33 thoughts on “8.6.2014

  1. Do they will only make it avaiable on the NA US Server ?
    Would be another stronk move in their line of call of stronk moves.

      • It is available ingame to press accounts.
        SS u know why press people are so grumpy?
        If u ask them something its usually something like gtfo stfu or they just shoot you.
        most of em cant play and they get raged on… so if i have it correct, press account is for press.
        that press ppl should write about WoT and especially how awsome it is.
        why WG isnt just let em start at T1? when they play at tier 5+ they are supposed to know how to play a tank but usually they cant, so ends up in team rage to that person wich result in bad review

      • Actually SS, it is available (and being sold, frequently on discount) on CN server, just like all the other *rare* premium/promo/gift/special/CW-reward tanks.

  2. I want one I want one I want one I REALLY WANT ONE!!!
    would be sooooo awsome to have 2 guns, prob very OP if u have 3 of em in a platoonXD

    • It doesn’t really have 2 guns in game… i mean, there is no multigun system. It just fires 2 shells at a time when you shoot at something. It’s basicly like having double alpha dmg, expect for one thing: since it’s counted as 2 shells, not one, rng can make one hit and an other one miss, or one pen and the other one bounce.

      • so you see 2 guns fire but in the game code it is as one gun but you shoot 2 bullets at your target so 2 possible hits at the same time… sounds like 2 guns ingame for me…

        still want it

    • He shot all his gold and got beaten to near-death.
      Are you really that stupid?

      And how credit loss is connected to in-game shoot&kill?

      • Woras you are not only annoying but retarded also.

        Do you really call him a bad player?

          • “And now something completely different”?
            “Where is the fish”?
            “Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition”?
            “Always look on the bright side of life”?
            “Spam spam spam spam spam spam ham and spam”?
            “Just a scratch”?

    • Noone should ever make profit after using that many prem shells for no reason. Next time take this to a new level: show us a replay where someone uses prem ammo only, uses up 3 prem consumables, survives the battle with 1-2 hp only, but loses most of the crew and modules, and tell us how the game is pay to win just cause that person didn’t make profit.

      • Yes, but if you can afford gold ammo you are more likely to pen, aren’t you? And if you are more likely to pen you are more likely to win, agree?

        So let’s take to hypothetical players both of the identical skill, one using only normal ammo, and other using always gold ammo. Second player buys premium and lots of gold ammo (so he is a paying player) and he can afford such style of play. First player would soon be bankrupt of he would use only gold ammo. So between those two hypothetical players, who will have better score? Obviously the wallet guy. And here we come to the definition of p2w.

        • More likely to pen if you can aim.
          Besides – gold ammo is available for everyone and not like you need tons of it everytime.

          • There is a subtle point here. Take my hypothetical players with same skill again. Let’s say they are perfectly equal at aiming skill. But for example RNG comes into play and guides their shells a bit off, to the place where gold can penetrate and normal ammo can’t. There you have it, “golden” player is in advantage. Because he paid. He paid so he won.

            • Nope. If only it were 1v1 vacuum.
              But its 15v15 – if you won a duel, doesnt mean you won a battle.
              And such cases – “omg gold noob fu wg cheat ammo uninstall wot” – are too rare.
              Me today – one started to shoot gold at me. Ok, screw you! Flanked him/waited out, then nailed his ass.

              Of course, full gold trolls in random are not fun.
              *takes a look at wot e-sports*

        • But does a T-62A need the HEAT shells to, for example, pen the giant weakspot on the top of the Tortoise? Because that’s the kind of thing he was using HEAT for. There is just no reason to do such thing.

      • Of course everyone can shoot gold here and there and still profit but if you would not pay for the game and shoot only gold (which would undoubtedly put you in a better position) you would soon hit 0 credits and wouldn’t be able to load you ammo any more. It’s about sustainability.

  3. just to be honest , i think the rewarding system tends to give less credits in every new patch , it’s wargaming plan so there will be no more free loaders anymore , SS can you do a research on the rewarding system payouts ?

      • excluding the missions , when there are no specials i play my e100 , dealing 6k-9k dmg , ending with 5k-10k credits profit , no premium ammo and only 1-2 shots missed the target.
        i know tier 10s should not be money makers , but i didn’t grind all the way for a tank so i won’t play it cause of some dumbass rewarding system. or i shouldn’t play it and keep it as a remember ?

        • You make profit in Tier 10 and you still complain.
          So….you want lose credits to be good for you?

          (lucky you, others lose money at T7 xD)

  4. WHY. I mean WHY Wg can’t just make this tank available? Can’t they just sell it in gift shop. Same goes for the other ultra rare tanks. Why no?

    • Cause they are like super retards. Since the start they do on every server EU, RU, China, Sea ect.
      differnt things. Remember or look at the retarded wiki for the gold Type 59 and the 113 before it came on the EU Server with another conon. In my opinion this is spitting on the community.
      And exactly this is a thing what War Thunder dont do.