
- apparently there is a rare random bug, where when you put full cruise control forward, the tank starts going backwards, Storm states he hasn’t heard of this bug
- the are no plans for now to rework the tank damage system (SS: a player is complaining for example about full damage penetrations of commander copula etc.)
- more complex (different?) damage system could appear in some form of hardcore mode, but Storm states that in WG internally there is no agreement on such a mode (SS: as in, no plans for now)
- tier 8 tank MM will not be modified (SS: some player was complaining that tier 8′s get too much in battles with tier 10′s and so on)
- no plans to buff T28 and T95
- the fact that Soviet gun S-54, S-54S and several US 76mm guns have different gold and silver ammo damage is a mistake, it will be fixed
- after battletier 12 was removed, Storm currently considers the MM situation as normal (SS: some player wanted to remove battletier 11 as well, this will not happen)
- the 9.1 Test 2 sound volume is the same as in 9.0
- Storm states that the drop in online playerbase on RU server is the same as last year, it is influenced by the start of holidays and good weather (SS: as in, no real drop due to War Thunder)
- Q: “What are you planning to do with too many TD’s on tier 10?” A: “Nothing. Such cases (SS: as in, a player showed a screenie with like 8 TDs in each team) are not systemic. (SS: as in too common) We will balance individual vehicles.”
- there will not be a “global rebalance of all vehicles” – there will be changes, but not “global ones”
- tank rebalances will come “when it’s done it’s done”, and “no promises”

101 thoughts on “1.6.2014

  1. - tank rebalances will come “when it’s done it’s done”, and “no promises”

    They are learning… Gaining intelligence…

      • Yeah no, Gaijin is worse than WG when it comes down to balance….
        For over a year, a plane from 1944 had to fight post-war planes that entered service in 1953.

        • Name a single plane in War Thunder that entered service after 1950. that’s right, the F-86, MiG-15 and Meteor F.8 all made their first flight and entered service before 1950.

          • Still, not exactly what I would call balanced when a first generation jet that first flew in 1942 (the Me-262) has to go up against a second generation jet that first flew in 1947 (the F-86 Saber)

        • It is so cute when you people try to do balance on years in a competitive game :)

          It should be balanced not by year but by overall power.

          As for Gaijin and balance…

          IS-4M vs Paper Prototype Tiger 2.
          One is a god on the battlefield. The other is a piece of shit and never existed.

        • how terrible is gaijin, wg doesnt do that, because the tiger 2(entered service in 1943) faces tanks like the stb-1(first produced in 1967)…

    • Why? How? IMHO HP is one of the least important things on the tank, ofc, 3000HP on a tank like Maus is great, but for example tanks like BC25, T62A, T49, just…dont need them that much like HTs, their goal is not tanking and pushing the 1st line, sometimes, i would rather loose 200HP and get like -1s reload on a medium tank. IMHO HP is balanced, what would you consider? :)

    • Simplest way to rebalance the tanks types, hp and tiers is just to delete all tanks and only leave 1 playable tank for everyone or make every tank have same statistics. Do you honestly want that?

      • Another Moron.

        Look at a Panzer 4. How much HP does it have? 480.
        Look at Stug 3. 350
        OK. Now look at UK Cherchil 1. Around 700 HP!!!

        Now look at 2 TEIRS HIGHER Tiger 1. 1500 HP…

        Look at ACTUAL BALANCE.
        Tier 8 heavy : 1500-1650
        Tier 9 Heavy: 1800-1950
        Tier 10: 2100- 3000 (special case)

        See where the wrong in tier 4-5-6-7 is? If not… I have bad news for you.

  2. - there will not be a “global rebalance of all vehicles” – there will be changes, but not “global ones”
    I thought this was supposed to be the year of vehicle rebalances and graphics updates. I see both of those are going very well. Gee Gee

  3. I am not trying to sound like an ass, but lately all we read is :will come “when it’s done it’s done”.
    What is WG actually doing?? Ok some bug fixing and HD Rework, but yeah…

    • HD Rework, preparing new physics changes (turning over, Havok), preparing new sounds, working on optimisation, bug fixing, preparing for rebalancing, etc.

      And don’t forget that while these are getting ready and worked on, there is still the usual content being done (new tanks, new maps), just in lesser numbers.

      Oh, and dealing with whiners, but that goes without saying~

      • And not to mention that few of those thing that you brought up were already suppose to be in the game, but we all know how it ended.

        • Yes, thats the thing that bugs me the most. “Hey look we have this and that!”
          And in the End its either not finished or buggy. Really sucks.

  4. After almost 4 years of playing WoT (started in September 2010) i am finally getting fed up with extreme bad MM. WG mix people one one side who are experienced and are decent players with people who never look at mini map and don’t have a clue about ongoing battle (usually in top tiers) or just have few k’s battles. This is highly frustrating and my suggestion is to create separate battles for people who are under 48% win rate or have less than 5k battles. Until this happen i will be more and more playing War Thunder (just got 1yr premium account). I know that situation in WT is not better but at least i am as n00b as most of the others are so it does not feel frustrating as in WoT.
    With that in mind i expect player leakage from WoT to WT in near future.

      • When it releass + some years, people will get back to WoT or just go to “that new game that is so much better and doesn’t have n00bs”.

        Yeah. The cycle of (whine) life.

          • It is not a whine. I play this game for 4 years and i enjoy it. But mixed MM with people who dont understand the basics of the game are frustrating. If that changes WoT would be enjoyable.
            And for your constructive answer … well i guess you fall under 48% group.

            • I am in the 58+ group :)

              I said it, you will have the same in War Thunder after a while. And spliting people is a bad idea.
              IT WILL NOT improve your gameplay :)

              • I am perfectly aware of that in WT. I see enough n00bs there. But since everyone is new its not that visible yet.
                Speaking about game play improvement the only way to learn is to play against a better players. I don’t mind losing when playing with good team but when i play with people who don’t understand even simple basics, that is when it gets REALLY FRUSTRATING if you know what i mean. So separation of people who are not aware of their surroundings and people who are new to game from more experienced players would create fun for everyone.

                • I just think that opposite will happen. More fun and tbh i dont care about stats much. But after 8 game loss in the row (with WN8 of above 2000) i really get pissed off because it is caused by people without experience running top tier tanks.

                • I actually get it now.
                  Though its not an opinion I share.

                  Sepperating people is a bad idea though. That way it is MUCH less likely for bad players to learn. It also may be… quite offensive :P

                • Some will never learn. Not after 20k+ games and win rate of 45% and wn8 of 400.

                  I think that low level players dont appreciate playing with experienced and skilled players because the gap is just too big for them to understand what was going on.

                  But there must be always a solution to a problem. Get a group of people and let them brainstorm the issue and solution can be made. Put in on forum and people decide about it. For example do not allow low win rate players to be in top tier.

                • Fail.

                  There is a desperate need for a skill based MM. But never to segregate players into bads vs bads and goods vs goods.

                  What it is needed for is the even distribution of the random bads and goods between each side.

                  If you want to play with good people, join a clan and stop random pubbing.

                  Not everyone in WTGF is new, plenty have been around, and you know what? The people who are good at WoT, use teamwork and tactics, bother to f’ng aim, etc. are good at WTGF.

              • As if most players are not using offensive language towards ones with -800 wn6-8 and -48% winrate… I think separating them might be less offensive than the language aimed at them in game play. Anyways in EU servers it’s mostly avrage / good players on EU1 with few exceptions while EU2 is mostly mix of bad to avrage (at least from tiers 4 to 8).
                There are few exceptions to this however, such as QB, Circon, SirFoch…

            • Still got bad players in WT but at least you have respawns, cheap ACPR shells, quick daily patches to fixed problems ASAP that and the developers do not make fun of us.

              • But APCR is worst than APHE or HEAT

                respawns only apply to arcade….and remember crew system…..pay to WINNNNNNNNN

                • r4espawn is not limited to arcade.

                  what’s the problem with crew system, you can easily train it by playing or you speed it up by paying, period.
                  Tell how different is than having to spend 100GP PER CREWMAN plus 200 more for skills to retrain EVERYTIME YOU SWITCH TANKS?

        • Yep. its shite. It has the same amount of bullshit as WoT, but you know……WT (GF) has NEW bullshit, so it is not that annoying (yet) as the old WG bullshit.

          But I see improvements. The micropatches come quickly, and although they fuck up something from time to time, they work in general.

  5. Best way to determine whether a company running a MMO games is really successful:
    ppl start to treat it like Blizzard.

    Anyway, I think nerfing/buffing tanks is quite delicate business. You can easily just make an useless garbage or imbalanced OP shit. Prime example being WT auf E100, while it has immense strength, it is not an auto-win, great majority of WTs you encounter are barely able to pen 3 shells of their first before dying etc. Still, if WG was to remove it and replace with some kind of “typical” WT, I’d be more than happy. Still you need to take in account a great deal of things and not rush it. After all it is all about business and making money and pissing off a lot of ppl is not wise. Same deal as with the blatantly OP KV-1S and similar, you have a vast amount of guys having couple thousands of games in that thing and well, taking away their toy might force them to quit or reduce their spending.

      • you can’t blame WG for people’s stupidity.
        if they were willing to spend money on a virtual tank, they have too much of it.
        In any case, I don’t blame WG for making money off stupid people. The Church has been doing it for centuries.

    • Honestly, I think the aim time nerf the WT got a couple patches back is paying off. These days, it’s rare to see a WT driver even HIT with more than half his drum, never mind actually penetrating and doing damage. They’re firing too fast, clipping out, and then getting waxed by arty or heavy tanks firing HE.

  6. quote: “more complex (different?) damage system could appear in some form of hardcore mode, but Storm states that in WG internally there is no agreement on such a mode”

    so why even bring it up!? wtf!

    quote: “Storm states that the drop in online playerbase on RU server is the same as last year, it is influenced by the start of holidays and good weather”

    he’s probably right, people who got “sick” of WoT have left by now

    • the hemorrhage has been bigest once WTGF hit open beta, they’re just in denial ofc they can’t go out and say “well our development and patching cycle is shit, we keep shitting our players over and over, we leave you with crippling bugs for months, we promise features that will never be delivered or on time EVER, our game mechanics are shit and our balance nonexistant” “but hey, the drop on the usrs is not be cause a BETTER TANK GAME IS OUT, it’s because of summer.. yeah… that must be it”

  7. - Q: “What are you planning to do with too many TD’s on tier 10?” A: “Nothing. Such cases (SS: as in, a player showed a screenie with like 8 TDs in each team) are not systemic. (SS: as in too common) We will balance individual vehicles.”

    Every time this: http://png.it-access.ro/shot_305.jpg happens, I am thinking why can’t I be in the other team ?
    Tried matches on 9.1CT2 but frankly I got insta-ed by deathstar from 200m without it being visible after (and 183mm is kind one of the biggest you can get). We’ll see.

    The problem is even more one-sided because MM tries to balance platoons so it will put a 3 meds platoon vs a 3 TDs platoon which in most cases you can get by but not on camper maps.

    • Wargaming’s reply to the TD concern is just laughable and is a clear indication that they don’t actually play the game. Especially not on the North American servers.

      How many times do you load up a game on Komarin at tier 8 or above and see 3 Jag E100′s, a death star and a WT on BOTH TEAMS?

      I’ve been sorely tempted to just quit those games if I’m in anything other than artillery because they just degrade into massive camp fests. No one can move. Even top-tier mediums can’t move around because they know they’ll be one-shotted by the damn death star the second they’re spotted.

      Wargaming’s fix for the TD problem is classic ineptitude as well. They’re trying to drive people out of TD’s by making it harder to play TD’s. Wrong approach and anyone with half a brain and any experience in MMOs knows it.

      Don’t remove concealment, because all that does is make the TD drivers compete for choice spots with idiot heavy tank drivers and makes life exponentially harder for light drivers.

      You want to nerf the camo bonus for TD’s? Fine, but the games will only get harder, not easier. The same thing happened with arty. The GOOD players knew how to drive arty already and stuck with it, making them even more deadly than before. Same thing will happen with TD’s. The scrubs will get tired of being obliterated after firing their first shot and stop playing TDs, leaving the good players. TDs will become MORE deadly, not less.

      You want to fix the TD problem? Resurrect the 8.6 arty nerf. Ya know, the one that limited arty to no more than 5 vehicles per side per game. That’s all you need to do. Give the teams something of a maneuver element instead of just punishing people for getting good at TD play.

      After all, the only reason any tank gets nerfed is because enough noobs bitched about it on the forums. In the case of arty, everyone bitched about being nailed in the middle of an open field. Instead of getting better and playing arty-safe, they whined and WG nerfed arty severely.

      Same thing with TD’s. Enough window-lickers whined about being obliterated by “invisible tanks” when they were in the middle of an open field, so WG is punishing TD drivers for the heavy guys’ ineptitude.

      • Well, last weeks there is a lot of arties in top tier games also,usually 3 per side. And even had 2 games this weekend with 5 series per side. And it is more annoying on open maps than tds. The tds u can avoid just knowing maps

        • 3 arty per side isn’t a lot. I stopped playing for a while around patch 7.4 (I still had the L70 75mm on my panzer 4 at the time!) and I would see games with TEN arty on a side. Those games just royally sucked.

          Tank drivers these days have no idea how good they have it these days arty-wise.

  8. ‘ – the are no plans for now to rework the tank damage system (SS: a player is complaining for example about full damage penetrations of commander copula etc.)’

    One of the things I really hate in WoT. Being shot in the copula and lose lot og HP is kinda stupid, IMHO.

  9. WoT MM is working, why people are complaining all the time about MM like it’s the most important thing in the world, ok you lose so what? end of the world get a perspective, there are people dying in Syria and North Koria executes people like flies…


  10. - Q: “What are you planning to do with too many TD’s on tier 10?” A: “Nothing. Such cases (SS: as in, a player showed a screenie with like 8 TDs in each team) are not systemic. (SS: as in too common) We will balance individual vehicles.”
    They need to nerf the Jg. Pz. E 100 gold ammo. 420 pen, that can go through anything (for example the IS-7 turret front). They nerfed the 450 pen from the Obj. 268, but left the Jg. Pz. E 100 intact. There is no point to not nerf it.

    • That will totally solve the “too much T10 TDs” issue. Totally. Genious.

    • Ok, couple things here.

      One, there isn’t a single tank in the game that can pen the front of an IS7′s turret with a straight-in shot. You obviously have no clue how the normalization mechanics work. The HEAT round from a Jag E100 doesn’t get normalized against rounded, sloped or angled armor, so it bounces. EVERY TIME!

      Yeah, on paper 420 pen will go through, until you look at how the turret is shaped. No go, Sonny Jim.

      Two, the Jag E100 isn’t exactly the most accurate TD in the game. I’ve routinely had rounds go no where NEAR my point of aim, even when fully reticled down.

      Three, most Jag E100 drivers I play with don’t just spam the HEAT at everything they see. Hell, half the time you DON’T want to throw HEAT at a tank (for instance, the side of an IS7 or IS4). Spaced armor and all that. I’ve been carrying more HE these days because most of the games I get into are infested with noobs in waffentragers. Slap an HE round into one of them, and they will scatter like the cockroaches they are.

    • Does Canada have a military to defend against eskimoes, or to remain internationally relevant?

      haha just kidding buddy!

  11. “- apparently there is a rare random bug, where when you put full cruise control forward, the tank starts going backwards, Storm states he hasn’t heard of this bug”

    Very rare. Had it like 5x.

  12. - Q: “What are you planning to do with too many TD’s on tier 10?” A: “Nothing. Such cases (SS: as in, a player showed a screenie with like 8 TDs in each team) are not systemic. (SS: as in too common) We will balance individual vehicles.”

    just had a tier 8 battle 11 TD’s in our team 9 TD’s in enemy team all tier 8 and 2 tier 9 (one TD)

  13. it.must be tiring for Storm to answer the same dumb questions all the time….but so is for me to always be the top1 xp and lose for 15-3

  14. - apparently there is a rare random bug, where when you put full cruise control forward, the tank starts going backwards, Storm states he hasn’t heard of this bug

    Because it’s not a bug. People who don’t bother to pay attention to where they are putting their finger, or just made a finger positioning mistake, but couldn’t possibly have made a mistake because they are uber leet gud tankerz are where this bug comes from.

    - the are no plans for now to rework the tank damage system (SS: a player is complaining for example about full damage penetrations of commander copula etc.)

    Well, point to WTGF on that one then. Kinda tired of WoT’s way, but not enough to deal with WT’s crap back end and RNG fest damage model.

    • No Hp in WTGF means the Tiger 1 will get one shot by the Russian 85mm gun despite taking no damage. This is what the respawns are for.

        • Only in arcade battles. In realistic and simulator you have one life and no GUI whatsoever.

          • False, in realistic mediums/tank destroyers have ability to respawn at least ones (or so it was last time I was playing medium/tank destroyer on realistic).

            • exactly, stop spreading false info, LT and MT always have 2 spawns.

              and if you buy a “backup vehicle” for 50 gold you can respawn in a heavy as well

                • no matter how many backup vehicles you have if you’re bad you’re going to lose them.
                  and why does P2W bother you?, i dont give a shit about it.
                  and to refresh your memory, wot was complete P2W until they “cleaned up”, now is “lose always no matter what you do”

        • it’s a gameplay decision for meds and LTs since y’know.. they’re flimsy as fuck…
          so when you get rightfully oneshotted by a heavy you can pop back in instead of crying in a corner

      • “despite taking no damage.”…. if it gets oneshotted then it took MASSIVE DAMAGE.
        Russian 85mm gun is incrdibly deadly, your tinderbox german tank has only 100mm armor at best, you think an 85 wont punch though that at less than 500m?
        Target: side. Distance: 1450 m. Result: penetration, breach entrance diameter 110 mm, exit diameter 380 mm. A fragment 700 mm by 92 mm by 82 mm was knocked off. Cracks 220 mm, 200 mm, and 180 mm in length developed.”

        that’s 1450m oneshotted by rusian 85mm…..

  15. tier 8 tank MM will not be modified (SS: some player was complaining that tier 8′s get too much in battles with tier 10′s and so on)

    This only became a problem after they did this

    after battletier 12 was removed, Storm currently considers the MM situation as normal (SS: some player wanted to remove battletier 11 as well, this will not happen)

    As no one was really complaining before , apart from tier 9 meds that has worse MM than tier 9 heavys and always met tier 10′s.
    Why not just bring back BT12 ? makes no sense

  16. >> apparently there is a rare random bug, where when you put full cruise control forward, the tank starts going backwards, Storm states he hasn’t heard of this bug

    Yea, must be that very rare bug when you press the wrong key… Or when you by mistake take Crusader SP for a ride ;) …

    I use cruise control all the time and it never happened to me.

  17. sooo;:
    “no plans for now to rework the tank damage system (SS: a player is complaining for example about full damage penetrations of commander copula etc.)” –>of course there is no plan to change the retarded damage system, +1 to WTGF

    ” no plans to buff T28 and T95″ –>again, WG being more retarded and doing more stuff to keep me away from the game

    ” Storm states that the drop in online playerbase on RU server is the same as last year, it is influenced by the start of holidays and good weather (SS: as in, no real drop due to War Thunder)” –> AAAHAHAHAHA yeah SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE, keep telling you that pal some weabos might even believe it!

    “- more complex (different?) damage system could appear in some form of hardcore mode, but Storm states that in WG internally there is no agreement on such a mode (SS: as in, no plans for now)” —> you mean a “gaijin mode”?, never…. potatoes and weeabos can’t deal with a good damage system not based on stupid HP

    so yeahp, all evasives, no changes that need to happen… i’ll keep playing WTGF

    • uhh, yeah, he’s talking about the Russian server. We’ve already seen how they’re the ones playing the game on old hardware. Pretty sure that WTGF is even less suitable for that old hardware…

      In any case, I’m no WoT fanboy, but I’m not going to be playin WTGF because I really dislike the mechanics of the game.

      • what does old hardware have to do with anything?.
        in fact WTGF works better in ANY hardware compared to WOT, it can scale down and up much much better.

        i practically abandoned wot because wot mechanics are retarded simplifications that i dont find acceptable anymore now that there is a much superior realistic system

  18. Who the *foch* would want to remove battletier 11 as well ?? My guess is for some stupid troll who plays only tier X so he want to rape tier IXs and VIIIs all day long….. Jeez

  19. Well, it’s indeed friggin ridiculous – hiting a shitty Periscope on the top of a Tank and do full Damage!

    Some other silly thing: Obj268 has prolly the slowest 15xmm Shell in the Game, but has the highest penetration with it.. did anybody at WGN pay attention in “Physics” at school really? Kinetic energy etc?

    Just wondering

    • nope, wot is an arcade game, shell velocity/mass/impact energy means shit to WG(it only affects how fast the shell will reach and the path it takes), since a random arbitrary “penetraion range” is set for them, apparently based on “real numbers” tweaked for the retarded wot mechanics and gameplay.

      real proper ballistics (like in WTGF) is not wanted in “braindead click click to chip HP by shooting at a hatch” retarded gameplay

  20. Wel Storm i have one thing to say to you about never hearing of the ,,rare” bug of cruise control error : ,,Fuck you” because your ,,rare” bug killed me like 3 f-ing times. And no I did not miss tap the f key because I don’t have cruise control for back just for front, the back one is undesignated. One time I just stared at the 3 bars going green and the tank YOLO-ing into a pit, then into an FV183s firing line and then into an artys shell, yep… at the last one I was like o.o then 0.0 and then O.O.