Check Overlord’s QA on WoT Blitz, if you are interested in mobile gaming
- Storm on why the autoaim was changed in 9.0: “Current autoaim in cases of some vehicles (especially open SPG’s) sometimes aims at “empty space” around the vehicle and not at the vehicle itself. We fixed this by introducing new point where the autoaim is aiming. It won’t affect penetration chances.”
- rebalance of maps especially for historical battles is not planned
- it’s possible that “assault” and “encounter” modes will appear in historical battles
- it’s completely technically possible to implement skill/perks, working only under special conditions (for example perks specially for autoloader tanks, for TD’s etc.)
- regarding the alleged “arty nerf”, posted by Storm – he claims he was misinterpreted by “guide-makers, who misinterpret him because they are hunting for sensations” (SS: nothing implied sarcasm and what he wrote was very clear, anyway – Storm was probably referring to either Murazor or Jove). No arty nerf is planned for now, but it will definitely not recieve any buff, Storm states that statistically, everything is alright with arty
- apparently, there is a Russian social group on Vkontakte (VK, Russian Facebook) called “Women against World of Tanks” with like 7000 members, claiming that WoT destroys marriages because some men play too much (SS: no, this is not trolling, this really exists)
- one interesting thing I learned from EU/US. I won’t cite the source (he specifically asked not to), but according to internal WG EU data, World of Warplanes is actually doing fine on EU server, its popularity is rising. It’s the RU server, that has issues in this case, not the EU one (you might have seen the FTR post about the “failure of WoWp” – the graph in it referred to RU). I still think it’s a shitty game tho.
Hmmmm… a thought. You might have noticed that the QA is getting shorter (it’s also harder to “dig out” info from various sources). The reason for this is that the original thread, that used to be the “core source” of the translations, is practically dead. New answers appear quite rarely (from SerB – practically never, from Storm – more often, but still rare). The developers are probably busier than usual.
Wonder what the trend is for WoWP on NA, seems low. 1700 people on is a high spot, that I’ve seen. However I only spot check it, I’m in WoT, WoWS and WT more.
You’re in World of Warships mate? An alpha tester?
I logged on around noon one day last week to see if it changed any and there were only 300 online. It was hard to even get a teir 1 game going.
7:30 PM GMT – there are little less over 3k players on EU WoWp server
while on RU server, at the same time, there are 8.3k players
and thats pretty much nothing for prime time, even a few weeks after OB launch they still had 4-5k on EU.
WoWP NA is at 1k during prime time. I expect the server to shut down mid May.
Duck has been throwing that prediction out there for months desperately hoping it comes true so he doesn’t have to eat crow in the the next 2-6 weeks lol…
I wonder if assault and encounter mode are historical. Maybe WG has unearthed Soviet encounter mode doctrine and Guderian’s treatise on assault mode?
I would argue that a game mode like that would be more realistic. Majority of battles fought involve the intended defense or capture of strategic objectives. There’s no reason a general would risk valuable units just to border skirmish with no real goal.
The rumour is that if your tank stands in enemy base for 1 minute 40 seconds, you automatically win the battle. I guess that’s how blitzkrieg worked.
Haha! Now that is funny.
In the end, it’s a game meant for entertainment. Up to developers to decide where to draw the lines.
Can we have a Vkontakte group “WOT players against Shoes and handbags” then?
Having once worked in such an environment during my half-year vacation as a part time job, I’d gladly join in.
I also thought Bioshock Infinite is a relatively shit game.
High fives anyone :P ?
OT: WoWP can be fixed. I hope they do at least.
Same here, I wouldn’t mind a “silly” arcade flight game, but WoWP has just too many flaws to overlook them.
Heck I love H.A.W.X which is probably even more arcade than Ace Combat, but WoWP somehow managed to fail on everything starting with controls and ending with giving me a headache after more than 20 minutes of playing.
(PS: Bioshock Infinite was a crap game, but the story telling was good.)
Play Metro: Last Light. That is Infinite’s line of story telling done better.
I agree on WoWP. There is NOTHING wrong with arcade, hell it often makes games harder then realism (at least harder to master). 1st thing WG must fix on WoWP is the menu. Just 100% copy WoT’s menu. It should be easy. Then fix rest :P
I agree that WoWp isn’t as popular as WoT, but then look at how long each of them have been available. WoWp definitely has problems, but I overall find it enjoyable to play, and look forward to it improving.
The problem is it came after War Thunder, which is in almost every way a superior game.
Though WT GF has the same hill to climb as it’s came well after WoT and much of the gameplay that’s good for aircraft doesn’t translate well into tanks. Not to mention that if Gaijin sticks to the “strict historical accuracy” an defined by some of the player base, the tech tree will be horribly vanilla because frankly far more different aircraft participated in WW2 and Korea then tanks. That and it doesn’t help the the “historical accuracy” snobs trolling Gaijin forums don’t have the first clue what is “real” and what is “fantasy”. Case in point. When someone brought up maybe adding the E-50 and E-75 instead of a 105mm armed Tiger II and a 88mm armed Panther II (the latter would be highly inaccurate historically as it was late model Panther Gs that this would have happened to if the war had gone on as the PII had been canceled). One of the WTFBHADFS said Gaijin “might as well add all the paper designs that existed between the Sherman and Pershing”. Except of course 3 T20s were built and tested. Over 200 T23s and 40 T25s. Which in the “fantasy” T23′s case is more (between double and 10 times) some of the “real” tanks already planned for the game.
Because WT GF fans don’t have a friggen CLUE what “real” is and what isn’t.
It cant be better in almost every way. The two games are completely different.
So one is an arcade-simulation mix about airplanes from the 30s into the 50s with tier leveling and experience gains for achieving victories and the other is what exactly?
War Thunder: The place where Propellerheads educate you about tanks
Yeah…and the Germans’ top-tier tank in WT GF is supposed to be the Tiger II with a 128 mm gun (basically the E-75 that we have in WoT), since they wanted something that could be balanced against the Soviet IS-3M that is the top tier on that particular tree. From a historical standpoint this presents a problem: the gun doesn’t fit in the Tiger II’s turret…well…it would fit, but if you tried to fire it, the gun would punch a hole in the back of the turret, not to mention having pretty much no room for the crew and no gun depression.
If they wanted something historical for the end-tier heavy tank, they should go with the Maus, which was actually built and could mount a 128 mm gun. Granted, it’d be virtually immobile and a sitting duck for air attack, but it gives people an incentive to play anti-aircraft vehicles to cover it, because a well-driven Maus would be virtually invulnerable to enemy fire at most ranges.
As for the Panther II, I have no idea how they intend to balance that against the T-54, as even the earliest models were superior to the Panther II in virtually every way, being designed in 1945 whilst the Panther II was designed before the Panther I ever entered combat. Then again, knowing Gaijin’s penchant for creator provincialism (and selective historical accuracy – I’m looking at you, P-63 Kingcobra and its ufo-like performance in ‘realistic’, even though they were only slightly better than the preceding P-39 irl), they probably won’t give a shit.
top tier heavy tank is the tiger 2 with the 10.5 Cm gun.
they didn’t do the maus because it hasn’t been used in battle >.>
Pretty sure a 10,5 cm tank gun isn’t any less an Ass Pull, as the last I heard the Germans never got around to that conversion and instead went straight for its 12,8 cm big bro.
What are your thoughts on this SS?
Kinda minor, but it affects two kinda UP vehicles :P . Also seems quite easy to fix.
It’s usual WG bullshit. They f**ked up the armor scheme again… Just like how they f**ked up the T-34-85 long time ago.
Meh. <_<
I hope they fix it.
This is a known and very old bug. I doubt they will touch it before HD model of that tank, if they didn’t do it until now.
So they will fix it?
nope they wont, game has to look good so people come to it and have the idea o hey nice game. then they have 5k battles and start to feel all the errors and failures but they already spend money so they keep playing it…
That sounded suspiciously specific.
“- it’s completely technically possible to implement skill/perks, working only under special conditions (for example perks specially for autoloader tanks, for TD’s etc.)”
“No arty nerf is planned for now, but it will definitely not recieve any buff, Storm states that statistically, everything is alright with arty”
What needs buffed in artys are the ridiculous dispersions while turning hull/gun. This could be buffed with modified crew skills that works with arty different (for example Snap Shot reduces dispersion while moving the gun, Clutch Braking reduces dispersion while turning the hull)
Buff arties?
You want to die by hands of 99% players?
Your 99% is way off the mark, we all know it. The very loud I hate arty remove it from the game crowd, are a minority.
‘Dun think so.
Got many fellas supporting his opinion.
Hell, if there will be the option to remove the scumbags I’ll be one of the first dudes who will go for it…althought they are required in clan wars…
Fucking retards. If “99% of the player base” supported Artillery’s nerfing or removal then we wouldn’t have had games pre-8.6 were 1/3 to 1/2 of the game was Arty.
Seriously, you ONLY get a game with 14 players in arty and 16 in “real tanks” unless a very, very large part of the player base is playing it. Even now between 5-15% of the player base still plays arty on a regular basis.
Game play hasn’t gotten any better. You still have 45% nose pickers complaining because “noob tuber arty players who can’t drive real tanks” manage to kill them. Even if there is only 1 arty on the enemy team.
My personal favourite is tomatoes blaming arty for lack of support… when neither team has even one.
its funny…
now people cry about not enhough players
soon people will start cry damm to many players overloaded servers tomatoe teams etc. etc. etc.
and about this part:
Storm states that statistically, everything is alright with arty
stats are fine… still my crew isnt shooting in the circle (G.W. Panther) and with Birch Gun its even worse…
just GO FOR THE BUFF!!!! or just put down the damage of arty up with the ROF and up with the aim then it is also better but FIX THE AIM BUFF OUR ARTY!!!
I can live with the devs being busy, that is a good sign.
I think SerB was more busy playing with pony plushie he got at Kubinka.
“Women against World of Tanks”
Great, can we have Women against Call of Duty? Or Women against War Thunder?
They would rather blame the effect than the cause, if a spouse prefers to spend time playing a game instead of with their significant other, they have more significant issues to deal with. “It’s the games fault that my husband doesn’t love me and that I nag him to the point of choosing a virtual world over me!”
They should look at the bright side. Their husbands aren’t spend money and time on other women.
^This, so much
Seriously, if they would stop being hypocrites and realize that MAYBE they should give their husbands POSITIVE incentives to spend more time with them than online, the issue would go away for the most part.
Alas, haters gonna hate.
Well if they payed their man folk the proper attention they wouldn’t have cause to complain. Of course then they would complain about that as well….
I solved my problem by simply buying her a PC as well. I get as much game time as I like as well as other attention.
Well i thing Women against World of Warcraft will be more effective.
I know its not the correct forum-blog for that game but hey….millions there also!
- “apparently, there is a Russian social group on Vkontakte (VK, Russian Facebook) called “Women against World of Tanks” with like 7000 members, claiming that WoT destroys marriages because some men play too much (SS: no, this is not trolling, this really exists)”
Can I call the 7201th member of VK the VK 7201? :P
apparently, there is a Russian social group on Vkontakte (VK, Russian Facebook) called “Women against World of Tanks” with like 7000 members, claiming that WoT destroys marriages because some men play too much (SS: no, this is not trolling, this really exists)
how terrible
lol I like the picture where he is playing WoT naked with baby in drawer :P
“. We fixed this by introducing new point where the autoaim is aiming. It won’t affect penetration chances.””
so Auto aim is now shooting at a different part of the tank but penetration chances are the same?
Who the hell does he think is lying to? Complete idiots?
well if u take it overall: For some tanks it decreses chance to pen (those with turrets without armor, or those with very well sloped upper front plate) and for others it increases chance to pen (t29 no more autoaim on mantle).
Increase, decrease, both means it doesn’t remain the same.
- Storm on why the autoaim was changed in 9.0: “Current autoaim in cases of some vehicles (especially open SPG’s) sometimes aims at “empty space” around the vehicle and not at the vehicle itself. We fixed this by introducing new point where the autoaim is aiming. It won’t affect penetration chances.”
- Storm on why the autoaim was changed in 9.0: “Current autoaim in cases of MANY PAYING 45%WR CUSTOMERS WITOUT AIMING SKILL sometimes aims at “empty space” around the vehicle and not at the vehicle itself. We fixed this by introducing EASIER AUTOAIM FOR BRAIN SPECIALISTS. It WILL affect penetration chances.”
no it wont effect pen chances but that is when you shoot at a spot on a tank now and after update autoaim and shoot at same spot same chance to pen
Autoaim does have one drawback and is one thing that won’t change: it doesn’t lead moving targets, and while this may not matter for shooting at big and slow heavy tanks, medium and light tanks are fine as long as they keep moving…as if the metagame hadn’t shifted in favor of mediums enough already.
the game is dead, plz don’t waste more money on WoT… play for free only.
Funny, this sounds very much like a desperate cry of a warthunder fanboy.
SS, do you know why there isn’t a gift tank for this year’s birthday? O_O
Because of 30g missions that are repeatable, perhaps?
The monthly mission giving a prem tank probably isn’t entirely irrelevant to the question, either.
Maybe they want to give it out on the 9.0 patch release? I’ve heard that the Chinese server will be giving out the Großtraktor – Krupp on 9.0 release.
I am afraid that this is gonna be a rather Q&A-dry year, since there are not many tanks to be introduced and discussed on. :( Everything is gonna be “moar HD, moar Havok” and a rebalance here and there.