
- damage, “eaten” by detracked shells that didn’t however penetrate will count towards “damage blocked by armor” it seems, but ONLY if the trajectory of the shell would otherwise intersect with the hull, were the tracks not there
- two vehicles will have their engines changed in the 9.1 test – Hellcat and Jackson
- it is possible to balance tanks based on their winrate, compared to the average winrate of various accounts (SS: the “new method”)
- +/-1 MM spread will not be implemented
- there are no plans to return 8.11 graphics and make the HD optional via settings
- there will not be a patch 8.11 rollback either

- there are no plans to make a special server without x2/x5 events
- there will be measures taken to bring back 8.11 game performance, client will be optimized
- developers will think about (consider) nerfing the FV215b (183) oneshot capability
- in new motion physics, large tanks will still not be able to “run over” small tanks, crushing them
- developers will make the historical battles tanks more closer to their historical capabilities (SS: by adding special set of characteristics for them)
- there might be a possibility to use lower quality models (not old 8.11 pre-HD models, but HD models with lower resolution)
- there will not be two separate (HD and not HD) clients
- apparently, WT E-100 will be “reworked” (SS: as in nerfed)
- Storm confirms that British hightier HT/MT will be “fixed/replaced” – how exactly will be told when the change becomes actual
- the “shell fires outside of client aim circle” bug cannot be fixed. It is caused by desynchronization between client and server, can be influenced by connection quality. Some players claim that this started happening a lot after 8.11, Storm said he cannot confirm that information.
- Veider explains that situation, where an arty is on top of the team, is allowed – developers took measures to reduce this, but they never said it would disappear completely or that it’s a MM bug

212 thoughts on “12.5.2014

  1. +/-1 MM spread will not be implemented

    thats like 20th time i read that information. People just dont get it or what?)

    • People will continue to ask as long as they still think that it will make the game “better”. They don’t seem to understand that variety makes the game interesting (some matches are challenging, some you get to be top dog). These are even the same people who complained that Confrontation battles were boring because it was 3-5x the same 3-5 tanks per team.

      • I think they should reintroduce +/- 3 MM for one patch like it was before – then they would stop whining about the current spread :D

        Not to mention the tier 9 IS-4 with S70 that rolled like a boss :)

        • Exactly, players have short memory.
          Remind them good old +3 /-3 MM wouldn’t harm at all :)

          • Rly? only +/- 3? I remember battles with M6 (when i was starting with game) where was absolutely normal to see MAUS,IS-7 or T30,so i guess +/- 4. But now,i am not interested in WoT so i am just reading FTR cos of some articles and thats all i need:D

            • Beta had no MM iirc. Loltraktors vs mauses.

              On my own experience, I’ve had to grind the amx-40 against IS’s… So I think we’re spoiled now. Fewer chances to get those sweet medals that require multiple kills of tanks 2 tiers or more higher…

        • this is the most common argument to why there should not be +1/-1, because it was even worse before. “if you think this bad now you should have seen earlier “, and therefore we cant do it even better.

          • It would create all sorts of new problems – like (premium) tanks that have reduced spread to +/-1. So now what – that was their main advantage gameplay-wise. Should they now have only -1/0 spread?

            Also, for e.g. M4/T-34 T5 meds wouldn’t meet in batle with Tigers…that would be strange. AFAIK that was among the reasons of WG not to even think about it :)

          • The argument is not really “it was worse before”, that’s just the words that come out easiest.
            The real argument is that reducing the matchmaking is:
            1.- Not needed, as the current spread is good, unless you’re playing a scout.
            2.- Troublesome, as it would increase waiting times before entering a battle.
            3.- Too pampering, for facing against higher tiers teaches you caution.
            4.- Unbalancing, for the difference in performance among tanks within the same tier will become even more noticeable, and balancing will become even more complicated.
            5.- Eventually people will ask for +/- 0 matchmaking, and then whine about them having to wait 15 minutoes to enter a match due to lack of players.

      • L-E-L.

        Are you trying to be an epik trole?

        What does retards asking for 1 tier MM difference has to do with the honest requirement of 99% of the games community to remove the utterly broken, discustingly terrible confrontation game mode?

        Because if you enjoyed confrontation you are the kind of retard who would ask for lower MM spread, not everyone else.

      • ” They don’t seem to understand that variety makes the game interesting (some matches are challenging, some you get to be top dog)”

        I’m sorry, but for me the most challenging, fair and rewarding battles were those rare occasions in which there are only Tier 7 or Tier 8 tanks in the fight.

        Leveled playing ground, you don’t get to shoot at higher tier vehicles but you won’t shoot at low tiers either.

        And if you perform well, you get rewarded with a but-ton of XP.

      • Entering a tier 8 battle with a stock tier 6 is not fun, nor is it challenging. It’s simply impossible.

        • Sometimes it’s even that way with a tier vii. That’s when you need to be learning what your tanks are good at and capitalizing on those things. For example, the t-43 is one of the most underpowered tanks for its tier but can be an absolute powerhouse in the right hands. The T-34-85 seems like a nostalgic memory by comparison, and only for the difference in MM.

        • Entering ANY battle at ANY Tier with a stock tank sucks. Period.
          Entering a battle two tiers above your tank’s makes things worse.
          That’s why we have a “preferred matchmaking” for recently-bought tanks. Once, we didn’t have it.

          Now, please, don’t misunderstand me. Having passed through that experience doesn’t make “old tankers” better or anything, it just gives us another perspective, where we simply had to take what we had been given by the MM, with no preferential MM and extended spreads, you could be facing 3 to 4 tiers above your tank’s the first battle you rolled it. And it sucked. And you knew you’d die.
          Current environment has a much nicer learning curve, makes it easier to get into the game, and even if it stil gives tough grinds and you might face an impossible battle in a stock tank, it’s a much less harsh experience.

    • Personally, I think some tanks could use it, but they’re so few in number that it’s unlikely it’ll ever happen. Even then, they don’t really NEED it, although it would be nice to have on some tanks *cough*AMX-40*cough*.

  2. - +/-1 MM spread will not be implemented
    How long will people ask this?!

    - there will not be two separate (HD and not HD) clients
    So they made their decision?

  3. Well the FV215b 183 is pretty balanced now. Nerfing it would make it a useless tank.
    275mm of penetration for HESH. If they really want to do a nerf decrease damage to 1500. Increase ammo capacity to 16 – 20.

      • you will remove alpha then tell me ho wants to have 0.4 accuracy and 30s reloading time with 0 armor ?? you will make him total ussles and biggest TD shit in field. hes only advantage was that dmg nothing else. he is balanced. AND I DON`T OWN ONE.
        sry for my bad english.

        • Give it a non-RNG-dependent DPM gun that doesn’t have excessive alpha, problem solved.

        • “otal ussles and biggest TD shit in field” – you did not play this game much did you? It’s one of the most OP tank destroyers in a game. Nerf will happen, whatever you like it or not.

      • this.
        that tank is know (at least for me) to be able to oneshot almost anything…
        Sure at the cost of terrible aiming time and accuracy, but still.
        If I ever decide to go the british TD line, this will be the reason.

        If its not capable of oneshoting tank, why should I try to grind it ?
        I can pick almost any other tier X TD …

        • Just refelect on how many times you get oneshot by arty/KV-2/KV-1S, and think if its really right.

        • “If its not capable of oneshoting tank, why should I try to grind it ?” – For the same reasons you grind any other TD. Because TDs are fun.
          Besides – it still will be one of the highest alpha damage TDs in a game and at the same time the only one of them offering turret…kinda turret.

    • No, it’s not balanced. Stop being ignorant fuckwit. Why not simply nerf the gold ammo to the point where AP would be more logical/better choice instead of that retarded HESH ammo. It’s balanced when it’s driven by a fucktard who is spamming gold ammo without even aiming bcs “it always does dmg” while everyone with more than two brain cells will aim for flat surfaces and avoid tracks(spaced armor) and do full penetrating dmg more than an average Joe. It still would have more pen and alpha than Jgpz, but it would also be much faster/agile than Jgpz and it has partially traversable turret which Jgpz doesn’t.

      • Oh look another ignorant fuckwit insulting people infinitely more intelligent than they are. Sorry but the most boring tier 10 TD in the game (B215b 183) is balanced.

          • And those kinds of matches were done in ARL 44′s, KV3′s, every fucking tank in the game. So that proves nothing.
            My ego is half the size of yours, I just know the facts..

            • wtf are you even talking about? who said anything about kv-3? about arl44? Did you just really compared ARL44 with T10 TD?? srsly wtf are you talking about? And i’m postive there is one fact you don’t know. And that fact is that you are suffering from a bad case of Dunning-Krugers effect. Well on the other hand you not knowing that kind of makes sense. The effect is real!!

              • Yes insult me more, kid. Lie more. You are irrelevant.
                “You know RL tanks didn’t had hit points and their guns didn’t had damage values. How retard can you go?”
                I never claimed they did. Thank you for calling yourself a retard. Makes it more factual that way.

                • Well diagnosing your illness isn’t really an insult. More like a good intended advice. And you are also showing a bad case of a fail troll now also. You know. Typical move for a fail troll is calling somene kid without knowing shit about his real age bcs of lack of legit arguments. And only one irrelevant here is you desperately trying to show everyone how 183 is purrfect balanced tonk bcs that’s probably the only tank you are not completely useless thanks to HESH shells that do dmg even on nondirect hits.

              • His point obviously didn’t penetrate the lead wall you have for a skull.
                He was saying that you can do well in ANY tank if you’re good, not just “OP” tanks. It could be skill or just blind luck, but a good game can come in literaly any tank if you know your shit.
                Sure some tanks can make it easier to carry the team, usually the ones with more alpha. But even other tanks can completely dominate a match in skilled hands that has plenty of experience. Dammit, I’ve seen an AMX 40 with 11 kills and if that’s not OP I don’t know what is.

                • I like you. You skill in reading and deduction is very good.
                  Wish these idiots could read as good as you.

                • And what that has to do with the broken mechanics of a HESH shell which is btw the main reason why this discussion started and why 183 is not balanced? There is a difference between a tank being OP(T-54+HEAT) and broken mechanics(arty, 183 HESH etc) See, he just showed you his love because you are the one concurs with him. Rest of us in his words are idiots who don’t know shit about the game.

          • Thank you for admitting you are a troll.
            Also claiming I like the FV215b 183. LOL! It is the most boring tank in the game. I would never play that piece of trash. Sorry I dislike the whole British TD line. Sorry to prove you wrong for the 20th time.
            12 rounds of ammunition makes it pointless.

            • Are you that dumb or you really can’t read? Where in the god’s name i “admited” i’m a troll? Read again fucktard. And everything bellow said just proves how clueless you are. And give me one proof where you proved me wrong.

              • It was hidden in your message. Only trolls call people who disagree with them a troll.

                • Now you are psychic also? You see hidden messages in my posts? You see. I never do hidden messages. If i see a moron i will tell him he’s a moron. I don’t need subliminal messages to do that. And speaking of the subject. You are a moron. And i really don’t have the nerves for this argue anymore. You see arguing with a moron is like arguing with a wall. Even if a was a troll, it still in my book is not an insult. However, being a fail troll like you is.

              • I hate arguing with morons like you it’s like arguing with a wall.
                You know nothing about tanks and know nothing about the subject we are on. I recommend doing some research.

                • I don’t usually beg, but i am begging you to give me your ingame nickname. I’m really curious to know with whom i’m talking to. And please stop using my own insults/words to counter me. It just makes you even more dumber. And if i can make one recommendation to you. Please go kill yourself irl and ask someone to record it and upload to liveleak.com so we can all have a good laugh.

                • IVAN87 EU.
                  Also I never used your insults and words to counter you. Just because your IQ is less than 90 doesn’t mean anything.

                • I rest my case. I’m out of here. Probably will be absent for some time from FTR. I need some time for everything to settle down. Thank you for providing me your ingame nickname. It made things much clearer for me. I found the cause for all the nonsense i have witnessed in this post. I regret getting into the whole discussion in the first place. I’m however glad that now that i know your FTR nickname i will be able to avoid any kind of communication with you in the future. My recommendation about liveleak.com still stands though. kthxbye

            • “I would never play that piece of trash.” – dude, you’re clueless. Uninstall.

      • have you ever driven that tank ?
        I gues you haven’t …
        who cares they are spamming gold ? They shoot 2 rounds per MINUTE!
        thats hardly a spam.

        • Still enough to do several K dmg in a game by spamming ~700 dmg shots. Unless you are that dumb to get yourself killed in 1 minute in a T10 tank denying yourself from more dmg. And spam is not doing same shit fast. It’s doing same shit over and over no matter the speed.

    • It is not balanced. It’s not OP, it’s just broken and bad for gameplay.

      The best way to do it is to nerf the crap out of the 183mm gun(alpha), then add the 120mm L1A1 gun as a researchable gun with the same stats as tortoise. BAM! Balanced, strong and fun to play.

        • Unrealistic yes, but we already have loads of unrealistic tanks in game.
          Oh, ideas to reduce alpha and fix cancer is stupid? Keep clicking and lick windows then.

            • So Waffentrager auf E100 is totally legit. And so is Vk.7201K, Fv215b (120), T28P, T110E4, ConGC, etc.

              Please, read more FTR posts about history and fake tanks. It’s fun too.

              • Nekommando you know shit!!!! He knows his facts!!!! Stop arguing with him bcs ur stupid like 99% of the FTR readers. Only genious here is him.

                • The WT E100 is an E100 with a 128mm and 150mm gun. In other words a BLUEPRINT tank.
                  Anyone with a brain would know this.
                  Medjed and Neko. You are the biggest idiots I have ever seen. You obviously do not play the game.

                • No one has ever found BP for WT E-100.
                  The autoloading 128/150 gun is a different project(look it up on FTR, article is there)
                  Anyone with a brain would go find the article on FTR, and after reading know that WT E-100 should not exist.

                  Yeah, we do not “play” the game. Look up my stats: ID same as this, server: NA
                  Your turn.

                • Random Sniper – thanks for laughs. Now: come back with your “blueprints” of Wargaming WTE-100 or STFU.

                  FTR is so full of these idiots with no clue about the game they play that it’s just sad.

              • FV215b 120 is legit. So it the PROTOTYPE. T110 chassis is legit in general so that makes that claim dead. In-fact every fucking tank you mentioned has the parts in real life to make it. So yeah all shot down.

                • FV215b (120) is not legit. T28P, T110(TS-31)project has its own article in FTR(TL;DR: T28P ingame is complete fake; E4 ingame is fake)


                  Stop this idiocy please.

                • Please tell us more how waffleshit e100 is a real project when even WG said it’s made up tank from their arse. Srsly, you are the first person that went beyond full retard.

        • Yea, we are all stupid and idiots for claiming same thing, while you are the only one smart for being the only one claiming the opposite. A definition of a Dunning-Kruger suffering monkey boy.

            • You see how dumb you are when you can’t even come up with your own insults, but c/p others.

              • Again with the assumption of me being a kid. If i was a kid, your mom would be in jail right now for pedophilia.

                • I was enjoying this argument until this point. Now you really do seem childish with the your mom jokes. Come on man. These jokes went out of style in like 4th grade. This whole argument is so trivial but at the same time extremely entertaining. Just get some new material and try not attacking a person directly. That just makes you look like you already lost the argument and are just fishing for comments to have the last word.

                • Well if i told you that “ur a kid” comments really grinds my gear and when some shitpubbie make that move on me it puts me in a really flaming mood and the only way i will return back is the way i just did(your mom joke), will that make sense to you?

                • Ouch..the burn….too…much…. nice one mate :)))))

                  And ignore Random Sniper. I dont know shit about him, i dont judge him, but he has definetely some problems if he thinks WTF E100 and T28 Prototype are real tanks


                  Just forget about it. And yeah, i am a kid. (well, 16 year old) and i am way too smart for you Random Sniper. next argument? :D *grabs the popcorn*

          • You know if you repeat what the majority says and than you bash one that stands out with his/hers opinion, you’re the sheep following the herd.
            Being in the majority is not always a good thing you know, just look at how many people supported Hitler.

            • Being in majority doesn’t always means you are right. But when someone is as dumb as this sniper boy and if you actually read whole discussion you wouldn’t come here and act like a smartass with fancy statements.

              • “Yea, we are all stupid and idiots for claiming same thing, while you are the only one smart for being the only one claiming the opposite. ”
                I think the claim that the opinion of a group is superior is quite clear. Ididn’t say that guy was right or anything, but saying “there’s more of us!” Doesn’t make you right.
                Also, you obviously don’t get the irony of what you just said. I’ll explain: you call me out on my fancy statements, while all the time you use the one fancy term you know: the Dunning-Kruger effect.
                I’m just saying that if you are going to reference that effect, try to not insult everyone left and right and act like a retard, or it’s gonna look like it’s you that’s suffering from it.
                Like that isn’t sufficiently obvious already.

                • And how is Dunnings-Kruger connected with insulting someone? Did you even googled the term and his definition and about what it is?

                • Yes, I know it. It means you act like you are superior in knowledge or understanding while you’re horribly incompetent and you just can’t see it.
                  Let me explain it even more: If you pretend to be smarter than someone in a post and at the same time you insult them, it makes you look exactly like a retard who’s acting smart because they can’t see their own stupidity.
                  I don’t know how high your IQ is (it’s probably average) but insulting people and engaging in fights does not get your point across well. At all. It makes you look like a retard you accuse others of being.
                  But take this post of yours for example:
                  “T34 case says you won’t. It was the last T8 prem they gave away like that.”
                  See? Much better. Here you answered the question, you provided information that you acually had in a normal way, no insults, nothing.
                  Engaging in fights with some guy from the internet about which insult he used is utterly pointless and it probably stresses you out to the point of even more pointless rage, so just relax and let it slide, if he’s’a retard it’s his problem anyway :)

                • Well that guy asked politely about FV becoming prem and i answered the same way. In this case however sniper boy went full retard and i fired back in the same way. What’s the point in discussing in a calm way with someone who refuses to use his own brain?! About the Dunning-Kruger subject. I don’t have to proof anything. I know how my rudness and insults makes me look like. Yet i’m perfectly aware of my skill(capabilities) and comparable to sniper boy i’m way above him, and yet him acting like know all further proves my point. You see, in his head having 29k battles played probably means he’s the ultimate allrounder know all guy who’s never been wrong, EVER, because you know, having 29k battles played automatically means he knows everything(while in reality he doesn’t) and everyone else are idiots for not concuring with him. I have little to zero tolerance for people like him and i know my way of dealing with them is really horrible(insults etc) for a someone observing from the side. I’m not really that harsh and i really hate myself when i get into discussion like this where i’m insulting everyone who dares to speak to me, but it’s something that will probably will never change beause of my short fuse. I should have only asked him for his nickname way before this escalated, because after he gave me his nickname pretty much everything solved for me. I’m out of the discussion. kbai

              • You claim you are more skilled than I am? LOL! You are on the NA server. The easiest competition in the game.
                “ou see, in his head having 29k battles played probably means he’s the ultimate allrounder know all guy who’s never been wrong, EVER, because you know, having 29k battles played automatically means he knows everything(while in reality he doesn’t) and everyone else are idiots for not concuring with him.” You are wrong again. no surprise. You described what you think though.
                You are a noob. A scrub. You know nothing and think you know everything when you don’t.

                • Medjed plays on EU server, not NA, and he is an Unicum – that does qualify as a skilled player as far as I’m concerned. But it looks like you simply wanted to post your replay under someone else’s post.

                • You are a noob. A scrub. You know nothing and think you know everything when you don’t.
                  If this was intended to me then i will ask you politely to get on your knees because it ain’t gonna suck itself. Also go check a shrink. I think he will confirm your diagnosis of a bad case of Dunning-Kruger’s. And once more. Please take my advice about liveleak.com. Kthxbai

      • The 183mm gun is historically accurate, and that says a lot for a T10 TD (just stop for a moment and count how many fully accurate T10 TDs there are…For arguments sake I’ll take the E4 as accurate, just misnamed). I’d prefer they kept the configuration the same and only messed with balance parameters.

        • As I said put HESH alpha down to 1500 and up the ammo by 4 and the tank is even more balanced than before.

          • My reply was to the person who wanted to nerf the 183mm to the ground and add the 120mm Tortoise gun to it.

            I can completely agree that nerfing the alpha and increasing soft stats could help balance it. The issue is that what needs to happen is that the top end players need the tank nerfed but the potatoes helping to keep its WR% down need the tank to be kept as is. There isn’t a really easy answer for this if you want to keep the general feel and concept of the tank the same.

              • SO the whole game needs to cater to the potatoes that really shouldnt be playing in the top 3 tiers of the game in the first pace? How about everyone run around and fire nothing but HE so even the potatoes can do damage every shot? Would that make it more fair for your potatoes?

                • Face it: This TD is basically a front-line arty with MUCH higher accuracy and much shorter reload time. It one-shoots tanks and can play as an invisible clicker quite nicely (not as easy as with soviets, but perfectly doable).

                  There’s absolutely no excuse for this tank to stay with that high alpha damage.

        • They could have:
          1. Give HEAT/APCR as prem. ammo
          2.Not giving Hesh pen of 275mm, or alpha of 1800, or just reworked the whole mech.

            • Removing cancer from game is quite legit for business.
              Ex: Starcraft2: HoTS: Warhound removed in beta because it’s broken and can’t be fixed.
              Ex2:CoD: Perks like juggernaut, Stopping power, martyrdoom removed for better gameplay.
              Ex3: IRL: Doctors curing malignant cells to save lives.

              • Do you by any chance play CoD anymore? If so you should just give up now. Jugg is still in the game, as is stopping power. But please keep going on about what is and is not in games that you clearly have no clue about.

                • Wow, you just imagined that debunking one tiny part of his whole list actually makes everything invalid? Where can I buy the weed you just had – cause it obviously must be good!

          • Taking away the HESH is silly. The gun is meant to use HESH. The Brits like their HESH. Look at all the high end British tanks – They use HESH not HEAT or APCR (except where APCR is the standard ammo)

            • Conq/215b (120) uses APCR as prem ammo.

              Taking away the hesh is silly yes, but keeping a broken feature ingame is even more silly.

                • I’m amazed by how much nonsense bullshit you can come up with. Wtf does e-25 has anything to do with this subject? In lack of valid argument change the subject to something completely different/irrelevant. Always a legit tactic.

                • I own E25 and i agree, its a bit OP. the camo rating…oh boy :D love it. and the gun…you hardly notice it has just 150mm penetration with that accuracy and aiming time. But i never fear E25 drivers (even if they are unicums) like i do when i see FV 183 or WT auf E100. Tho, E25 is a premium tank. if they will balance it it will create a shit-storm in the forums

                • @Grox: If you are in an IS-7, T95 or T110E3 you are practically immune to the FV215b 183 due to the fact that all they fire is gold and are too far away to close the gap before you kill them. And if you have more than 2200HP you are relatively safe as well.
                  When I see 183s and WT E100s I get giddy because they are easy kills.

      • /”It is not balanced. It’s not OP, it’s just broken and bad for gameplay.

        The best way to do it is to nerf the crap out of the 183mm gun(alpha), then add the 120mm L1A1 gun as a researchable gun with the same stats as tortoise. BAM! Balanced, strong and fun to play.”/

        - yes, yes, and we have another boring generic TD as we already have in every nation.

        • Don’t recall a 120mm TD in T10 yet. And don’t ever call the tortoise boring.

      • The pen needs to stay the same for realism. Just decrease the alpha damage.

        • I am afraid to inform you that HESH pen of the 183 is NOT “historically accurate”

          HESH round would unlikely “penetrate” armor; they work by improving spalling effect of the HE shell, a feature that WG didn’t refine well enough. Instead of developing a better spalling formula for HESH, WG gives it more pen.

          Look up wiki/google it if you have questions.

        • What realism? HESH mechanics are not even working like irl. It works like an HE ammo with high pen because they are too lazy/incompetent to make specific mechanics for HESH. And you are trying to find realism there?

        • “The pen needs to stay the same for realism” – I loled. Sir, you have no clue about realism.

    • Reduce prem ammo dmg by 25% compared to standard AP.
      Balance issues solved for 99% of tanks.

        • What if i told you WR means shit about evaluating tank’s performances. Maus has above 50% WR easily and it’s still one of the worst T10 tanks in the game. If you want to see how is tank performing turn on the fucking game and play it. You don’t need useless stats such as WR to see whether tank is OP or UP. I had 91% WR in KV-13 and it doesn’t mean it’s an OP tank. It’s quite average. Balanced imo. I had 68% WR in ARL V39 and it’s still together with M3 Lee the worst piece of shit i’ve ever driven in this game. Also 183 is not OP, it’s broken due to HESH mechanics. There’s a difference, but somehow majority refuses to see that.

  4. - apparently, WT E-100 will be “reworked” (SS: as in nerfed)

    how about dump that shit and put the Skorpion instead? can you ask them for this SS?

      • well, they created a tank what never existed, then why they can’t buff a tank what the germans really planned? btw i think the Skorp will be an awesome t10 tank, i just look at my jagdpanther II and i can’t imagine if there is a medium tank with a 128mm gun with a turret even if its paper what could be possible go wrong :) because the Skorpion is this not? a panther with a 128mm gun without turret armor

          • While at it can You ask them to please, please, pretty please replace top turret on AuffailungsPanther with Beobachtungsturm from Panzer Tracts or the one from Beobachtungspanzer Panther? Than the grind for RU251 won’t, at least esthetically, be so painful.

            • Agreed. Damn thing is fuckugly. The stock turret looks awesome tho, almost humorous with the giant hull :D

            • I like the top turret on that Panther myself. Why do people hate it?

  5. The “shell fires outside of client aim circle” bug cannot be fixed. It is caused by desynchronization between client and server, can be influenced by connection quality.

    Well, maybe Wargaming should improve quality of connection to their EU servers? Since 8.11 patch lags, microlags, freezes and blinking red light of connection quality is seen non-stop. Idle 10 mbps connection used by WoT only gives ping 35 ms on average (EU servers) but without any reason will jump randomly even to 999 ms. It was reported so many times I’m really surprised Wargaming still says they can’t confirm that.

    • I do not have those problems, and I’m fairly sure that any ping problems are occuring on your side, not theirs. They cannot control the means the internet reaches you, even if their servers are amazing. if you have the shittiest cable running to your house which is then transmitted wirelessly through three brick walls, you WILL have packet loss and ping.
      Dammit, I play on ~60 ping most of the time because the cable isn’t optic fibre, but I’m not complaininyg because I’m the one paying (too little) for my internet. I could go and construct an optic cable from one of the servers to my house and then I’d have like 10ms of ping, but I’d have to pay for that.
      People again blame everything on WG even if they can’t do shit about it.
      Contact your Internet Service Provider and ask what kind of bandwidth to expect, the ping and what kind of cable provides you with internet.

      • I got a 150 MBps cable Service, i never had pings longer than 40ms before patch 8.11
        I never had shells flying 60° sideways out of my barrell, and now it occurs really often (if i shoot while driving around a corner its a 40% chance the shell will fly randomly) and still you people who dont got the problems keep trying to tell us that it is our problem and has nothing todo with WG’s patch?

        I got no package loss on any game, i never had package loss before they transferred their servers and patched to 8.11, I talked alot to my provider and they exchange everything possible, the cables to the main switch on the street are 2 years old, etc. It is definatly NOT my fault, and WG just keeps blaming their customers.

        • The problem is, WG wants any player with a potato that can run windows ms-dos to be able to play, so they sacrifice optimization for the sake of minimum requirements.

          imo this is a terrible move, but it gets more people to play the game, and they make money, so they don’t care :/

    • Connection speed have nothing to do with connection quality. You can have 200mbps and bad ping. It is like to say my videocard is awesome because of 4gb vram

  6. - Storm confirms that British hightier HT/MT will be “fixed/replaced” – how exactly will be told when the change becomes actual

    Has also been said several times. But I’ll thank Storm for the reminder to finish both lines, who knows, they might turn the FV4202 into a premium tier 8 and I get to keep it ;)

    • T34 case says you won’t. It was the last T8 prem they gave away like that.

      • Yup, they’ve said they won’t be doing that again. If it becomes a premium, they’ll give you the new T10 and take away the premium.

        • That would mean I’ll do it so one day I can say I’m so oldskool that I even played the 4202 before it was replaced :P
          Thing is: when I had a look at the original armor stats it really would make a nice t8 premium with just reduced hp and the 20lbs A or B barrel. I’d probably buy it (or do the month long mission to get it)

          • Its armour I believe is currently buffed to make it a T10, so likely it can keep the gun with an decreased ROF (like the T34), and would have its armour put back to historical numbers.

            As far as I remember its very similar to a Centurion armour wise, so I see no problem leaving the gun and lowering ROF to match T8 DPM

            • Prem tanks has to be more historical than the normal ones.

              IRL Fv4202 has 20pdr, not L7.

              Also, ~260 pen baseround for a T8 med? Who will play T8 TDs then

              • Ah Thx about the gun. I missed that at some point.

                I still don’t have a problem with it having the L7 tho (just in respect to gameplay) give it a hefty reload and worse gun handling than current, and with the weak armor it would be okay. It obviously would not receive preferred mm; think T34, but with a bit more pen, bit less damage, bit less armor, and more mobility.

            • Not exactly, the turret is a lot thinner, so it would give a much different playstyle!

              It should also be mentioned that for unknown reasons it was given a terrible engine (Meteorite V8), which fortunately WG haven’t given it ingame

        • Wargaming said alot over the years.
          As an example. They said many times, that they can change the stats of premium tanks and player can’t get there money back… and than came the Super Pershing.

          What i want to say is, that we should grind them and wait until they actually want to change them.

          • They’ve changed Type 59 quite noticeably and people didn’t get an option to sell it. It’s gun changed from 175 to 180 pen. It’s dmg went from 240 to 250, while the RoF is reduced. All that didn’t changed tank too much, but it was still noticeable change. Also gun depression got buffed iirc. They can change them if they want and there is no obligation for them to give an option to players to sell it. They can do whatever they want with their game, but only when it suits them.

  7. - apparently, WT E-100 will be “reworked” (SS: as in nerfed)

    I see this and wonder what else they can do to this thing. By simply giving it an auto loader with that much power in a clip its hopelessly OP. Lengthen the load time… no problem because I still have my 1 clip abilities. The WT is powerful due to the auto loader and when wargaming learns this they may finally realize why auto loaders are so commonly used in clan wars.

    Burst damage like what the French (batchat in particular) can do is hopelessly overpowering of any other tank. Especially if it has support from a Russian medium. Sadly I’m not a Dev, just a snot nose kid who types common sense on the internet.

    • Autoloaders are as much as cancerous and broken mechanics as arty is. One of the biggest mistakes done by WG at least in my opinion.

      • Strange, I find SPGs and autoloaders quite tolerable, especially when I’m hunting down arties with AMX 12t or oneshotting AMX100s with my M12 ;)

        • A large number of people just have no concept how to fight autoloaders. Instead of counting shots or watching for signs that they are reloading, people often continue to hide long after the autoloader has emptied their clip and are defenseless. That being said people often hide after being hit by large TDs that have long reloads instead of trying to exploit that 15-30s where the TD cannot retaliate.

          • 50% of players are clueless scrubs. 25% got a good moments from time to time, but usually scrub. That leaves 25% that might be able to outplay autoloaders and high alpha TDs… but that’s only “might”. That’s why these are so broken. They force people to think, and people on average suck in doing that.

    • They could increase the reload time between each shot (example the 12,8cm) to half the time it’s on the Jagdtiger and reduce the clip reload so that the overall DPM don’t drop to much.
      And something similar with the 15cm.

      • 4s reload between shots(12.8cm – 24s to fire entire clip) and 5s reload between shots(15cm – 20s to fire entire clip) Cut entire clip reload in half for 12.8cm and cut it by 30% for 15cm

        It keeps the ability to one shot a tank with a single clip but now forces it to either
        A. Use a peek-a-boom approach and trade shots with enemies. Which would give the opponent more of a chance to either A. Move into cover, B. Get friends to back him up. C. Rush the Waffle so he can shoot it while its reloading entire clip. Or D. Reload and return fire.
        Or B. Force it to sit behind allies and assist them instead of being the lead tank who simply hides after unloading one clip quickly like it currently does.

        Don’t nerf its HP don’t nerf its aim time, don’t nerf its accuracy, don’t nerf its armor(On hull as that currently allows it to bounce the autoaimers) Just give it a longer time between shots and shorter clip reload.

        • So you want the fire rate of a Tortoise + a massive reload time?

          I know the thing is not fun to play against and as a predominantly medium player I absolutely despise that thing if I get detracked with the first shot. I do have one but I find the gameplay disgustingly boring. Unfortunately or fortunately the only way to fix the WT E-100 without making totally useless is replacing it.

  8. Please stop nerfing tanks because noobs don’t know how to fight against them. It is stupid to manage game play and tank aspects based on player whining!

    All these nerfs and small buffs – FFS, and the one tank that needs altering and has for a long time is the FV4202, but no – lets just kill off the tank and re-tier it and offer others – just dumb.

    Part of a game is learning how to play certain tanks, based on their unique specifications, altering them because players are unable or unwilling to do that is just plain silly.

    As my skill has increase, I have gone back and replayed tanks I did not do will in. Nearly all of those tanks now have ACEs in them.

    This normalization of the game is IMO running the game.

    Some tanks are hard to do well in, some rock and some are hard to fight – learn HOW!

    • +1 except for the normalization. The 5%(or whatever is it) isn’t hurting you in any way, believe me. Especially if it’s countered by a lower pen RNG roll, and it’s AP/APCR only ;)
      I agree on the tanks, it seems the majority of players just auto-aim, and then complain about what happens!
      E-100: I shot him but it didn’t go through, omg nerf armour, so OP!
      FV 183/KV-1S: I shot it but it shot me back for more!! Omg nerf gun so OP!
      Batchat: it killed me in one circle, omg hackes/autoloaders so OP, nerf nerf nerf!
      They seem to never improve. Their heads must be as dense as a lead brick to not understand each tank is different, yet you can defeat each one, using different tactics of course.
      But noooo, that would require THINKING! Something the average playerbase doesn’t seem to be good at.

    • The problem with game balance is the VAST majority of players won’t play all the tanks. They will (and do) seek out the most OP tank they can find and play that. There is a reason certain tanks have far more battles played than other. Some are fun, but mostly they are just more powerful, easier to win with. In order to keep the game from stagnating you need to tweak the balance from time to time.

      This is a common problem with ALL MMOs and online games. Flavour of the Month classes/characters/tanks/etc exist in every game. As long as developers can keep the individual distinct feel of each tank while nerfing and buffing the game is fine. If the end up making every tank feel the same, then we have a problem. So far they have done fairly well.

      • “The problem with game balance is the VAST majority of players won’t play all the tanks” – well, perhaps they’d come at least to half of them if grind wouldn’t take weeks for a single line….

  9. - developers will think about (consider) nerfing the FV215b (183) oneshot capability

    and it’s coming.. in the end we will end up with ONE generic tank in every nation..
    All tanks will be the same, so they are balanced…

    Before you beat me to death… I dont own 183.

    I tried it on test and its not all peaches and roses.
    But I like it as it is… its something to fear of.
    There should be tanks that stands out of the line somehow…

    If they nerf it it will be just another TD… IMHO a reason less to try and grind it… why grinding it when its basically less armored jpze100 ?
    Just like whole chinese tree… just russian tanks in darker color… all of them are the same…boring..

    • Tank doesn’t need to be OP for people to complain about. OP=/=broken mechanics. They strongly emphasized the “oneshot capability” as the main problem with that TD and cause for oneshot capabilities is broken HESH mechanics and the poor way WG implement it. Tank can be OP and it can be broken w/o necessary being both. 183 is the prime example. It’s not OP, but it is broken.

    • Ahh, the age-old “only one tank model in WoT” line. A knee-jerk reaction, with no substantial arguments behind it whatsoever. Guess what, they nerfed PzIV, KV, all artys, REMOVED T-50-2, and still a Maus/Alecto is different from an IS-7/T95.
      Somehow, the people saying stuff like this never seem to think.

  10. winrate of a tank is not necessarily means its OPness.. for exanple obj 263 may have good stats because noobs wont grind it, it needs skills. however most newbies are straight going on tiger-IS line, and hordes of 2-3k tomatoes will counterbalance the pros in is3.
    in my uninteresting opinion, fv215b 183 is alright, sure it can deal big shots, but it has 12 shell only..and as long load time as some tier 6-7 artillery, so basically it works like an amx 13f3, arty which can be used for tank destroyer role. Jpz e100 has thich armor on front and side, while fv is penned.on side, on front hull and.turret is stronk. wg should leave it alone, its fine.
    unlike wt auf e100…. imagine 3 unicums platooned up in those…that battle is done before start. nerfing accuracy, and etc makes it just unusable, reduce shell in clip number to 4, more load time between each shell and its ok.
    wg still lacks sense in balancing tanks

    • They only look at WR of tank compared to WR of players. So if a 45% WR player has 50% WR in a tank, it means that the tank over performs in hands of bad players. If a player with 60% WR has 50% WR in a tank, it means that it under performs even in good hands.

  11. Just nerf the 183′s pen capabilities and give it like an 80% module crit saving throw and high module damage

  12. “- the “shell fires outside of client aim circle” bug cannot be fixed. It is caused by desynchronization between client and server, can be influenced by connection quality. Some players claim that this started happening a lot after 8.11, Storm said he cannot confirm that information.”

    This is BS. I dont remember having this problems before 8.11, however now it’s happening every few rounds.
    And game as whole is barely playable now, im started to having massive freezes in last few days, whenever someone dies for the first time or i turn to one of the HD tanks i get 3-4 sec freeze, and being unable to move or see what’s happening in fight for 3-4 sec isn’t really optimal.
    Aswell 9.0 FPS is a fking JOKE, they should just stay at 8.11 graphic and models if they can’t do it properly.
    I understand that there are problems to be expected at 9.0 patch, but this, this is like they did it just for sake of doing it, it’s amazing how they allways find a new way to screw something.

    • The client and server disynchronisation was always there. It’s a core element of the game (the server-side aim circle, that is). You can’t change that, and the graphics don’t affect that at all, your internet connection does.
      The fact you get a freeze when you look at a HD tank or when a tank explodes indicates that your computer is no longer capable of processing the new models and effects in time. Part of this could be blamed on the code and part on your computer (try lowering settings).
      More and more fancy games are entering the market, and if WG wants to make a profit, WoT has to compete with those for the market share.
      That means that if you have a game such as WT GF with it’s fancy graphics, WoT has to have the same level of detail to successfuly compete with it. But if you can’t run WT at highest settings, you shouldn’t be able to run WoT either – it’s moving forward into the times where there are more computer resources available because of stronger and cheaper computer components. If you can’t afford those, don’t blame it on WG because as long as enough people out there have good computers they don’t need you.

      TL DR: WoT is getting fancy like the rest of the modern games and your computer just isn’t keeping up with it anymore.

      • I didn’t have desynchronization problems before 8.11, and the only thing that change after that is WoT.
        And it’s not that my comp cant handle WoT, it’s just WG being really bad at optimization and coding. I can’t run WoT on lower than i am currently.
        There are far more demaning games out that run better than WoT due to the developers actually did something rather than blame playerbase for game performance.
        It would be normal to have low FPS running game on med/high settings, but i have it on minimal and still runs like crap, where is logic in that, and it’s not like i have a bad PC, is just WG.

  13. - it is possible to balance tanks based on their winrate, compared to the average winrate of various accounts (SS: the “new method”)

    I don’t think that’s a good idea.
    Some tanks have winrates compared to the average winrate of various accounts that are super weird. For example the IS-2 seems to be really superior to the IS, the Type T-34 is superior to the T-34 and that the Type 58 is superior to the T-34-85.

    • Easy to explain (though don’t take my word for it, I have no statistics on hand), not many people venture into China. So while those tanks are more or less identical (Type 58 has less pen but more DPM) they’re mainly played by better players. Or so I hypothesize.

    • IS-2 is not superior to IS-1/2.
      Guess why. The reasons are 2.

      Type T-34 is again not superior to T-34. Guess why. 1 reason.

      Type 58 is actuallt overall worse then T-34-85. 2 reasons.

  14. Played 3-4 matches on WoT, even with the recent “hotfix” patches, it’s still miserable. WTGF is more fun, but that’s only FOR NOW…

    Fucking money sucker sons of bastards, they fucked up my most favourite game.

  15. “- developers will think about (consider) nerfing the FV215b (183) oneshot capability”

    sure take it’s only + away! make it crap like foch 155

    “- apparently, WT E-100 will be “reworked” (SS: as in nerfed)”

    it ain’t enough you need a mountain to hide it’s silhouette and you die as soon as you try to fire! now they want you to die before you even fire!

    • Too much spoiled by powercreep hombre? And no, i won’t reply to a single comment on this post anymore to avoid shitstorm that just happened few posts above.

      • I fear a 183 more if its firing normal ammo more than if its firing HESH.
        Yes HESH can one shot you but from my experience on the receiving end its more likely to do much, much less,

        What is the point of giving us Tier 10TD’s then nerfing them back to tier 9 levels.
        Tier 10 arty then making them so bad only really committed people play them

        Tier 10 meds your next for the nerf bat.
        KV-1S split when ??????
        Do WG really know WTF they are doing ???

  16. - apparently there will be an option to disable HD tank models in the graphic settings (SS: not sure what that means), “when it’s done it’s done”

    - there are no plans to return 8.11 graphics and make the HD optional via settings
    - there might be a possibility to use lower quality models (not old 8.11 pre-HD models, but HD models with lower resolution)

    Which is is it? O.o

    • They are basically the same thing with different wording I think. An option to lower the quality of the models, one is “HD” the other is “non HD”. Neither are 8.11 models.

      • Guess you’re right. I bet that “not HD” will bring more bugs and crap performance. (>_<)
        How hard is it to make the game run well on lowest settings? Impossible it seems.

  17. - apparently, WT E-100 will be “reworked” (SS: as in nerfed)

    Jesus christ……nerfing it once wasn’t bad enough? FFS.

    • No it wasn’t an accuracy nerf on that did almost nothing it simply brought its accuracy in line with other Tier 10 tank. And other tier 10 tanks don’t exactly have any problem with that level of accuracy.

  18. As only one UK tier X (non-arty) actually desirable, and even that not for clan wars, just ‘pubs’ , why not just leave them something? A range of chosen last if at all tanks all the way up after 7 and a single X is ‘fun’ and a worrying enemy rather than least threatening AND easiest kill option in almost all target choices.
    Not a single 7/42 candidate on ANY lists either, not even in the these are terrible options bit, not one even warrants being a shit choice..

    (got a mate who ONLY plays UK tree for personal reasons, would be nice if maybe eventually when all unlocked, one of them would be a reward rather than the tank equivalent of fighting left handed…. )

  19. +1/-1 MM will not be implemented.
    But neither was +3/-3 nor +2/-2, so who knows?

    I’d rather keep the +2/-2 and extensively revisit the list of tanks with special (Reduced) MM.
    Ah, and Tier X TD’s can’t play against anything lower than Tier IX vehicles.

    No matter how good you are, you can’t outplay a Waifu100 with an IS-3.

  20. “Veider explains that situation, where an arty is on top of the team, is allowed – developers took measures to reduce this, but they never said it would disappear completely or that it’s a MM bug”

    LOL this reminds me of a match 2 or 3 days ago my precious credit farmer FV304 got into…. it was the TOP Tank in the battle and so was the enemy line up they had an SPG as TOP Tank just forgot what tank exactly it was. tanks under mine were actually the KV1S, KVs, etc..

    • You were only top tank because F comes before K in the alphabet. What Veider was referring to is the situation where your FV304 is the only tier 6 in your team and all the rest are 5 or lower.

      • Actually it’s not JUST the alphabetic order that determines the order. it’s a very mixed algorithm (nation, role, tier, name, USERNAME. not in that order).

  21. WG have stated in the past that their own internal interpretations of a tank’s performance is the sole determining factor for nerfs and buffs. They also stated that player whining has no influence on the process.

    The discussion and debates are fine for the enjoyment of the participants who wish to share and compare their fantasies, however, the arguments are just strange. Why get nasty over differing opinions that will never be considered by anybody with real influence on the game?

    I’m really enjoying WT, so please keep playing WoT y’all. If the same user types migrate to the better looking and better performing game then I will be upsetc ):

  22. - developers will make the historical battles tanks more closer to their historical capabilities (SS: by adding special set of characteristics for them)

    LOL. Just LOL.
    “Battle in Kursk is won by the german side with minimal loss all the time? WE MUST NERF THEM WITH BIASED AND INVISIBLE CHARACTERISTICS!”
    “Battle at Balaton is won by soviet side nearly all the time? NERF THE GERMANS! THEY LOST EVERYTHING THERE AGAINST THE GREAT AND HOLY MOTHERLAND!!”
    This is what i see here :D

    • Historical battles are one of the biggest fails on WG’s part, and they simply refuses to admit it. Just like they refuse to admit that WoWP is a fail game that soon no one will play despite them spending shit load of money on it’s development.

  23. Haha…..good to see that T10 TDs are getting nerfed.
    Especially the 183, since I now have so many arguments that I can use!
    Of course, not for the 183, but for the KV-1S :D
    Scroll through the thread, and replace all “183″ in your mind with “KV-1S”. Fits 90% perfectly.
    (they really are the same from the issues many have with them, only FV has the highest alpha for it’s tier, KV-1S doesn’t, but has good mobility)

  24. - there will be measures taken to bring back 8.11 game performance, client will be optimized

    Let’s hope in 9.1. My PC won’t hold for much longer – I get as low as 6 fps (!!!) during a game for most of the time. And I play on lowest settings there are.