- Storm admits that even “real” tank characteristics in random battles aren’t always historical
- Storm states that there are almost no bad maps in the game anymore, all of them were fixed so they are playable
- Storm confirms the premium Valentine changes leaked earlier today – the armor will be nerfed to 8.11 level because in 9.0 someone overbuffed it
- roaming has been postponed for now
- tank descriptions on minimap will come “it’s done when it’s done”
- the mod that exists and does the tank descriptions on minimap is “terrible unoptimized – we have to start from scratch”
- dynamic tank characteristics in hangar (based on what modules you have installed) will come this year
- test 9.1 will be in May (SS: possibly this week)
- the mod that exists and does the tank
descriptions on minimap is “terrible
unoptimized – we have to start from
Like their reload timer xDDD
What to optimise there? Not like it causes 3FPS drops.
Well, if 5% of users use it, it’s different to 100% users using it.
well its impossible to make something like that and then make everyone happy (or they must add 1.000.000 custom options to it)
I really dont understand this…
I mean.. you can see the tanks on the screen.. if you cannot its due to viewrange…
whats so difficult to display same number twice ? (on screen and on minimap)
Its not like some additional computing is needed….
Or am I wrong ?
Is this “tank description” something else than type, name or hp ?
I think they are talking about the minimap tank description, like in this picture:
And tbh, they need to optimise it, when a tank is, for example, in 0 line, you cant see its name
“- the mod that exists and does the tank descriptions on minimap is ‘terrible unoptimized – we have to start from scratch’”
Calling the kettle black, are we Mr. Pot? :D
They make a big deal about everything. t took those modders 3 days to create the minimap.pyc files.
Also the whole “Up to date module hangar thing” is what tank inspector does 10x more in depth….They cant make a simple program to parse there own XML data? Lol they really do make mountains out of molehills.
They don’t want to admit that mod code we are speaking of is on viral open license ;) . And, while they cooperate with modders to certain extent, they don’t want to have their hands tied.
are you sure about 9.1 test? :)))
It will come soon. Gotta test FPS drops and new sounds!
- test 9.1 will be in May (SS: possibly this week)
Thank you for letting us know SS!
- Storm states that there are almost no bad maps in the game anymore, all of them were fixed so they are playable
Komarin, prokhorovka, campinovka, westfield, erlenberg, el halluf, fisherman’s bay come to mind.
What? Okay Komarin is still campy with the current playerbase, but the rest are fine. Even El halluf has been fixed lately.
of those Komarin is the only really bad IMHO, and Erlenberg still wasn’t fixed enough…
Malinovka is repetitive, but it’s manageable (and sometimes even funny… lemming trains to the hill or campfest damage it’s gameplay a lot, though… but I haven’t seen lot of those for a time there), Westfield the same…
No troubles with Prokhorovka and Fisherman’s bay, and El Halluf was changed for good…
Anyone seen a full rush across the field in Malinovka recently? Those used to be a blast. Give the other team a minute to commit to hill climbing then swarm across the field catching the defenders.
one battle, about three weeks about (not that recently…)… completely got our team by surprise…
although, most of the time both teams split, TD’s and some slow heavies stay at base, meds, nimbler heavies and lights storm hill…
Komarin, I’d say 100% yes, I agree with you, the rest, not at all. I don’t mind getting on any map especially El Halluf, it’s quite awesome now that they’ve added that huge bump in the middle. If there’s a problem with that map, it’s just that people don’t seem to realise they need to be dynamic and stop camping. Not the map’s fault, just the attitude of players.
Never realised there was a problem with Fisherman’s Bay, not my favourite map but not one I’d hate to play on.
Quite literally, when was the last time you played the game? Cause all the maps you’ve listed were fixed and made better over the past several versions of the game.
What if i told you Malinovka was always one of the best maps for a tank game that WoT is. People hated it before when it used to be 5 or more arties per team which would create shitty gameplay even worse than on Komarin, but now since the arty population is a little bit reduced it’s really good map, specially after few changes where they made it more hilly with depressions where you can drive and proceed to attack w/o being shot to pieces. Only real bad maps right now imo are Komarin and “reworked” Severogorsk. Severogors imo is the worst map right now. Horrible.
You’d be wrong. As soon as there is 1 arty on that map it’s ruined, the hill becomes completely useless. Aside from that the real problem with that map has always been the giant useless field, they need to remove the water from the south west corner and put some cover there along with changing the field into more hilly terrain with hard cover.
I agree. Malinvka is the most balanced and nice to play map in the game. It has no drawbacks and good for every tank class. Those who call it “campinovka” just do not know how to play. I could drop some replays if you want to see how it looks playing this map on Ru server.
Wow, I agree! Malinovka was and always will be awesome.
Get two good, agressive teams with lots of meds and just a few artys/TDs, and you will have more fun, tactics and thrill than on any other map.
El halluf is far from fixed, still way too open. Yes you can hide behind the bump in the middle but aside from that small area it’s still the same deathtrap map is has always been.
Fisherman’s bay west side is just completely retarded and could use some adjusting.
Prokhorovka has never been fixed and campinovka and erlenberg are still crap.
malinovka is boring… 3/4 of the map is unusable because its open field…
erlenberg is the only map I hate… while pretty good, It rolls too often.. 5 out of 10 maps is erlenberg.
I even had it 7 times in a row once…
westfield seems pretty okay to me …
Why Prokhorovka? It is one of the most balanced map.
The whole map is a pure clicker fest, no cover anywhere and everyone can shoot each other from anywhere.
1. If you are LT or MT, you don’t know how to scout.
2. if you are HT or TD, your teammates don’t know how to scout. Or you got a wrong position.
3. There are tons of small hill, no cover can’t be an excuse.
Personally I wonder if you are a HT fan? Seems you always want to have some hard cover on any map. (I am a LT fan)
MTs, HTs and TDs.
Hard cover improves gameplay, removes clicker influence and increases the amount of skill you need to use as a TD to remain effective instead of camping in a bush far at the back.
Your hatred on “clickers” is amusing. After the last round of nerfs well played arties can have tactical value, but if arties keep ruining your game you are playing it wrong.
Ever since the big arty nerf of 2013 when I get hit by arty it was either a) very poor play be me or b) sheer luck. And b) happens in like one of hundred games.
In fact, a) happens more often now because I mostly just ignore arty now. Playing WoT in an arty safe way is just wasting opportunities now. Sure, sometimes they will hit you, but most of the time they will be reloading, aiming or missing.
Hard cover does not improve gameplay, it simply gives an uneducated tanker a place to hide. I play a lot of heavy tanks and TD’s, and I can tell you that the use of terrain and angling of your armor are much better skills to learn to use than relying on hard cover.
Please explain how you come to the conclusion that the use of hard cover needs increased skill.
I believe that he means that with the 9.1 update there will no longer be any outstandingly poor maps such as Komarin.
I don’t know what I missed, but I haven’t played Sacred Valley for months now…where is it?
Removed from random rotation.
Alright, too bad.
I like El Hallouf, the new changes made A2 a lot easier and harder to attack and defend. But I wish they changed the center of the map more to allow scouts a better place to scout from.
anyone else has some really bad mm-luck today?
out of 15 matches there were 2 battles where the xvm overall win% was higher than 50% and i lost these so badly.
3 wins today (2,5K average damage per battle tho with tier8 in mostly tier10 battles). gg
Go troll somewhere else.
nice to meet you .NOT
I dont use mods, but every time somebody from my team post something like 70% win, we lose badly.
probably they are so stupidly self esteemed they dont bother playing …
Hey m8.
*raises index finger in a drunk fashion*
The more you bother about winning the less you will actually win.
Ye you heard me. If you have XVM and you calculate your chances and look at their team’s unicums, you’re doing it damn wrong. That’s not the way to improve.
Whether you like it or not dem XVM infos have subliminal impact on your gameplay, if win chance is low, you’ll play worse expecting a loss (and you’ll lose). If the win chance is high, you’ll relax and take it easy, get killed fast and go to garage – only to see the loss notification.
You gotta give it your very best (like Kanye West), 100% for the win!
Use your brains and turn off XVM stats, you don’t need that stuff. Play smart, and you’ll know a good player when you see him, you’ll see scrubs to kill and everything will be just daaamn fine.
Just relax my’man. When you’re relaxed your brain works better.
Also, get an arty, put up some nice music and click away.
I would say that you are correct and most people see it as you stated, “I’m going to lose anyway, so…” personally, I have seen enough of the matches that stated I had a 35% win chance, and we upset the other team, probably for the flip side of your reasoning, “we have a 75% win chance, woot, I am going to go full potato and get me some kills!” only to have that player be the one to die instantly. None the less, the win chance is there, but you cannot base your game play on it, it is only informational. With that said, I tend to be one of the people that try and prove everyone wrong, so to me, the 35% win chance is a taunt for me to do better!
Just do as I do. I still use the XVM, I use the chance to win, but here is the change: I just approximate how good my team is by the players and on who I can bet will fail and not: do you have a unicum buddy at the other side holding a flank? Yes..then he will know what to do, no need in going there to round up the sheep. And another change is that I use the chance to win at the end…that’s right… it displays for me at the end because that is how I put it. It is better when you see you just won a 30% win chance without really thinking it was sooo bad, but it is funnier.
- Storm states that there are almost no bad maps in the game anymore, all of them were fixed so they are playable
El Halluf, current Komarin, and medium-rush Malinovka are great examples, I’m guessing
El Halluf after the fix is considered one of the most challenging maps. Komarin is getting new patch in 9.1 and Malinovka… is Malinovka :)
well at least not all maps are the same… :)
too bad they are screwing this up with tanks…
every unique tank that stands out of the line of “balnced-generic-boring” tanks gets “balanced”
I remember times… “oh thats the superfast mobile one” or “oh thats the tier4 ramming machine” or “yeah thats the one that can oneshot anything but its crappy armored and slow”
Right now.. everything that steps out of the line gets changed.. so its pretty much similar to anything in its tier and category…
That dumbass thinks red shire and koramin are ok? Lol..wow
Have you played Redshire anytime within the past 2 patches? It’s awesome now. Much, much more fun than it used to be. Komarin has issues, that I’d agree.
Komarin is being changed for 9.1 and looks fairly good in the previews that were posted here last week. I’m willing to wait and see how it is before saying it’s broken still.
I wouldn’t call it awesome, but at least the hill campers (or, as some would like to call them “clickers” ;) ) are in one corner and not on whole map anymore, so that’s definitely a improvement.
- the mod that exists and does the tank descriptions on minimap is “terrible unoptimized – we have to start from scratch”
Mod is a small fish compared to how terribly unoptimized WoT is, you must start from scratch on the whole game then.
- Storm states that there are almost no bad maps in the game anymore, all of them were fixed so they are playable
Playable? Yes, most of them. Good? NO, some are really bad still.
- tank descriptions on minimap will come “it’s done when it’s done”
- the mod that exists and does the tank descriptions on minimap is “terrible unoptimized – we have to start from scratch”
Why am i having the feeling that most of these things they could do like in one day and implement it, but for some reason they don’t want to?! First of all, yes XVM, minimap in particular reduces fps a little bit, but not as much as their shitty 9.0 did, but it’s perfectly playable. And it doesn’t matter if they have to do it from scratch because adding tank names on a minimap doesn’t seem like a lot of job, at least imo. So instead of bringing us another empty patch which 9.1 seems like it’s going to be why not add some small, but cool stuff like the minimap update or the render range change from box to circle. Yes they said they want to test it for bugs and shit, but why not put it on test server for people to test it for bugs. And it’s not like tons of bugs appeared on live server where everything was fine on test in the past.
SEVEROGORSK 2.0 is most boring map in game… Win mid, flank east, hope ur pubies hold west…
Red heavy drivers have to love it, no need to worry about flank shots….
Unplayable for snipers.
Its playable for any tank… Just 100% repetitive… Maybe side balanced but sooooo booooring
who needs tank descriptions on minimap by WG?
we have it with XVM since years …
- Storm states that there are almost no bad maps in the game anymore, all of them were fixed so they are playable
“This is why we get rid of 10 of them.”
Then why did you fix them to be “playable”?
So Stronk Strom :D :D :D :D :D :D
Putin’s internet security team is recording all the fascists that criticise stronk and brave map Komarin, and preparing space in Siberian re-education camps.
Roaming postponed.. Pls WG give us more shitty battle modes/sounds and postpone useful and great things. GG WG GG
Probably less people than play Historical Battles actually have a legitimate need for Roaming. And the new 9.1 sounds were started long ago by people that would have nothing to do with programming the Roaming feature.
Roaming is useful to single digit percentage of the population. I’d hardly call it great. Convenient maybe.
wtf is usefull in roaming ? dude are u drunk ?
You can play in the other servers instead of starting from scratch. This is very useful if you are sick and tired of the usual players in your server.
Also very useful if you enjoy playing with high ping.
Only a small fraction of the player base will use roaming and only a fraction of those people actually need it.
They make a big deal about everything. t took those modders 3 days to create the minimap.pyc files.
Also the whole “Up to date module hangar thing” is what tank inspector does 10x more in depth….They cant make a simple program to parse there own XML data? Lol they really do make mountains out of molehills.
Everything they act like is so hard….And needs to be tested like crazy. At Roughnecks Mod site we pump out 10x the mods they do and it takes our 1-2 programmer teams a 30th of what they do for new features…..Shit just copy our code, yes some isnt great but other is stellar.
it took us 2 years to get Fire Icons in game and they still dont have color changes in OTM etc…Really everything they do they act like its building a pyramid.
They need to stop EVERYTHING and get there asses to do multicore support. We all would wait an entire patch of 0 new content for that, and then we could implement as much graphics asthey want because our Comps would be 100% more open to running things.
“Storm states that there are almost no bad maps in the game anymore, all of them were fixed so they are playable”
Has he TRIED playing on Komarin or Murovanka recently?
Komarin has a new rebuild in 9.1 so as far as Storm is concerned that may count as fixed already.
WTF is wrong with Murovanka?
- Storm states that there are almost no bad maps in the game anymore, all of them were fixed so they are playable
Province as a Tier 10 CW map in Northern Europe on the SEA server….. WTF !!