
- wheeled vehicles will not be implemented (SS: in connection with the new truck motion from the physics video)
- when “hiding” behind rubble from destroyed buildings, your silhouette will be visible normally
- it will be possible to knock down the turret-mounted machineguns from tanks
- in the Kursk historical battle, it will be possible to use current tier 7 Panther
- turrets will become “solid” only once the ammo rack explodes (SS: as in, the fact the turrets that fly off get to be solid does not mean your turret will be prevented from rotating by an obstacle, in other words – nothing will change)
- debris from destroyed buildings will not affect vehicle camouflage
- debris from buildings will not damage tanks – at least in the first round of physics implementation
- BigAngryCat (SS: some sort of WG RU guy – sorry, no idea what is his position) states that the screen settings leak is obsolete, there are some settings missing, such as the FOV setting for example
- it will not be apparently possible to make (and save) your own graphics preset according to Storm
- the “dynamic resolution” in the settings is “a change (reduction) of 3d image resolution, while keeping the GUI resolution the same”, for example GUI (interface, letters etc.) can be in 1920*1080 resolution, while the ground is in 800*600 resolution

61 thoughts on “6.3.2014

        • And remember less weight as well so you will be able to mount that camo net that you couldn’t before on stock tracks where every single kilo makes a difference!

          • Yeah, well you laugh, but think about this:

            T110E5 comes from behind a ridge, only turret sticking out, you put one shoot on his weak spot, machine gun on top of turret, machine gun turret got ripped of, and now T110E5 got no weak spots for you to shoot, and rip your tank apart :)

            I wonder if other parts also will be subjected to ripping off, like this KV5 front turrets/cupolas, or even better French TD upper weak spots :P

  1. - it will not be apparently possible to make (and save) your own graphics preset according to Storm

    What is the meaning of this? Settings won’t be saved between game session?

  2. “- in the Kursk historical
    battle, it will be possible
    to use current tier 7
    Panther.” I like vk3002M than panther, bcz is look historical than tier7 panther

    • Not sure if bait but let me give it a shot.

      If you mount L70 gun and equip stock turret, you’ll get a historical look of panther.

      • And get tier VII MM in random, why would I do that? VK3002m top configuration is almost completely historical(20mm less frontal hull armour) and looks exactly like first production Panthers did.

        • You must understand that the VK3002M >IS< the Panther, it's essentially an early Panther Ausf. D, while the later one is more representative given of an Ausf. G or something. Given the Kursk timeframe they're being quite generous in this regard, but i am guessing they want to have the Panther be as scary as it was, especially considering the (historically impossible) hitpoint count difference of these vehicles.

  3. I hope they’ll change their mind in the future according to the wheeled vehicles – I’d love to drive Puma for example…

    • I just do not see why we can not have wheeled vehicles in game. The scout battles would be awesome. We have tanks, that move that fast already.

    • Why the f*ck we can’t have wheeled vehicles?

      SS someday said that this was asked a lot and is sick of it explaining it. Apparently I’ve missed them. All.
      Can someone please explain?

    • I personally would say if they add wheeled vehicles (many of which did, do, and continue to mount guns that can kill tanks), they should also add halftracks as there is no shortage of halftracks with antitank guns mounted (SU-57 anyone? How about Hanomag with PaK 40?, or M3 Halfrack with 76mm gun?) as tank destroyers.

      • I am not sure if we want halftracks. It will essentially end up being a direct-fire SPG with a not too amazing gun selection while being EXTREMELY fragile. Armored cars could more function in the way the T-50-2 worked, just giong in extremely fast and generally running about the place. My main worry in the sense of armored cars is that well… they’ve got kinda poor armor, and they’re not exactly small (just compare a Luchs to a Puma). Their top speeds should be something completely out of this (currently known WoT-) world. I think viewing it on those grounds it makes it more understandable why WG is reluctant, though that said they could actually fulfill a scouting role that the current LT’s cannot (i.e. current LTs aren’t especially fast while being very flimsy and fragile meaning active scouting is barely seen these days outside of CWs).

        • Top speed and top speed. *Some* could be very fast, 80 to 100 km/h… on-road. Quick parsing of Le Wiki gives the impression that where listed *offroad* top speeds are something around half that.
          And then you have the likes of BA-10 and T18 Boarhound that barely topped fifty on hard surfaces…

          And given the terribad agility compared to tracks I strongly suspect those topspeeds, when not summarily murdered by uncooperative terrain, would mainly be useful for suicide scouting.

    • Wheelies would suck ass. No two ways about it. Horrible turning radius, appallingly vulnerable suspension, poor offroad performance, comparatively tall, pitiful armour and firepower…
      But hey, at least the skaut tonks would have something to bully!

  4. “debris from buildings will not damage tanks – at least in the first round of physics implementation” So it might come. This will make the urban game more interesting for arty and tanks with big derp guns – Sturmpanzer IV

      • But they also stated you can destroy parts of the top, that can still fall. Also they said they might in the future have more of those large buildings completely destructible.

      • That is a good thing though. What kind of cover would you get from arty if he can just blow the roof of the building you’re next to and damage you that way? You’d have to move back from the building to stop that from happening, but they he could just shoot you directly. I don’t mind larger and specific structures (say the lighthouse on the top of Cliff) causing damage though. It could end up like lelvolution.

        • So let’s buff arty now with this or what?
          I just can’t wait all those spamming noobs to start shooting houses instead of tanks! LOL

  5. The “dynamic resolution” is also known as render quality in some games, and I think anisotropic filtering on others.

    I wonder if it will scale the textures dynamically like the name suggests in order to compensate for low FPS?

    • Anisotropic filtering is something completely different entirely http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anisotropic_filtering
      ‘Dynamic resolution’ will be the ability to set your resolution to your monitors native in order to get the best quality and best scaled HUD/UI, but set the resolution the game is rendered at, i.e. your tank, and the environment in a lower resolution to increase FPS. At the moment in order to increase FPS by lowering the resolution your HUD/UI is lowered as well making it quite large and ugly.

      I also hope they introduce the ability to not only lower the render resolution but to also increase it beyond your monitors native like the ARMA games, making anti aliasing unnecessary.

      • Regarding over-resolution, from my reply two comments down:

        “Why would you want this?

        (If you do, enable standard render and use MSAA at your preferred quality)

        FXAA (available in enhanced render mode) gives results somewhere between 8x and 16x MSAA with much less of a performance hit, as long as your gfx card supports it. (Almost all from last decade do)”

        Most monitors can’t scale down (that fun out of range message), so it has to be done on your card (if you double it, you are just doing 2xMSAA) .

        • FXAA is ugly and is like someone smeared vasaline on your screen. MSAA fails at smoothing out transparent objects and textures making foliage and windows still a blocky mess. Downsampling a rendered image to your monitors native resolution is the only way I have found so far to get a truly jaggy free image. The ARMA games has this built in or you can add a custom resolution higher than your native in your graphics card control panel but then the UI is tiny.

  6. - wheeled vehicles will not be implemented (SS: in connection with the new truck motion from the physics video)

    only trucks will have new physics? cars not?

  7. - the “dynamic resolution” in the settings is “a change (reduction) of 3d image resolution, while keeping the GUI resolution the same”, for example GUI (interface, letters etc.) can be in 1920*1080 resolution, while the ground is in 800*600 resolution

    Please yes. I run on a laptop with an external screen. It can cope with the 1920×1080 resolution when doing normal things, yet it can’t when playing WoT. Which why I play on 1280×720 resolution on a 22″ screen (take distance). Introducing this allows me to take advantage of the size of the screen for the GUI yet still have less of a FPS hit.

  8. Would be nice if you could use the “dynamic resolution” to go above aswell, for instance 200%, would get some proper downscaling “anti aliasing”

    • Why would you want this?

      (If you do, enable standard render and use MSAA at your preferred quality)

      FXAA (available in enhanced render mode) gives results somewhere between 8x and 16x MSAA with much less of a performance hit, as long as your gfx card supports it. (Almost all from last decade do)

      • FXAA is ugly as hell. I prefer MSAA. SMAA is better then FXAA too.
        And downsampling looks brilliant, it would be nice to see it ingame. Players with good computers can use it, while others can use the opposite.

    • Enable MSAA in your GPU driver settings or use FXAA.
      Both will give you a better performance than 200% upscaling & downscaling.

  9. Aww, shame about armored cars.
    There could be some pretty nifty ones.

    Puma with 50mm L60 comes to mind.
    Or Panhard EBR with 90mm =D

    • …would you *really* want to drive something nearly unarmoured that can’t even turn in place and is readily immobilised by damn MGs?

        • Granted, the EBR probably keeps that speed rather better offroad than most of its peers thanks to those retractable auxiliary wheels. Given that the things are powered and turning even when raised, and more or less all-metal, the rotational inertia probably does funny things to handling characteristics however – or at least that’s what assorted commentaries I’ve read suspected.
          And yeah, suspension mode changes? Not very likely.

          Quick parsing of Le Wiki left me with the impression *most* relevant armoured cars OTOH promptly lose about half their topspeed when they leave roads or comparable hard level surfaces, so, yeah.

      • Do you really *NOT* want to drive something that goes really fucking fast and gives a bit of variety in gameplay?

        Would you rather have more T-62A clones perhaps?

        • Do you *really* want things that can more or less only go really fucking fast *in a straight line* along roads and have all the survivability of an eggshell? Because that reads mainly like Suicide Scout Special and good for little else to me.

          Idiot pubbies in T-62A clones at least CAN be vaguely useful to their teams.

  10. “the “dynamic resolution” in the settings is “a change (reduction) of 3d image resolution, while keeping the GUI resolution the same”, for example GUI (interface, letters etc.) can be in 1920*1080 resolution, while the ground is in 800*600 resolution”

    Oh god, this always look terribad in games with this setting option. Like whole image is blurred. IMO makes more sense to play without it with 20fps than with it and with 30fps.

  11. Pingback: Новости от 6.03.2014

  12. “- when “hiding” behind rubble from destroyed buildings, your silhouette will be visible normally”

    Oh yes, X-ray vision for noobs!