Ingame report system apparently works…

Hello everyone,

after reading this LJ post by geass_code, I went to check Russian forums. Since yesterday, there is a new post on Russian forums – a huge list of idiots and trolls banned, using the ingame report system – there are over 5000 names. Most were banned for “insults and provocation”, while others for example for pushing allies.

To be quite honest, I never thought much about the report system, mainly because I was sometimes behaving like an asshole (ally RhB threatening to shoot our (pretty competent) passive scout for not rushing towards the enemy – a minute later, certain Centurion “mysteriously” appears behind him just as he got spotted, blocking his retreat, leading to his untimely demise and whole lot of rage) but nothing happened to me.

But I guess it works. For those who do not know how, press and hold Ctrl in battle for the mouse cursor to appear, click (or rightclick? I can’t remember) on the person you want to report in the team list, press Complain and choose what you want to report him for. One report does not make anyone banned and there is no point in spamming reports on one player (reporting him multiple times by yourself will make the mods think you just spam and the chance for his punishment is actually lower).

39 thoughts on “Ingame report system apparently works…

  1. I remember the topic in polish community forum – in one CW battle the guy was last of his team and hidden his tank in order to get a draw. The guys from the other clan were so pissed off, that they reported him all for unfair playing and he got few days ban – it prevented him of playing in other CW battles, and of course he lost few days of premium account (it ended in WG Support) – after that came out a proposal in polish community to turn off reports in CW games. So yes, reports work :) Support claims, that at least 5 reports on 1 player are needed for system to work.

    • lol sore losers. Going for a draw is legit tactic of retaining a territory, those guys that reported him are bunch of faggots.

    • if it would’ve worked, I would’ve been banned for quite a lot of shitty things I’ve done
      and yet, since the report system was introduced, I never got banned

      • TBH I’ve got 2 or 3 chat bans, but only because I was being an ars in general chat…you know, the general chat channel from the garage.
        And that was the only time I got any type of ban.

        I did say some nasty shit in ingame chat but never actually got any type of ban or warning or anything, appart from rants to my clan commander from the same people that I’ve been an ars ingame because of their stupidity.

        Anyway, I think the system works, I use it frequently for reporting bots and afk-ers (but before doing so I check their stats to see if they are actually bots or just bad players and assume they’ve got shitty pc’s or slow internet connection), team killers and stuff like that, basically unfair players that do team damage or even kill team mates just for the usual “AAAHHHH! YOU SCRATCHED MAH PAINT!!! I KEEEL YOU!!!!” and the oh-so-popular blockers and griefers that park behind you or infront of you to either block your shot and get some credits out of the damage you done to them while going in your shot, or to just block your retreat because you stole their kill or something like that.

        But anyway, I’ve yet to see the system actually work against bots or players that bot the whole game and then play really bad in high tier tanks. IMHO those are the morons that should be banned.

        • WG should put some markers above players with bad or lost intenet connection, so the others wont report such players for botting/AFK

            • Most of my chatbans(8-9 in total) were when i was pissed off so i bashed WG on general chat eventhough i knew there are some mods monitoring the chat. And yea, few minutes later i was chatbanned, but i think i haven’t got banned by people reporting me in the game eventhough i deserved it lots of times. And still wonder how i haven’t seen my name in the Hall of Shame yet.

    • I once got chat banned just for being a chat happy and friendly guy. I had said nothing wrong. You have no idea how infuriating it is to be shut up. especially when you Aren’t a mean person.

    • Same here. Only time I got chat banned was when we continued to insult each other through PMs on WoT forum.

      And the question is why cant I see any bans for botting reports in those lists?

      • Developers tend not to make things related to botting bans available to the public. Helps make it harder for the bot creators to figure out what got them caught.

  2. I wonder if that works on EU too? Yesterday some random T-62A player kept telling me to go away when I tried to get to a passive scouting spot in my Wz-131.
    Both of us ended up in the same place, and he decided to park behind me and fire to get spotted so I would be shot instead. When I called him out for it he decided to try pushing me out of cover, which I denied him by moving out of the way. When that failed he simply pinned me to a rock and TKd me.

    Somehow I doubt that mine and my platoonmate’s reports would do anything.

  3. Pfff I would be perma banned for killing allies (aka driving lessons for dummies) looong time ago if reports really worked.

  4. Well I hoped it will work on EU – it can be possibly the most significant change in this patch :) I’m sick of bots and teamkillers who don’t give a shit – because they know they will be unpunished…

  5. > a minute later, certain Centurion “mysteriously” appears behind him just as he got spotted, blocking his retreat, leading to his untimely demise and whole lot of rage) but nothing happened to me.

    You’re a dick :D

    but a justified dick ;3

  6. “[...]a minute later, certain Centurion “mysteriously” appears behind him[...]”

    A wild Centurion appears… :))))) Awsome. That made my day.

  7. -a minute later, certain Centurion “mysteriously” appears behind him just as he got spotted, blocking his retreat, leading to his untimely demise and whole lot of rage) but nothing happened to me.

    you mean the RhB or the Scout?

  8. Can someone tell me something about the clan “04KO”? I checked one guy from the list and then his clan and found out that there are almost only players below 20% WR (some even below 1%). How is it even possible to reach such a low WR and whats the point of this clan?

  9. Define “banned”.

    chat hostility only results in temp chat bans here, which is hardly a punishment.

  10. Yes, their ingame reporting system or automatic system for team damage/killing works, but it is far from being good system without flaws. You need to do like tons of team damage to become blue, and to actually get banned you need to do even more and that is BAD. They said it’s done to prevent people who accidentally shot their teammates get banned, but that is total bullshit because no one can shoot “accidentally” their teammates 3, 4 or even more times in a row. Ok, you hit him once, ok twice, but more than that you either are a moron or you intentionally shot him and you deserve a ban. As for the insults and provocations, that is even bigger bullshit. I know i never got any ban and God knows i deserved it. Even if people report someone they need like 100 fucking reports to actually ban someone. Imo everything else except the auto teamdamage system is there for placebo effect. So people would feel better when they report someone, but it actually doesn’t do anything. Same goes with support and ticket system. If you report someone manually via support they just copy/paste you a generated answer about that same ingame report system and basically say to you that they don’t give a fuck and they will not do anything. Just because there is something in the game doesn’t mean it’s designed good and that it works as it should/intended.

  11. From the NA forums

    Jewel_Thief’, on 14 Aug 2013 – 6:41 PM, said:

    All right folks…
    Here’s the skinny:

    We do NOT consider in game complaints for the following:
    Unfair play (this should be reported directly to Support, with video evidence)
    Team damage (this is handled by our automated system — we will not investigate tickets about these offense either, since the automated system is working)
    Revealing allied positions (this requires a ticket to Support and a screenshot/replay)
    Pushing out an ally (this requires a ticket to Support with a replay video)

    These are the complaints we DO look at on the back end from the in-game system:
    Insult or provocation

  12. Small tip: You can also report people from the after battle report in the garage just incase the battle ended before you could report a douchenozzle.

  13. To all the people saying it doesn’t work because “I should have been banned but wasn’t” – You do realise that you have to be reported, yes? It’s only automatic for team damage.
    So next time you whine about something, make sure you know what you’re talking about. Otherwise you look like an idiot.

  14. this game is beautiful
    but this game also has the most retarded report system
    report as much as u want next game u see the moron again and again, reported so many times with replay and all i was geting as answer was IN GAME SYSTEM no need to report with replay and mail after geting serval times the same answer i decided to handle it my self no report nothing they shot u shot back fuck it

  15. On forum it works ofc… Got permaRO a few days ago from “educational warnings”… Bullshit…

    Ingame: I think I must have gotten tonns of reports, but nothing yet…
    I got chatbann ingame for garage General chat only.