Storm talking about ASAP 8.11 video


Hello everyone,

Maiorboltach made a post in the LJ community about the 8.11 ASAP video, where he made a summary of its contents (like I did in the earlier post). Under this post, Storm answered some of the questions. Here is what he said:

- the new Object 268 gold ammo pen will be 395
- Storm states that he said earlier the National battles wouldn’t come because earlier the developers didn’t want to implement them, but they changed their mind (“time went by and situation changed”)
- Waffenträger E-100 will be nerfed in following parameters: hull traverse, aim spread when turret is rotating, turret rotation speed
- Foch 155 DPM will be nerfed (or rather, alpha will be nerfed from 850 to 750 and it will not be compensated by ROF), there will be no other buff to compensate it
- camo for TDs will be reworked, Veider confirms that TDs will lose their class camo bonus
- TD’s as a whole (the entire class) will be rebalanced, the tier 10 nerf is not the final solution, more like a temporary one
- there will be no additional MM rules for the “national battles” mode apart from teams being sorted by nations, everything will work just like in random battles (SS: 6x KV-1S vs 6x VK3601 will be “fun”)
- developers actually thought about introducing the chat disabled visualisation (SS: as in, players would be able to see who in battle has disabled chat) but decided not to do it, because there is a danger the disabled chat would be too popularized by that
- BigWorld change in 8.11 will mean the mods will stop working

121 thoughts on “Storm talking about ASAP 8.11 video

    • I think pretty much all mods. It was an indirect question, a player asked “And with the Bigworld change, modders will drown in sweat” and Storm said “yes :(“

        • More likely ALL mods, because the new Bigworld version uses an updated Action Script 3, so every mod will stop working until the modders adapted to AS3 or whatever 3.xxxxx version it is now.

          • No, that’s not true.
            The current engine uses AS2 and AS3 files (flash and scaleform folder).
            Those mods that are already on the updated AS3 (in the flash folder) should work just fine.
            Except Storm might have meant something different and in that case all mods stop working.

    • I think that it’s not that bad if mods don’t work for couple of days, when they get better engine for whole game.

        • Also some mod devs will get it done through the usual 2 to 4 test phases.

          If I’m not mistaken the “dreaded no xvm” patch had a partially working test mod really quickly and a pretty good one by the end.

          Mods that aren’t in development anymore though are a different case

  1. - TD’s as a whole (the entire class) will be rebalanced, the tier 10 nerf is not the final solution, more like a temporary one
    I do hope that this doesn’t get overdone, the loss of camo bonus seems enough for the tiers 9 and below. The alpha nerf for the tier 10′s will make life a bit easier for the lower tiers facing them since the loss of HP won’t be as massive.

    • Same here. This tier 10 nerf is sick. Especially “- the new Object 268 gold ammo pen will be 395″ – now it’s gone be unplayable. No armor, camo, mobility, RoF or accuraccy. And they are gonna turn megaubersuper OP Foch 155 into shit.

  2. >> – Waffenträger E-100 will be nerfed in following parameters: hull traverse, aim spread when turret is rotating, turret rotation speed

    Lol, because AA gun was meant to shoot at big, slow moving ships. Definitely not at small, fast flying aircrafts :) …

  3. Tier 6-8 British tanks will be screwed in the National matches.

    VK3601s vs KV-1Ss?

    Imagine Churchill 7s and Cromwells vs KV-1Ss and SU100′s

    • BS!
      If correctly played, KV-1S will bounce tons of shells from 7th Church armor. At least, when I played Church 7, I never feared those slow shooting bouncy 122mm guns. Same with Cromwells – they can circle those SU’s all day long. All nations have some strenghts, so this is not so easy to predict, that one nation will dominate another in most cases and setups.
      And VK36 has much better DPM than KV-1S, so there’s no problem either.

      • Don’t forget also that Soviets are quite blind on tier 6.
        OFC, that means shit for 45% idiot who will whine more then ever.

  4. - Foch 155 DPM will be nerfed (or rather, alpha will be nerfed from 850 to 750 and it will not be compensated by ROF), there will be no other buff to compensate it
    Well, that’s huge, especially taking into account the nerfed engine too :)

  5. >> (SS: 6x KV-1S vs 6x VK3601 will be “fun”)

    But gun depression is a “balance parameter”, you know…

    Can’t nerf poor OP-1S, it would be unplayable :P .

    • I am afraid they will overbalance(nerf) them in that mythical future “rebalance”, then everyone will start to play heavies and meds and new sea of whine will start over again.
      So it’s a magical circle here :)

      • > then everyone will start to play heavies
        Which in turn would probably make more people play artillery again. But then artillery will probably get nerfed even more because people who play like shit get hit all the time and then whine on the forums.

  6. nerf TD camo… nice, seems that they want to see only heavy tanks in the game….

    i want to see the changes on those 4 maps

    foch155 needed those nerfs… next tank should be the t57.

    national battles will be a fail… Rusian tanks will win easy 70% of the batles.

    • nope they wont all other nations are not worse i hate these Russian tanks are OP bullshit!!!

    • well Foch 155 needed nerf, but i think its a bit unfair – no ROF compensation? At least 2-3 seconds on the entire drum reload time, or only 4 seconds between shots

      • have you ever played one? no seriously, outside of test server?

        The armor nerf, wont mean squat. it bounces lower tiers, not equal tiers. that is a fact. the 120 to 100mm wont affect it at all. The RNG on the tank is rediculous. i mean HORRIBLE. ask any person on NA east that has a foch and has played a few battles in it.

        in the end, it doesn’t matter to me. i was being forced to play it in clan wars, and i dont like the tank. So this just put the nail in the coffin for it. nobody will play them in CW’s now. NO ONE.

        which is perfect fine by me, i’ve been wanting to play my Obj 140 =) now i have an excuse too in Clan Wars! WOOT

        Btw. no tank deserves the nerfs foch 155 is about to receive.
        -Armor taken away on every side of the tank
        -Rangefinder Weakspots made weaker(not like it matters with armor debuff)
        -Engine reducation from 1200 to 1000 horsepower.
        -Gun going from 850dmg to 750dmg.
        -Camo Bonus values taken away.

        you realize that it’s going to become completely ineffective now for the people that did enjoy it?
        What other TD do you know of, at tier 10, that has 100mm on the front of it? can you tell me?

        add in the fact it already has horrible horrible RNG rolls. This tank is toast. lol.

  7. BigWorld change in 8.11 will mean the mods will stop working

    WORST news ever!!!!
    WOT really has crap interface and mod are only making it “tolerable”. The god awful vanilla game is unplayable once you have got the taste of the basic mods.

    • Why so rage?

      Every modders know about that and they work in each test server coming.

      This news is not really sudden though

      • yeah,
        but just imagine how many other things they will mess up ?!

        Also from the words used i understand that there will be no mods working in 8.11. As no mods at all. Hope they will just need to make new mods. That will take some time, but we will get them after all i hope

        • You cand be misunderstood. The actual mod will not working because of the compatibility with engine but he never said “ever”
          Chill. This happened so many times before .(like XVM version passed 5.0.0)
          Just give some love to modder and wait to see how it comes

      • I agree, I got my Foch 155 just about 2 months ago, the line opens up and becomes something at T8, in T9 you are able to start playing it as a front line TD, you bounce a ton off rounds. You just have to still be careful since you don’t have the DPM at T9 to take down a tank like you can in the T10.

        I have to admit, the 155 is OP, although not as much at the WT E100, anyway, to pull in front of just about any tank in the game and kill them from full health to nothing with 3 shots in 10 seconds, is OP!

        • you can kill one tank. and then your dead. i dont consider that OP. I can kill Foch 155′s very easily.

          Even more so now. Hell 40mm of side armor? if they expose their side by even 10% i’m going to shoot HE shells into them…..since it’ll blow thru with no issues. Except Foch 155 doesnt have the HP’s the WT E 100 has to take that stuff.

  8. - TD’s as a whole (the entire class) will be rebalanced, the tier 10 nerf is not the final solution, more like a temporary one

    Holyshit! I pissed my pants!

  9. “- there will be no additional MM rules for the “national battles” mode apart from teams being sorted by nations, everything will work just like in random battles (SS: 6x KV-1S vs 6x VK3601 will be “fun”)”

    Actually it might be good, because it will skew the WR a bit more (still) for KV-1S and persuade developers to do something about it.

    • I wish.
      Just as KV-1 tier lower, KV-1S is a “noob friendly” tank for that tier. It won’t be nerfed even if only to keep something easy to drive for all weak players.

  10. Why the f are they nerfing Foch 155s alpha too? then don’t nerf mobility, the mobility would have been enough, they are doing the same thing they did with m48 patton… What about t57? Whiners! Whiners everywhere ! Learn to play, Foch has its BIG weak points too!!

      • but actually he is right mobillity nerf+Alpha Nerf is a bit too much in my opinion.
        (or they should give us back the xp we needed for the foch like they did with the Super Pershing)

      • The mobility is going to hurt, although the Foch 155 can do a ton of damage, when you are reloading for 45+ seconds you have no defense other than to wiggle your ass off, lol. At least before you would be able to out run most of the tanks coming after you, they are turning one of the best, if not the best, front line TD into a sniper.

        • LOL!!!!! There is no sniping in a Foch 155. TRUST ME. RNG makes sure of that in this tank.

    • All noobs are whining, because TD nerf means they’ll have to learn to play, there are no more OP classes they can jump to.

  11. - camo for TDs will be reworked, Veider confirms that TDs will lose their class camo bonus

    Leave my E-25 alone!

  12. Well. Disabling chat is biggest shit I´ve ever seen. It absolutely destroys the little remain of competitive play on random Games,yea it should be acceptable when you know who have got disabled chat so it doesnt matter if you write to him or not but this is just one big bad idea that doesnt help anyone.

    PS: Sorry for my english I´m czech

  13. >- the new Object 268 gold ammo pen will be 395

    so its still the 2d best 15x shell.. not that 13mm matter much compared to the foch.

  14. WTE turret rotation speed –> 18 deg/sec its will be slow a leas and mediums can circle them from 8.11

  15. 268, probably most popular and OP TD gets JUST gold ammo nerf, ridiculous. You can whine as much as you want about Foch, but truth is that Object 268 is MUCH more powerful and common (I see around 3-4 268s per Foch155). Good speed, bouncy armor, good camo, nice turn rate, OP gun with arty like damage and crazy penetration.

      • >Every tier 10 TD except 263 will have better gold pen than 268 after the pen change.

        lol no, get your facts straight:

        Jgpz E100 (heat) 420mm
        Foch (heat) 408mm
        O268 (heat) 395mm
        T110E4/5 (apcr) 375mm
        WTE100 128mm (apcr) 352mm
        O263 (apcr) 330mm
        FV215 183 (ap) 303mm [275 for hesh)

        If anything its now in line with all the other tanks and has not 30mm more penetration then a 170mm heat shell.

  16. Jesus SerB, all you need to do is remove the Awfultraeger’s 128. That’s it.

    Use your Slavic brain, man. We know you can do it.

      • It has great damage. You can either have damage OR penetration. Its not a russian tank. Its called fair balance.

    • I don’t agree with that idea Nitty. But we’ll see if the nerf that will be done will be enough to balance it.

  17. “- camo for TDs will be reworked, Veider confirms that TDs will lose their class camo bonus”

    Does this already happen in 0.8.11, or will it be introduced in a later patch (0.9.x), together with the complete rebalance of the entire TD class?

  18. The nerf-bat…. WG’s solution to everything by making developers *waste* precious time on “rebalancing” rather than the things we WANT in the game and have been asking for YEARS now – instead of just adding tank-class hardcaps to prevent too many of certain types in a random battle.

    Logic at work…

    • How logically comes rebalancing is waste of time? And what relation between “do want” and “logic”? I dont understand

    • I’m not agreeing with a hardcap as that would be detrimental. However, WG’s solution (removing the camo bonus) may be even more detrimental or will require the vast majority of TDs to require a buff in some way just to remain competitive (they were balanced with the camo factor in mind, removing that means you need to change other parameters)

  19. well some TDs deserve a camo nerf but not all of them. Stug and jagdpanzer IV for example

    • No the StuG is rediculously OP! After all it is already out DPMed and out HPed by almost any other T5. Also think about it’s awesome 80mm of massive armor that can be penned by every T5 gun… Not to mention the fast turning speed of it’s turret!

  20. - Waffenträger E-100 will be nerfed in
    following parameters: hull traverse, aim
    spread when turret is rotating, turret rotation
    WTF?! What kind of nerf is that? It can still one-clip every tank in game.

  21. So Foch 155 mobility should be roughly the same as the tier IX Foch and a little bit lower alpha. People will still complain.

    Will Obj 268 get ROF buff/compensation? If yes it could be even more deadly. And there is really no reason to use HEAT shells on it.

  22. This is bullshit.

    Basically, out of the two tier 10 TDs that really need a nerf only one is getting it, while the other, which is much more op, remains pretty much unchanged.

    Furthermore, they will nerf the shit out of TDs in the future, which will most likely lead to heavies being too powerful. They will then nerf heavies in one way or another and before you know it, mediums are gonna be the new op tanks. Then the nerfing cycle will be complete and we can start nerfing anew.

    Unless Im missing something, it seems completely and utterly retarded. And dont even get me started on the option to disable chat.

    • TD’s camo became a problem in 8.6 when they adjusted it, fine-tuning it for individual TDs will not make them shit.

  23. Why hasn’t anyone complained the Spelling error of “Possible” in 38 sec? Was it intentional?

    • that’s because, as much as its gun is deadly if you get caught in its crosshairs, it’s considered quite balanced.

  24. If there are that much whiners (who will always find a new target, so this is hopeless), than take away foch’s ammo clip and gave him a normal gun (at least 0,36 acc), with the rof at least 4.

  25. - camo for TDs will be reworked, Veider confirms that TDs will lose their class camo bonus
    - TD’s as a whole (the entire class) will be rebalanced, the tier 10 nerf is not the final solution, more like a temporary one
    Fucking yaaay….Now my TDs will be spotted as soon as i drive out of my base….It’s not like some TDs would get spotted anyway even with full camo skill on crew(yes i’m looking at you Shitty Emil), now you are instaspotted. Srsly why did they fired Zlobny in game balance department and shifted this fucktard cunt Veider there. He proved many times in his Q&A how retarded he is. I bet he’s one of the fuckwit heavy drivers who can’t stand invisible TDs. Just because some high tier TDs are OP that doesn’t mean all TDs should be nerfed to shit with this camo nerf. How about you increase then their reverse speed to compensate camo nerf? Because if you ever drove a fucking Stug you would knew how shitty reverse speed it has and how hard is to go back to cover once you are spotted, and now thanks to camo nerf you’ll be spotted all the time. Srsly…

  26. i love how everyone is crying on WT E-100. If Foch 155 shots its clip, you can wiggle. If WT shots his clip, he can run for his life. I think everybody that whines was taken in one clip, because they didn’t drive carefully. Just like the artys before. WT is not OP. The targets are just too dumb. And yes i got clipped by WT too…

    • TDs are usually natural snipers, using the first shot to track you, then unloading the rest of their wad into you (they don’t like it when their prey squirms)

  27. - BigWorld change in 8.11 will mean the mods will stop working

    Is that the only feature of the new BigWorld ? :D :D :D
    what about optimization/etc … ?

    - camo for TDs will be reworked, Veider confirms that TDs will lose their class camo bonus
    All TD’s ? :O what’s wrong with my precious StuG III ? :( :(

    • I’m more worried about those massive TDs that will now be pretty much instaspotted. Meaning it’s gonna hurt to play German lol

    • AS3 code execution is about 10x faster. But that doesn’t influence the engine’s performance.
      Expect some windows to be opened faster or maybe some faster game loading.

  28. Very funny there is still no KV-1S nerf! actually more disturbing tank in t6 than Foch155 in t10 imho

  29. - TD’s as a whole (the entire class) will be rebalanced, the tier 10 nerf is not the final solution, more like a temporary one

    déjà vu

    • It will become like arty, and once again WG show that they listen to noob whiners on the forum. Mark my words autloaders and mediums will be next.

  30. OK, i wont be buying Foch 155 then. Lets all play russians.
    In my opinion all T10 TDs will now be pretty much equal strength, except the OBJ 268.
    And JgPz E100 needs a (mobility) buff, i feel sorry every time i see somebody driving one.

  31. A camo nerf to TDs, huh? Okay, not a bad idea, except that it has a problem:

    This is only really a severe nerf to the glass cannon TDs that have pretty much no armor and rely on not being seen to avoid getting killed in a couple of seconds. The vehicles primarily effected by this seem to be the Waffentraegers (a stealth German nerf – no surprise there), although this will ALSO effect one particular vehicle that many will agree is a thorn in their sides, especially if you drive Heavies:

    the M18 Hellcat.

  32. You dont understand the nerf is only made to make less people play TDs, WG dont take consideration to the actual TDs WR, and some of them have alot lower than heavys.

  33. - TD’s as a whole (the entire class) will be rebalanced, the tier 10 nerf is not the final solution, more like a temporary one

    They are sending tier 10 tds to Auschwitz? sigh

  34. Still we don’t have the power to kick out a player who is revealing positions to the enemy team. At least, that should be ok in team battles, at least give that power to the host so the rest of the team can have an opportunity to keep playing.