Tier 10 RU Server Statistics

Source: wot-news.com

Hello everyone,

here are the tier 10 RU server statistics from wot-news for last 4 weeks. I am posting this, because some are quite surprising (Maus, Leopard, STB-1). Check this out:



98 thoughts on “Tier 10 RU Server Statistics

      • it’s not that is7 is not for everybody — look how much is7 are on RU — 32081 whit so much tanks it’s easy to get lower win rate , even if 10 or 15k to have 60% win still it’s gonna be lover overall

          • is7 had this rumour cause back in older patches it was actually a bit OP
            now they tweak a lot with many stuff and is7 has become an OK tier 10 nothing special nothing too impressive with it’s moments depending on the map

          • Yea, two years ago it was OP. In a pack of 6 or more it was devastating for land grabs and holding terrain. It was never very accurate, “thank goodness” and if you fired on the move, dirt shot was almost guranteed w/ out high crew skills/ aiming set up.

            BTW, a pack of 8 is7s is still very effective imo, if you can find a clan that will run it….

      • Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

        Almost every single STB-1 player I’ve run into so far has been somewhere between deep green and purple. I’ve had to be super careful about not fucking around with them in brawling situations.

        But Waffentrager E-100s? Holy fuck. I’ve been running into purple unicums and red-statted noobs. Both groups hold left-click and obliterate you. It’s THE flavor of the month tank to go for!

    • Leo 1′s stats are going to be hella inflated because they’re used in Clan Wars by purples and noobs who’re going for FOTM tanks avoid it like the plague. I regularly stomp on the baddy Leos all the time. You can sneeze at them and they’ll explode.

    • Leo and STB are mostly played by good to unicum players…both are hard tanks to master and, as chris said above, pubbies avoid them like the plague…
      Something like: “If you can’t play it right then stop fuckin’ play it!”

    • Leo 1 and STB-1 have very… painful grinds leading to them, add on a steep learning curve at the end tier, and a low payoff/effort, and we get self selective winrates.

      My guess is that if you looked at tank winrate relative to player winrates, the STB-1 and Leo 1 wouldn’t deviate terribly from the average medium.

      • Yeah, the guys I know who have the Leo and STB-1 are all good players. Its rare to see a Leo anyway in Randoms, let alone CW and the STB-1 is extremely rare. Its a bit like the FV4202 and FV215B a month or so after release – they looked completely OP but now as more people get them, their global stats are going south. Also the FV4202 is a bad tank and has lower than average WR for players that own them.

  1. I knew it.

    German Bias.
    Damm those Belorussian developers. Being biased to Germans. How dare they.

  2. I am waiting for IS-7 and IS-4 buff since last year (prob summer?), when we saw new methods for balancing, which has shown that both tanks are UP.

    • Well, u’re wrong (I think). This method should show only last scores, not overal. This method was used on RUS players. And u know what? I think a lot of RUS players started on IS-7, their skill was improved till that and they bought another tanks too.
      Waht else. Look on numbers of battles in IS-7 and compare them to another vehicles. It is easy to assume that more players = less overall WR. IS-7 for me is k, IS-4 needs buff tho.

      BTW – WT E-100 is clearly op – large number of battles – still has nice win rate.

    • Nope. It is because on Russian server, most people choose the Soviets as their first line and therefor more less experienced players play the Soviets. This leaves either more experienced players the finished a soviet line or more hardcore by default players that started the other lines out of some higher form of curiosity .

      The opposite of what is happening on EU. Here most people go German (or France/UK, but mostly German), then Soviets and then US and CHINA/Japan.

      Analogous on US. Us tanks are most popular. Then, since most people have bad knowledge of tanks and German vehicles are put on a pedestal, second place is to German tanks (popularity wise) and then the rest.

      • Good point. Hopefully, WG considers this when balancing tanks. As we can see, on the RU server, there are 10x more IS7 players than Maus players. Weird.

        • Not weird…take a russian with a huge love for his history and bet what he’ll pick: an IS-7 named after his leader and protecting his motherland, or a nazi Maus?

  3. These guys over there in Russian are really noobs! Man, how the hell it is possible to reach 47% WR with T-62 or Obj.140??? I tried those machines on the test server, and well, they beat the crap out of any other medium tanks! I bet the average Russian just grinds one of the Russian branch (just check the number of tanks) and pull down the WR of them. IS-4 is a damned beast! If you play it well, it is almost impossible to penetrate it (without gold ammo, of course).
    Really, these statistics must be flawed…

  4. Individual tank WR really depends on the gameplay each server has.

    There is no other way to say it, so here it goes. RU players rush like madmen, EU players tend to camp.
    In that fashion, I can see why the Leo1 has a great WR. It can spot rushes early and harass them enough for his rushing team to win.
    Same for the Maus. A properly angled Maus takes ages to kill. Not great for rushers.

    On EU however? Leo gets spotted, and crushed. Maus gets artied.

    • Leo can work like that on EU too, but not as agressive(I play my own like that).

      And you can’t really rush with tanks that go with max 15-18 kph forward…:))

      • I was thinking that the Maus stops and crushes Russian rushes, instead of being arty’d, TD’d and left for dead like on EU server ^^’

    • This just shows how well depression is used there IMO.

      M48+M60+Leo+Stb-1 all great there?

      Also 140 and 62a cant see wins? Sorry but those are boarderline cheats they are so good.

      I bet money if they did the whole “% of wins vs wins on overall account wouldnt be diff.

      No way the M48 has a big w/r advantage over anything.

    • This is why tanks like M48 which are really UP and completely useless in CW are made to look balanced. Because RU server is Yolo rushes? It makes sense.

      In NA we have a hybrid Yolo/Camp baddie brigade and I think the numbers really do reflect more a balance.

      NA server has much more great CW tanks having higher W/R

  5. Not surprised by Leopard, STB-1 as they are played by skilled players, who researched them first. About Maus – that`s rather interesting.

  6. So Conqueror GC is the Unicorn of tier 10?
    Didnt suprise. I am apparently Unicorn of the tier 10 Heavys.

    Anyway. I itself think that I dont need buff, but when all is whining for that, why not?
    Any buff coming?

    • Be proud my tenk, be proud, for soon, pubbies will go inside you too.

      Edit:Damn, I’m into the rhymes again!

      Edit2:…it’s getting worse, also did a rhyme in the first edit…

      • Depends on the map. Conqueror is much more favored than the T92 as the boomstick arty because of the high shell arc, good traverse arc and very decent mobility while in other aspects it’s similar to the T92. Only things that are better on T92 are its better accuracy (which is barely noticable), high range and higher muzzle velocity.

        As for the rest the 261 is the best overall arty because of best accuracy and fast reload + solid dmg, Bat 155 is the dynamic arty that can support anywhere where needed and GW E is used if you need big firepower with relatively good accuracy.

        But yes, Conqueror (and 261) is the best arty

  7. It seems pretty obvious that the object 268 got overnerfed.
    Now it is the worst of all tire X tanks.

    I dont think that it needed a nerf in the first place tbh.

    • Lol no didnt need a nerf it only had….

      Camo similair as batchat on move
      2900 DPM [500 more than high heavies]
      300/450 Pen [50 and 100mm pen more than heavies]
      Super accuracy/Aim time
      850 Alpha vs 500 being standard for Heavies.
      Huge viewrange

      So you could literally double bush and have a heavy not see you while shooting at 200m away. You could hit him for 850 almost assuridly.

      Basically it did everything better than a heavy except armor, but TBH its camo/viewrange kept it 100% safe.

      There literaly wa no counter if yo uwere in a heavy. You would have to try and eat dmg while getting in range to keep thrm lit.

      And no Arty nerf didnt make TD`s OP, Arty used to hit Heavies the most as they were spotted 9/10,

      TD`s Camo/View/Coms range nerf is what was needed, this way TD`s need to move up with meds etc.

      Look at E3 since it has secretly become OP now…..Lol

      • Have you ever played it?

        It got basically no gun traverse angle and when you move slightly, you need to reaim and the velocity of the shots are really slow.

        Also it is a TD with no turret. Do you expect it to be the same as a heavy with a turret that can turn 360°?

        No matter what the stats tell you, this is not the kind of OP tank that people beleve.

        Just on a sidenote It is the same hull as an IS-8, and who have ever had problems penetrating that? So the armor is basically not worth mentioning.

    • Yeah right…. You probably cant use that insane camo that stayed untouched.

      Its sad when people suck even in OP machines and complain about it.

      • Had the obj 268 sold it from frastration and anger but the platform
        toooo narrow traverse for the gun and the gun is unrelaiable as hell
        slow velocity and very RNG bases to hit or not
        if you put me to play whether the obj 704 or the obj 268
        i will choose the obj 704 although overall it is slower then the 268 the gun arc is a joy and you dont have to move the entire body of the tank and go to the whole opporation of moving stoping and reaiming (yeah i know bl 10 is the ultimate trolling gun but it is more relaible then the 268′s gun)

          • Did i say anywhere that obj 268 is UP???really???? that is what you see from the whole comparison???
            i just say from tier to tier obj 704 is better then obj 268 in some cases

          • IRL normalisation makes the equivalent angle of armour plate higher(because sloped armour deflects shells), so the fact that IRL the very high velocity APCR rounds had no normalisation was more of an advantage as it meant that armour was always LOS thickness.

        • You didn’t fix shit, I was too lazy to write everything from my phone so I just said they have almost no normalisation compared to AP but your OCD kicked in and spew bullshit around. Normalisation is calculated on DEGREES (because angle) not precent and these are the values IIRC:
          AP: 6°
          APCR: 2°
          HE/HEAT: none

  8. not very surprising.

    in the ru server noobs start with the urss tanks, like in eu a lot of players go with the germans.

    so the germans there are specialist tanks used by veteran players, so tanks have positive winrate.

    but you can see other things like

    113 sucks, is the first non russian tank with lowest winrate.
    50b deserves some love, with bat and t57 the 50b has no proper role.
    e4 was hit pretty hard by the last nerfbat when the tank isnt that good.

    • ”113 sucks”
      Fuck you.

      My owner loves me alot. I am not bad tank, really.
      Good armor frontally, one of the most mobile heavys, ok HP, good rof, good dpm, nice damage,
      great turret armor. Sure, weak side armor, awful LFP armor, meh penetration and aiming time.
      But really, i am good tank. lol

    • Vehicle name, level, type, nation, amount of battles, amount of wins, winrate, amount of new owners (not sure about last one)

  9. For those who know how to read statistics, this proves 113 is the worst Tier10 tank. And then WG says people not interested in Chinese tree. Well hello, maybe if you made their top tier tank useful..

    (Explanation: Yes, IS-4 and IS-7 are ranked lower, but these are the beginner tanks. 113 is newer tank, used on avg by more experienced players, and almost never as the first tier10 tank. And yet it’s so bad.)

      • If it’s so awesome how come it’s statistically the worst tier10 tank as shown up there?

        People are so disconnected with reality but thankfully we have science and data and facts in 21st century instead of opinions and dogmas and beliefs and faith.

  10. The maus isnt surprising at all especially post arty nerf, you may not be able rock 3k dpb but thats not its job. Which seems to be what all the hurr durr maus needs t10 med dpm people dont seem to get. Go in side scrape bait shots, you dont even need to fire back and you’ll win far more than you lose. It’s even more impressive because all the good players have sold it, it has a 51% win rate with pure heinz ketchup playing it.

  11. Depends on the map. Conqueror is much more favored than the T92 as the boomstick arty because of the high shell arc, good traverse arc and very decent mobility while in other aspects it’s similar to the T92. Only things that are better on T92 are its better accuracy (which is barely noticable), high range and higher muzzle velocity.

    As for the rest the 261 is the best overall arty because of best accuracy and fast reload + solid dmg, Bat 155 is the dynamic arty that can support anywhere where needed and GW E is used if you need big firepower with relatively good accuracy.

  12. So what is the minimum to receive a buff? Because I am seeing quite a few tanks that could use a buff. I mean a 47% w/r is sad. I am sure there are quite a few tanks that have lower w/r too.

    • 47% is not that bad… technically if everybody was equal and things were 100% balanced the win-rate would be about 48% due to draws. However also take into account the many clans losing and getting draws from Clan Wars in their IS-7 – getting beaten by more experienced teams with a bigger variety of tanks

  13. SilentStalker, arent these statistics outdated?
    When I press last 4 weeks on wot-news it displays weird date, something like few months old :D
    Unless you got better source for them

  14. Meaningless stats when you don’t show or know the win ratios of the players. If the average win ratio of all players of the tank A are 52% and for tank B the average win ratio is 48% then if the tank A has 4% higher win ratio doesn’t mean it is better than the tank B.

    If you don’t adjust the tank win ratios to reflect the player win ratios the tank win ratios are misleading and useless.

  15. I’m not too surprised by the Maus and STB to be honest. the STB is so new that most noobs haven’t managed to get it yet- playing quite a few games on the test server I didn’t actually think that the STB was particularly outstanding. You can see that the STB has a number of games played an order of magnitude smaller than the others.

    The Maus, according to noobmeter, is one of the best tier ten heavies on the EU server too. I have one and I’m pretty good in it. There may be a case of the VK4502B putting a lot of people off going for the Maus and a sign that the recent changes to tier ten penetration may have actually done their job- normally in my Maus I don’t cause a lot of damage but I have the armour and HP to be bold and distract enemies while my platoonmates hammer them, which wins games. It also results in a ton of spotting damage too.

    I am surprised however about the tier ten Russian mediums, which are by far and away the most dangerous tier ten tanks on the Russian server. Maybe it’s due to the way games play out on the European server or purely because most people play them so you have the full range from unicums to ‘botted to tier ten’.

  16. Well how many retards have you seen in IS-7 and how many in Maus. Maus is too rare tank and mostly driven by at least decent players, while you can see IS-7 in almost every battle and there is shit ton of retards driving it. Same example is with KV-1s. Everyone knows it’s OP and yet it doesn’t stand out by WR simply because as much as there is good players in it, there is even more potatoes driving it because they have heard it’s stronk tonk. Imo WR alone is pure shit and doesn’t mean anything about the tank’s performance.