WoT Wiki Returning Tomorrow

Hello everyone,

the question “do you know when the WoT wikipedia will be back” is one of the most common I’ve been getting over the past months and unfortunately, there was never a proper answer – and if there was, it turned out to be false, as the ETA’s were changed over and over again. This time it’s for real hopefully – Tanitha on the ASIA forum confirmed that the WoT Wiki (English) is returning tomorrow, 9pm SGT (+8 UTC), which means 2PM CEST.


Let’s hope it’s true this time.

27 thoughts on “WoT Wiki Returning Tomorrow

  1. Finally. Reading the up-to-date russian WoTwiki is not easy if you cant read russian letters.

  2. They just need to translate the core webpage and the community will do the rest (vehicle’s pros and cons, descriptions, tactics, map tactics, etc.)

  3. i’m kinda confused here, i have been using WoT wiki for ages, and it has never been down, or unavailable. are we talking about the same WoT wiki? or is there some other, Wargaming WoT wiki?

    p.s.: for some reason i can’t post the link to the wiki i’ve mentioned, my post doesn’t appear, probably spam protection. i’ll try this – wiki dot worldoftanks dot com

      • It got closed basically right after the the introduction of the new german TD line (I suppose, but I am not sure), so the first tank wiki entries of these (Marder III, Pz. Sfl. IVc) are still kinda detailed, but already lacking at the next ones.
        Which also means that the Japanese tree is basically untouched.

        Damn, I’m looking forward to this, and looking forward to edit the Tortoise entry :D Who says that the 20pdr with THAT accuracy isn’t useful in T10 area…ok, you can’t pen the IS-7 frontally and maybe not a T110E3 but just use some gold and you’ll be just alright :D

        • WoTwiki needs a big update – most artys site (except stats) where not touched after 8.6 -maybe i should edit WoTwiki too…

          • Yes, and the part about T92 not effective anymore is also not true, I just received a shell on my Tortoise that made 1692dmg, not even penetrating or being a direct hit, just splash damage.

            • Are you sure it was not a direct hit? (with AP?) My experience said that the T92 can’t do so much damage with HE splash only (i never played this arty, but played lot with 203 mm artys – the max splash damage i seen was about 990 dmg)

              • Nah, probably it exploded 0.1mm behind the tank, but was shown as splash hit in the Damage Panel…might just have been a bad, bad RNG troll again. But yet I still destroyed a (stock :P) E-75 and one IS pushing towards me after that :D

                Komarin is a weird map…

      • Tried to edit something, but it does not save it:
        “Remember that this is only a preview. Your changes have not yet been saved! ”
        after i clicked on save