A Couple More WoT Blitz Screenies

Hello everyone,

if you follow FTR or the E3 stream (or even visited the E3 expo), you might know that the WoT Blitz mobile game was announced for June 26th worldwide release. Now, here are some screenies from WG site (courtesy of wot-news) and let me tell you, they look better than WoT on my “calculator” :)

The post is very picture heavy.































32 thoughts on “A Couple More WoT Blitz Screenies

  1. Apart from the awful muddy color filters on everything, this actually looks better than on PC :)

  2. Those graphics are enough for me, eyecandy does not make a game. I am guessing separate maps for Blits? The scenery looks very interesting.

      • The PC maps are infested with trees… all of the sand maps have waaay wayy too many trees and palms – this is a desert ffs!
        Looking at the Blitz maps, I love them. I love the simplicity, I love having clear obstacles and less eye-candy stuff.
        In the end, you have to fight the actual enemy tanks rather than overcome all the camo calculations, lags and FPS drops when you lurk into some forest or bush-like snipping location.

    • Well I can bet that when you throw this thing on something like Nvidia Shield tablet or Xiomi’s upcomming MiPad if WG supports them we might get better graphic than on PC.

  3. They should make a WOT Blitz for netbooks, it would open a whole new segment to them…

  4. Looks exactly as the PC version, while using weaker components. This shows what a pile of crap the bigworld engine is -.-’

    • I don’t think so, because the maps are much smaller (felt even smaller than “province”-map)
      if they made them bigger it would give problems with the performance i think so that wont happen.

  5. Sure it looks pretty good, but for those who say it looks as good or better than the PC version either has faulty eyesight, faulty PC and or both :p

  6. Pingback: [WoT: Blitz] Release + Neue Bilder

  7. Played the beta, made it to tier6. None got higher than tier 7, the Beta was extremely short (sadly)

    It Looks pretty good for iDevices, but not nearly as good on PC if you are able to play at decent settings.
    Its also a pretty good game, the controls are a bit sluggish but way better than i expected.
    And overall it feels like “easy-mode” (at least in Beta, dont know if they change it), because the crew had sixth sense skill and eagle eye(see damaged modules of a tank) as a default. also you see weak armor parts (The space where you wont penetrate blinks red).
    The Battles are way shorter and maps are pretty small, which was fine on the lower tiers but i don know how it will feel at tier 8-10.
    Overall I can wait for the game to be released. :D

    • Hi Konsition, remember me? I was kinda the only Tier 8 on the server during Beta?

      3 Russians also made it to Tier 10 on the RU Server in Beta

      Right now in release I was the 3rd Tier 10 (Object 268) and I also have a 2nd one (M48 Patton). I’m one if the 2 people on the EU Server to have 2 Tier 10′s

      • Sadly I don’t XD

        pheew, how long was your average waitingtime?
        this was the sad thing about the beta, the queues were always 2-3 minutes minimum in the higher tiers.. in the end i waited more for battles than i played.

        I think i should load that game and start grinding again.

    • I wish they had betad for android too. Dude… I lost my chance for a beta tank just because I don’t bob for apples.

      Poor nexus 7, I still love you…

    • Speaking in absolute scale, they are neck to neck. In relative, Blitz blows it out of the water. :)

  8. you can tell this is gona be a dumbed down version of wot xbox (which is fucking terrible, you may aswell throw your xbox at SerB and hope you break his fucking legs) im assuming….no upgrades….limited amount of tanks per nation….small maps….and pay2win features.
    GG WankGaming, 1v1 me on rust.