun traverse, no depression and a ridiculous aim time.

          Play one before you call it overpowered.

            • Well, capming in the bush, 400m from the enemy you have to move your stronk tenk from time to time…. Get used to it.

              Others who are not sitting, camping and waiting for easy damage will have no problem with it and just move closer…

    • Since its introduction the T-54 got bigger, then it got higher and now it gets longer. Makes you wonder how hard it is to correctly model the one tank that you can probably find in every former Warsaw Pact armory there is, and for which blueprints aren’t exactly hard to come by.

      -Russian Bias.

  3. - both medals are specifically designed to be very difficult on low tiers

    lol guess it has to be >tier3 otherwise my PAK40 will have those medals every battle :)

      • This is gonna go to high tier heat spammers isn’t it. My PTA firing APCR doesn’t usually manage 80% penetrations at that range, no matter how carefully I aim, unless RNG really is with me and lets me snipe cupolas on T95 etc across servrogosk (it did. Once. Was pretty epic)

        • Lately I’ve been having some success sniping with my KV-2. The 8.6 changes really made this inaccurate beast passable in this role.

          Since the 152mm HE shell *always* causes damage if it hits (and sometimes even if it misses), it should qualify. All you would need is 2 shots to get over 1000hp damage. Then you could close the range and pick your shots to make sure that you don’t drop below 85% hit rate.

  4. - currently, the order in which the tanks are cycled, when you switch from one to another in the post-mortem camera depends on the order in which the tanks are in the team list

    What? I was thinking about this just today! Pressing RMB shows me next tank, LMB shows me previous tank in the list but pressing it again and it jumps to a random tank.It’s frustrating because there;s no logic the way it chooses them and I have to press ctrl and do it myself.

    • And it takes 6 cycles thru the list to get the tank you actually want to see (usually about 1 second before it gets destroyed). Its always like its not on the list at all until I’m about to give up and ctrl click.

      • If you didn’t know Snrub, by holding Ctrl + clicking left mouse button on the name you want to follow, then you jump straight to that tank cam.

    • They were getting killed in droves on the test server. WG wants to buff it to prevent this from happening on live server (why they can’t do this for the Jagdtiger 88, which has the consistently 4th-worst winrate of all vehicles last I checked, on the NA server at least), but they don’t know how they want to buff it yet. Personally, I’d say just buff one or two of the gun’s stats, like ROF, aim time or accuracy, and it’ll be alright.

  5. they should do the national battes as extra game mode like “random national battles”

  6. This medal is not given to artillery players.

    That is unfair, if some SPG player meets the requirements of 80%+ hit rate they should be allowed to have the medal. After all, they did the work.

    • Because unlike other vehicles artillery doesn’t have to expose itself to return fire to shoot at an enemy across the map (and if you DO find yourself doing this in arty, you’re doing it wrong).

      Perhaps a separate version of the medal for arty players could be possible, but it would need to be made VERY clear that it’s the artillery version of the medal, and would have different (most likely higher, at least in terms of minimum distance to qualify) requirements to get it.

  7. tl;dr:
    - French TD line made useless
    - official gamemode for OP-1S roflstomping everything
    - no new French tanks, we need more russkies copypaste

  8. - SerB statest that his position on tank transmission causing fires in WoT has not changed
    Yes, because that’s historically accurate and accidentally German tanks are the ones who are suffering the most from this. Bald cunt.

    - apprently the occasional cases of tanks getting stuck on walls and terrain won’t be fixed anytime soon
    Yes, that’s not important, but they do have time to increase the Ferdinand to it’s “historical size”

    - Storm confirms the rain will reduce FPS, but not by much
    So why implementing that if you can’t optimise it properly?

    • I still don’t understand why he is against it. Would it suddenly make all the German frontal transmission tanks overpowered? The chance that it occurs is still 15% so even in the current state it happens but not every time (engine damaged / fire).

      Though the E-75 comes into mind ;d

    • Of course it will reduce FPS, any graphical addition would, particles effects/post processing effects are more taxing on older computers however.

    • “The chance that it occurs is still 15% so even in the current state it happens but not every time (engine damaged / fire).”

      You obviously never played german tanks, that much is clear …

      • Actually most played nation (pretty much every tech tree). I guess I’m just lucky? I hardly get engine fires apart from my Löwe and to some lesser degree the Jagdtiger.

    • I could understand hitting the transmission causing damage to the engine still, but causing fires…well…in theory it’s POSSIBLE, as transmission fluid is somewhat flammable, but not as much as gasoline or diesel, of course (or else our cars would spontaneously combust while driving). I can agree though, the ‘fires via frontal engine hits’ needs to go, or if they MUST include it then make the chance significantly less than if one were to hit the engine or fuel tanks.

      Doing this will finally require medium tanks to start flanking the German heavies in order to have a decent chance of setting them on fire, like any other nation’s heavies in the game, meaning no more easy kills from the front; problem solved.

      • A lot of soviet tanks also get set on fire from the front. Less often but it happens.

        T-62A and Obj 140 to give an example (Fuel tanks) or SU-101 and Obj 263 (Transmission).

        • T62A and Obj140 burning is because the fuel tank ALWAYS burns when @0HP. Thats why its easy to burn KV series if you hit the rear part of the sides. Burned some of them 3 times in a row. (burn, fire ex / burn out / kill by fire).
          For SU and OBJ its the Engine that gets hit, just like VK 4502 B.

          But setting a Tank on fire by hitting its transmission is just ridiculous.

  9. Have I got this right? The 10% reduction in MM weight across all SPGs means that they will appear a bit more often in lower tier matches and is therefore a buff as they will be more often matched with more easily damaged and killed opposition. Therefore they likely to do more damage and gain more credits, XP and wins.

  10. Q: “Storm, is it possible to fire all the mountain lovers from the map department?” A: “Of course. Fire them. You have a map department too?” – This made me laugh quite a bit lol.

  11. - the new “Tanker-Sniper” hero of the battle medal has following conditions:

    “This award will be given to the player, that dealt the most damage at distance of no less than 300 meters. At least 1000 damage must be dealt this way and the damage dealt must be higher than the amount of hitpoints of the player’s own tank. The hitrate in that battle has to be no less than 85 percent and no less than 80 percent of all hits must actually cause damage to the enemy (including module damage). There must be no hits against allied tanks, otherwise the medal is not awarded. If more players meet the requirements, the award will be given to the player with most raw XP in the battle. This medal is not given to artillery players.”

    That’s bad. That’s very bad. Prepare for a lot of camping so they can get the medal and full xp even if they lose. “Oh the teammate needs help!” “Screw him lets sit comfy back here and shoot so i can take sniper!!” “OUGK” “Even if the game is lost ill get full xp!!” “So who cares?!?” OUGK

    • You still get more xp from winning. The bonus you get whilst losing is calculated with the base xp you got. Generally speaking, that base xp will be quite a bit better if you win. The courageous resistance thing really is only relevant if you had one hell of a game, but your team had a really bad day.

    • Well look at the bright side, it’ll mean that the people who actually fit the definition of a ‘sniper’ will get the medal, rather than the retard that drove up to the enemy at point-blank range in a KV-2 and derped them. Never missing a target when you’re only shooting from two meters isn’t sniping. -_-;;

  12. I got a feeling that the Foch will get the same treatment as the other french autoloaders when they got released.
    Overnerf then some few buffs to “compensate”.

  13. - artillery won’t be buffed in 8.11
    one post earlyer:
    - MM weight of artillery reduced by 10 percent

    • I’m sure you can explain how that’s a buff and not a MM mechanic change?

      Frankly seeing no more 14 t5s and a t7 arty vs 14 t5s and a t7 heavy is an improvement for everyone.

  14. What most knuckleheads dont realise is that the tier 10 TD nerf is not all good. What if TDs are now weaker in tier 10, thats good some people might think. But the TD players can just transfer their crew back to tier 8-9 TDs, which are still not nerfed and still strong, but less dominating due to lower numbers. If more TD players starting playing lower tiers, these tiers will be even more populated by TDs, and i dont see how this is good.

    I think in the end TDs will recieve a class wide nerf, just like atrileriu. And im against that because soon people will whine over another tank class and it will be nerfed again.

  15. “- T-44-85 will not appear in 8.11 – it was reported earlier by Evilly in one of his streams, but Storm states Evilly was wrong”

    -T-44-85 will finally appear in the 12.7 patch– oh wait… nope. Psych! <3<3<3

  16. “- Storm confirms specifically: new French regular branches will not come in 2014 (2015 at the earliest)”


  17. They should nerf 704 as well depending on how hard they’re gonna be on the 268. Cuz with the nerfed alpha and DPM there is not many more reasons to upgrade apart from better gun handling.

  18. I wonder how many people will be dropping out of WOT after they nerf the tanks people worked so hard to get. This is getting very silly, why should I spend so much time, ex, and credits to get a tier 10 tank when on the next patch or so they nerf it into junk? I was going to get 2 new tier 10 tanks this week but now I think I will just stop at tier 8′s and any new tanks lines I start up I will stop at tier 6.

  19. So, how would platoons work with National battles? If I would be in a German tank and my Platoon mate would be in a Russian tank, would we end up being enemies? Or would platoons just not be able to join?
    Because 3 man platoons, with tanks of 3 different nations would be difficult.

  20. - Q: “Storm, is it possible to fire all the mountain lovers from the map department?” A: “Of course. Fire them. You have a map department too?”
    Hahaha, good job Storm!

    – in “National battles”, you will not be able to meet enemy team of the same “nationality”, but otherwise, anyone can meet anyone
    Too bad. It’ll would be in fact pretty good! Since the mod is clearly fucked up in some way (1S :D), this would be better!

    – Storm confirms specifically: new French regular branches will not come in 2014 (2015 at the earliest)
    I really don’t know why all people are upset, apart from the fact that WG as said it each year. Just look at the French tank we have: most of them are OP, and the Foch get nerfed only now!
    I prefer that WG give us the new branches fully equilibrated, not like what we have now.

  21. - disabling the chat is intentionally not disabling minimap pings and generic “command wheel” commands

    I don’t mind those at all. What really matters is that chat can finally be disabled. Sick of the constant abuse.

  22. I am still peaved that Israeli tanks will not show up in Wot.

    When u try to download WoT RU or US or SEA in Israel, the website suggests downloading EU client for optimal service. So if that is the case, then Serb is a racist plick for stating that Israel is in Asia.

    Merkava Mk 1 would OWN all tanks in this game. Name a tank in this game that is better then say a T-72!!!!!!!
    (NONE) The Merkava Mk.1 OWNED T-72′s, & T-62′s in REAL Combat.


    • Israel was now even a country until 1945 and your precious tank is a m60 rip off. and t-72 would own it if it was not a 50% crew;)

      • 1948 snukums.

        No T-72 has ever destroyed a Merkava Main Battle Tank.
        While the Merkava Main Battle Tank has in fact destroyed T-72′s in REAL COMBAT.

        Get your facts str8.

        The M-60 “”ripoff”” is in fact a modified M-60 which was born out of REAL COMBAT experience.

        M-60 and T-72 are not the same generation of MBT’s. So no biggie.

    • First: Israel is not a real county, It’s an artificial territory robbed from the arabians.

      Second: Israel is not part of Europe, it belongs to Asia.

      • We didn’t rob the country from the arabs.


        AM YISRAEL CHAI MOTHER FUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        • Ah, with almost up-to-date yenki tech…. big deal. Oh and do not forget the prohibited weapons, cassette-bombs, phosphor-bombs for example, that you are using against the internation laws.
          Furthermore, you should be taken under sanctions because of your nuclear program, not Iran. I hope that they will offend you somehow soon, and really painfully.

          Only wish If we had more time in the ’40s…

          • yeah.

            Attacking civilians is totally legal by international law like the arabs do.

            Seriously. U r simply a jew hater.

            I wish u a horrible life. And that some1 u love be taken from u by terrorists.

              • If I would meet u face to face, then u would probably not be so brave internet warrior.

                • Amazing that I always identify myself as an Israeli. AND NEVER have I met a racist face to face.
                  Only on Internet.

                • Ctfu nubb, your government stole land and you are not a part of EU or europe. I dont have anythin against judaism, but I have againt pro-israelis like you.

                  Also you want to meet a racist, look at your government i isreal, they are racists.

              • It is not racism.
                It is realism.

                Name 1 country that would put up with the shit that Israel puts up with.
                A rocket gets fired into Germany from France. Do the Bosh say NP?

          • Oh cry some more. Using “banned” weapons? Like, you know, 99% of all countries that go to war?

    • It also had a smoothbore gun (and, correct me if I’m wrong, composite armor), which automatically disqualifies it. The only reason we have the T-62A is because it’s the earlier version with a rifled gun, not the production tank with a smoothbore gun.

      • The tank that would potentially be included if and when is the Merkava prototype as a T9.
        and the Merkava Mk1 as T10.

        The 1st gun used on the Merkava Mk 1 was an L7 derivative.

        • Merkava 1 in WOT? Why? It was a 80′s tank with a 50′s gun. And what will it be? A 63 tons medium with 105 mm gun or a 63 tons heavy with 105 mm gun? Either way, it doesn’t fit the game. Plus, we don’t know the armor on this beast :(
          But maybe its gun and weight could be a positive thing… to bring some versatility to the game.
          But again, Israeli tanks don’t fit the game as a whole, given the fact that they did not fight in WWII, didn’t even exist

          • 1. The design and planning started in early 60′s by General Tal of the Tank Corps.
            2. It is a heavy tank. Not a Medium.
            3. The Mk1 had a L7 105mm derivative.
            4. This game is full of tanks that have nothing WHATSOEVER to do with WWII. Like the Pattons for instance. The T54, T62, T110 fam. ETC.

            Super-Shermans are also a gr8 Israeli innovation to keep the venerable Sherman relevant to the 60′s battlefield, taking out T54′s and T55′s (Egyptian and Syrian) and Centurions of the Jordanian Army.

            Magach is the Israeli derivative of the Centurion Mk 7. And it is a PEACH.

            Israel has the most successful Tank Corps in the World Post WWII. And for all intents and purposes, T9-10 are POST WWII. Hence the relevance of the Israeli Tanks to this game.

  23. So, the recent wr comparisons showed the t110e4 as distinctly underpowered and the e3 to be near as damn it balanced, but because other td’s of similar calibre are op as heck (because of how their strengths come together) WG takes the approach of just nerfing the crap out of all that calibre range and doing nothing to truly counter it for these that don’t need the nerf… I’m more than a little disparaged/concerned that this is getting to open test apparently without these cases being considered.

    • E4 and E3 aren’t getting a DPM nerf. They are getting an alpha nerf and ROF buff. With the coming 268 alpha neff without a ROF buff, the E3 and the 268 will start to get a closer in DPM.

      All while keeping their current armour. Should be good.

  24. Removing sniper medal is just retarded. Instead of reworking it a bit so that 10/10 hits with 1001 dmg wouldn’t overmatch 19/20 4000+ dmg, they pretty much removed the main courageous resistance provider to give us “I spam gold/have an autoloader” and “I’m gonna camp near spawn point whole game” medals. And of course Steel Wall hasn’t been changed even though pretty much the only requirement to get it is driving Soviet/German tank.

  25. I got 15/15/15 in my tiger II and enemy t25 got 10/9/9, why the fuck he got sniper medal? I got alot damage as well, like 3 times more than him. Doesnt make any pussy sense.

  26. I was in the middle of my grind, I’ve achieved and maxed the tier 8 amx ac 48 with the tier 9 Foch gun (which is tier 10). I currently have a is7 that ever since the German td line came out is totally worthless now and gets ripped to shreds. so I decided to hunt down the Foch line I almost made it and there going to nerf it… screw that crap. BUT that was the whole point! I was going to get it to defend myself better against this new “era” of td’s but if there going to nerf it screw it ill go back to grinding the fv2404 if I have to. no idea how good of tank that is. but they cant nerf junk I suppose. is7 was nerfed so badly its junk. it cant and will not beat any tier 10 td at the current level it is. so much for my plan. I honestly have no idea what to grind now they keep nerfing almost every tank I try to grind for, then it becomes worthless. ill keep my amx ac 48 for the simple fact that armor and hp wise it cant get worse lol.