You can check out the way MM works in WoT Blitz.
- Australian server in WoT? “While there is no further specific information on a possible AUS cluster at the moment… We are continuing to expand into the Asia/Australasia region with WOT and other titles, Such as the recent launch of WOT Blitz IOS. Sorry I don’t have any more information available at the moment.”
- Storm states that the use of PVE bots in WoT would for example be in historical battles, where bots would play the small tanks noone wants to play
- regarding the same question as above (players not playing weak tanks in historical battles), Storm states that giving even more credits to players for playing lowtier tanks is not an option (“very few people like to suck for money”)
- T-62A armor change will happen only if WG gets better info on its armor thickness
- “it is not yet clear”, what will happen to FV4202 when the tier 10 one it is changed to another vehicle
Tower defence in WoT and WoTG looking promising… Well, WG is doing something right :D
You can never go wrong with tower defence games :)
Well, NO…
Why not its a good way for noobs to learn to play and veterans to relax after arty killd them 3 times in a row.
Most players suck for free so, why not suck for money.
Whoa, is that a prostitute logic ?
I want to play the small tanks, Storm….
Want to solve the HB battle problem? Easy, just FORCE people to play different tanks. If I enter the HB, I should automatically get a 100% crew Historical tank (for the batle only). Force that MM down their throats.
Players are too stupid otherwise.
As for the bots, a defense game map thing sounds extremely fun :)
People do not like to be forced into things. If they do it this way, NOBODY will want to play it.
I know they dont like being forced.
But I see no other way.
Though it would not affect me :P
Better yet,y force people to play HB as part of the random rotation. I’d be all for that, HB are great fun even in the underpowered tanks.
Fuck yeah!
Go away.
“very few people like to suck for money” – my wife begs to differ…
I can confirm that.
I laughed harder at that than I should have. XD
Divorcing soon?
>> – Storm states that the use of PVE bots in WoT would for example be in historical battles, where bots would play the small tanks noone wants to play
Your competition already has that and copying them is not a good idea… And it won’t work in this game anyway.
..and it’s pointless in the other game as well.
Give x2 profits for weak tanks in HB and it’s fixed.
Even more, makes so when you deal some damage while driving a weak tank gives x10 the regular rewards and nobody will play the strong tanks anymore…
Australians be like ‘u wot m8?’
Especially considering that they explicitly said to expect an Australian server within the next year at PAX Melbourne (October last year)
I call bullshit. The while idea of bots and shitty players is sucking for money. Good players and bad will gravitate to high payouts. Increased earnings for the lower tier HB tanks would be a very good idea.
Nobody wants to play the small tanks in HB? Bullshit. I bought a number of the smaller tanks just for HB and it was always the same result, time out or very long waits. We were repeatedly told “if you pick the popular tanks you’ll end up in the que for ages” but what happened was that you had more chance of getting into a game in a Tiger II or Panther than a T-70 or Pz. II.
Whats actually wrong with the t-62a turret now?
Not stronk enough needs buff.
What is the 62A’s armor supposed to be like?
Historically it was something like T-62A sport. Plus the quality was a lot better than any western metal, because communism and vodka make everything better!. WG, being all for balanced tanks, nerfed it quite a lot.
>> T-62A armor change will happen only if WG gets info its armor thickness was better.
this is my first time actually logging in to the site but i have read the news here for about a year now but something i have noticed has enraged me to the point of having to ask this.
the other day when the changes to the armour thickness of the 4502 ausf b was posted did anyone find out of they fixed the horrible is-3 style turret weak point on the upgraded turret because any one who has a gun bigger than 120mm can overmatch the armour there. it has become a real problem that i have noticed people taking advantage of this more and more lately hell i got penned by an IS tier 7 the other day. this huge weak point which makes the overall armour of the tank useless against all tier 9 tds is such a burden and it means that even the limited hull don location you can find for this tank dont work properly because of this.
i also find it hilarious that this tanks turret is 2 tons heavier than the e-75s turret but the e-75 doesnt have this weak point. im not saying that it should have it neither of them should but it is so aggravating to know that your driving a slow tank dependent on its armour that has a huge weak point that makes the armour everywhere else on the tank useless.
another thing i recently noticed when playing my e-50 is that it has 5 degrees frontal gun depression but has 8 degrees to the sides. would the vk 4502 ausf b be “OP” if it had at least 8 degrees to the sides and rear? i dont think it would be op because this tank is slow enough to minimize any decent advantage it could have.
Yes, another question I asked makes it to FTR. I guess I should keep asking them?
pls gib server to Barks <3 he mai bae
bacon and eggs?
I for one am grinding for the FV4202 just in case they turn it into a tier 8 premium ;) Really hope they do the same as with the T34 back in the day. Not many people actually have the FV4202, so they might well do that, not like they’d be losing a huge amount of money.
Because back then everybody had the T34… Dude. They said they will never again turn regular tanks into premium ones.
If they do it, then i demand my T-50-2.