Pictures from Cantigny Park, USA

Hello everyone,

US server player dhubba4141 recently visited the Cantigny Park in Wheaton, Illinois and took some interesting pictures of armor and such there. Here they are – enjoy!



M5 Stuart

M5 Stuart

Schneider CA1 – French WW1 tank

Schneider CA1

M24 Chaffee

M24 Chaffee

M41 Walker Bulldog

M41 Walker Bulldog

M4A3E8 Sherman


M46 Patton

M46 Patton



M47 Patton

M47 Patton

M48 Patton

M48 Patton

M551A1 Sheridan

M551A1 Sheridan



M60 Patton

M60 Patton

M1 Abrams

M1 Abrams

51 thoughts on “Pictures from Cantigny Park, USA

    • WoW, I am right by there. I had no idea we had an amazing tank museum there. I mean everyone knows about the Sub in Chicago, but an M60, M48, and A FRIGGIN Abrams.

      That’s Awsome.
      Great pics btw, brilliant!

    • The US tankers used that ‘Tiger Camo’ during the Korean war to scare the pants of the superstitious Chinese.
      It was during the Chinese year of the Tiger.
      At least that is what I read somewhere about the tigers painted on Pattons

      • I was wondering about that… its not like the average American is going to mistake that for a Tiger… superstition through jungle trees during a conflict and the year of the Tiger makes much more sense – how scared would you be if you saw something that made a lot of noise and looked like a huge Tiger rumbling through the trees in the distance during the year of the Tiger?

        Not the kind of thing you would like to run into, tiger paint or not.

        • There are no jungles in Korea. The climate is roughly the same as in northern europe.

        • Bunch of villagers forced into an Army to fight the Americans from the Movies? They were prolly already shitting their pants. Can you imagine being given a Rifle and told don’t let the American Tanks thru, lol. Oh, and they have Jets, so, stay down, lol.

          Wait, don’t tell them about the jets, they’ll find out an as many wont run away….

      • Its too scared to face farmers with post-soviet RPGs.
        Also its more like fighting for “rights” to someone else’s natural resources than for its country.

      • There are one or two Abrahms in war reserve now – getting sold off on the odd occasion as well.

      • It probably failed its armor integrity check when it went back to depo to get refitted. They usually do almost like a ultra sound on armor to make sure there are no major deficiencies in it.

    • Usually used during Korea war if i am right,but E8 with that painting looks (atleast for me) better:)

  1. i think that korean tiger camo could be some premium camo for achievements…for ex. they could add historical battles in korea and achievement for x destroyed tanks or something like this…this game need some new motivation for play—

  2. Too bad WG said Sheridan will not make it into the game.

    Questions for SS:
    -Any info on a tier 8 LT after T71?
    -Concerning T71, i remember you said that the actual in-game model is a mix of 2 real project. Will WG try to put historically accurate model, making one the regular tank and the other a premium?
    -Is there some research material for British high tier LT? After what tank will it start? Crusader?

  3. nice pics, got a lot of pictures from the war museum when I was in china, did not know you looked for pics :P
    then again the china ppl have not taken care of them that much :P

    alot more, but china does not seem to take care of them as much as usa, russia, uk, france etc..

    • The majority of operational/fully restored historic armor in the U.S. are owned by privately owned museums or by individual collectors.

      The bulk of historic armor owned by the U.S. government are “flowerpot” restorations, meant to look nice in a park or display.

  4. Is that T26E4 really a T26E4?…..where is all that extra armor? :)

    That M46 camo is awesome, hope no kids mistaken it as a Tiger I/King Tiger though……

    • The extra armor on the Super Pershing is just a field modification / improvisation.
      The “Super” actually refers to the long barrel 90mm T15E1 gun not the extra armor.

  5. So that’s an M60 with the round M48-style turret? I assumed there weren’t any left and they’d converted them all to A1 variants or so. Also the Schneider looks great, hope it’s alright on the inside.

    • Yeah, basically the only difference between the M48 and early M60 turret is the hatch, really, it’s A LOT bigger on the M60. And that Schneider probably could be in running order, if it’s owned by a private collector.

  6. I have a lot of pictures of the tanks in the Bovington tank museum (which are relatively high quality). I don’t know if SS would want such pictures though.

    SS it would be nice if you made a tank museum section to showcase all the tank museum’s out there in the world.

  7. Is there a reason for some of the tanks to have their turrets facing their rear.

    I know it is done for transportation (barrel rests/supports/holders at the rear of forward turreted tanks) and could understand it if crammed into a warehouse etc. But why when in a park/open space?

    • That’s a good question. Maybe they are non-working tanks, so they can’t use the turret traverse?

      • Thats what hand-cranks are for… unless they are too lazy to spend 30 mins rotating the turret 180 degrees.

        • This is mostly done on the long barelled guns from what i see. I am guessing this is to prevent metal fatigue that might occur from prolonged stress of the entire weight of the gun beeing supported at one joint.

          • Yeah, that’s why the heavy guns are secured with the travel locks. It’s also not to damage the elevation mechanisms, those things are the hardest to repair (especially in new tanks). you never know when you’ll have to move these large guns…

  8. I went there 30 + years ago as a child, you could climb on those, awesome place great memories.

  9. Those M1917 and Schneider CA1!!! Can you get inside of them BTW? Or more awesome: ON THEM?

  10. I miss the days of watching the M1 Abrams perform in the field and at the range. The look, sound and smell of pure unadulterated power of destruction.

  11. Great pictures, my top three fav. pics would be the M46 Patton, M60 Patton, M4A3E8

    I wish i knew of a place like that near by NYC where i could go to…….

    • The version World of Tanks has is the actual version. Presumably, the one seen here has lost the Commander’s Copula and has probably been either welded or bolted over with something else to keep the weather out, or the camera angle isn’t conductive to seeing it.

      • Hmm ok, might be. Would still prefer that version in the museum. ;)

        BTW: For both to you and to SS

        Copula = Is not even word (at least in English)
        Cupola = a rounded dome forming or adorning a roof or ceiling.