Hello everyone,
Storm is answering the questions about patch 9.0 in one of his developer blog posts. Here’s what was written in the discussion with him. When I saw the extent of this thread, I was like “fuck this, I am going fishing” at first (considering I can’t fish and never went fishing before, it was quite an odd thought) – especially Maiorboltach’s set of questions made me beat my head against the wall (“Nice, I am almost finished translating, aaand… awwww fuck….”).
- common test will come in a frame of several weeks
- test server capacity will not be upgraded for 9.0 test
- roaming will come in in Summer or Fall
- developers have decided that there will only be one client (so HD/regular separate clients), although it is possible HD content will be downloadable separately. How exactly will this work is not yet decided. In 9.0, this option will not be implemented yet, as 12 tanks won’t be that huge to download and to develop this option just for them would be pointless
- for now, the required PC parameters to run the HD stuff are not yet known, final tests haven’t been made yet
- Storm on FPS in 9.0: “Unfortunately, nothing comes without a price”
- IS-4 HD model was not introduced in 9.0, because it was a “testing” model and not a “finished” one
- Havok will not come in 9.0, but it will come this year
- turrets flying off can be implemented even without Havok, because it’s made by serverside physics
- the patch will have like 2-3 gigabytes, but that’s only a rough estimate
- multicore support will not come soon, not in 9.1 or 9.2 at least
- the graphics settings will not be simplified into “good-bad”, current complexity will be kept
- Malinovka’s problem is that the imbalance between winrates of respective sides is higher than 10 percent
- Serene Coast has the same problem (side balance), Storm explains that when they reworked it, they focused on removing the massive campfest this map was known for and kinda screwed up the side balance
- there are already plans for a new batch of HD models, too early to tell though (Storm states that HD IS-3 will come in the future)
- apparently, the Malinovka changes consist of moving the church into the village
- new vehicles in 9.0: Panzer IV getting split to 3 vehicles (tier 3-5), StuG to 2 vehicles (tier 4-5), supertesters will get some stuff for testing (Storm later states that tier 5 StuG will remain unchanged)
- Panzer IV and StuG owners will get NO FREE STUFF
- drawing range will not be reworked into circle in 9.0, the drawing range from 724 to 565 meters will not be reduced
- the option to retrain one crewmember occupation to another (radioman to driver for example) is being worked on, it’s possible it will appear in 2014
- tank viewrange will not be increased to 700 meters, more like something like a circle witha 565 meters radius (Storm made a typo of 525 meters, later he corrected himself)
- these 565 meters are based upon the fact that the surface of a square of 1000 x 1000 meters is the same as that of the circle with 565 meter radius
- ETA of viewrange change is not known, Storm states many tests are needed
- in connection with the viewrange change, no plans to rebalance the viewranges of tanks in game for now
- ingame lags are “purely network-related issues, not depending on the engine/server/client”
- the developers haven’t scrapped the concept of maps bigger than 1×1 km
- developers are considering some changes in the spotting system logic (SS: a player in the question mentioned gradual disappearance of tanks and such)
- apparently, the shader optimization from World of Warplanes will not appear in 9.0
- Storm states that all the lags and freezes in WoT, caused by WG side, were already fixed
- the idea of reducing the damage of HEAT shells has little internal support in Wargaming apparently, will definitely not appear in 9.0
- the question of gold ammo rebalance (by other means than by changing its price) is kinda “stuck”, no solution yet
- Storm states that patch 9.0 doesn’t mean players with very weak computers will be unable to play completely
- KTTS/ASAP magazine will also be made along with the new Developer Diaries
- Storm earlier states that the historical battles will run as “portal events”, but he stated he’s not yet sure how long will these events run
- “fortifications” (clan bases) will not come in 9.0 (it was never planned for 9.0 anyway), they will come a bit later (this year though)
- it is possible that in 9.0, Confrontation (national battles) will be removed – it has many issues and the historical battles should cover the segment
- Storm states that the national battles were implemented as an experiment
- Wargaming states that regarding the rework of all models to HD, it’s very, very difficult to find enough subcontractors for that, because even experienced graphic contractors/offices send them models with 20-30cm discrepancies. The goal is to have most of the tanks converted to HD this year.
- tanks stuck on slopes might be fixed when new motion physics system is introduced (this system will be introduced in 9.1 or 9.2)
- regarding the Panzer IV split: Soviet tanks (SS: apart from KV-1S) will not be split like that, there is no need for Soviet splits
- there will be no platoons allowed in Historical Battles’ first iteration
- it will not be possible to see two same tanks with different guns in one historical battle (SS: for example a L/42 and L/60 Panzer III in one battle)
- there is apparently no tier limit for historical battles, the limit is “real vehicles only”
- in 9.0, no user mod functions will be added (SS: as in, functions, currently obtainable only by using mods)
- two “mod functions” that are planned (related to question above) are the texts (tank names) on minimap and more crew functions (easy moving the crew between tanks)
- No Scroll mod (mod preventing you from scrolling the mousewheel into sniper mode) will apparently not be implemented (only a few people use it)
- improved tank filter in hangar will not be in 9.0, but it will be implemented
- carousel (the way tank selection in hangar works) will be improved eventually
- serverside replays: “when it’s done it’s done”
- in historical battles, every tank will have its own specific MM weight for each historical battle and based on these weights, MM will be put together
- apparently, Object 430′s size is unhistorical, its armor is fine though, it will be reworked, but not anytime soon
- there will be no changes to the Super Pershing
- it’s completely possible Havok will appear in 9.1 or 9.2
- developers worked in parallel on 8.11 and 9.0, that’s why the test comes soon after 8.11
- Kharkov will not appear in 9.0, it will come later
- apparently, Konigsberg map is not yet developed
- dynamic tank characteristics in hangar: when it’s done it’s done (no exact ETA)
- alternative hulls: 9.2 or later
- new regular tanks will not come in 9.0 (or 9.1) (SS: earlier it was leaked that 9.1 could bring US lights, I guess they changed that)
- Grosstraktor will not be a regular vehicle
- regarding the artillery shells flying outside of the aim circle bug: “For starters, I will fix the bug, where shell trajectory is displayed incorrectly in replays. So that we have a base to confirm the issue.”
- Chinese tanks models will not be reworked anytime soon
- there will also be graphic changes on non-HD models and maps, but Storm says it’s better to see it than to describe it
- physically, serverside amount of “connecting points” for each suspension is the same for all the tanks (5 per side), so all tanks’ suspensions will behave the same way basically (adding more of these contact points – points where the track movement is modelled – would stress the server too much apparently)
- camouflage mechanism will not be changed for now in general, only camo coefficients (and not in 9.0)
- new tanks will appear in HD already (for example the Chaffee – T49 branch)
- hangar carousel, company and training room interface rework will not come in 9.0
- ripping off armored screens (applique armor) by explosions and penetration is modelled by Havok, it will not come in 9.0
- there will be garage battles in WoT, only for top tiers though
- for now, only tank models are improved to HD, although ground texture improvements are planned as well
- TD camo nerf will not come in 9.0, but it is planned
- the historical battles that will come first are Kursk 1943, Balaton 1945, Ardennes 1944-1945
- no tanks will get nerfed or buffed in 9.0
- maps used for historical battles will be “the most suitable for each respective historical battle”
- impact decals will not be changed in 9.0, WG is not developing new ones at the moment
- IS-3 will not come in the next batch of HD models apparently,
A set of questions from Maiorboltach
- there will be only ONE new regular branch in 2014, if you don’t count the US light tanks (with them, it will be two)
- T95E6 was made as a reward for clan events (Evilly adds: for Clanwars)
- hightier premium Japanese medium will be one of the STA/STB prototypes (Storm doesn’t remember exactly) – (SS: STA-1B, basically a Pershing with 90mm, kinda odd looking)
- the development of EU tree has not even started yet
- apparently the announcement that 2014 will be a “year of tank rebalance” was some kind of misunderstanding, there will not be apparently a massive tank rebalance
- historical battles will play as random battles, not as companies
- “escort” mode was completely scrapped
- it’s possible the company mode will be eventually closed, but it’s not sure yet
- the way interface looks for various modes will be unified
- new engine/track sounds will not come in 9.0, 9.0 test will have new engine sounds, but for feedback purposes only, new sounds will be released in 9.1 or 9.2
- the questions whether SU-76i, SU-85i and Panzer IV Hydro will be used as mission rewards can only be answered by Publisher department (SS: the way Wargaming RU works is – the company is basically separated into developer and publisher offices. Developers like Storm answer the requests from publishers, such as “give us new German hightier medium”, find sources for it, model it, develop it and test it, but it’s the publisher branch that is responsible for its release, not Storm for example)
- regarding the previous question, Evilly adds that it was decided to save Panzer IV Hydro and SU-76i for various promotions, events and possibly mission rewards, while SU-85i will be sold as a regular premium tank
- Wargaming is not planning for now to introduce anti-inject system such as Punkbuster
- live gamemaster idea (like Zeus in Arma3) will not be implemented
And back to regular answers
- the way models look will change for all tanks, not just HD models
- new motion physics: 9.1 or 9.2
- the sounds of turret turning and of switching transmission gears will come in 9.1-9.2, reworked sound will most likely come for all tanks at once
- Maus will not be nerfed or buffed, IS-7 neither
- plans for new tanks introduction are only made for 2014, there will be no massive tank rebalance in 2014
- Japanese heavies will not come 2014
- there will be some random element as well in the ripped-off-by-ammo-explosion turret trajectory
- turrets being ripped off will work for all the tanks in 9.0, independent suspension only for the HD models
- FV4202 will be switched for another tank (SS: almost certainly Vickers MBT Mk.I, although Storm states this issue is not completely decided yet)
- multi-gun mechanism was postponed to year “who-the-fuck-knows” (SS: as in, shelved)
- for now it was decided not to remove Komarin map from the game
- Storm confirms that Panzer IV and StuG split happened due to historical battles, new StuG and PIV models will be the last models in the old quality (not HD)
- Storm is aware of bugs with ingame scale (SS: some things are too big, some too small), it will be fixed
- new premium tanks? “Will tell later”
- “disappearing shells bug” (SS: probably connected to the artillery) was not confirmed yet, Storm states that this bug is different from the one where shells fly through tanks
- traverse angle of Sturer Emil and SU-101 will apparently not be buffed
- new spotting system and new perks/skills (or the rebalance of old ones) will both be developed in the future
- premium T-54 will not come earlier than in 9.3
- 9.0 will contain no HD map object/landscape rework
- light tank rebalance? “Not in 9.0, I won’t tell anything for now” and “wait for new LT8″, change (buff) will come in 2014 though
- US premium TD will come in 2014
- the principle of miniturret penetration will not be changed (SS: earlier, it was proposed that for example hits on small parts of the vehicles, like commander’s copula or rangefinder, would cause less damage, apparently it was rejected)
- there will be multicore support, Havok will use that
- Crossfire support will be implemented
- AMD Mantle support is not planned
- Q: “Did War Thunder influence the fact there are more developer news now?” A: “And is there something going on over there, that should influence it?”
- Storm states that statistics show that tier 8 do not end up in battles with tier 10′s more often than before 8.11
- the possibility to remove some of the maps by a player will not be implemented at all, because it creates problems with MM
- the fact you will have 3 Panzer IV’s and 2 StuG’s in 9.0 means you will also have 5 different crews
- new hangars will come in 9.0 (both regular and premium)
- historical battles will be accessible from hangar, vehicles will switch automatically to historical configurations apparently, there might be more historical module setups for one tank
- for team battles, choosing the setup for each map option was not scrapped, but it will not appear in 9.0
- there will be no new map in 9.0
- the bug where the notifications about your tanks being hit are delayed will be fixed by a hotfix
- Storm states that the alternative hulls will not be a mass issue – they will appear for a third of all the tanks
- there will be a German premium (hightier, possibly tier 8) medium tank (in 2014 apparently)
- it’s not finally decided yet, whether historical battles will allow for premium tanks, Wargaming developers have long argued about this according to Storm
- benchmark function is planned
And a few points from another thread with Storm
- it will be possible to play WoT without HD quality in 9.0
- T57 Heavy will not be nerfed in 9.0
- KV-1S will be split into two tanks, most likely in 9.2
And the rest in evening’s QA.
Damn… was about to say TL;DR but finished it
YEAH super QA!
FV4202 will be switched for another tank (SS: almost certainly Vickers MBT Mk.I, although Storm states this issue is not completely decided yet)
This will happen in 9.o?
Ok im a bit happy but sad and worried at the same time because
1. My fv42o2 does fine all it needs is some turret armor and a speed buff even to 48 and it will be pretty well balanced . Hesh well that is another story i have managed to figure it out using it on weak spots do 5oo plus damage but im sure many other players have not figured it out yet.
2. If your going to replace my fv with the vickers it better be good , i am worried we might end up with something just as bad or even worse than the fv42.
3. like i said worried more than i am excited.
. If your going to replace my fv with the vickers it better be good , i am worried we might end up with something just as bad or even worse than the fv42.
I really would not get your hopes up. It will almost certainly be the same or worse than the FV42.
I know the speed is gonna be capped at 5o , or somewhere near that mark. The gun will be pretty much the same . Its the armor which worries me most its less angled and most likely thinner.
Cant find any exact specs on the armor at least it has a mantle which pretty much covers the width of the turret.
48km aint historical…
Hallo if you have been following the FV42 you would know not much on the tank is historical it was never meant for combat was just a test bed for the chieftain never even had the l7 1o5 all it had was the 85 b barrel and the armor was much thinner in real life than it is in game. So you really think bringing it up to 48 will be unhistorical?
For a start the wte1oo apparently is a complete fake and the american td’s e3 e4 had little difference neither of them had a turret . So do not bother talking about being unhistorical
The Vickers on paper is a budget Centurion. The 7/1 is actually a stronger tank.
Yeah, not too excited. Vickers MBT seems like a less armored Centurion, with the same size. I’m not convinced it will be an upgrade over FV.
Yeah the thing which makes the fv42 so good is its a jack of all trades but that is also its fatal flaw.
For the vickers to be effective it would have to specialize at something which from what info i can find it does not. We can only hope at this point it will be a bouncier faster fv42o2
Probably bouncier turret, not the hull. FV would be alright if the turret was thicker and speed was 45 or so. Either way, still hoping to see the Chieftain in the game…
Yeah that is the one to i am waiting for too at its time it was a monster the same gun was used on the challenger 1. It might replace the fv215b.
Leopard 1 ROF 6.67
M48 ROF 6.8
FV4202 ROF 6.45
All 3 are faster, shoot faster, and get 330 pen HEAT.
IMHO, to “fix” the FV4202 (which is my favorite tier 10 medium).
1. ROF increase to about 7.0
2. premium HESH buffed to 220 pen 510 damage
I’m one that is NOT looking forward to the replacement tank.
So it seems they did not accept the Centurion Action X idea for tier X :(
If they are going to go through with this i wonder if it will be 9.o or when.
- Storm states that all the lags and freezes in WoT, caused by WG side, were already fixed
Utter, total BULLSHIT…..
‘kv-1s will be split’ aw yeah finally…
as i see lots of things wont come in 9.0.. :/
- KV-1S will be split into two tanks, most likely in 9.2
D’oh! I have to wait another five months until I can play my Tier 6 (and below) tanks again. Currently, I only play my Tier7+ tanks, since I’m fed up with those Seal Clubbers in their “easy to use, easy to master” KV-1S tanks, who win Tier 6 battles by their tank and not by their skill.
Anyway, thanks for the info, SS.
You think that’s bad? Have you tried playing tier v or less? The 1s’s are just replaced with t18′s.
the split isn’t going to change much. If you’re having trouble countering a KV-1S now, you’re going to have trouble countering a KV-122 later. You might want to practice.
The new one is going to be even meaner from some of the older posts, the KV-1S currently has the fatal flaw of awful gun handling and poor RoF to at least try to handicap it, now it’s getting a 100mm that will likely be a D10 copy in game terms so lower alpha but better handling and RoF. But the alpha will still crush another T6, factor in that the RoF will likely be double…
Lol really? I love shooting up Kv-1S. So squishy.
And t18? Don’t tell me the odds! I’ve killed one in a t7 car! (full hp)
Is there even a spot on the T18 where the .50 will penetrate?
Yes, actually. Point-blank, flat-on against the back of the engine deck with lucky rolls (any angling will make it bounce…well, more), and the upper glacis if you shoot it from above. I suppose you could go for the top of the engine deck too, if you can see that instead.
The back can be hard to get to because of it turning nearly as well as a medium, and the glacis/engine deck are situational, but…yea, sure, there’re places :v
Well, thats a pretty long list of stuff that wont apper in 9.0….
so what, besides Hd models alot of people wont be able to use or only usable with fps drops according to storm, is the actual major thing of 9.0?
no, nothing interesting in 9.0, nothing that justifies either the delay or it having a big version number, it should be called 8.11.1
^^ this.
It’s probably a ‘thematic’ thing, as in “9.xx is about overhauling the visuals”.
It’s about eye-candy for new/potential new players and huge FPS loss for…for basically everyone. This is game is so badly optimized I don’t know what the programmers at WG are doing but the system requirements of Battlefield 3 and 4 are the same and 4 is twice as beautiful as 3…is it the difference of the skill of the programmers or the game engine?…but basically Frostbite was developed by DICE and as far as I know BigWorld was by WG. So WTF?!
Topic motherfucker, do you pay attention to it?
You said 9.xx will be about visuals I said it will be about bullshit until the game won’t be optimized,”motherfucker”.
No, you went on an extended and gratuitous whine about performance. Which had nothing to do with the topic at hand, ie. the patch numbering and possible reasons thereof.
And watch moar Pulp Fiction you philistine.
On another note, I can run the game at near max settings on a comp setup that was put together on a decidedly limited budget three-four years ago and still reliably get around 60 FPS so eh. Not that worried about this ERMAHGERD PRFURMANSH you dweebs keep crying about.
OMG thats alot of info… O_O
- there will be no changes to the Super Pershing
My A> Oww :(
- FV4202 will be switched for another tank (SS: almost certainly Vickers MBT Mk.I, although Storm states this issue is not completely decided yet)
My A> I hope it happens
- for now it was decided not to remove Komarin map from the game
My A> How Terrible
- new spotting system and new perks/skills (or the rebalance of old ones) will both be developed in the future
My A> Interesting
- US premium TD will come in 2014
My A> Oh Yes Oh Yes
ok so essentially what’s the point of patch 9.0?
after reading the entire article it seems like a rather useless empty patch, letme sum it up:
independent suspension/movement: nope in 9.0
breakable funky stuff: nopetinsky
a handful of hd models: yes, for no interesting high tier anks
rebalance of broken op tanks(op57, wtf100): nope noper
rebalance of UP tanks(IS7, T95): no no, nope
new tanks: nope
multicore/optimizations: nnnnnnnope
new map: one maybe
maps reworked: yes, some
maps that need removal wil be removed: nooope
new sounds: nope, only on test, ha-ha
garage filters, dynamic stats, carousel: no, no and nooooo
viewbox change: nope
spotting sustem change: nope
random bug fix: yes, as usual with the patches
¿so, why the delay with 9.0?, it’s a pretty useless empty patch, all the interesting promising features where ripped out.
am i missing something?, i’m grossly unexcited about this patch, feels like a micropatch more than something that has a big milestone number bump, it should be called 8.11.1
I agree funny them creating so much hype then killing it. Its as though they encountered a speed bump then tossed it all out the window.
it’s like they promised too much and something went horribly wrong and now they’re backpedalling ard..
y’now what this is exactly like?, 7.0 patch when french tanks where introduced, do you remember the stuf that was promised? they even made videos showing the features(which hey buried after embarrasing failure to deliver):
1) they promised multi-turret support WITH french line, because it was crucial for that tank line… somewhere along the line they started backpedalling… ~2 years later, multiturret won’t come even in the far future….
2) HORNS, i still remember they had a VIDEO showing the feature… canned
That the horns died in the crib can only be regarded as a good thing.
The point is that it introduces HD tanks (with suspension). Now your empty head might think that’s nothing, but this requres a rework of the modelling system AND it has to be transferred into the game. Also, updates don’t just appear. People have to work on them and finish it off and all that and that takes TIME.
“my empty head” says you’re a fucktard, and lo and behold, you are!
before defending shit, STFU.
this update is a total sham, everything that was going to be in won’t appear and got pushed MORE THAN ONE PATCH ahead(saying it will come in 9.2 or 9.3 or more is the same as saying “in 10 months” which is ridiculous).
as someone said this is the “won’t come patch”
Since when is IS-7 UP? XD
You know hearing that WOT is working hard on HD content makes me mad, they should be fixing all the crap that is wrong with the game as it is now. I don’t care how pretty the tanks look if the game is not playable. WOT is on the edge of jumping the shark and if they don’t fix some of these issues they are going to lose their user base, just like many games before them.
Yup ,gotta agree with this.
Better graphics is nice but not important. Improving the increasingly rubbish gameplay should be their priority right now.
That’s some detailed list of problems you have there.
Nothing will come in 9.0
Everything you are looking for will come later – 9.1, 9.2, …
9.0 is a completely useless fluff patch
wasn’t the 9.0 a huuuuuge update? I only see “won’t come” features
hah, you though so didn’t you?, i mean… there where those suspension model videos, photos, etc etc…
sucker you, and everyone else
new vehicles in 9.0: Panzer IV getting split to 3 vehicles (tier 3-5), StuG to 2 vehicles (tier 4-5), supertesters will get some stuff for testing (Storm later states that tier 5 StuG will remain unchanged)
- Panzer IV and StuG owners will get NO FREE STUFF
I’m sad about this but not surprised. (though I’d be pissed if players get both the KV-85 and 1S when that splits :P)
Storm later states that tier 5 StuG will remain unchanged
Thanks God!
I love that one :)
I will soon have my third tier 10 soviet tank and seeing that the t-54 light will come no earlier than 9.3 is good news because by that point I’ll have 4 crew skills on each tank. Lol.
SO :( no havok in 9.0
… i wouldnt call it a super patch but : just some random 8.12 patch
ty for this huge Q&A
quote: “these 565 meters are based upon the fact that the surface of a square of 1000 x 1000 meters is the same as that of the circle with 565 meter radius”
stronk russian geometry – it it doesn’t fit, beat it into submission
there’s a 2.8 square Km difference between the two surfaces
1000 m x 1000 m = 1000000 m^2 = 1 km^2
565 m x 565 m x pi = 1002875 m^2 = ~1,003 km^2
You Fail Geometry Forever. Or at least unit conversion.
yeah my bad :(
by the time I realized, the edit timer was out
The problem is that a 654m radius circle would be a smaller area than a 1000m square.
…yeaaaahno. Math is hard, I take it?
I think radius and diameter are not the same…
the surface area of a circle is pi * r^2,
that would make your circle of 654m radius, a 1343709 square meters – quite bigger than a square km
The radius of a circle is indeed exactly half its diameter. But kofo was explicitly talking about the *former*.
Actually he is right.. its less then the surface 1000² has.
Math is hard u say.
Bro, do u even calc?
564²*π=999328.056736 The absolute difference with 1000² is about -630
565²+π=1002874.91484 The absolute difference with 1000² is about 2900
Statistics may not show it, but my IS-3 keeps getting owned by WTE-100′s with 600WN8 and 45% W/L. And it happens more than usual, now.
I wouldn’t take my IX and X tanks against them, and now I have to take my VIII half of my matches, if not more. GG IS-3.
statistics may not show it but my Ltr. keeps getting owned by IS7
its tier VIII vs X you are comparing.
You are support in those matches, dont play it as heavy tank.
SS, I tried my best, but Storm…. :(
Thanks for the translation!
Ty for the translation SS.
If I read this 9.0 will not be as big as 8.0 whas.
All the cool stuff comes later :P
- the development of EU tree has not even started yet
good to know :)
Storm on FPS in 9.0: “Unfortunately, nothing comes without a price”
They need to be careful not to make it too demanding. A huge bulk of the Russian server playerbase is playing the game on really crappy low spec computers.
And they’re probably still using the old renderer, so no problem there if the option stays.
so 9.0 will be few tanks in HD that many people won’t get to use, and historical battles that may or may not be fun.
some big patch this is going to be. 2014 seems like it will be a boring year with everything “when it’s done it’s done”
- hightier premium Japanese medium will be one of the STA/STB prototypes (Storm doesn’t remember exactly) – (SS: STA-1B, basically a Pershing with 90mm, kinda odd looking)
Do you mean the STA-2B?
Do your math again. There is a 2800 square meters diffrerence, and this is 1000 times less than 2.8 square kilometer. That means that that new, rund draw distance is 2.8% bigger than it was. No big deal.
Wouldn’t the Vickers be better suited for the top of the lend lease line?
The Centurion 7/1 could lead to action x / mk13 / ARVE no?
I so want the ARVE so medium tank DERP :)
“it will be possible to play WoT without HD quality in 9.0″
- Well that is good news for us focusing on higher fps rather than eye candy. Not even a true multicore game, fuck HD graphics.
- Storm earlier states that the historical battles will run as “portal events”, but he stated he’s not yet sure how long will these events run
- it is possible that in 9.0, Confrontation (national battles) will be removed – it has many issues and the historical battles should cover the segment
- there will be no platoons allowed in Historical Battles’ first iteration
- it will not be possible to see two same tanks with different guns in one historical battle (SS: for example a L/42 and L/60 Panzer III in one battle)
- there is apparently no tier limit for historical battles, the limit is “real vehicles only”
- in historical battles, every tank will have its own specific MM weight for each historical battle and based on these weights, MM will be put together
- the historical battles that will come first are Kursk 1943, Balaton 1945, Ardennes 1944-1945
- maps used for historical battles will be “the most suitable for each respective historical battle”
- historical battles will play as random battles, not as companies
- Storm confirms that Panzer IV and StuG split happened due to historical battles, new StuG and PIV models will be the last models in the old quality (not HD)
- historical battles will be accessible from hangar, vehicles will switch automatically to historical configurations apparently, there might be more historical module setups for one tank
- it’s not finally decided yet, whether historical battles will allow for premium tanks, Wargaming developers have long argued about this according to Storm
Whoot. More Historical all the time. Sour about the platoon issue.
So in 9.0:
-Pz IV and StuG split
-12 HD models
-flying turrets
-4 maps reworked
-Historical battles
and if I understood correctly:
-no buildings collapsing
-no realistic walls breaking
-no movement of tank parts
-only HD models get independent suspension
Did I miss anything?
So HD is just a bullshit term for “We’re making some tank models nicer” and 9.0 is actually quite hollow.
^^ what i’ve said earlier….
9.0 is a “this is ALL THE STUFF the patch WONT HAVE” patch.
oh and it doest says that flying turrets WILL appear in 9.0, they only said it can be added independant of havok as it’s server-side physics….
”- Japanese heavies will not come 2014”
So hope is now lost absolutely completely.
soooo want the type 2604 :P
just want to know one thing: what kind of gun it will get? 150mm? or even bigger?
so 3 t8 premium mediums hihi this is gonna be nice this year
It is beyond me how they could nerf and nerf and nerf the VK 28.01 and yet the KV-1S continues to dodge the nerf bat. In the hands of a decent player the KV-1S is a monster. The pen and alpha at VI are ridiculous.
- the question of gold ammo rebalance (by other means than by changing its price) is kinda “stuck”, no solution yet
Plan to increase the price of the gold ammo (but i remember the past trial of speculation by Russian players when the golds were supposed to see their price increased by 4) ? That would be good
Just reduce the damage they make or limit the amount one can carry.
Any solution to rebalance the gold ammunitions cannot be really worse than the current situation.
There was even a French unicum that made a plug-in to xvm where he listed the players he encountered playing full gold (thread already removed by WG but still visible in cache : )
- apparently, Object 430′s size is unhistorical, its armor is fine though, it will be reworked, but not anytime soon
It’s too big. Am i rite?
- TD camo nerf will not come in 9.0, but it is planned
Can you then please explain what would be the point of TDs, specially those with shit armor that relies on camo? Spotting mechanices seems fucked up even now, because full crew camo, and camo net fucking borsig is spotted in most ridiculous situations while sometimes you are literally in front of an enemy and you don’t get spotted even after shooting.
- for now it was decided not to remove Komarin map from the game
Fuck you too WG. At least limit it to low tiers.
And as i can see 9.0 will be just usual patch without anything so significant as they have announced before. Instead of 9.0 it should be called “This won’t come” patch. Lame.
hahahah the “this won’t come” patch, hahaha good one :D, SS should call it that
- Storm on FPS in 9.0: “Unfortunately, nothing comes without a price”
- multicore support will not come soon, not in 9.1 or 9.2 at least
- drawing range will not be reworked into circle in 9.0, the drawing range from 724 to 565 meters will not be reduced
- there will be no changes to the Super Pershing
- TD camo nerf will not come in 9.0, but it is planned
- no tanks will get nerfed or buffed in 9.0
- Japanese heavies will not come 2014
- multi-gun mechanism was postponed to year “who-the-fuck-knows” (SS: as in, shelved)
- light tank rebalance? “Not in 9.0, I won’t tell anything for now”
- AMD Mantle support is not planned
- the fact you will have 3 Panzer IV’s and 2 StuG’s in 9.0 means you will also have 5 different crews
- Maus will not be nerfed or buffed, IS-7 neither
Plz, enough with the Is 3 reworks. I know that this tank is extremely popular, “due mainly to WG balancing of its damage/ speed” but its had three re works in the last two yrs that I can remember. The Is3 model now is the best model yet, of course, and I personally think it looks great. But enough is enough, common!
The Tiger Hate must stop, lol.
The Tiger II is in sore need of an Alpha boost, 340-360 would be nice, and a model upgrade. For the Stalin Fan boys that say the Tiger II is fine in testing, is being stated from the testers perspective. The Tiger II is always a,” if that’s all u got ” heavy choice…..Need I say more?
The current balancing works, but its definitely an Is3 first set up.
Lake Balaton Historical battle? That is an awesome idea. 07.
Operation Konrad, relief of Budapest would be another interesting concept.
btw, my choice of a Tiger II model upgrade would be the image of the Hungary Tiger? here is a link.
Is this the calm before the “storm” pun that I read the other day?
is the calm… before more calm because the 9.0 patch is empty
- premium T-54 will not come earlier than in 9.3
What does it mean?
Someone tell me for hell they wont make this roaming? Now many people are annoyed when see a language that isn’t international…So teamkilling for cirlic and asian hash letters will be offten…
More idiots banned? Sounds good to me.
- Storm states that the national battles were implemented as an experiment
And no1 could predict that it would be fail… Right?
Matter of opinion. For me it was the most awaited feature of the game and it did not disappoint me. It has it’s hickups, but nothing outside of what normal Random can throw at us. I think I’ll have a longer break from WoT if they decide to remove it.
I never got to do a National battle. Did it fail? The only thing that I could see happening is Russian tanks dominating. I don’t necessarily find that as a failure due to the fact that their are so many xvm campers and new guys, i.e; pub variables, that we can usually compensate for that, lol.
I would love to try a Tier 7 National battle, with Arty and scouts.
wut about 5.1 surround sound & AMD True Audio support?
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“- FV4202 will be switched for another tank”
I really would prefer that snazzy looking Action X Centurion, SS. :)
Vickers (or Vijayanta, which I will be calling mine) should be in its own branch.
>> – Malinovka’s problem is that the imbalance between winrates of respective sides is higher than 10 percent
>> – Serene Coast has the same problem (side balance), Storm explains that when they reworked it, they focused on removing the massive campfest this map was known for and kinda screwed up the side balance
Few weeks ago Storm told us vBAddict is wrong with the map data, now he is confirming the bad team balance?
Map Statistics grouped by Gametype and Team:
“- FV4202 will be switched for another tank (SS: almost certainly Vickers MBT Mk.I, although Storm states this issue is not completely decided yet)”
Why would you top off a line containing two Centurion tanks with something that is less of what makes the Centurion what it is – a moderately-armored hull and silly-trollish turret drivable at reasonable medium-tank speeds – and more a Leopard-wannabe?
You have another Centurion variant that has a cool name, looks pretty awesome, and is most definitely an upgrade as far as hull-down goes. If you want to keep the historical 20pdr instead of shoving an unhistorical L7 into it, great, fine; buff its RoF, make APCR its standard ammo, pull some numbers for smaller-caliber HESH ammo out of your ass so it has something for premium ammo. Mess with the ground resistance numbers so flat-ground agility doesn’t take a hit from the (presumably heavier) turret. Bam, done, easy tier 10 replacement.
I don’t…just…why? Why would you go for something comparatively unrelated instead of using the obvious replacement? Why make players shift playstyles *again* in the line (thinking of the primarily flanky Cromwell – hulldown Comet/Centurion difference here) instead of putting in a tank that handles like the ones they’ve gotten used to?
Pingback: Nuevos datos de la actualización 9.0 - Wot y Leaks
And yet they won’t replace the fake FV215b or add DX11 capabilities.
They noticed it. They are adding Chieftain just to 2nd heavy branch.
Oh dear that IS a lot of text so a pat to your back SS !
No compensation for stug and pz4 owners? just another label to “CRUELTY TO FANS AND GAMERS”, really, but I hope that will smoothen the pz4 grind for those scout haters and knobs.