Hello everyone,
need a freecam mod (free camera in replays) for 0.9.1? Here it is, thanks to Stormshadow:
Just download it and copy the archive contents into the res_mods folder. It’s activated by pressing F3 I think.
Control schematics:
Activation: F3 Key (unlock cam first with LMB click)
Bind to vehicle = N
Show Gun Marker = H
Show Marker = U
Set default Roll = R
Switch Inertia = P
Switch Land Camera = X
Switch Rotate Around Point = C
Set default Fov (Field of View) = F
Silentstalker + Stormshadow = Silentstalkerstormshadow? [SS^2]?
Yes, we call ourselves “the SS duo”….. :)
Better than “The SS” atleast
Haha, indeed :D
4 magic S
More like SilentShadowStormStalker xD
Isn’t this a banned mod?
*Edit* “(free camera in replays)” aint read that sorry :P
who cares about banned mods when the game is full of bots?
Why its still not implemented officialy, I have no idea.
How hard can it be? :D
Oh wait – its WG…
Maybe it’s not used massively enough. Most of the massively used stuff gets implemented sooner or later, so if enough people use it, I guess it will find its way into the game.
The replay system itself is considered “not used massively enough”.
They won’t change anything about that.
I believe they don’t even want to – why would you want people to watch replays?
You want them to play your game!
The replay system is sufficient as it is, working as intended.
Even old ass games had replays with flying camera.
I want programable one :D Like WG has.
Invalid argument.
How long did it take to implement reload timer?
They have their own plans – like FOV change. Who the fuck needed to ”fix” it.
So yeah – later, WAY LATER.
If you really wanted it implemented, you should probably have a chat with all the top clans on every server and get them to sign up on it being useful as a clan tool for reviewing replays. Otherwise, WG will definitely not make it happen, since they’re busy with HD models, Havok physics and such.
the “top clans” won’t be arsed.. they only want epeen, free gold, and the Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card for being abusive to pubbies…
oh… and certain “top” clans had a hacked version of “that” modpack for free download on their own webpages…. which a number of Mods and WG staff knew about and did fuckall about…
EU is so small compared to RU – I wont even bother.
And clans? You must be new to WoT :D
New? No.. you know that… ;-)
My point was that they had it openly available, with the full knowledge of many WG staff and it gets ignored…
Oh.. I see what you mean.. you mean “why the fk am I surprised at that”…
Thank you very much, I was unable to find for 9.0. Finally I can look at some places i very rarely go on maps, cause I consider them nearly useless and explore map changes.
Is this the same free camera that QuckyBaby uses to produce his videos?
No, that’s WG’s camera and it can be used in battles too
Anyone know how I can bind the camera to the turrets of tanks?
just like wg did in their last videos?
Freecum mod ;-)
Ty for the link SS
Would I be correct in saying this is fine to leave in the res_mods folder even whilst playing the game normally? Or would it be wise to create a second res_mods folder for this?
SS, really…
Just edit/add
videoModeAvailable true /videoModeAvailable
line in avatar_input_handler.xml in any zoom mod.
PS: add brackets as in original file, can’t do this here or it won’t display.
i Dont get it -,-
I don’t get why free camera isn’t part of the stock game yet. Lazy bastards.
It would be amazing if it worked.