Hello everyone,
for Wargaming EU, there are no bots apparently, but Wargaming RU takes the issue seriously. One of the best known Russian streamers, Murazor, made a stream session (not only) about bots with Anton “Evilly” Pankov (chief of Russian community). The session was called “Bot Hunt” and Maiorboltach from RU LJ was kind enough to transcribe the answers. Here’s what Evilly said. You might like it.
- Russian threads about bots were purged on RU forums, because a player cannot be 100 percent sure, whether the target is a bot or a human, apparently, bots caused a hysterical reaction across several communities
- players can actually influence developers (SS: there was a petition of 200k people apprently about CW, I don’t know any details, but it did influence the developers)
- official Wargaming position towards bots: “We admit problems with bots, Warpack etc., but the alleged number of 100k botters is not serious and greatly exaggerated. We admit they are in our game, but there is no massive infestation.”
- on average, work on an entire system (for example: arty rebalance) takes 6 months
- in 9.1 a system will be introduced, where AFK players, that move very little (this condition is made softer for slow vehicles), deal 0 damage and meet many more conditions, will recieve 0 XP and credits
- 8.11 will arrive in the night from Monday to Tuesday
- there will be a new anti-teamkill system: it will take into account module damage, detracks etc. – teamkiller will also pay you all your repair cost from his pocket and will pay a 10/20/30 percent fine to top it off, the exact percentage depends on more tests
- new anti-bot system is being developed for half a year already, preliminary ETA is 9.2
- there are plans for a new launcher, that will also check the integrity of the exe file (SS: for hacks)
- currently, players are being banned for Warpack and its components, but its detection takes time and it needs more time
- currently, WG is glad they didn’t implement transfers of silver from one player to another, because “it breaks the main pleasure in the game – development and growth in the game”
- the main problem with current Wargaming Hall of Fame is that players are not removed immediately (if they are banned). This will be fixed soon and a player will be removed immediately after he gets a ban automatically
- WG pursues the policy of loyalty: Evilly states that WG are loyal to their users, they give players second and third chances – botter accounts will be resetted, but some botters (recidivists) will be banned permanently
- apparently only 10 percent of players, who are banned, repeat their offense, but this number is still very high according to Evilly
- both Anti-bot 1.0 (current) and Anti-bot 2.0 have the scripts, used by the bots, integrated in them
- players are being allegedly banned constantly for botting and other infractions
- Python scripts are left open specifically for players to be able to create mods with features that Wargaming didn’t manage to implement yet, or considers them low priority
- yesterday (7.2.2014), 67 people were banned for botting on RU server
- CRC sum (MD5) checking usefulness is dubious and it is resource-requiring, according to Evilly – he states an example of some game, that does it, but it gets bypassed anyway
- Wargaming is currently considering PVE elements – additional training modes for players, that will consist of small quests, that will force players to think, they are called “individual quests”, this is considered seriously, but not now – in a month or so they will start thinking about it
- additional work on the report system is planned: “Don’t be afraid to report!”
- Wargaming has some sort of internal word filter: if a player is rude in the chat and is for example reported by 10 players, the system automatically checks his previous chats for swear words, compares them to internal WG database, including the roots of the word, slang etc. and if several swearwords are found, the player will get a ban
- there will be a Japanese premium medium tank implemented, no ETA currently, but it is planned (SS: as in hightier)
- Severogorsk will be reworked in 9.0
- in 2014 there will be TWO branches of regular tanks and 5-6 premium tanks (SS: that’s weird, I was almost certain it was three)
- 9.0 will bring historical battles
- equalizing the hitpoints of meds and heavies was Zlobny’s doing, he strongly defended this position
- a map takes 3-4 months to create, without testing and polishing
- historical battles will bring historical maps, historical vehicle setups, respawns and historical rewards
- there will be a new system to punish those, who leave battle early: if a player leaves the battle before his vehicle is destroyed, he will not be able to join other battle on another vehicle until the first battle is over, this will come in 9.1
- in 9.2 a captcha system might appear in WoT (SS: not sure that this means)
- it’s possible a second layer of authorization will be implemented (something like Blizzard SMS system), most likely based on WoT Assistant
- new launcher will (with high probability) bring also another account authentication, you will basically have to enter your password both in the launcher and in the game, it will also be possible to use a “secret question” during authentication
- currently, there are final tests being run for the option to actually return an account to a previous “checkpoint” (SS: like the old Windows checkpoints for system restore, in order to get your crews/premiums back etc)
- Wargaming is constantly monitoring sites with cheats, their videos etc. and sends complaints to their net hosts, but this process is very slow in Russia
- there will be a new regular (and premium) hangar in 9.0
- 70 percent of WoT players are 28-30 years old according to Evilly
- a “feedback” feature is planned for the complaint system: if you reported someone and he gets banned as a result, you will be notified via a system message
- 9.0 will bring Chat 2.0 system
- hiding your statistics is still considered, but it has low priority
- Wargaming is developing a system of “Fortifications” (SS: “Fortified area”) – basically a “home base” for a clan within the client, it will be possible to develop and customize it (approximately a base like in a strategy game)
- along with this “Fortification” system, a clan efficiency rating will be implemented
- one of the PVE concept ideas (the favourite one of Evilly) is that for example there might be 5 daily quests (one for each class), for example take a light tank, run through the Monastery map through checkpoints and shoot targets on the move, for these you recieve a reward
- another PVE concept is the classic defense versus waves of enemies with ammo being replenished every wave
- there were Wargaming cases of banning the IP of a player, the reason was death threats
- white corpses mod is not banned, it can be used
- every week, legal department of Wargaming makes a list of fake goldseller sites and sends it to Google. Google then bans them from appearing during searches
It’s possible some of these will be rectified later, but for now, this is it.
- there will be a new anti-teamkill system: it will take into account module damage, detracks etc. – teamkiller will also pay you all your repair cost from his pocket and will pay a 10/20/30 percent fine to top it off, the exact percentage depends on more tests
Well, this is something I cannot wait to arrive :) :) This will kill teamkillers
Oops, not Kill teamkillers, this will minimize teamkillers* Time for bed :P Cant think straight :P
But there is a little problem with that, for example light tanks that want to make profit and ram HTs.
Also I would like to see something like “don’t fine that guy” button, in cases where we were shot by an accident, or arty tried to help us, but RNG works as intended etc.
I had such situation few times, some guy shot me by an accident, apologized, did well in that battle and yet had bad income because of bad luck.
Hehe, arty tried to help us xD It is mostly when the enemy is on 10% and I’m on 100%… and I’m facehugging, and guess which of the 2 will hit the arty…
There is a system already in the game that prevents lights to ram heavies and profit. The one who was going faster is the one who pays.
But there are cases where for example, a T-50 is going to overtake a KV-1, and then he turns away and blocked T-50′s way. At the end of the battle will the T-50 pays for KV-1′s repairs?
How about people driving into your shots on purpose? Until now, that was something that did at the very least hurt the troll as well. It sounds good on paper, in practice it might be awkward.
this will not stop me from killing idiots
A CAPTCHA (an acronym for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart”) is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to determine whether or not the user is human. The term was coined in 2000[1] by Luis von Ahn, Manuel Blum, Nicholas J. Hopper of Carnegie Mellon University and John Langford of IBM.[2] The most common type of CAPTCHA was first invented by Mark D. Lillibridge, Martin Abadi, Krishna Bharat and Andrei Z. Broder. This form of CAPTCHA requires that the user type the letters of a distorted image, sometimes with the addition of an obscured sequence of letters or digits that appears on the screen. Because the test is administered by a computer, in contrast to the standard Turing test that is administered by a human, a CAPTCHA is sometimes described as a reverse Turing test. This term is ambiguous because it could also mean a Turing test in which the participants are both attempting to prove they are the computer.
This user identification procedure has received many criticisms, especially from disabled people, but also from other people who feel that their everyday work is slowed down by distorted words that are illegible even for users with no disabilities at all.
RU str0ng
- Severogorsk will be reworked in 2.0
Did you mean 9.0 maybe?
SS, why are you constantly saying that WG EU doesn’t admit existence of bots when they even have a thread about bots and how to report them:
Cite from the topic:
“How do I recognize a bot?
Each bot has its own little flaws and special features, there are no easy ways to write this down in words. Even if we repeat ourselves at this point, It is crucial that players use the in-game report function.
The system works better if more players use it carefully and for the right reasons. Please share this knowledge in your clan or with your friends!”
Ambasador strike
Why offending me? :) That thread is on top in general discussion, you can’t miss it.
You must have missed his earlier post. Apparently from what I hear (NA here) WG EU is a very….synchronized place. One part does/says something, the other part does/says something completely contradictory.
I don’t see why Lee thinks that Wargaming cares about AFK/BOTs in-game. If they did why do we see so many of them in-game?
From what has been explained on this web site is that it appears as if the RU admins actively do something to weed out these players while it appears as if nothing is done on the EU server.
Yes, there is a complaints system but do you really think anyhting happens after you or any number of players in the battle make a complaint? I think many players have accepted that the complain is a placebo in that you think somehting will happen because of the report but in fact nothing happens. It’s like an emergency button that is not attached to anything.
I don’t think they care but they definitely admit existence of bots
interesting answers, and nice to see some hard data that bots are getting banned.
- Wargaming is developing a system of “Fortifications” (SS: “Fortified area”) – basically a “home base” for a clan within the client, it will be possible to develop and customize it (approximately a base like in a strategy game)
maybe it will contain a customizable garage for all clan members? (clan logos and beer everywhere)
..and a naughty step for those members being a pain in the arse?
- currently, there are final tests being run for the option to delete an account altogether (SS: if I understand it correctly), this will be a punishment for botters
Извини, отвечу на русском ибо с телефона, а на инглише что-то не пишется. Это функция отката аккаунта на определенную точку резервного копирования аккаунта. Полезна если удалили экираж или премтанк и т.д.
И да, я в стенограмме не пояснил, надо будет поправить
Ах. Ок спасибо!
Captcha system is a system to prevent the bot or script by typing a text from the image which is hard to scan a text by OCR. generally, it’s used to stop spam or security
I know what a captcha is, mate, I don’t know how is it connected to the client. Writing a captcha before every battle would be annoying as hell.
Oh, I see.
I don’t think they will be a spam of captcha :), sure every captcha is a pain in the ass.
it can be possibly applied when you sell the tank. typing a price to sell is pretty weak.
but ha ha. start battle with captcha, I would stop playing
maybe it will be implemented when you type a wrong password more than X times?, a lot of websites do that, to stop bruteforce attacks
After you played too many battles in a short time, you’ll have to use captcha to play another one. That should prevent bots from making 600 battles in a day.
Yes it could be linked to sustained bot and afk behaviour – AFK is the lowest form of botting – and not for regular players. It would be a way of dealing with new bot engines.
Really looking forward to all the 9.x patches. So many improvement of life upgrades sorely needed in World of Tanks. Plus, having very few new tanks to grind, people can just start playing for fun and I can actually catch up on some of my older tanks.
- a “feedback” feature is planned for the complaint system: if you reported someone and he gets banned as a result, you will be notified via a system message
I am going to love this. At least now I know if my reporting did something :-)
Lol..yes. Maybe they even implement a medal for it. “The golden banhammer” for banning 10 users..or sth. ^^
- in 9.2 a captcha system might appear in WoT
Might be like the one on the chinese server.
Saw that when i was playing a press account during the WCG 2012 in Kunshan.
It appears after 2 or 3 battles played, when you are in your hangar, a captcha pops and you have to enter it to keep playing another battle.
Was introduced in china to get rid of BOT users (BOTS were mainly used to level up accounts and then sell them) and also to keep players awaken (some chinese like to spend 15 hours straight each days on WoT – im sure some EU like too ;) )
15 hours straight? I get tired after 4 hours of WoT (but not some other games ;-) .
After 2 or 3 battles played? Fook that shit.
i need to spend 5-10 seconds to type a captach every 15minutes.
I don’t mind everything else. but I REALLY don’t want a captcha sytem ingame. that would be REALLY annoying.
I hope the captcha is like “spell the following word properly:” or “point out a weakspot on this tank:” or something of the kind. It could have small rewards too.
an part way solution might simply be this;-
Suspected Bot Account
Activate Captcha For This Account
Fail captcha X times, account suspended.
..anyone who plays “normally” would never see it, it only appears, or is activated, on suspect accounts…
Point out a weakspot? If they screw this up, a low tier noob (or noobs in general) might have to point it out on a maus and hilarity ensues.
nice info SS
ty !
“there will be a new system to punish those, who leave battle early: if a player leaves the battle before his vehicle is destroyed, he will not be able to join other battle on another vehicle until the first battle is over, this will come in 9.1″
this will probably be the dumbest thing WG has done. all this does is cause people to quit the game client completely and go play another game….like um…WT.
I won’t miss cowards who abandon their tanks during a battle.
No. More likely they will kill themselves in battle first.
@Haren, thats not always easy to do.
@kvasnikov, when you’re down to 3 tanks vs 15 of theirs….waste of time to continue especially if you’re grinding for dailies. If you think playing a game has anything to do with cowardliness or bravery you must be a child. Yes I have unicum stats.
Im sure it will be easy enough to find one of the 12 remaining enemies to kill you.
Why should I waste my time doing so? After I leave first come first served. I don’t care who as I’m onto another tank to grind for a daily. I don’t have all day to play.
I quit loads of battles too.
Usually after 2 minutes it;s pretty clear what the outcome will be.
I have about 12 tanks I want to double daily.
Playing all tanks with a 50% win chance it would take me 2-3 hours every single day.
I just don’t have the time to ‘hold on’ 10 minutes then still lose and get 500xp for the effort.
Erlenberg encounter is just 10 minutes of camping.
Erlenberg Assault but half my defending team goes to the west? No use in staying and wait for the slaughter.
Airfield and my entire team goes south where they get stopped by two F155′s? I’m out of there asap.
Highway south and my entire team goes to city. Goodbye!
The thing is, I quit such a battle, I get another tank, I have a great game, get 3000 xp on a double, go back to garage and at the same time the other tank battle report comes back. We lost 8-15, it took 7 minutes and our ‘best’ player did 500 damage in tier 9. Screw that. These battles are a pointless waste of time for me.
On behalf of everyone else, I hope you and “master” (self-absorbed much?) do fuck off to WT or somewhere else, because the game would be better without you and your failure to grasp that this is a team game. The fact that you’re socially retarded doesnt exempt you from the obligation you have to the other 29 players in the game. You don’t like it, go play a deathmatch game with no team mates.
And yeah, I have last-1000-game unicum stats too, so you can skip that line of abuse.
the only one abusing is you with all the name calling. its clear you are a suckas player if you really think the game is about who stays in battle. only last 1k battles…stop playing tier 1 scoreboard trash.
I’m glad they’re implementing this change to ruin your fun.
You deserve it for crapping on everyone else.
I guess it’s impossible to get a Kolobanov’s. Alone against 5+ tanks? Your team is a failure, might as well quit.
Yo man..If you are so awesome player, how it is possible that you didn kill anybody in that example game? How it even possible that team with soooooo aaawesoooome player got into such situation??? Huh? I think you are just selfish schmuck … If you were really that good player still alive in that battle, you would be able to kill at least 5 of them and die with honor… an bunch of XPs too.. I got my KV-1 Master tanker in lost game..yes team was not good and we lost, but i got many XPs and credits so i was satisfied either…and I am really not a unicum :P
Lots of comments already but since there was something pointed to me I’ll answer too.
If one gets into a situation where enemy has more tanks there are three main solutions:
1) Set up ambush/defensive positions and cause as much enemy losses as possible
2) Attack to their rear and cause havoc there
3) If you want it to end quickly: charge for the Motherland.
Also, I have too many tanks to play all the dailies already so I don’t care about those.
1 is usually my solution in those situations
Let me guess one of those “OMG i have fucking noob team with 40% winning i quit” guys?
You must be one of those “I am PRO” guys with 50% w/r and 1k efficiency.
I think you missed the point.
no you missed mine.
no, we get your point.
and your point is exactly will be punished.
Turn off XVM.
Look at the minimap after 60 seconds of playing.
A good player can predict win/loss with a high degree of accuracy.
Won enough games that XVM said were sub 40% win chance and lost enough that looked like certain win to know that XVM is just an alibi for the wimps who cannot face up to a challenge. I do not care if you run at 80% win rate, bailing on a game because you don’t like the odds makes you a bigger scumbag than 100 arty players who go to sleep with the fishes.
This will only be for people who quit at the start.
Leaving after you die is fine.
It stops people starting many games at once and going afk in them all
“before his vehicle is destroyed” speaks for itself, if u mean this, if not: “I won’t miss cowards who abandon their tanks during a battle.” (Kvasinkov)
I have twice accidental left the game early. Only about 10 seconds early, once in a T95 a long way from the last enemy and once in a BC 155 58 in the middle of a reload. Both times the game was seconds from been won and I had done my share and there was nothing more I could do. Without thinking went back to the garage. Wow huge XP & credit penalty for a moment of thoughtlessness.
I haven’t done it, but it would not be too hard to press “return to garage” instead of “return to battle” button after adjusting the settings, etc.
There needs to be a warning “Your Tank is not dead. Really quit to garage?”. That should help prevent any accidental returns to garage.
Go one further…say “your tank is not dead and leaving the game forfeits all XP and credits earned. Are you sure you want to leave?”
Easy enough and it confirms you wanted to leave and accept the consequences.
Or even disable the “return to garage” button while the tank is alive. There is no reason to have it enabled.
Why can’t you just run forward and suiscout? Then you can at least be of *some* use.
Also, if you think this system is bad, you’re probably not going to like WT all that much. Matches in that game can last a LOT longer.
Because you know he is the master, he is too sniffish to be helpful to other players …
Master Bater?
Anyway.. you get less chance for Kolobanovs or similar medals, and the chance of satisfaction of being last man standing and fooking over the remainder of the enemy team..
That is always fun…
You can leave the battle in every other fucking game.
I don’t know why the hell they want to implement this now, but it’s for sure one of the most retarded things they ever did.
Let me tell you a story of how i won 35% win chance yesterday against a team full of unicorns. Yes i’m unicorn myself so if I had 35% win chance then you may assume how good enemy team was. Yet we obliterated them like it was the opposite win chance. So yes you are a fucking asshole for leaving a battle without even trying to win it. And you consider 50% win chance bad? Goddamn morons.
wat does ‘Warpack’ mean?
Warpack is a Hack, which includes a lot of forbidden stuff like laserpoint mod or Aimbot..
thx <3
Aimbot? Between RNG and the nature of how tanks in the game work, isn’t aimbot kind of useless? I mean, we have an auto-lock-on already in the game that nobody all that competent uses most of the time, so what use is a hacky aimbot?
the aimbot includet in warpack seems to work like the standard lock on but aims especially for weakspots and compensates for moving targets from what i saw in a yt video.
- Wargaming is developing a system of
Warframe Dojo anyone? :D
i don’t like that logon on launcher or launcher CRC check, i don’t use the launcher i find it annoying and a waste of time(i launch straight from game EXE saves me like 20s)
“- 70 percent of WoT players are 28-30 years old according to Evilly”
More like 20 – 30 years old :)
More like 11-17 years old.
If we’re talking mental age…. you only need single figures..
“- equalizing the hitpoints of meds and heavies was Zlobny’s doing, he strongly defended this position”
What the hell? In which case meds have the same amount of hp as same-tier heavies?? o.O
Or all meds have same HP. For example russian meds have same hp as british meds.
I think Zlobny was more of an advocate for equal tank balance I think considering he was above and beyond super Unicum he knew what he was doing. SerB main priority seems to be please the Russian market rather than the overall balance if we go by their kv1s conflict where he ultimately made zlobny leave.
Yes please, give my Bat Chat the same number of HP as the Maus. (1800 compared to 3000)
More likely it was meant that e-50m and batchat has same amount hitpoints.
since the batchat is easy to penetrate and would probably loose most of that hp you’ll have to pay a lot for repair ;)
- additional work on the report system is planned: “Don’t be afraid to report!”
As long as there are no rewards for it, people WILL abuse it.
- in 9.2 a captcha system might appear in WoT (SS: not sure that this means)
You mean like what for?
– it’s possible a second layer of authorization will be implemented (something like Blizzard SMS system), most likely based on WoT Assistant
– new launcher will (with high probability) bring also another account authentication, you will basically have to enter your password both in the launcher and in the game, it will also be possible to use a “secret question” during authentication
I don’t want this :S
Also with the PVE modes like ‘flank around the enemy PZ4 colony with a Sherman’ or stuff would be funny :3
Or perhaps they would recreate the feats of some famous tankers.
For example:
“Oskin’s Finest Hour” (yes, the guy they named the medal after in the game)
“In a T-34 (the tier 5 one, not the T-34-85 to those of you looking for loopholes), engage and destroy three Tiger IIs single-handedly in order to complete (and survive) the recon mission.”
Yeah, missions like that.
It is possible to damage a KT with T-34, using Zis-4 gold ammo (189 pen) but you need to pen each KT 20 times to destroy ;)
Oskin was a commander of T-34/85, in the time, when he knocked out those 3 Tiger II tanks.
Here’s nice documentary and interview, about that event.
“- there will be a new anti-teamkill system: it will take into account module damage, detracks etc. – teamkiller will also pay you all your repair cost from his pocket and will pay a 10/20/30 percent fine to top it off, the exact percentage depends on more tests”
What could POSSIBLY go wrong with this? Oh, I know! The various misanthropes that infest the internet could either provoke their team into TKing them (and sabotage the team until somebody complies) or deliberately ram themselves to death against the nearest Heavy to make them pay fines and make a small profit on the side.
“- Wargaming is currently considering PVE elements – additional training modes for players, that will consist of small quests, that will force players to think, they are called “individual quests”, this is considered seriously, but not now – in a month or so they will start thinking about it”
“- in 2014 there will be TWO branches of regular tanks and 5-6 premium tanks (SS: that’s weird, I was almost certain it was three)”
Yes, one of them being yet ANOTHER Soviet medium sub-branch, and the second one…well…it might be the Sturmtiger sub-branch, but I don’t know. The French could use a proper medium tree before any of those are added, however.
As if griefers needed any more incentives these days.
What could POSSIBLY go wrong with this? Oh, I know! The various misanthropes that infest the internet could either provoke their team into TKing them (and sabotage the team until somebody complies) or deliberately ram themselves to death against the nearest Heavy to make them pay fines and make a small profit on the side.
I completely forgot that aspect…
I once saw a VK 28.01 which rammed like six tanks in our team (including me and my ‘toon-mate), because i thought he was nuts I killed him, before he could ram our other scout, which was hiding in a bush…(Proko, E1) :)
NOW I know what he was up to, and now I feel even better after killing him (I got fined, but whatever)
Without our second scout we might have lost the match due to the lack of spotting.
Thank you for your critical input, because I was for the implementation for a fine for team-damage.
WG must not implement this “fine-system” :o
On a bright side, ramming yourself to death on a heavy will have no financial consequence on the heavy, because it’s the rammer the only one who gets fined (where the rammer is the guy moving faster). TK system was changed some patches ago to rectify this specifical problem.
And about the branches 1 of them wad recently confirmed as American Light Tank branch (“developers are considering T92 and T49 as a tier 8 american light tank” and later “T49 LT will come this year” – these are not literall quotes)
Looks like WG finally fell in to the pander to the masses mindset.
Maybe it will struggle on for 6 months still playable but captcha and other stupid ideas will kill it for me.
“- on average, work on an entire system (for example: arty rebalance) takes 6 months”
Changing some values takes 6 fucking months? Wow… there people are either extremely lazy or they made an ridiculous amount of hardcoding.
Or maybe they have to crunch the numbers before finalizing everything for a test server.
“in 2014 there will be TWO branches of regular tanks and 5-6 premium tanks”
Any news on T-4 (captured Pz IV)?
Nope, captured tanks have lower priority. And one of those 2 branches was confirmed recently as american lights.
Well, I will have to wait for proper soviet medium tank trainer in that case…
Thank you for reply.
- Wargaming has some sort of internal word filter: if a player is rude in the chat and is for example reported by 10 players, the system automatically checks his previous chats for swear words, compares them to internal WG database, including the roots of the word, slang etc. and if several swearwords are found, the player will get a ban
If this were true, then I would have a lifetime ban.
I’m Irish for fuck sake!
You mean “for fecks sake”, surely?
Father Ted has a lot to answer for…
- historical battles will bring historical maps, historical vehicle setups, respawns and historical rewards
Hsitorical rewards? A plot of land in Ukraine?
+1 LoL
- currently, WG is glad they didn’t implement transfers of silver from one player to another, because “it breaks the main pleasure in the game – development and growth in the game”
*development and growth of WGs wallet.
I have like 15 million silver and some friends are really low on it, if there would be a system I’d send some. However, on chat every tomato would beg for silver…
I had enough “can you give me a gold?” in WoW, i dont need to have this in WoT too.
“- yesterday (7.2.2014), 67 people were banned for botting on RU server”
that many .. wow, NOT!
and 134 new bot accounts took their place .. job well done :))
“- it’s possible a second layer of authorization will be implemented (something like Blizzard SMS system), most likely based on WoT Assistant”
what the fuck! wasn’t there already a 2nd layer by SMS code?!?!
I remember the time when abandonned tanks were destroyed after 30s count.
Was it?
You mean the amazing “Player went up in flames.”?
I think it was dropped after people would complain about not being able to play, after they have been disconnected and had to restart the game and rejoin the match, only to find that their tank has destroyed itself.
If i remember correctly the tanks only burned down if you left the battle with the “back to garage” button but not if you left due to a dc (…but also it didn’t burn when stopping the game process in the taskmanager)
- in 2014 there will be TWO branches of regular tanks and 5-6 premium tanks (SS: that’s weird, I was almost certain it was three)
I’m hoping one of the branches will be the 2nd US medium line. I was thinking about starting the T57 Heavy line, but decided not to as I don’t really like autoloaders.
“- official Wargaming position towards bots: “We admit problems with bots, Warpack etc., but the alleged number of 100k botters is not serious and greatly exaggerated. We admit they are in our game, but there is no massive infestation.”
So WoT has a supposed number of 75 million registered players. So WG states that there is no possibility for botters to be 0.0013% of the community?
“- there will be a new anti-teamkill system: it will take into account module damage, detracks etc. – teamkiller will also pay you all your repair cost from his pocket and will pay a 10/20/30 percent fine to top it off, the exact percentage depends on more tests”
Additionally, if your, slightly mentally challenged, teammates jumps into a group of enemies, after the arty stated its attacking them, and gets nuked by the arty, does that mean the arty player has to pay the fine?
Yes, because in all that confusion people always specifically watch if arty is marking targets so he can move back. Because why would retarty who btw has bird view pay attention not to nuke friendly when he is facehugging enemy. Sod off you and your fag arty.
If you would have read the text, you would have realized I have said that the player moved to facehug an enemy AFTER the arty marked the enemies.
BTW, you seem mad.
The flight times for almost all arty shots was increased quite a bit so it is very easy to let loose a shot an have a fast friendly come into the view frame and get close enough to the target to get splashed or even hit. I tend to shoot zoomed out for this reason.
- 70 percent of WoT players are 28-30 years old according to Evilly
On RU maybe, on EU 70% of players are probably 8-10 years old.
70 percent of WoT players have 28-30 IQ points.
how terrible !
F*ck the 8.11 (totally meh) GIVE USSS DAT 9.0 ALREADY!!!! :D
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- there will be a new anti-teamkill system: it will take into account module damage, detracks etc. – teamkiller will also pay you all your repair cost from his pocket and will pay a 10/20/30 percent fine to top it off, the exact percentage depends on more tests
- equalizing the hitpoints of meds and heavies was Zlobny’s doing, he strongly defended this position
The difference in hitpoints between the lower tiers is far too great. Either the MM should be +1/-1 below tier 8 or HPs should be relatively similar.
“botting isn’t an issue”
“we’ve spent the last 6 months working on a anti-bot system”
does anybody at WG even listen to themselves anymore? I’d expect this sort of contradiction out of SerB.