
Unfortunately nothing new today. But you can check the new Chieftain’s Hatch, so you’ve got that going for you, which is not exactly nice, but it’s the best I can offer.



Oh yea, remember that weird “Tank you very much” video series? That got cancelled. How terrible.

30 thoughts on “17.6.2014

  1. Good. That money can be used for other purposes instead of going to that ridiculous show. It was amusing in a stupid way, but an unneeded time and money sink.

  2. Excellent news on Tank you very much, since it was pure shiiiite.

    What is the source though? :)
    Seems almost too good to be true.

  3. Tank You Very Much got cancelled?….that’s good…rather have more Chieftain’s Hatch, hope there’s a special edition that he reviews a Japanese tank in Japan (????

      • That’s what I was thinking…if JSGDF are kind enough to let Chieftain have a look at the declassified vehicles…not just the Type 61,74 we’d seen, the remains of the prototypes would be interesting though…

        I’m pretty sure the amount of money wasted on Tank you very much is enough for Chieftain fly to Japan to do a more beneficial film..:)

        • IIRC from the Japanese Tank Guns Discussion topic the STA’s are sitting in random JGSDF bases, I doubt they’d let him in

  4. “Unfortunately nothing new today. But you can check the new Chieftain’s Hatch, so you’ve got that going for you, which is not exactly nice, but it’s the best I can offer.”

    I dont check for new info always, but when i do, there is only new Chieftain`s Hatch vid.

    • God i hate her i ‘d just punch her in the face until she promis she ‘ll never open his mouth