- according to Storm, further use of BigWorld engine very much has a future (SS: as in in WG games)
- it’s possible bigger maps will come, “but no promises”
- developers are not considering transferring to a different game engine, but modernizing the current one
- Storm confirms that the patch frequency is one per 1,5 months
- there will be a video showing how the WG team recorded the real tank sounds
- apparently there won’t be a third hangar for WoT
THEN UPGRADE the damned engine!
It does have a future. Hell, the 14 Year old STALKER engine, modified by modders, makes the VAST majority of new AAA releases look like pathetic PoS made by toddlers. Watch Dogs especially…
But it was updated and done well. BigWorld? I am sure WarGaming has the money and manpower to do it. But they dont.
Get your shit together, it can work, but you gotta make it work.
well, since they own the company they should do a new engine starting from the scratch fulfilling all the game requeriments of wot, wowp and wow…
its stupid keep adding upgrades to increase a bit the graphics but killing the game performance.
STALKER’s X-Ray engine not only looks like this:
But runs quite well and loads 3×3 km maps with underground areas, hundreds of AI and secret objects in less time then WoT.
And it is a 14 year old engine that MODDERS made use of.
Connection is an issue, spotting system is an issue, performance on weak PCs is an issue.
“,,,performance on weak PCs is an issue.”
Weak PCs are the issue. Come on – its not 2004, time to upgrade your abacus.
I doubt the players are using their Grandmother’s calculators because of sentimental value.
I’m sure many would love to be able to play the game with 60+ fps at full graphics while rendering Marilyn Monroe’s breasts. But telling people to just get better computers is like telling poor people to stop being poor. I can think of a bunch of scenarios, some people might not be able to afford a new computer, unless they upgrade to an equality shitty machine, then there are availability issues in some countries. Some working people might not need incredibly powerful machines for their line of work and only play WoT from time to time and find it a waste of money to buy an entire computer just for the sake of\ playing this one game, and these people could be WG’s alleged target audience.
For instance, if the requirements went up high enough that my potato laptop could not handle it, then that’s it, I’d be done with WoT. With my financial state I don’t see myself getting a new rig in the foreseeable future. And I can wager that this would be the case for a great many people. Not everyone would be this dedicated to upgrade their rig and spend money they can’t afford to play this game. In Russia I can be sure that I would not be the only one with that situation, and not by a long shot. And I doubt WG would want that.
i have 4 years old comp 3000 pln – 800 – 900 dolars/euro wot on minimal graphic wit 3% textures and swithed off all effect . 20 – 25 fps sometimes 6 ground forces on medium … 25 fps much more stable fps than wot 25 fps no drops to 6 – 3 fps
Mine is 4 years old 600Euro – having 30-40 FPS.
ground forces 50 FPS at medium.
I have a 5 year old PC for 640-670 dollars.
i5 750
ATI 5770
1680×1050 :
30-50 fps High :P
I have a 5 year old pc and I’m running WoT at about 55-90+ fps. I’m using the standard renderer with everything on max. I do got a modern gfx card, but the gfx card is not important when it comes to wot, i got about the same performance with my old card
1. Fixavle.
2. Fixable.
3. If it was STALKER, it would be no prob.
Modders also did this:
When WoT doesn’t even have rain.
Xbox has rain. And blizzard. And warm night.
Does not have Dynamic Rainmap.
STALKER has had that since 2008:
For multiplayer?
Works in STALKER MP too.
Dynamic Weather is a feature for Multi :P
That does mean though that people on max can see shadows from lightning strikes and that is an advantage though.
Yeah because making a new graphics engine is just something you slap together over a weekend. Upgrading it is a valid and frankly good strategy, there’s no reason to throw out stuff that works perfectly well. A perfect example of this being done well is the Quake engine being continuously upgraded and has powered games such as all the Quake and Doom games, Brink, Prey and Rage. An even techier example would be the Linux Kernel.
Point being: the problem is not with upgrading an existing piece of software, this is industry standard and for a good reason. The problem is simply incompetence, lack of funding, lack of time, lack of developers or a combination thereof.
How do you propose they recode the engine to effectively use multiple cores?
Why are you spamming about some stupid game that nobody gives a toss about? What is a still shot supposed to prove except that it can produce muddy looking renders?
Can you make a special section where we can see all possible EU trees and tanks?
Like in History tab for an example or Links4U and links to all articles?
Want to see em easily
according to Storm, further use of BigWorld engine very much has a future (SS: as in in WG games)
Much future, very bright, such technology, wow :)
Maybe they have some tricks up their sleeve, such as making the engine modular (graphics, networking, events) and replacing/reworking the graphics part? :)
- there will be a video showing how the WG team recorded the real tank sounds
They already did this with a T-34 irrc…
- it’s possible bigger maps will come, “but no promises”
They dont. People are stupid and they THINK they made promises.
Usual expectations.
I really love how they answer Q&As about bigger maps, discussing issues/benefits/etc, and clearly say at this time it doesn’t look feasible and people take that as a “Promise”. If they continually finish their answers with “it doesn’t work” or “it was boring” or “not a priority” then ITS NOT HAPPENING ANYTIME SOON.
The dev diary at the start of the year showed their plans for the new year, showcasing havok physics, and people thought it was coming immediately in 9.0
it was WG who 1st said they’re looking into making bigger maps
there’s no fire without a spark
Yes, LOOKING into making bigger maps.
They didn’t sign in blood.
and they kept the blood flowing by commenting how they actually tested the bigger maps but were not sure how to implement them
same thing with garage battles, “hysterical” battles – if you’re not sure / can’t do it, shut the fuck up or say no
Personally I’d like to see them get the game balanced out first so that there are more matches that end in 14-15 scores than 15-5 like we have now. I don’t know where they “didn’t notice this problem” but in 150 matches spread out over several days I was in 2 that ended 14-15 (or vice versa) and 90% of the rest ended in 15-5.
I’m very much interested in how well the bigworld engine is up to par with WG’s future plans, expectations, scalability & performance.
Are they working with bigworld in making future versions of bigworld even better.
I would like hearing some more about that.
BW needs a complete re-write
WG should’ve started immediately after they bought the company
dont know where this is going, they keep promising bigger maps and they talked about nerf accuracy. Both together is not a good thing.
no one is promising bigger maps
- developers are not considering transferring to a different game engine, but modernizing the current one
Was Havok a new engine or an improvement? If it is a new engine: come on!!
neither of those.
probably they could not integrate Havok or it’s a pure licencing stuff. if they need to pay 5% royalties they have no profit as WoT is very low margin of profit game.
Once again – if you werent such a bad troll.
Somehow they make videos (some of them useless), host stuff, buy building, renowate tanks, keep their company running, etc.
and a motha’fucking bank
They’re only implementing the Havok Physics engine which will work alongside Big World.
Havok engine is owned by independant company and they are just selling licenses to other developers/companies for their games. For example you can find Havok physics in latest Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 whereas older versions didn’t had one and now we will get it in WoT and those are completely different games owned by different companies and using different game engines(BigWorld and Kojima Fox engine)
be ready for the fall of WoT… thanks WG for fucking up your game and making sure it will never succeed in the future.
PS (remember not to buy anything as it waste of investment in game)
Yeah, ZLYG, if you werent such a bad troll earlier :)
I’ve talked to some of the people who think the same as you about the game. I’m a nice person in person, but after talking to them I’ve determined that you guys are just angry, frustrated, not too bright, most likely nice people on the inside and whiny individuals who need to be pitied and laughed at at the same time.
I’m sorry, and ha ha.
- there will be a video showing how the WG team recorded the real tank sounds
I am more interested in new tank motion. Or how it was supposed to be called.
the video will show the team sitting with advanced recording apparatus in-front of a laptop running youtube tanks videos, it’s all historical all authentic.
Not what the post was about, but then again – bad troll :)
Actually it was pretty good trolling :D Funny whatsoever, made me giggle :D
Lemme tell you!! Armored warfare is about to blow WOT out of the water… Wargaming is about to hit some obstacles.. no more monopoly game company!!! I cant wait till they lower there prices and actually start listening to good Players instead of the shit noobs that run the game!!
You do realise that there is another game called “War Thunder”? :D And its in the same timeframe as WoT – not era of MBTs!
And yes – they should listen to good players (n00bs are there for frags :)).
and WT is getting much better every day, a fresh patch every week.
I would use word “much” in the comparison of a pea to Jupiter.
So not really going fast.
Will see with new “patch” what they do.
except everything is pretty much the same since I saw the game in CBT (Ground Forces to be more exact)
they adressed some tiny bits, but core-gameplay is still untouched
hype train is slowing down, people getting back to whatever they’ve played before
Big World is utter trash, no point to stick to that piece of garbage when there are way better alternatives out there. They’re only wasting time trying to fix something that is beyond repair.
Tell me more about those alternatives.
And see the 14 year old engine first noob
14 year old engine that can’t run on 14 year old systems – how’s that adding up
BigWolrd was recognized as trash from the 1st weeks we saw the game in CBT, back in June 2010
4 years later, game performance is still dodgy as hell
Really mate?
It can run on this:
1.8 GHZ CPU (1 core)
ATI 9550 256 MB.
Not exactly 14 year old, but it runs at more then 25 fps 720p. Ancient hardware.
And on max it looks THAT good.
BigWorld is not trash.
Nah, it’s trash. It has so many limitations that it will not be able to compete in a year or two. All of these tacked on enhancements are stop-gaps while they scramble to keep users with promises of even more tacked on bullshit. Engine utilizes no more than one core. Engine depends on data access rates over ram utilization. Engine was utilized initially because it had most of the modules required to create the game from scratch, most importantly the netcode. The engine is trash.
By the way, do you ever have erotic dreams rendered in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R universe?
There are experts, that know more then you (and me) that are using this engine. It has advanced quite a bit through the years.
Their opinion> your opinion.
History has proven, and I am using STALKER as an example, that with enough coding wizzardry , even old stuff can shine. X-Ray, in its LA form, can compete with AAA engines and win. Simple as that. You want to argue, prove me wrong.
It is an old engine that was modded and now beats newer engines. Bigworld can
do the same.
As for erotic dreams in STALKER, nope. Not yet.
Challenge accepted;
Your argument is that an outdated engine can be made competitive with contempory engines with enough effort applied to recoding. I agree with that statement.
My argument is that in some cases less effort would be required to adopt an alternative engine, or even to code a replacement from scratch, and that in regards to the BigWorld engine, the former is most definitely true, and in my opinion, the latter is most probably true.
Stronk logic tada!
My arguement is that BW is not that far behind (as is obvious) from current AAA engines.
X-Ray had more of a catching up to do and it did not need more then a DAMNED MOD TEAM working for free and 1 year to get where it is.
And it is still the same engine :)
Direct analogy from one Engine’s life to another.
Other engines offer better performance than Big World, that is a proven fact.
Old engines upgraded can beat new engines. What can you not understand?
You are not even able to understand your own argument. Say, do you think the original Quake engine could be modified to become competitive with the latest Unreal engine? Of course it can be! Would it be worth the effort? How much of the original code would remain unaltered do you think?
Not a lot in your example
However, you are comparing some VEEEERY ancient tech.
Big World is not that ancient.
X-Ray is still mostly the same engine. Mods and textures from the original DX 9 Shadow of Chernobyl work on the latest version of X-Ray in LA with little to no work required.
X-Ray, in original form is older then BW. Currently, its about equivalent in most aspects to Cryengine 3. Though with a shitier editor.
At least research what I am talking about…
You are either cognitively impaired or a troll :|
I am thinking the same thing for you mate.
It still baffles me, what is so hard to understand in a direct analogy.
An ancient engine gets partially restructured, but is still the same fucking engine. Work done for free by modders, results make most AAA devs look like fools.
Currently WG is using a sucky BW. It is not as old, but still old. Restructuring should and probably can be done. The results can technically be great.
Seems like I overestimated you.
I highly doubt you can run the game at max with that performance. Not going to happen. At all.
Yeah except BigWorld does more than just graphics rendering. The reason why WG bought it was 1) WG did not have a lot of money 2) it had the networking/server functionality. Ohh but I guess games are all graphics, network infrastructure is piece of cake.
- it’s possible bigger maps will come, “but no promises”
Maybe 1200X1200, 1400X1400? I am sure there will be no 2kmX2km maps.
- developers are not considering transferring to a different game engine, but modernizing the current one
Before anyone complains that BigWorld is a crap engine, everyone should know that transferring to a new engine would cost a horrible amount of cash, and one SerBillion of bugs – BW is fine – as long WG is are able to optimize it.
- Storm confirms that the patch frequency is one per 1,5 months
It should be one per 5 months, so WG will have enough time to test new patches, and does not need to release bunch of micropatches to repair what they screwed up.
2000×2000 – Maus, both T28, T95 approves this.
I sure hope so that BW will get better.
1,5 months for a patch when there was tanks to add – this year is probably exception to the rule.
Bigger maps only means more protection for tanks with armor… =)
Bigger maps mean more fun for Light Tanks and SPG.
Bigger maps mean tanks with armor will be out in the open a lot longer, and it would still not guarantee protection. Especially with the tank destroyers.
Bigger maps mean SPG, with their shell velocity, would only be able to hit absolute potatoes who are standing still for hours or are driving in a straight line for hours. Unless the SPGs come closer to ranges we already have in regular WoT maps.
Bigger maps mean more places to hide for that one last cowardly B-C spg while your 5 half dead tanks with broken engines make their way to the enemy base 1000 km away.
There are issues with big maps, and half the players who want it have no clue what they’re talking about.
”Bigger maps mean tanks with armor will be out in the open a lot longer, and it would still not guarantee protection. Especially with the tank destroyers.”
Depends on the map design for the maps in question.
”Bigger maps mean SPG, with their shell velocity, would only be able to hit absolute potatoes who are standing still for hours or are driving in a straight line for hours. Unless the SPGs come closer to ranges we already have in regular WoT maps.”
Bases don’t need to be 2 km away from each other, They could be only 1 km from each other, the rest of the map being mostly useful for lights and Mediums to flank over. The whole map doesn’t need to be passable terrain, Hidden Village is a tiny map because it barely has 50% of it’s potential space used.
”Bigger maps mean more places to hide for that one last cowardly B-C spg while your 5 half dead tanks with broken engines make their way to the enemy base 1000 km away.”
Cap base, seriously. It’s not like this doesn’t happen already and that last SPG is useless anyway for the team it’s not like you lose much by not killing it. ( besides B-C spg is the only one that can reliable do it out of the tier 10 SPG’s due to good mobility and non-retard size )
”There are issues with big maps, and half the players who want it have no clue what they’re talking about.”
Most of the issues are with how the extra space is used and lies in the hands of the map designers. The current maps require to use most of the space in them to be actually good and sometimes still don’t provide flanking options for Mediums and lights. The larger maps could have more artistic impassable terrain in place without feeling like the map is tiny. ( Hidden Village )
“Before anyone complains that BigWorld is a crap engine”
Lol, a bit late on that
“It should be one per 5 months, so WG will have enough time to test new patches, and does not need to release bunch of micropatches to repair what they screwed up.”
Sometime in the past year of reporting SS has done, the devs mentioned that the rapid pace of patch releases was to maintain player interest, but as Woras mentioned that was when new branches were part of the equation
BigWorld engine is kinda OUTDATED,I play Hawken made with Unreal engine on maps that are 500×500 m on almost full detail and I get better FPS and stable ping (aprox 80 max 90 ms since the servers are in UK),the details if I compare one engine to another, on a scale from 1 to 10 bigworld 4 unreal 8 :)
“developers are not considering transferring to a different game engine, but modernizing the current one”
Okay so lets take a old scientific code written in fortran 90 and modernize it using openMP or MPI, are you crazy??? this will never go better than a fully engine written from scratch in order to take advantage of the massive paralellism that the news GPU offers and the new CPU multicore offers….
Is like add bigger engine and heavier components to the same base car chassis and suspension design… the result is a weird car.
- developers are not considering transferring to a different game engine, but modernizing the current one
Mmmm… yes. Maybe in 5 years the game will look like something from 2007. Five years after that someone might be able to play on such settings, right when they introduce single-core 20 GHz processors.
Well if we compare how the game used to look like and how it looks like now BigWorld is potent engine with right coding, BUT since WG’s programmers have skills of a potato what we have now is a game with quite decent graphics that is terribly optimized and stutters and is not as smooth as it should be since fps is really important in a game of this genre. 50 fps in WoT doesn’t seem as smooth as in other games and fps drops are HUGE. Depending on the level of details in the screen i personally on a quite crappy PC can have over 100 fps and sometimes it would drop below 30. That big of a difference is not acceptable for a sniping game. If they refuse to move to another engine they should really get to work and make the BigWorld worth a penny.
WG is addressing the issue with their producers, they have a lot of them, they don’t know tech & prog & IT but they know how to produce, and they suggested a wonderful solution FPS issue.
“just don’t print the FPS in game, so no one complain, or maybe just write strong algorithm to show a steady FPS 50-70″
end of problem, no whining all is well…
hater’s gonna hate…hater’s gonna hate
Finally, words of wisdom.
I would rather the patch frequency to be up to 2 months to eliminate the bugs.
What means third hanger? If you mean normal, premieum and another, it already exist in Korea server. It’s ineternet cafe premium service hanger.