- according to the developers, 8.11 TD nerf caused the decrease of amount of TD’s in hightier battles
- according to the developers, the TD situation is like this: in the beginning, TD’s were actually quite unpopular despite their alpha and camo advantage and that changed only with the big arty nerf, where a certain number of artillery players transferred to TD’s
- one of the reasons the potential damage stat got renamed is the fact the developers are preparing to implement rewards for soaking up damage (SS: “tanking” in Warcraft terms)
- apparently, animated tank effects, such as automatic shell ejectors, are planned for “medium” future (as in, not far from now, but not soon)
- after 8.6, there were no changes in accuracy and shell spread within aim circle
- in 9.0, new premium and non-premium hangars will come, it will be “very cool”
- independent suspension will appear on reworked models only
- ASAP for 9.0 will come within next few days
- at some point in the future, there will be massive vehicle rebalances
- T-54 HD model will have the log on the back
- concrete-piercing shells will not be introduced to WoT
- arty shells exploding in mid-air and arty shells flying outside of the aim circle were caused by some bug in server connection between nodes during certain distribution setups
- 122mm IS not having historical gold shells in historical battles? “How terrible”
- tank names on minimap: when it’s done it’s done
- apparently, the “potential damage” will be renamed to “damage, reflected by armor” or something like that
- historical battles will have separate stats, like team battles
- according to Storm, confrontation has to be switched off, not just switched off by default, because those few people, who would switch it on, would constantly suffer from long queues and problems with MM and there would be a lot of whining
- in 9.0, the bug where missions don’t display the counter properly on the mission screen tab, will be fixed
- according to Overlord, World of Tanks: Blitz is practically ready for beta
I feel so honored to be the first comment. All of my hard work and dedication has paid off. Getting the top has been a dream of mine for many years, and I would like to thank those who helped me along the way. Next I would like to thank my parents for birthing me. I want thank my cat Delete, for always there for me. I also want to thank George W. Bush for allowing me to realize that if a mentally challenged child can be president, I can be first comment… This is a special moment in my life and I would like to thank any of my unmentioned friends and family that have helped me along the way. This moment will be an experience that I will never forget. And last but not lease I would like to thank all of the millions of people/fans out there that took time out their day to celebrate this momentous achievement with me. I cannot stress how much of a big deal this is. I have been trying to be the first comment on a post for like a year. But that has not been possible until this amazing day. Hopefully my luck will continue. But this is how I did i would say, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. To all the kids out there reading this, I would like to tell them the skys the limit. Being first commentator is amazing, thank you everyone!
SS,pls ban this donkey
I would personally like to thank SS, for you future ban.
The FIRST! thing may be stupid but I liked the part with Bush so let’s let him live this time.
Nice copypasta brah.
Yeah – he is WAY too dumb to come up with such text.
almost died laughing
Keep on being first, I feed on the tears of butthurt little kids responding to your epic comment crying about how jealous they are of your epic comment.
This dude deserves a donkey…please…please, release the donkey, only for him…please.
- one of the reasons
the potential damage
stat got renamed is the
fact the developers are
preparing to implement
rewards for soaking up
damage (SS: “tanking”
in Warcraft terms)…
my kv220 like this (often have 5k damage received/battle)
Maus can be viable again.
Yes because KV220 is the best tank out there known for endure throughout the battle endless hits from the enemy…
Yeah it is….So…
When no-one knows it has a paper turret, yeah…
As if HT needed an income buff…
They are already the most popular(in accounts with over 1 k battles, ppl with less have rarely passed tier 5) wehicle class, and, for a reason, the easiest one to play. I will be fine with tanking dmg only if it just makes tanks earn more, but I think WG will take some award away or reduce credit earinging for other stuff…
- in 9.0, new premium and non-premium hangars will come, it will be “very cool”
Really? Who needs a cool garage?
Special People.
i do
My basement looks better than WoT standart garage.
Your mother looks like the standard WoT Garage.
Did I missed something here?
I must say I really like the defoult garage, and hate the premium one. It is unrealisticaly clean, while the normal garage “has a soul”, looks like an old bunker or sth.
totally my opinion to bro. i wonder who will come out with the “old standard garage” mod first :D
Yes, but you don’t have tanks in basemant.
You underestimate the size of my basement.
Mr. Freeze and others who dislike sweating.
The AT-2 is pleased.
Potential damage will be renamed to “damage, reflected by armor”.
I think you mean deflected :P A mirror reflects, armour deflects.
Of course, this is from “glorious Belarusian translation” so it’s likely their error, not SS.
”- one of the reasons the potential damage stat got renamed is the fact the developers are preparing to implement rewards for soaking up damage (SS: “tanking” in Warcraft terms)”
My Pz II Ausf.J and KV-220 are very pleased with this.
This always should have happened.
Knowing how to take DMG is huge. If you get 10k Exp DMG in a fight it means while enemy was trying to dig you out, your High DMG guys were relatively free from harm and able to focus.
So our 5k Exp in KV220`s means 2-2.5 mins of constant fire. Hell in many ways this is its only job as Wn8 Unicum DMG is only 860-900 DMG
Also my Failowe and 113/112 will love this even more. Fail in sidescrape can get an easy 10k per match and I have had 22k in it and seen a buddy go 26k exp in it lol Best Sidescrape_NA
‘according to the developers, the TD situation is like this: in the beginning, TD’s were actually quite unpopular despite their alpha and camo advantage and that changed only with the big arty nerf, where a certain number of artillery players transferred to TD’s’
Actually I think its more that before the arty nerf there was no reason to play crap like JP E-100 and other big bulky TDs. Once you got spotted, you were dead 10s later. After the arty nerf/eradication patch suddenly these big hulking TDs could fire with impunity.
Arty is still super viable, it just takes skill to lead targets now and so its why so many stopped playing. Just like the Foch/268 require much more skill/planning now and all the idiots left that as well.
But the Jp100 is not one that popped up in huge numbers it was the ultra camo 268/Foch hat both had 3kish DPM, HUGE pen and massive viewrange…A td had the ability to solo it and stay hidden as the heavy had to eat shots until he died up until 100m away.
They literally were better at everything, Camo of med/light [even on move] better DPM by 500+, much better alpha, better pen by a huge amount and much better accuracy as a whole. Foch also had Clip+Armor and 268 a 850 DMG round every 14 secs.
They could spot there own targets and literally didnt need any help so it made them the most OP pubstompers in game. It absolutely had nothing to do with arty other than unskilled guys want the easiest tanks to play, either arty deathrays or TD`s that needed no spotters.
Heavy tanks suffered from them being op for both Arty and TD…These arty guys cry about them not being able to kill TD`s after nerf but truth is TD`s arent lit often where as heavies are so easy to spot. It would have just killed heavies even more but TD`s would still never be scared of arty OP or not.
Thats is true, because TDs generally have better camo than heavys and mediums these are spotted less than heavys and mediums, how ever heavys and TDs are still easier to hit when spotted due to generally worse mobilty and low/flat armor. I dont agree artys were counter to TDs, but I do agree that many arty players moved to TDs a while. Also other players moved to TDs because they liked the better damage and pen. There was a TD trend yes, not sure theres any TD trend nowdays, since heavys are still the most popular vehicle on the battlefield.
If all TDs would get nerfed heavily there would be a decrease in TD usage and people would move to medium and heavys and possibly autloaders. This would how ever not stop the caming/sniping which is a problem regardles. There are some games with 0 td and arty, players still camp like hell, so tds and artys alone and even in increased numbers isnt the rerason ppl are camping. Players camp because they are cowards and dont know the game.
@ Mr Lova
Once you get spotted in jagdpze100 you will get penned nowdays as well by gold ammo and other tanks due to accuracy buff in 8.6. 8.6 removed the danger from arty to all other tanks due to better accuracy and abuse of gold ammo, thats also why “clever” people started camping in all tanks because that according to then is the only way to survive. Arty nerf was actually a buff to all vehicles because they could move more freely, and the game became more dynamic after arty nerf untill we start seeing 5-8 TDs in all games and here the extreme camping started. And despite less TDs and arty now, ppl still camp even though they dont.
So the developers nerfed arty so hard that they can’t take out TD’s that are holding choke points. This makes TD’s the best tanks in the game, so everyone is playing TD’s, How terrible!!!
Hey this is something I just don’t get about this game the developers work very hard at setting up tiers so why are most tanks always in tier battles that are above their set tier?
Doesn’t that make the whole tier deal kind of dumb?
No, it’s your inability to grasp the logic of the matchmaking system that marks *you* kind of dumb.
No hes right.
You be quiet, adults are talking.
And who might those adults be?
You are all going in wrong direction here. The real problem for arty is not about them being nerfed, but with implementation of six sense. Thats the real problem for arty players and BIG buff for all TD’s and campers in general. Thats the point at which people stoped playing arty and went for TD. High camo is not problem and never was until introduction of six sense.
You see, I am arty player and before six sense you just aim on standard TD posiotions, wait for some1 to spot them, shoot, kill and thats it. But now when we have six sense, even if you already have 100% aim on posible TD location, he gets spoted, you take 1 sec to adjust aim precisly, you take shot, then he gets six sense notification and gets to relocate in time due to slow shell travel time. You will miss every fucking time and wait 50 sec for another shot ? No, fuck arty … I play TD from now on …
“The real problem for arty is not about them being nerfed, but with implementation of six sense. Thats the real problem for arty players and BIG buff for all TD’s and campers in general. Thats the point at which people stoped playing arty and went for TD. High camo is not problem and never was until introduction of six sense.”
March 2012: introduction of sixth sense.
June 2013: arty nerf.
Failed to understand ? Perhaps read again ?
Perhaps you could explain then how come arty usage drop & TD usage rise didn’t happen after sixth sense introduction (which you claim to be – verbatim quote here – “the point at which people stoped playing arty and went for TD”), but only after arty nerf – over one year later?
Lol, 6th sense didnt stop ppl playing arty, in fact they became so popular they the needed nerf in 8.6 and that was almost 2 years after 6th sens got introduced. ALso arty are fine nowdays, dont know why people complain. If you play high tier arty, have good skills and premium food, you can hit pretty good. I know because I played arty after 8.6.
If 6th sense was the problem I guess people priot to 8.6 and even now are too dumb to understand how to use it. And even if the tank is moving you can sitll hit it, and heres where 8.5 arty were too effectrive, they could hit moving objects too good. Far from all players have 6th sense and despite them having it they dont think about moving because they feel they are safe from tanks in direct fire. Not all players move when they get spotted, and even if they pull back you can hit then, just takes some skill and rng nowdays. Look youtube there are many arty players playing in 8.6 succesfully hitting moving targets, dont get why you whine. Also, you say you playing TDs fron now on. Well good for you because there wil lalso get nerfed :).
I’m excited for WoT Blitz. Hopefully it isn’t as bad as XBOX WoT.
Designed for mobile devices, go figure.
- according to the developers, the TD situation is like this: in the beginning, TD’s were actually quite unpopular despite their alpha and camo advantage and that changed only with the big arty nerf, where a certain number of artillery players transferred to TD’s
It started with your retarded T10 TDs powercreep you ignorat fucks from Minsk.
Mind language pls, or I migh start swearing again and that is bad because there are younger players reading this. PS im girl.
Because you being alien is quite important.
Im alienware = best pc in the world.
And WoW was the first MMO I take it?
What does mmo mean? Is that a kind of pizza? I just bought PC last year.
actually it started with the buff of some low-mid tier TDs. (hellcat, M8A1 i’m looking at you)
Tanking gettin a proper reward is an incentive to buy a tank researched a long time ago but never bought: Maus
“- according to the developers, 8.11 TD nerf caused the decrease of amount of TD’s in hightier battles
– according to the developers, the TD situation is like this: in the beginning, TD’s were actually quite unpopular despite their alpha and camo advantage and that changed only with the big arty nerf, where a certain number of artillery players transferred to TD’s”
- Well that is true to some extent. The reason we saw more TDs was because some players stopped playing arty and transfered to TDs. And with less artys all tanks can move more freely, even TDs, and that made people grind and play them more because they had big potential in most tires, like tier 7-10. Soon we had many more TDs in games in all high tiers for a while. But really the tier 10 Tds changes didnt affect TDs at tier 7-9 and the amount of those are still lower now than for 3-6 months ago. I guess people got tired and realised that a tank with turret while played right has more advantages as well as the rebalances of maps. I play mostly tier 8 and I see alot less TDs now than before. I was a TD player only for a long time but stopped because I think turreted tanks are more fun and are more agile.I dont see a few camping TDs as a problem and I rarely get hit by TDs, luck maybe. But as it is not the amount of TDs and artys in tier 8 games are just about perfect. Maybe little too much heavy tanks though I admit.
“- at some point in the future, there will be massive vehicle rebalances”
- Ofc there will be more nerfs because havoc will bring new physics as well as alternative turrets and hulls for some tanks. Also since newer tanks are introduced the only sane way is to nerf older tanks so ppl grind the new ones. 100% of all introduced new tanks gets nerfed after a while, when WG has gotten ur money. Most new tanks are simply better than the older as well so I mean WG create this inbalance by purpose just because they know they can make money of this idiotic and unfortunate situation. Balance, well when they speak about balance they speak about balancing their profit and income so they can buy banks and shit and laugh at us.
If they are so smart why not make the tank balanced from the beginning, they have alot of data they can use and they should know by now. I mean how is it balanced by giving a tank gazilions of more alpha, pen, rof etc compared to other tenks? Powercreep is business because WG know players put more emphasis on getting OP tanks than OP crew skills and personal skill. Smart players are getting punished by WG thats why the banned sela because he was too innovative on mod making for WG. In Soviet they dont like competition, they only like to kill smart people.
You’re unusually *eloquently* full of shit tonight.
Hug mi pls…
“[...] thats why the banned sela because he was too innovative on mod making for WG. ”
^ this was the part when i realized that you must be trolling.
BTW: “- at some point in the future, there will be massive vehicle rebalances” <— wasn't this supposed to be in THIS year?
Regarding the damage reflected by armour: Does that mean that damage you take does not count any more?
What I mean is that if you take a hit and lose 300hp, your armour didn’t actually reflect anythning, did it?
Kinda hard to explain what I’m thinking, but if any further explanation is needed, I’ll try to paraphrase it. :)
I was thinking the same thing. I was under the impression that potential damage received was ALL damage that hit you, both what bounced and what went through. So if you got hit with a 350 potential damage HE shell, but only 100 went through, you’d still have a potential damage stat of 350. What they’re saying is that 100 goes to damage received and 250 goes to potential damage.
I like Confrontation and don’t see any queues. I know this isn’t a democracy but I would vote to keep it. The folks that don’t like it can switch it off.
What’s not to like abut 10 Matilda’s plus various hangers-on demolishing 12 Hetzers plus some nonentities?
i have a solution for the MM problem.
it should make 2 teams with almost the same mmweight and THEN choose the mode. just sayin’.
- one of the reasons the potential damage stat got renamed is the fact the developers are preparing to implement rewards for soaking up damage (SS: “tanking” in Warcraft terms)
My E75 and KV-5 are okay with this.
- after 8.6, there were no changes in accuracy and shell spread within aim circle