Hello everyone,
check out new info about WoT: Blitz on Overlord’s blog! You can also check out Listy’s article about Toyota Wars.
- apparently, T23 premium tank will not be sold…
- T23 will not have the same speed going backward as going forward, the reverse will be around 30 km/h
- the T-54 in game is apparently not supposed to look like the regular T-54, because “it’s a prototype”
- T-54 will have two alternative hulls
- Panzer III’s will have alternative hulls, including the ones with additional armor, like here (SS: I don’t mean the Schurzen, but the extra plate bolted to the front of the tank)
By the way, regarding that Russian TD leak, I asked a bit around and I wouldn’t expect these anytime soon. Maybe not even in 2014 – just saying.
Damn on the leaks…
Isn’t curremt panzer 3 with bolted armor too?
Second Pz III is.
T23…um, wait, what?
Just check the wiki….
Just read the god damn WoT wiki
apparently, T23 premium tank will not be sold…
At this rage, its hardly a tragedy.
The current 8.11 version of this tank is total shit. Basically a stock T20 with a heavy-tank’s MM weight burden…
You probably mean T21 not 23
no, I mean T23.
It has literally identical gun performance to the m1A2 on the T20 [...and T21 I think], marginally better armor, but I think its slower and it has more MM weight burden for absolutely no fucking reason.
Question, please? how did you know about the T23′s stats?
Soviet TD’s not coming even in 2014 ? Ain’t even mad, just got SU-100 on my second account, I would get my jimmies rustled a little if they added new stuff just after I passed the tier in question.
the T-54 in game is apparently not supposed to look like the regular T-54, because “it’s a prototype”
- T-54 will have two alternative hulls
So I get it its a t54 prototype, that answers all the questions (good excuse)
Bullet dodging benny hill at work again.
T23 with 76mm M1A1 cannon at tier 7 (with apparently regular MM) without the +50 km/h reverse speed and not being sold on the shop like some sort of super-exclusive deluxe premium tank? Let me call a friend who has a 3D printer and I will pay you to print the tank so you can insert it slowly inside your anus, wargaming.
T23 not being sold?
I doubt too many tears were shed over this piece of news. It would’ve been a gold spam-heavy tank at tier 7, even with special matchmaking. Absent future nerfs, the T-44-85 will be the tier 7 medium to look forward to getting.
…about that..
apparently the T-44A [i dislike the name T-44/85, it gives the wrong implication of what the tank is] isn’t going to come anymore. WG is instead going to give us a “light” T-54 as a tier 8 premium.
From the looks of it, its basically a Type 59 with a bit less armor.
you also forgot worse gun depression and also probably worse pen/dmg per shell.
We’ll have to see. I’m going to wait for more details to emerge about the light T-54. I expect WG to really gimp it at the outset to make sure it’s not OP before giving it incremental buffs. If it’s OP from the very beginning, it’ll get nerfs during CT for sure.