
- Storm states that the new Nvidia drivers provide boost specifically for SLI in WoT
- in 9.0, earlier SLI support got broken
- regarding the issue that a configuration with SLI setup did not gain any FPS from the newest patch, Storm states they made several tests with SLI, everywhere there was a FPS increase
- apparently, this is actually intentional according to Storm
- Storm confirms RU251 will come this year (SS: 9.3 most likely)
- lighting in the new hangar will be fixed a bit later
- 9.1 live patch? “when it’s done it’s done”
- the fact that you will be able to select whether you want to download HD content or not is confirmed

41 thoughts on “2.6.2014

  1. “apparently, this is actually intentional according to Storm”

    …so the fuckups are now intentional…

    ……This truly is Working As Intended™

      • Not a “fuckup” as the bar is expanded into the right hand side, over the vertical bar and the team list on the right hand side.

    • It’s not a fuck up, it’s connected to the bar of the player that it’s displaying the information about. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you people.

      • But it would look much better, and standard, if the bar did not extend over the line segregating the Scores from Other Information, and that the bar selected was simply highlighted better…

        It’s called “being fucking tidy and getting something right for once”

        If the front-end is a mess, how can we trust that the back-end is not a….. oh … hang on.. I see….

  2. - Storm confirms RU251 will come this year (SS: 9.3 most likely)

    I guess that we wont see it before 9.∞

  3. Nothing really new but glad to hear that you can add HD later on this will make download clients and updating much faster will it be introduced in 9.1

  4. RU251… if it will come this year its awesome.
    Btw. Will it drive 89km/h?
    I guess they will nerf it with the usual sentence: “It would be stronker than russian skaut, so we nerfed the historical value!”

    • Well same thing for ELC as historically it had an 80 kph top speed and up to 40 mm of armor at the most which is like 25 mm more that the ingame values

      • well, we have about three or four types of ELC historically AFAIK, the ingame version is a mashup of two of them, so I am asking, for which version is the 80 kph / 40mm armour historical?

  5. The sentence ”when it’s done it’s done” is the most befitting thing for WarGaming company. I am looking forward to play Armored Warfare

  6. - the fact that you will be able to select whether you want to download HD content or not is confirmed

    i hope they will not allow this “feature”, splitting the client will be a total nightmare re software maintenance & development, and also this has never been done it’s against all best practice. if they can’t make the client optimize the graphic lvl automatically they should not bring in HD models (plus they can make them Less detailed but extremely satisfying to 90% customers) until they rework and apply Havok.

  7. *Side note* Translation bug is back on the NA website for the time being.

    *Main note* TIER 10 LIGHT TANKS!!!! Righteous. Can’t wait for a tier 10 light tank to rip up clan wars. I love my medium scout but a light scout at tier 10 will make me enjoy this game again.

  8. “- Storm states that the new Nvidia drivers provide boost specifically for SLI in WoT”

    Thanks for reporting this. I had SLI disabled since 9.0. Turned it on and can confirm a 25+ fps increase to 55-75 fps on a dual 770 configuration running ultra at 2560×1600.

  9. I think this has not been emphasized enough:

    “- Storm confirms RU251 will come this year (SS: 9.3 most likely)”

    I can finally get rid of my Aufklärungspanzer Panther!