
If you are interested in some E3 news, Overlord posted a bit

- apparently, in some cases, the SLI support is still messy even after the latest Nvidia patch
- Storm states that buying/using Spintires engine (SS: a game with excellent physics) is not an option, since everything has to be calculated on the server and then the data have to be transferred to the clients
- Storm states that the alleged bug of lags on Windstorm map (after a player submitted his computer data, logs etc.) was not confirmed, it’s more likely some issue with reading data from the disk on that player’s side. Storm adds that Windstorm has a lot of specific buildings and new content, making the loading longer
- WG will work with Nvidia to fix the SLI issue
- Storm states that the optimization in the game in a patch doesn’t have to be a huge leap every time (SS: as in, WG can continue optimizing the game in small steps)
- Storm confirms that in 9.1, they fixed the FPS drops when switching to sniper mode while the terrain is not on highest quality setting
- new vehicles in next 2 patches? “No comment”
- apparently the bug with moving corpses (SS: I think that’s what it means – literally “dancing hulls”) in cities was partially fixed in 9.1
- Havok will come this year
- WoT Blitz for Android will come “after iOS”

51 thoughts on “5.6.2014

      • They show very very nice things… look at the trailers there they “show” you. .
        Well have you ever seen tank push car away?

    • better be worth it then, apart from kinda poor optimization (which they are working on now) the only thing keeping me off of WoT in preference to other games is the engine.
      I get the idea, that back in the day, no better engine than Bigworld is, was available, but that is not an excuse to start with Havok in 2014, hell, Assassin’s creed, Age of Empires III, Half Life 2, etc all used Havok, and that was back when I was still a kid.

      Kinda waiting for WG to get their sh*t together, otherwise WoT is a good game owned by a company that employes some terribly incompetent programmer folks

  1. - Havok will come this year
    So from 9.2/9.3 it moved to this year. Nice.

  2. Interesting if they could implement distributed computing to calculate physics client-side to share them across the players in a match. That can be a solution for a server performance bottleneck, albeit very tricky one.

      • Not necessarily. If it is distributed, like a render farm, then the calcs on any given pc wouldn’t make sense to a user that monitors them as they could be referring to any aspect of gameplay for any environment or user entity.

        WG clearly does not have the capability to implement such a system though…

    • since russian players are always known for fair play, anything client-side is not an option, in fact wot uses that crappy engine because it can handle a lot more server-side load than other engines.

  3. Havok and historical battles were the only things I wanted in 9.0. Now, no one plays historical battles and Havok keeps being delayed…great…I was considering playing the game again if I had these 2.

    • I’m pretty sure the reason you left wasn’t the lack of eyecandy. If you don’t enjoy the gameplay Havok ain’t gonna change nothing. Especially not the playerbase.

      • I left mostly because of the playerbase, the continuous need to win but the teams which made it hard to do so leading to hours of playing to get the first victory of the day with each tank. Sure, Havok wouldn’t change that, but I’d play for a while to see every new feature and I’d play every historical battle with each tank I have for it.

    • I’d love to play historical battles… never played a single battle… :(
      always 4-5 minutes in queue, then I give up, try again in about hour, same thing…

  4. “- Storm states that buying/using Spintires engine (SS: a game with excellent physics) is not an option, since everything has to be calculated on the server and then the data have to be transferred to the clients”

    Um, don’t they think that all this Server Side processing just might be the culprit for all that fantastic lag?? Maybe it isn’t us it’s them?

  5. - Storm states that … it’s more likely some issue with reading data from the disk on that player’s side. Storm adds that Windstorm has a lot of specific buildings and new content, making the loading longer

    And this is why some programs use all of the processor cores and consume more RAM memory rather than reading from the HDD all the time…

    • My ping is now about 50-75 and sometimes 75-100 do maybe i can expect ping arround 500-700 with all that stupid server side thingies, so it means bye WoT (for me)

  6. Why everyone wants to have Havok in the game? I think that it will be incredibly laggy… they should make an old client with one good patch and never reliese a new patch, i thing that it should be on one different server made only for this one-patch version of the game so players should not be stressed about updating and loosing good FPS. Because when thay reliese new patch its always laggy 3 days later and there is FPS decrease in nearly every new patch. I thing that some server for 20 000 players will be enought for that. Or they should make EU1 for players with Havok and EU2 without Havok (for players with weak computers)

    This is my idea and my opinion let me know what do you think about it, im not a programmer but im playing this game for a long time and i remember how good the performance of this game was before…

    • because not everyone is playing on tamagochi…

      if battlefield can run online with OK-ish physics and 15ms ping, why WoT cant ?

      • Sorry but i dont play on tamagotchi, i use GeForce 750 Ti (not the best, not the worst) and Athlon X4 on 3.7 OC (again not the best but not the worst) but i only manage to get 35 fps on low-to-medium details. But im OK with performance of my WoT client but i want to see ping when they introduce server-side thingie it will use more data.

        Havok works fine in SpinTires but as always WG makes things very complicated and difficult for CPU to work with.

        • just saying why we want to see havok ingame.
          I’ve got GTX770M (mobile card) … which is performance similar to yours… mine too runs 35-45 fps depending on map, however mostly everything maxed out. Strange.

          important to note here… more data traffic will never affect your fps.
          Sure it can lag if your internet connection is poor, but the number of frames rendered by your GPU will be the same. fps has nothing to do with data traffic.

          Then again, I can run battlefield 4 with incredible graphics, good physics, 64 players in match all maxed out at 55-60fps 15ms ping (depending on the server) …

          Thats WHY we are asking to implement havok…. because it is possible.
          If we stop asking devs to do something, they wont do it… Why should they improve something if customers are okay with what they already have…

  7. I wish that WG should make a “special/historical” maps (bigger maps) for Historical Battle only.

  8. “Storm states that buying/using Spintires engine (SS: a game with excellent physics) is not an option, since everything has to be calculated on the server and then the data have to be transferred to the clients”

    So they want to approach the longer rather the sooner way. In my opinion since you have to work on fixing the issues that came with 9.0 and you see you still don’t succeed you might as well consider moving to other engine. Of course there is a lot of work but sometimes it might be the best way to go.

    I still have the complete freeze for 2-3 seconds when I/someone spots tanks for the first time. It’s horrible when playing light tanks but just as bad in any other vehicle as well. Have you heard anything about fixing this issue in 9.1?

    • they said its already fixed :D

      ..if they said that, they consider it done. So I dont think they will try anymore.
      You can only hope that it will get fixed by itself some time in the future..

      • Well for sure this is not fixed for me since I get it every battle. :)
        It’s like putting the trash under the rug and say it’s clean now…. Such a shame really.
        Anyway, I’ll open a ticket for this one.

        Speaking of tickets, I opened one couple of days ago for the fact that out of nothing while the game is minimized the fan on my graphics card starts to increase RPM like I’m in the game and he has loads of things to process. I restore the game, leave it for a few seconds in full screen then go back to desktop (Alt+Tab) and the problem is gone. I have found my PC many times with the GPU on full load while game is minimized and I don’t like this at all.

        I opened a ticket and the answer was: “The fact you are minimizing the game has nothing to do with GPU increase. In other words, you can have it activated in the main screen and the same issue might occur. I would like you to change the game to Full screen and check if the issue is solved.” Also I should clear the cache and remove mods. :)

  9. - Storm states that buying/using Spintires engine (SS: a game with excellent physics) is not an option, since everything has to be calculated on the server and then the data have to be transferred to the clients.

    I think Gaijin has a fairly good engine that would suit…

    • Let us not turn this into comparison and start flaming since both games suck at their materials
      #no disrespect to anyone

    • Am I the only one who doesnt like WT graphics at all ?
      sure, model looks good, but thats it.. everything else is garbage, lack of details….

      maps look really empty, lack details… sure there is shitload of trees… but then again.. if you play 100 matches and then see a screenshot, you dont know where exactly on the map was it taken …

      btw, that engine by itself is terrible,.. tanks are like on ice, you get stuck every second somewhere, you can clip yourself into wall or dead tank, two similar trees and you can run over one, while the other one is like indestructible wall.
      That game is garbage. Feels more like alpha than beta version.

  10. Hoping the t-54 light comes out soon…. And I’m sad the t-44-85 is being shelved indefinitely, especially when the t23e3 is out.

  11. - Storm confirms that in 9.1, they fixed the FPS drops when switching to sniper mode while the terrain is not on highest quality setting

    Strangely enough for me FPS has been going *up* whenever switching to sniper mode since 9.0.1.

  12. >> – Storm confirms that in 9.1, they fixed the FPS drops when switching to sniper mode while the terrain is not on highest quality setting

    There is a mod that fixes this.

  13. Storm confirms that in 9.1, they fixed the FPS drops when switching to sniper mode while the terrain is not on highest quality setting FIIINALYYYYYYYY that szhoud be fix long time ago now i meaby dont ned do download 3% texutes and go on “max” textures now i can on lowest and dont have this fps drops.