WG RU CW Stream Summary

Source: http://maiorboltach.livejournal.com/25395.html

Hello everyone,

Russian server also had a “Clanwars stream” and Maiorboltach from the world-of-ru LJ community was kind enough to write a summary of what was said in the stream with Alexei “Orc” Plotnikov. There is some interesting new info, worth checking out. Some points I left out due to them being relevant only for RU server.

- only 15k T23E3 tanks will be handed out on RU server (because “World on Fire” is a short event)
- T23E3 has a premium tank status. According to orc, it has really good rate of fire and not bad penetration, T-34-85 gets killed really fast, it’s something like E-25
- T23E3 will be obtainable for non-CW players, it will be either sold, or will be a reward for some event
- there was an idea that top 30k (on RU server) players, who don’t recieve the T23E3 would recieve credits equal to their fame points count, but it was decided not to do it
- Chat 2.0 is still being worked on, the option to read whispers/chat with friends inside battle will come in very distant future
- WG now has a system, that automatically detects rigged fights
- there is no ETA on future game events (SS: as in the Super Pershing one probably), but they are in plans already

- a completely new tournament format is being developed currently
- Clanwars 2.0 are being worked on, a lot of resources were allocated to the Stronghold mode, but the work on CW 2.0 did not stop
- Stronghold mode will be available for clans with at least 15-20 players. You will be able to build various types of buildings, which will bring various bonuses (XP and credit gains). You will be able to enter a mode resembling something like company battles (called “mining”), in which you will “mine resources”, which you will then use to build the stronghold buildings. In the next iteration of Stronghold mode, clans will be able to “mine” to one another and loot each other’s base.
- WG has a special department, tasked with working to keep (and make return to the game) the WoT target group of people. It works very well.
- the option of using mercenaries in CW is still being worked on, there is no final decision yet, probably won’t be implemented
- the Stronghold mode will cause a boost in company game format battles, because it will be used for the “mining” etc. – therefore even less players will use current company mode and it’s possible the mode the way it is now will be removed and incorporated into the Stronghold mode.
- currently, WG is focusing on the Stronghold feedback. This feedback will influence the decision over many features, planned for Clanwars.
- map “Mountain Pass” will be reworked
- Wargaming apparently DOES listen to any normally formulated petitions, especially petitions from clans and clans alliances, these are being especially paid attention to
- SerB is currently strongly focusing on Lesta studio (World of Warships)
- players can influence, what territory on CW map uses which ingame map, IF the players can provide data and argue correctly
- many statistics (for example “top 15 players by points of fame in clan”) are not possible to create and implement officially, because the amount of data would break the database
- Observer mode for CW/random battles will not be implemented, because it would cause exploits to appear
- Type 59 will NEVER return to the shop
- Clanwars between servers (RU/EU/US) will NOT be combined, the biggest problem are the time zones

From second stream (“Galaxy TV”)

- 3rd Campaign was postponed, because May holidays, vacations are starting etc. and too few people who otherwise would play CW are playing
- Strongholds will appear either in 9.1 or 9.2
- T23E3 can be equipped with a stabilizer
- Komarin map is being reworked
- there is an idea to combine historical battles and CW, but the main focus lies on the Stronghold mode
- there is a plan for a CW event, based on Spanish Civil War
- currently it is being decided, which tank will be the reward tank for 3rd Campaign: T95E6 or Object 907
- 3rd Campaign will come after Stronghold mode is implemented
- it will not be possible to completely destroy enemy stronghold
- WG is specifically against he statistics module in XVM (“noobmeter”), not against its other (minimap etc.) features
- 3rd Campaign will most likely work like the current “World on Fire” event – points will be awarded only for fighting
- WG is developing special Clan Rating, that will be based on Strongholds
- Clanwars 2.0 will not come anytime soon
- WG employees’ accounts cannot pick maps they want to play, like Press Accounts can
- if a nazi clan is banned because of its name, its nickname/tag is automatically blocked so noone can use it again
- WG clan will not participate in Stronghold mode

38 thoughts on “WG RU CW Stream Summary

  1. “- Komarin map is being reworked”

    Just delete it please! It was a bad decision to reintroduce it. They reworked so many times and it still a bad campfest map.

    • Is ok map, only problem is too many tree in corners, so at end TD can win/draw game.
      To attack you have to use the eastern side

      • You propose a specific rule in WoT: Tank destroyers never can win or draw a game cause it’s a bad/evil thing?

    • The map is fine as long as they keep it under tier 3. People at that tier use tanks that can not use or abuse the small size of the map.

  2. - Komarin map is being reworked
    While they are reworking maps again i would really like to ask them to rework “reworked” Severogorsk because it’s the biggest turd of a map they have ever created and one who is responsible for its rework should be fired. 3 forced choke points where any other class beside heavies can fuck themselves is not a map, but a turd.

    - WG is specifically against he statistics module in XVM (“noobmeter”), not against its other (minimap etc.) features
    Is it because everyone can see how many morons are playing this game? They want again to protect noobies from bashing? Don’t get me wrong. I’m not exactly happy being focused by arty every battle and i wouldn’t mind if they somehow banned XVM stats, but i’m pretty sure what’s their reasons to remove it. To make the game friendly for noobs/idiots who #play4fun

    • To be a bit of a devil’s advocate here, I can see the reasons for removing it. In game harassment can leave a bad taste in the mouth, and often times this harassment is based around stats, be them good (lol you have no life), or bad (you suck at this game, go kill yourself). If they remove one of the points of contention, it may possibly have an effect on revenue, because like it or not, the toxicity of a game community has a massive effect on a game. Of course, the extent of the effect, depends on the type.

      • Not remove stats, only make MM to take stats in count.
        So red player dont get unique in match. So red stop write about invisible tank, and unique stop yelling on not skilled/noob/idiot/moron etc.

      • That’s probably the one single thing I really hate about this game. Luckily when I started playing again I can finally turn off chat. It makes the game much more relaxed and enjoyable.

    • While they are reworking maps again i would really like to ask them to rework “reworked” Severogorsk because it’s the biggest turd of a map they have ever created and one who is responsible for its rework should be fired. 3 forced choke points where any other class beside heavies can fuck themselves is not a map, but a turd.

      This! And even heavy tanks which are not suitable for CQC have a bad time.

      Is it because everyone can see how many morons are playing this game?
      Also this, average player is terrible on average(sic).

    • ‘To make the game friendly for noobs/idiots who #play4fun’
      Your a good example of why WG doesn’t like noobmeter now. I’m not being mean, don’t get me wrong.
      I mean, why playing for fun is bad? It’s not because there are people playing for stats, that everyone is playing for stats.

      XVM was a very good idea for WoT. Probably one of the best mods. But, today, IMHO, its a bad mods.
      Every battle you have people complying about tomatoes, about how people are bad.
      Don’t forget there is kids and workers who’s playing WoT. We don’t have all times to play for stats, and we don’t all want to play for stats.

      I’m saying that WG should ban noobmeter, but they should at least allow people to disable it.

      • Read my post above.

        > I mean, why playing for fun is bad?
        Dying is fun? I dont think so, oh in old T-50 it was fun run, but now…
        I play for fun, go straight and do top dmg…. is not fun play with ppl how not know how to play. Is as in racing add ppl how dont know how to drive, u get pissed off if u know how to drive.

        In LoL u get league, same in real life football, u split teams. Is normal, to all have some fun from play.

        • Letting bad player with bad player? It can be a good idea.
          I don’t like it however. Why? Because I don’t think people will get better if they play with people like them.

          Yes, ofc, people complain about how people are bad before XVM. But now XVM is like a badge. If you’re red you’re bad. That’s all.
          You won’t take your time to explain things, and you’ll be rude to them. The problem is really the fact that some players are really rude. Do you think it’s good?
          I’m not playing WoT to be offended.

          The problem isn’t from top-player only. Some bad player don’t want to improve. You tell them ‘how to play’, you get them advice, but they don’t care. Yeah, that’s a pain.

          But globally I think that people tend to look at stats more than what people are actually doing in the battle. Stats isn’t true.
          Do you get good stats when you cap alone the battle, your team-mate protecting you? Not really.
          Some people try to do the most damage, and get the kill. Because it’s better for stats.
          Did you never saw a tank with little HP, and people waiting to see someone shoot, and then get the kill after?
          Sometimes stats don’t reward things correctly.

      • People complaining because someone plays bad are a standard thing in every multiplayer game and XVM got nothing to deal with that.
        People complaining BEFORE game begins because they think someone is worse then they are… now that’s a problem cause by XVM and something that should be swiftly eliminated.
        Sure, MM is there to blame too, but MM is a separate issue that also needs fixing.

    • Oh yea… Severogorsk is shit. But it’s also classical example of Wargaming map design – 3 lanes with a little bit of jungling in between (yep, like in MOBA games). So… it’s not like there’s plenty of maps that are much better than Severogorsk. Most of them follow the same idea.

      • Re: XVM – I use xvm stats in game. I like having them to try to assess where the biggest threat will be, and how aggressively I should play. If I see a low win-chance game then I’ll just try to get as much damage as I can before I go down, and I find I’m often one of the last survivors.

        That said, I would support removing access to stats in pubs. That seems to be the real problem area. People throwing abuse at players because they don’t have great stats. People rage-quitting at the start of battle. People ranting in chat about the mm.

        Of course the same donkeys that do these things will still be donkeys, and still behave like witless louts. They’ll be spamming the map and whining when they die and abusing other players just like they do now. But they will have one less thing to whine about.

        • #play4fun meant that morons dying in 1 minute thinks THAT is fun in this game. I don’t play for stats. I play for fun too, but my definition of fun is completely different than for a usual tomato shitlord. Iplay4fun was the most common explanation what they(baddies) will answer you when you ask them why they play this game. Everyone playing for anything else except to have fun is as bad as the red shitlord. Only difference is in the way what someone sees as fun.

  3. WG believe they can introduce RPG elements… what are they Blizzard? what a fail…

    ps Type59 will return to store once WoT will have 50% average drop of player (e.g EU below 100K players)

  4. - T23E3 has a premium tank status. According to orc, it has really good rate of fire and not bad penetration,
    128mm pen is good in t7?

      • 128 pen is poor even at tier VI. Hell, unless the supertest stats have changed recently, it gets basically the stats as the M1A2 on the Sherman E8 (slightly better aim time but worse accuracy on the move).

        • Higher RoF. You aim at the weak spots. And flank instead of playing like a noob.

    • you know… some tank, (specially mediums), aren’t for brawling, but ambushing and flanking. T69 is the best example on a flanker/ambusher. Too many people use gold ammo on it because it has low pen and its mainly because they have completely misunderstood the role of the tank.
      Would like to try T23E3 out, especially because I’ve played it as tier 8 med before the rotation/removal.

    • It seems quite bad, but keep in mind that it will meet T8 tops. Will be most likely fast, have good gun depression and decent bouncy frontal turret able to eat T6 shells atleast. Also expecting RoF of slightly under 3 seconds with equip and crew.

  5. - SerB is currently strongly focusing on Lesta studio (World of Warships)

    Hopefully he is just taking a look and checking in and not messing/breaking things…

  6. cool to hear about the CW map being changed by legitimate input .I live around a few of the zones. I’ll have to take a look at what they have them marked as right now.

  7. I really hope they’ll hold on to their earlier statements and just let us buy T23E3 after the event.

  8. ” T23E3 will be obtainable for non-CW players, it will be either sold, or will be a reward for some event”

    - Thank god. I hate these CW-limited tanks.

    “WG has a special department, tasked with working to keep (and make return to the game) the WoT target group of people. It works very well.”

    - Oh does it? lol

    • You haven’t heard the rumors?
      Every pro-soviet and pro-stalinist clan will receive a monthly bonus from Wargaming.

  9. - WG is specifically against he statistics module in XVM (“noobmeter”), not against its other (minimap etc.) features

    Just implement “fog of war” effect in randoms.

  10. - Stronghold mode will be available for clans with at least 15-20 players. You will be able to build various types of buildings, which will bring various bonuses (XP and credit gains). You will be able to enter a mode resembling something like company battles (called “mining”), in which you will “mine resources”, which you will then use to build the stronghold buildings. In the next iteration of Stronghold mode, clans will be able to “mine” to one another and loot each other’s base.

    Fortification will do the same thing as “guild level” did to WoW. 2000 near max memberlimit clans will spam the invitations and they won’t do a thing otherwise.

    - Wargaming apparently DOES listen to any normally formulated petitions, especially petitions from clans and clans alliances, these are being especially paid attention to

    Elitism is good. 90% of playerbase ignored is good.

    - players can influence, what territory on CW map uses which ingame map, IF the players can provide data and argue correctly

    Every map should be Himmelsdorf (thus eliminating the arties), or Komarin (thus we can use camp all day long in out UP TDs and heavies). *Sarcasm mode off*