Hello everyone,
after some annoying setbacks, we managed to get the new graphics, made by H4NI (http://88media.hr/) going. How do you like it?
- SS
Edit: Please report any bugs you might have with it. I will read it in the morning and decide what to do.
Edit 2: After seeing some of the bug reports, I decided to rollback to the old template for now, until they are fixed.
Please include an option to get the old one back? Sorry but I dont like it at all…
Sorry, I can’t do that. WordPress skins aren’t exactly optional and I am glad we got this barely working.
Its not just the skin its the whole layout. Bugs everywhere, just… not nice :(
I have a bug when viewing new FTR with IE 11. The buttons are not placed on the bar on the top, but below them. Chrome works fine. Still it would be nice if the bug could be fixed.
The fact that the buttons follow you is disconcerting. I’m not too lazy to scroll back up to the top…. I can see hard work was put into this- but sometimes simple is best.
It’s fine, just new! I like the contrast. But it needs some more optimization.
I just would appreciate if you could change the main font-color to a more dark one. I think the grey-on-white can be difficult for the eyes, especially in longer articles.
Can you separate the main-frame on the home-site by color from the side-frames?
I will create an order of importance and lead the readers view, if not everything has the white background.
Have you considered do change the greyish background-picture to a brown-ish one? Just for the comfy home-like feeling, related to the old layout….. ;-)
is that a bug, or intended that lots of the comments are crossed-out?
Nanny nanny boo boo wants some warm milk before sleep ? We all feel sorry you’re displeased with SS’s and H4NI’s hard work on that.
He asks how I like it and I dont, am I not allowed to express that? Foch off.
ahh i see now – it’s not a bug it a feature :D
works as intended :P
Dude, the guy just gave a comment, you seriously have nothing better to do? So if WoT forums have trolls, FTR needs them too? Seriously….
Aiming at ExoNut not Fred.
Are you working for WG by any chance?
Good idea
Based on what I’ve seen from you so far…let’s just say you’re the kind of guy who makes me wish I had more middle fingers.
It’s a little bit weird for first, but it looks good.
A bit quirky but It looks nice :)
I liked the old layout more but then… I was just used to it, maybe I’ll get used to new one too :)
Hmm the comments are too messed up.. You cannot see the difference when somebody replies.
And posts are half empty: the SerB picture only has the one where he holds the paper, if you expand the article
Yes, I know about the bug.
PS, comment editing is gone too I think.
It’s very nice. Personally I preferred the previous one, this nice, weathered paper-like theme was very nice for a blog that collects information, historical articles and so on.
But I’m sure that this look will grow on me too, it’s definitely not bad, it’s just different. :)
awesome, but confusing at first
just a bit xD
Sadly I don’t like it. Previous tired my eyes less.
Hm, for me it’s to white, I liked the orange more.
You mean coffee stained paper background :P
I like that strip on top, but it’s too white.
the “posted on” etc is also nice on the left side.
Looks good, like it. but indeed, that strip on top could perhaps contrast a little more with the main articles.
Looks good, but that shrinking menu makes it a little bit lagy. What do you think about disabling that animation and making it fixed?
Nice upgrade, even though I preferred the old background and banner.
I’d like to point out how youtube embedding isn’t aligned with the rest of the text frame and doesn’t scale correctly when you resize the window.
Another thing I noticed: when you click the “[number] comments” from the main page, it brings you to the comments section of the post, but the upper bar covers the first comment, so in this case the first comment someone see is Silentstalker’s one and not FredTMK’s one.
It’s nice, but I’m a fan of simplicity. These scrolling backgrounds and other fancy, shiny stuff is just distracting.
But if it has to stay I have two suggestions for improvement:
1. Make the top panel smaller.
2. Show the whole article after clicking “Read more” rather than just the second part.
Im ok with it I guess, only thing is that the top menu bar doesnt work on my phone, its just empty white and doesnt scroll. Dont really care about it though as I barely used the menu anyway.
A little big buggy (http://puu.sh/70dhQ.png) But all in all its very good.
I script websites on my own and i know its hard to get that all people want ;)
I’d like to echo that I’m a fan of simpler formats rather than a enhanced graphics for news and blogs, but I appreciate the effort you’re putting in SS and others helping you. I like that you seem to be trying to bridge the gap between simplistic layout and clean graphical layout as there is still not a lot of distraction and eye candy, which is good. Ultimately I enjoy the blog in whatever body you choose to use.
PS: I would keep coming here to read the posts if it was on a rainbow background with 500 1990s web-style animated GIFs pasted everywhere, and the buttons made some horrible ear-wrenching noise when they were moused over. The content is good enough reason for me :)
I feel that the content width is way to small for a webpage made in 2014.
And the articles use only 60% of the already tiny space being given to the content.
I have myself 430px on each side that could’ve been taken to better use, than just some fancy background.
Using something around 75-80% of the page width would so much better to look at.
I’ll probably make a style for myself with userstyles anyways. :)
At least its a step in the right direction.
I think its AMAZING. Only one thing that i don’t like in new view is the white bookmarks bar going with u everywhere u go :(
I like the new theme. Hopefully it works well on mobile devices as well.
I also noticed you trying to apply the new theme like a week or two ago, but everything was messed up. I think it had some blue in it. I’m guessing that one didn’t work out too well.
Articles too narrow, too much white background is already making my eyes hurt alot, comment replies get mixed fast, no editing, posts missing half the content..
I really prefered the old look. Had much more of a “home feel” to it.
The links are a bit hard to recognize. I’d recommend at least some underline (dots or dashes would fit in this concept). An example:
Some additional recommendations:
Like this one a bit more, but then I prefer simple stuff. Catch the few bugs and I’ll be all for this one ;3
I generally approve the new design, it’s nice. Still, the top menu is too large, and the posts to narrow – there is so much unused space on the margins. Also, it would be nice if the images would automatically fit the screen, i.e. they should not be appropriated to the users’ screen.
Nah, sorry i don’t like it :(
I still have old one [layout] in one open tab and so i can compare.
1. top menu is too big – it’s using height resolution and it makes site looks more overcrowded
2. too contrast colors – makes eyes hurt after 12h working with monitors
3. bugs – it’s good You know about it, so most of them will probably be fixed (no edit, top menu working weird, layout looks strange on mobiles, reload full site when clicking smth from menu]
4. comments – hard to read, hard to recognize threads
5. site is probably bigger [more kb] so it will load longer on mobiles
Generally it looks like anotherWordpressLayout – one of millions available to download.
oh i found just another?
no new lines in comments?
Personally I like it, it just needs a few bugfixes but that’s normal when someone is changing something. Hope you guys will sort it out soon ;)
There is bug under the comments.. but that was probably pointed out by someone above..
I like the new look, what about adding some “shell” holes in that background, that would look neat C:
Haven’t seen the new site on my desktop yet but on my phone there its no top banner, just an error icon. At the top of each article it just says “blog”.
The rest looks nice tho
Haha, it seems there’s a problem with closing the HTML bold tag :D
Let’s see if this helps.
It seems it can be fixed, but if someone doesn’t close the bold tag, the rest of the comments will appear in bold :D
lol :) i wonder does it work with other tags?
italic too - dont close it and boom all is italic now, lets try code
yeah code too good
but i wonder if javascript injections or sql injections would work too...
The Top bar is wasting a lot of screenspace just beeing white. it produces even more white when scrolled to the top, while the font stays the same size. please make that bar thinner.
I like that it is following.
This, and when using Internet Exploder 11 the bar itself is empty and the tabs hang outside of it and blocks the screen.
I dont really like it, it feels incredibly generic, there is no ftr “branding” whatsoever.
Headline font isn’t very easy to the eyes, hyperlinks are hard to spot and even the general text feels somehow hard to read.
I understand the old FTR looked like a decade old web page, but 1) that was never really a problem 2) whoever did this one favours fanciness over actual usability. Or rather to say, cares very little about usability.
oh, for some reasons this skin alos ignores line breaks, that was supposed to be 3 paragraphs.
You need to
learn how touse HTML
Oh indeed, it doesn’t read line break :D
Well, I didn’t really even try that, expecting common users to use tags for line breaks would be silly.
This page feels slow and lagging for me… All those “java scrips” are only an turnoffs and pissing me off + they are totaly unnecessary. I liked the old style. Simple, pleaseant for eyes and simple, as blogs should be!
If this is only an skin! I think old one was “better”
I don’t know how it’s supposed to look like, but I bet this isn’t the correct way. I’m using Opera 12.16.
I see
I’m getting the same thing in my feedreader, the items in the nav bar are being displayed below the bar and on top of the rest of the blog. I’m using Liferea, which is afaik using WebKit for rendering, same as Opera.
Also, there doesn’t seem to be a way to edit your comment anymore?
It works ok in Opera 12.16, the problem is tied to the width of the browser window and will happen in Chrome/FF too – there is a breakpoint that switches from the fixed header to the mobile version with the non-fixed one and the main menu as a drop down.
Nevertheless, the main menu at some point no longer fits alongside the search button and falls below it. So the solution is to have the mobile version kick in a bit sooner than what it is set to now.
I would say it is a quite easy fix :)
The new layout is overall working. I am using the mobile version. The comment section is linked to the post below it, very confusing. When I click “read more” on SerB picture post, the picture already shown is gone. This is a little annoying for careful readers. The color theme is ok, but I miss the coffee stain background. Good change so far.
Oh yeah, the top picture isn’t displaying either. Noticed it when I switched to desktop. I was using Boat Browser Mini.
Okay, at least for IE:
- treats Enter line breaks as spaces, which makes for fugly and unergonomic Walls O’ Text
- too narrow, everything gets crammed into the about central 1/3 of the screen
- the above turns recursive Nth-step responses to responses to responses into goddamn pillars which is terrible to read >.<
- no edit option
- top menu needs to stop hovering over stuff when you scroll down
- the first part of the actual posts visible at the "top level" of the site is inaccessible and invisible once you move to the "Read More"/Comments sub-page
More a preference, but I liked the old system with distinct boxes around each comment and its sub-replies; made it easy to tell the things apart with a brief glance.
why now u changed the theme? :D
I like it, it feels very fresh and somewhat more professional. Different layout, but I think I will get used to it.
The white is very bright tbh… otherwise it seems to bee working decently. Previously the menu bar and buttons were scrolling with the top of the page and made piles of text unreadable.
One step at a time SS… Just like WG EU… Well hopefully more successful then WG EU…
I agreed with this. It’s not easy on my eyes. I don’t mind the whatever changes you guys make but could the whitespace be less sharp and more of a mellow cream like before?
“Oh, I wonder what’s up on FTR?”
You nearly fucking scared me SS.
Note that I’m not complaining, I like the new layout. I just think you should’ve given us some forward warning that changes were incoming.
Needs more color. Change the white to another shade. The layout is nice.
i think is so cool
Anyway, I was hoping for something along these lines. (there goes my afternoon)
This is actualy very good, my friend!
This new theme is a design nighmare, or specifically – usability nightmare. FTR is now a page to be admired for the looks, because the content is forgotten.
Agreed, besides looks this current template has nothing. Usability sure as hell was not considered by whoever made this, neither is there anything that would let you know you are on the FTR/WoT fan site. It just looks fancy and that’s about it.
I found bug, that if theres a link in the article, it should be light blue in order to let ppl click on it, but it shows the same colour as other texts.
e.g. Feb.17th’s QA
And btw the edit feature is gone.
I don’t think that’s a bug, because it’s not the same color, but something darker (link – #0f0f14; text – #555). But it’s still bad as a design IMHO.
SS please undo this, it might be appealing for a first few glances but it’s very tedious to use and tiring for the eyes. Content is completely lost in the form and it’s hard to find what you want and actually grasp what you are reading, including comments.
My eyes hurt
I’m not impressed, can we have the old one back :(
It is not so bad, but the body background (white) is too bright, I would suggest something like FFFF66. Clear white is just so bright for me …
Could you please make the background an off white. I find it painful to read black lettering on white backgrounds.
Perfect on Chrome. Well, maybe too bright be very neet. Very buggy on Internet Explorer 11. The menu bar gets all over the place. very confusing.
Thx for everything SS.
Surely you could have run a beta in parallel with the old design, to get rid of all these bugs beforehand.
Nice update. I thought I had clicked on the wrong link at first
I myself hate change in all its forms. So I can’t say I like it. I feel like it’s too complicated and the interface is less user friendly etc. But I’ll get used to it.
There is an old Saying K.I.S.S. = Keep It Simple Stupid otherwise if it’s not broke don’t mess with it. please put it back the way it was. The Whiteness is killing my eye’s :)
And don’t fox what ain’t broke :P
Tried it on IE and Chrome, and it seems it’s buggy on IE. Top banner is a few pixels below the white bar and ofset to the right (except for the search button). Broken image button on the white bar where “Home” button should be (and does indeed go to the home page). In both versions, “Comment” is to the left of the comment box, rather than above.
Overall nice, but I miss the hotlink to comments for a post on the main page.
‘hotlink to comments for a post on the main page’
Still there, just moved to the left part now.
Maybe this explain why my feeder only showing one line for each feed
some FTR graphic tweak?
Can’t edit comments.
Comments ignore line breaks (they will post as a one wall of text).
RSS feed is trimmed (as in Martinez’s screenshot).
Hovering over the main menu triggers a JS error in FF, IE11 – Chrome seems ok:
TypeError: e.toElement is undefined
line 406
In IE11 the top menu doesn’t fit alongside the search button all the time and drops below the white header.
In IE11 the search button isn’t vertically aligned, instead it is almost aligned to the top.
Guess that’s enough for now :)
Some of the links that we may want to read are not clearly seen. Here is the example:
pls look the “Check out Listy’s article about Chieftain (Part II)”
Link is not clearly clickable.
New desing is looking so good… +1
Polls Archive not working
I love it!
Mobile version has text all over the place.
Android version don’t work very well at all.
Takes ages to load and text is all over the place,lost of reply on comments go off the screen and can’t be read.
Also, clicking on the comments button on the homepage takes you to the post below rather than the comments of the post you want.
no prolems with chrome, and the blog it’s really cool :D nice job
This is AWFUL! I prefer old look!
The layout looks nice, but it is scrolling very slow in comparison to the old layot (34 MBit/s synchronous internet connection, Linux 64bit, Firefox 20.0 – okay not the newest version).
And where is the ‘edit’ function?
Chrome on mobile works fine. No issues with white menu bars etc.
There is an odd grey space off to the side (right hand side) which appears to have no purpose, however comment threads expand into there – and get very thin, very quickly.
Oh and on the front page, the
Posted On
text is above the title instead of under it as in the articles themselves.This leads to ending up in the comments section of the previous article (used to having comments link at bottom instead of top – like having it right under title though)
Overall I think it was time for a new layout. Generally I like the modern, simplistic design, although it unfortunately does look like form dominates content. Other way round would be better for this blog imho, since content is really what people are here for.
I like the new position of posting time and comments besides the article. Also the general more modern feel of the page (i.e. following navbar) is great.
However there are a few points of annoyance and could- or maybe even should-be-betters:
1. the top navigation bar is just WAY too wide. In every case. When I’m scrolled to the top it should be at max be like 2/3 from what it is now and when scrolled down it should be slim, only just wider than the letters. Also the black thin bar above could be thinner IMHO, but i won’t nail you down on that one ;).
2. WHERE AM I? -> no headline :( I think for the record is a valuable name within the wot-community and you should present it in some way on your page.
maybe put it within a black bar above the upper navigation bar, because it feels like something belongs there anyway.
3. the reading width is too narrow. Please make it like 10 – 20 % wider and save some white space on the sides.
4. overall the warm colors of the old theme were very welcoming and eye-friendly for reading. It’s a pretty cold now and sort of generic as in not as distinguishable from random other blogs with modern themes. Maybe there’s a chance for a slight overhaul regarding the colors of the new page?
Maybe even just tinting it in a yellowish or beige way here and the (or overall?) to lean on to the historical design :).
That’s it for now.
Bugs I did not see any critical on my desktop PC, but the mobile layout is sort of broken, text everywhere in the comments and imho too space wasting. Would be nice if the mobile layout would be more space efficient.
fucking shit.
now the whole damn thing is just a mess.
will it stay necessary to the hell out of the comments?! -.-
[br] Tag wont work so basically long comments at the moment cannot be made easier to read.
Now I get a feel for the bugs….
Well, its not better in PC either. Roll back the changes :D
Why break when it works fine?
As mentioned above there are some bugs when viewing on Android (4.2, Maxthon browser)
Screenshots are and
ok, I messed up links. So just plain text :)
I liked the old one better. But oh well blog is still readable and thats what matters.
No bugs for me as far as i know.
Why white everywhere?! Why not black?
Why youre so racist SS?
I don’t like the new layout, too crowded for me, but this is just my taste…
88MEDIA ????
please one up with an really good explanation about this STUPID NAZI NAME !!!!!
sry for cap, but…
Maybe this new design looks more modern and simple, but i think that its step back. Its too simple, that is problem to navigate through pages and comments, and also that White color is so painful for eyes, especialy in night.
Everything is spread around randomly like a gigantic pile of garbage… Also the new look is SO MUCH like the Battlelog website of EA.
Not a creative website style, that’s for sure.
Let me try a little more for bugs…
Comment editing: missing.
Quality of comment: below average than the old style.
For testing;
Donkey doesn’t approve this website style.body {font: 12px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin:0;}
.menum {list-style-type:none; margin:0; padding:0;}
.menum a {display:block; color:#000; background-color:#9cf; width:90px; text-decoration:none; padding: 4px 10px;}
.menum a:hover {font-weight:bold; color:#FFF; background-color:#093;}
.menum li {margin:0 0 2px 0;}
huehuehue old FTR is back
Edit: edit function is also back!
Looks good :) Needs a bit getting used too, but thats just a matter of time :) Thou there are some formatting errors that need to be sorted out
First impressions arent bad. The actual oposite, but why changing something that was working good in all web browsers and ppl got used to it.. Other then that I kinda like the layout and how simple it looks in these grey tones. Ppl need to get used to new stuff so some ppl complaining is normal.
Some additional notes:
1. tags seem to not work propperly
2. the top white bar is to wide
3. to much space wasted by the empty white areas on the sides. Make it wider to make more space for the comment text and content
4. overall quite cold apearance
5. for my taste the text is to grey(ish)
PS: some ppl might have already mentioned my points since I havent red everything.
But the old one was much better, to much white it really hurts the eyes, and ftr looks really ugly on an iPad now almost unreadable.
Usability has gone downhill :(
If it hasn’t been brought up yet: Fire/Waterfox users can get the ColorThatSite! extension, lets you screw with the colors of just about any page or entire site. I use it for here (it actually works better on the new style than it did on the old, woo), Google, Youtube, lparchive, etc etc because I like to browse at nighttime with the lights off and default white is eye-searing.
As for the new style itself, I actually like it. Gotta agree with some of the posts above though, just like in the old style, there’s way too much wasted space with everything bunched up in the middle…let things span more~
Also, paragraph breaks please D:
1. who chose the colors??? they are ugly.
2. Where are the “next” and “previous” article buttons?
3. why does the top bar keep following me and eat’s a part of the screen?
4. Where is FTR banner?
To sum up: new layout is just a bad shadow of the old one. Pls, get the old one back. And I do not car eols layout might be “old” or “outdated”. It was damn usefull!
Yay, classic layout is back!
I like old version more, but it’s just the habit.
Links at the top (HOME to CONTRIBUTORS) drop below the top white strip in IE11′ seems ok in Chrome. The old one suited the era that we are talking about more than this one.
i don’t like it. to modern.
and i hate the black and white colors.
the old one is better
U changed it back :)
Sweet old look! .. if you would have new design again you could show us an example and give a poll :)
YAY, thank the gods.
I know people always fight any change but that really wasn’t nice, VERY narrow and the replies slowly disappeared up their own backsides.
The pure white was hard on the eyes and well….just not pleasant really.
I cant see the new theme atm….
Did you remove it or something.
Yesterday at around 23:00 i was able to see the new theme which looked prety fancy, Everything was animated and it looked cool. But there was a lot of bugs (like the one with SerB’s pictures and comments)
I removed theme till bugs fix. Its way too many….
Good, old theme is awesome.
There is golden rule: ” If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”, so please let us use old theme after introduction of new one. So we could choose the one which we like most.
Its up to Silent
Absolutely agree with Aleksandr, this is not OUR blog, it belongs to SS.
Thank you for all the hard work up till now and into the future!
I saw a bug, there is a picture of some bald bastard on the page!
wow wow so much fail
FTR as usual
It was cool but just like most people here said – it needs some bugfixes :)
I have the same problem with both graphics: white background. It’s hard to read from it, especially at night.
PC screens are not paper! why are people still using bright white backgrounds in 2014? :(
I think u should try out F.lux. Im on my pc nearly 15 hours a day and it helps my eyes a lot.
Disliked it.
I love the old one! I relax my eyes on the old one at least a couple of times a day.
I know for sure that the new one would make me visit the site less – sorry, I appreciate the effort but please leave as is for now.
i like old one lot more.
my opinion
I dont mind the new skin! But please dont owerlead the page with useless javascripts! For example the top menu had the arrow that follows on wich menu you “aim” with your cursor! Those java scrips do not add anything, just consume computing power and are anoying!
Because I have simulteniously 20 + diffirent tabs open on chrome, those javascripts start to lag! Please keep this in mind!
+ The yellow/brown collor is way more relaxing for eyes! The white/black screen strained my eyes too much! And it was tireing to read.
Wohoo, I can read it again! Was really shocked this morning with the new theme as it was basically unreadable for me (1400×1050 resolution on Firefox with javascript turned off). There was a window of about 20% of my screen area where stuff could be seen. -_-
I’m really curious though Silentstalker, whats the reason that you want a different layout for? Is there some functionality missing?
Because from my perspective as a regular reader (I just registered today to comment on this) I don’t see any reason to change the current, old layout.
It has some big advantages for me:
Its fast and lightweight for mobile (works perfectly on my Ipad when I’m on the train). Its easy to read and very straightforward to navigate. It looks unique enough to easily identifiy when browsing through all my open tabs.
The current graphical layout are just fine in my opinion, maybe change the background wallpaper but otherwise its just fine, maybe add a feature where comments compressed to 20 or 50 comments a page and you need to expand the list to view more of them kind of like the feature that exists on YouTube.
Please SS for the love of God dont fix something that isnt broken! Just leave it like this! At least make a poll or something.
Hes breaking something, that doesnt need fixing… ^^
Please SS keep the old FTR style. New one is just %¤%¤%#”%
While it had a nice, modern look to it, the ‘new style’ had a major flaw with it: you couldn’t edit posts.
It’s refreshing to see a new layout. I can’t say for now if I like it or not, but there was something off in the color, maybe the contrast or brightness, can’t tell for now. Maybe people will get used to it after a while, like the 1st time I visit this blog and says the color of the blog looks like an oldie, but got used to it loved it after a while.
I like this old layout much more. It’s just perfect for this blog, and I don’t see any reasons to change it.