9.1 – Upcoming Historical Battle: Tobruk

Source: http://forum.worldoftanks.asia/index.php?%2Ftopic%2F38587-anzac-day-wg%2F

Hello everyone,

according to Tanitha’s post on ASIA server, one of the upcoming historical battles in 9.1 will be Tobruk.


In case you are interested in it, The_Chieftain on US forums recently wrote a Hatch entry about it, so you know what awaits you! Thanks to Mick42 for this info.

33 thoughts on “9.1 – Upcoming Historical Battle: Tobruk

    • The Pz III’s 50mmL/60 should be able to tackle the Matilda’s when flanked.
      Early Pz IV’s can spam HE the same way the Sherman 105s can spam KTs with HE to death.

    • Crusader’s first action was in Tobruk (or really the operation around it, Battleaxe) of course it’ll be armed with the 2pdr, not the 6pdr. Same with the Matilda, not that it really needs the extra pen of the Little John against Pz 2/3/4s.

      I’m wondering which TDs will make an appearance.

  1. There are many tank battles which would suite WOT in the Desert Campaign, but which map would they user for Tobruk? Sand River?

    A Desert City map would be a nice change.

  2. there was a movie made during ww2 called “the rats of tobruk” and the tanks used to play the Panzer roles were actualy Australian Sentinal tanks. You can find some footage on youtube and other places on the internet.

  3. there were many battles for tobruk…..from panzers III vs Matilda….to tiger I vs churchills, m10 wolverins….fuck we are missing m10 Achilles…..

  4. Is better map airfield for Tobruk… you can recreate Sidi rezegh battle… and Matildas are not a great problem if they add the MarderIII, not the model used in north Africa but gun is OK with the soviet 76mm.

    Well, not only Matildas, in crusader the battlehorse for allies was the honey, 2nd the crusader, Matilda and a certain number of old cruiser tanks+Vickers.

  5. Well, Tobruk… could be the german assault in early 41 or the fight in Crusader in late 41… in both cases you dont need italian tanks out of Bir el Gubi combat between Ariete division and british armor, but yes, dont have italian tanks is a little psss.

    You can see Ariete division, all units in his front are from british 7th armored division (desert rats) and in the north of Ariete you can see the german positions around Sidi Rezegh


  6. Great! We have a new historical battle! Now all we need is Australian and Italian tech trees.

  7. Matildas were practically immune against axis tanks in 1941 Africa/Tobruk.

    Rommel used 88mm Flak AA guns specifically to deal with Matildas as ad hoc solution (that gun was mounted on Tiger later).
    Marder II (with 75mm pak 40) were not available in Afrika.

    As we dont have 88mm AA in WoT this batlle is going to be an utter fail with RapeTildas clubbing all that Germans can throw.

    Or WG will settle for since-fiction removing matildas or adding some unhistoricall TDs for germans.

  8. Or they can buff the 50mm guns a little specially 50mmL60.

    The point is the lack of static defenses, german tanks in 41 in north africa can deal with all allied tanks except Matilda but they have enough 88s and a much better tactical performance with the shield sword tactics… was very easy split infantry from tanks using HE and them leave UK tanks rush against AT positions with no support and no HE ammo…

    • Or they can’t.

      Have you even played HB mode?

      Tanks are using modules from game, there are no special buffs/nerfs for specific modules when playing in HB mode.
      As 50mm L60 is implemented the way it is – it’s done deal.

      The only way to tweak balance, is by giving more premium shells for german tanks (130 mm pen on 50mm L60 gun is more than enough to pierce matilda from any angle).
      Still, a rather shitty solution imho (due to credit bleed).

  9. I refer that german 50mm has worst stats in game than in real life, at the point PzIII is seriously underguned, if you dont notice it the 50mmL60 in PzIII is worst in all to the 2pr UK gun when in real life was oposite (and out of HB we can talk about WHY PzIII doesnt mount 75mmL43 when there were plans to do something like this).

    And well, the only way to pen a matilda is using gold ammo or take his flank/rear with no angle but pen a PzIII in frontal is not specially hard.

    PD: the PzIII frankentank

    “Drawings to mount the Pz.IV turret on the Pz.III were completed on Dec.27 1941 by Krupp and sent to Daimler-Benz.

    Krupp sent drawings to armor suppliers on Jan. 15, 1942 for outfitting the Pz III with the Pz IV turret mounting a long 75mm Kw.K. 40 gun. ”

    reference used: panzer tracts No.20-1

  10. Holy Crap this update BETTER contain a buff for the 50mm L/60.

    Its current, sheer impotence is going to absolutely wreck the balance for this setup.

    • Agreed. Buffing the 5 cm gun might actually give the VK 20.01D and DW2 some use in randoms as well!