- apparently, on ASIA server, you can also claim the recently sold premium tanks back, but no news on the automated premium tank recovery feature the US server has
- there will be a gift tank for Wargaming anniversary in August
- apparently, developers are considering replacing other “fictional” tanks with more historical candidates in the future (SS: I asked further are this is the ideal case scenario, if there is any real suitable replacement)
- the option to change the sound output device within the game “on the go” is not planned
- KV-5 and Super Pershing will not get buffed
- In the future, WoT will support Dx11
- 25 percent RNG reduction was considered 4 years ago, developers decided to leave it as it is
- the option to enter next battle straight away with a tank that just got destroyed will not be implemented (SS: as in, you not waiting for the end of the battle)
- all new maps are city maps? “Players wanted city maps, we are giving you city maps”
- the speed of new features implementation is “normal”
- it is theoretically possible that ALL tanks will get Sixth Sense as default (SS: as in, you won’t need to level it up, all tanks will have it), but it was not decided yet.
- E50M is bad? “One of the best tanks on its tier. Learn to play.” (SS: *insert a QB joke*)
- there will not be a light tank between T-50 and MT-25
- AFK Panther will not be replaced – for now
- it’s possible that ammo reloading in battle (on your base) will appear in the garage battle mode
- HE shells won’t be buffed
- arty will not be removed from the game: “It would kill the game”
- there will be new hangar UI
- it’s possible that the T34 will get a new barrel model when reworked to HD
- 9.3 will come “in the Fall”
- 7/68 e-sports format is not yet decided as final
- Chat 2.0 is still being worked on
- new clan functions in the client will come in far future
- Storm confirms that Panther Ausf.F with 88mm L/71 will be a German premium tier 8 tank
- Konigsberg map was scrapped for now
- there will not be a possibility to crush the enemy tank with your tank (for example by E-100 driving over ELC) – “difficult to model the situation”
- Jagdtiger and Ferdinand will not be moved down by one tier
- no option to sell KV-5 for gold is planned
- the shape of muzzle brake has no influence on gun balistics
- a multi-step tutorial (like it is in WoWp) will be implemented to WoT (or at least something like that)
- no plans for 4-5 man platoons
- no plans for extra reward for players, who “carry”
- Chieftain as a tier 10 replacement for FV4202? “Keep dreaming” (SS: as in “definitely not”, the phrase was hard to translate, actually had to ask for the meaning)
- hardcap on gold ammo was considered, but developers decided not to do it
- Christie tanks have been completely postponed, they will come neither in 2014 nor in 2015
- multi-layer city maps (with for example tunnels below the map)? “Definitely not”
- it’s possible players will be able to select the look of their hangar
- the way ripped off turrets behave is not realistic? “How terrible!”
- Nahuel will be implemented into the game and it’s possible some other South-American tanks will be as well
- Chieftain prototype with pike nose armor will not apparently be implemented (“What makes it interesting?”) (SS: there are no plans for a Chieftrain “branch”)
- it’s unlikely that more Object 430 prototypes will appear in the game
- new sounds (like they appeared in test 9.1) will be implemented “in one of the new patches”
- SU-122-44 will not get preferential MM
- multiturret tanks are not implemented not because of complicated gameplay, but because it is complicated to implement the mechanism for very little gain
- GW E and WT E-100 will not be replace by historical vehicles simply because there are no historical candidates to replace them with
- T92 Light Tank will not come in 0.9.3
- reworked skills and perks will come this year
- it’s possible that Leopard 1 (when reworked to HD) will get stuff like side screens, machinegun, rangefinder etc. (see picture) – but “no guarantees”
(SS: *insert a QB joke*) how about no?
such hate much wow :D
i have to say, you are no better than any EFE members…you still hate someone, who did not hurt you at all…
From the 2 of you, QB, with his sometimes childish behaviour, is the more mature…shame on you (ban me, I presume this will be your next step)
You sir. its very nice to see logical people who can think of themself, who can use their own mind and who isnt a SS fanboy or whatever. but this apply to everything, there are always retarded fanboys who just take what the OP is saying like the absolute thruth, and who doesnt have the same opinion as OP it gets flamed to hell by his fanboys by replies like “Go suck QB’s d*ck” or ” Ah, a QB lawyer?” or “ALL of the EFE guys are nazis who plan in secretly to take over the world because we saw that on FTR” and so on.
@SS, i love your blog, very nice info. but seriously, stop with these jokes, its not funny anymore it just puts you in an emarasing situation. But if its not a joke (tho im sure it is), and you do this just to flame QB (who did not do anything wrong), or other unicums (*cough* EFE *cough*) and try to find something to make them look stupid…this is kinda sad.. But im sure this is not the case. :)
I think SS is just making fun of the overall situation and you should chill the f*ck out.
lol me? i just expressed my opinion (yes, here on the internet) did you even read my message? im pretty sure SS is not serious when he does these kind of jokes too..
but sure, go on and insult me, taking SS side :P
Tons of useful info and all the guy catches is QB reference and even forgets “first” in his mad rush to defend the whine&moan machine. :)
Nice trolling, SS. :D
Ah, a QB lawyer?
nope never watched him…i watch circon who is streaming now,if you don’t like the men why you heff to spam it all over
No, all I hear are Quarter back and Shcutzstaffel.
am i the only one who doesnt get the QB reference?
http://i.imgur.com/UPLiG3H.png And e50m is considered one of the best pubstomper tanks, if not the very best.
Then I made this in response: http://oi57.tinypic.com/nz0ze0.jpg
QB is a big fan of the brit meds and the 140, and did not like the E50M, whereas most of the other streamers/unicums love it. This lead to a lot of good natured trolling by everyone involved, which culminated in QB ramming the E50M in circon’s platoon to death in his E100, thus “officially” confirming the E50M as weak.
It is funny to see how seriously some people take the whole QB vs SS thing.
This is not FTR!
QB? :-/
What joke?
QB is the joke.
The E-50M is the one tank in the game that best combines mobility, firepower and armor. It’s not overpowered, but it is very versatile. It’s the only tank that can shift from sniper to brawler to heavy tank to medium tank to light tank and back. It can shoot accurately, it can ram things, it move pretty fast, it can ram other things, it can bounce shots from any gun with some angling, it can ram anything else too, it can spot, I’ve rammed IS-7s to death in this thing, it can ambush, I also rammed a KV-5 and a Löwe and won, and best of all it looks sexy as hell.
Oh, by the way, did I mention that it’s a good rammer? Go buy the enhanced suspension and spall liner, you’re gonna need them.
dont say that twice, some could actually fall for it :)
50M is weak? If you let to facehug it – then yes.
Other situations – is that a HT? Is that an LT? Fucking rammed to death :D
The penultimate Tiger development ;)
Next stop: E 75!
you rammed KV-5? o.O and i thought those two tanks cannot meet… :-P
E-50 can. E-50M can’t
Troll..ehem.. no.. noob platoons
I been preaching this for 2 yrs. The real problem is some idiot FC thinks he has to have a specific tank in his Mass rush, lol.
50m might be the most balanced “HT” in the game.
Anyone knows why SS hates QB so much? Rarely one streamer is mentioned so frequently lol
Just a smirking remark, don’t make a big fuss out of it.
They wont replace WT E 100? Rofl. I own one, it’s waaayyy too OP, and wg is gonna make the classic mistake.. Make an OP tank into a shit tank, like they did with FV. They cant find the balance.. Trust me, you will see ;)
Foch 155 is another example. Just because a bunch of whiners didn’t have one, it got nerfed. Now, no one wants one.
Great Job Serb.
well thats only good news for the gameplay – the less Fochs, the better the gameplay :) the pre-nerf foch was pretty much broken and now its still competetive imho, people were just “ahmagad fucking wg retard noobs nerf it i must sell it immidiately and buy some other op td” so they did. I have never drove one but its still a fearsome enemy to encounter :)
Actually they did the good job. Its still very strong, playstyle didnt change, frontal armor is still great when you dont have time/distance to aim, burst damage is still there. The only notable thing is the reduced mobility, but its still stronk to play. Its just not OP anymore and thats why bunch of TD camper whiners can cry their eyes out now. No more easy damage for you? How terrible.
Ther is a candidate for a top tier German TD. Rear caste mate Jagd E50. Now wether WG will actually build a german version or some Russian impression of one is whats really up for the debate.
- all new maps are city maps? “Players wanted city maps, we are giving you city maps”
Whats wrong with more city maps?
Kharkov is a very nice map IMO.
I constantly have no idea where to go in Kharkov, it’s disorienting @.@
Well, if you re-arrange “O” and remove “A” in your nick :D
Done to death, that one. -1 cookie for making the overly obvious joke.
what i do in Karkov is go to the rings at the bottom of the map along the 9/0 line and duke it out there … if that area is lost it is a straight shot to the cap unopposed i go there all the time for KarKov
I like it
next map should be like this:
Or like this (more realistic to get ingame)
and then this one: (we will need more time)
hoooly fuck these cities
also the last one would be :
Go to A5
How to go to A5
and then the rage will begin :P
Nothing wrong with Kharkov.
The only problem is that I have NEVER won a single match on that map (nothing wrong with the map, just RNG trolling)
And before some “genius” comments “Learn to play noob”, I would argue that there are 29 other players on the map, what I do can influence the outcome to an extent only. I’ve done 4K, 3K, 2K, 1K and 0 damage on the map, and I always end up losing.
When I started, I adored Himmelsdorf. But now, after I was getting slowly a bit better, I really can’t see the appeal in city maps. Battle around a corner, guy with the best armor and biggest gun wins. Yawn. Kharkov is better, because it has many many ways, but nothing beats open maps like Malinovka, Steppes, maps where tactics and battlefield awareness rule, where passive scouts can shine, extremely few bottlenecks exist etc.
battle in open field, guy with the best armor and biggest gun wins
cannot agree more, my favorite map is Sand River no matter what tank im driving. [playing only MTs and HTs]. Its okay to have few city maps in the game, but with the way they are reworking the current maps like Severogorsk, Northwest or Sacred Valley, the city map gameplay will be present on practically every map, even the “open” ones. Just few corridors to fight in and thats it. Good for no brain heavy and TDs with armor and huge alpha players, so they can just roll forward without having a clue whats goin on.
I dare you to play Sand River in a KV-4 and try to love it.
i suffered even on fucking Ensk with that piece of crap tank :D But yeah, slow tanks aint exactly for that map, but if you are starting on the eastern base, the fight at the dunes in southwest corner is managable even with KV-4 :)
TD player spotted. Or maybe you are a clicker?
I agree with you, my favor maps are Malinovka, Prokhorovka and Sand River.
Yep, it is a great map. Scouts, paper meds, low alpha tanks and arty have great opportunities to play there. VERY balanced, suitable for every tank class.
oh sure, more chieftain tanks will not be added
but obj 430 variations will, cuz russia!
Several lines lower:
“- it’s unlikely that more Object 430 prototypes will appear in the game”
It’s as if they knew…
I remember a year ago when he said, ” the 430 will never appear in game”, lmao.
WG has more access to obj 430 and it’s variants. I doubt WG can get enough info on different Chieftain variants.
Are you blind?
Just saw the 18th update re: chieftain so commented posted (prior to editing) has no relevance.
YAY for the chieftain and bye bye 215B, you will not be overly missed.
“- arty will not be removed from the game: “It would kill the game””
Oh the irony!
But nerfing one of the favorite sealclubbing tanks in the entire game won’t?
Let me guess, arty has been killing this game for years now, despite it sill being very much lively?
The game is so lively because of hordes of tomatoes playing arty. So Storm(?) is technically right, as many of them would leave.
Which leaves WoT arty as one of the worst design decisions in the history of video games with no chance of it ever being fixed.
omg, now ive heard everything. Hordes of tomatoes…..u people are really something.
Interesting premise. Mind you, most of the arty players *I* see tend to be the better players on a team. I rarely see a red arty player at tier 4 or higher.
I think the original premise of the developers was something like TDs kill Heavies, Heavies kill Mediums, Mediums kill Scouts, Scouts kill Arty and Arty kills TDs. But over time, roles blended. The Hellcat is a TD, but it is often used as a scout. Arty is best at killing slow tanks like the T95, but you can get lucky and kill a scout on occasion.
Now arty is useful, but hardly OP. For instance, you will almost never see an arty in Team Battle. Other tanks are more effective. So why play arty if it is less effective? Well, it is fun. And that’s why we play the game in the first place.
“I think the original premise of the developers was something like TDs kill Heavies, Heavies kill Mediums, Mediums kill Scouts, Scouts kill Arty and Arty kills TDs.”
And the reality: arty kills everything.
Not irony. It would kill the game if it was removed. Only you noobs that suck at the game complain.
No, if I was a noob sucking at the game I would play arty.
Try playing higher tier arties with 20+second reloads. Only to fire and have rng go “nope it’ll land here” and in my case wait 26 seconds for another chance to hit something. Or better yet kill tanks on the move every chance you get (BTW tell me how it works out for ya). To the whiners don’t sit in the open for to long find cover it’s simple learn to play.and before you flame me yes I play other tanks alot mostly scouts . Arty is for a breather and to drink tears of pubbies who can grasp the game concept
Not irony. It would kill the game if it was removed. Only you noobs that suck at the game complain.
Can’t get more irony than this :D Potato calling other noobs :D
Yeah sure, because it’s totally possible to avoid arty on maps like malinovka, sand river,prokhorovka etc etc, when you want to engage something (and thus being spotted).
NO, ur prolly an insecure angry little child running warpak and cant stand that u cnat control arty with it.
oh be quiet you silly fool, go click somewhere else. arty is a broken mechanic, low risk high reward. not accurate?? no problem just load gold he shells and food problem solved.
yesterday i carried a useless team in gwe100 by doing gamebreaking alpha to tanks. all i did was aim and the shell did the rest of the job. 4 shots fired and 6k damage. how is that balanced when i can’t be spotted and shit on edge of the map far away from action.
That’s funny considering the GW E100 is not an arty favorite. You must be an amazing man……
Gratz on a good game. But normally arty isn’t a major influence in winning games. After all, of the top ten win rate tanks, only one is an arty (the french premium). After that, we have to go to the FV304 at number 22. And apparently that’s getting nerfed in 9.3.
Oh the ignorance!
Removing cancer always means death for the involved subject.
That’s fucking retarded. That’s the most preposterous statement I’ve ever heard about WoT. You can say it’s a legit game element without which the game would be worse off, and you’d be wrong, but to say removing arty would kill the game is shockingly stupid, repugnantly retarded, overwhelmingly obtuse, massively moronic, incensingly insipid, astonishingly asinine, bafflingly brainless, but most of all, infuriatingly idiotic.
Presumably they have economic, demographic and marketing data to back up that assertion. It’s hard for us to comment about their decision if we don’t have the same data set.
- GW E and WT E-100 will not be replace by historical vehicles simply because there are no historical candidates to replace them with
GW-E may not have a historical replacement, but the Sturmpanzer Bär would have been an interesting one.
As for the WTE-100 – there’s always that GT-101 proposal or the extended casemate proposal from Krupp that could have been more believable in game than the Waffle ever was. They could have simply used both ideas to make a “Jagdtiger B” of sorts. Mobile, better camo value (with the gun more inset into the front end), and a good RoF/Aim time with the extra room in the back (comfort!).
- it’s possible that Leopard 1 (when reworked to HD) will get stuff like side screens, machinegun, rangefinder etc. (see picture) – but “no guarantees”
How bout the A3 turret? You know… the one thing most of us all want for the Leopard to make it behave a little more like the new STB-1. >_<
Waffentrager Panther could replace WTF E-100.
no it could not. a WT is not an SPG. You are an idiot.
so… umm what is this then? http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/10/22/building-a-tier-x-hellcat-waffentrager-panther/
A bad idea. and less historical then other options.
Also read the previous post as GW E-100.
ahh, ok np
GT-101 is a proposed gas turbine engine. The GT-102 was a better design.
“Chieftain as a tier 10 replacement for FV4202?” WTF??? What kind of question is this??
The ignorant kind.
“GW E and WT E-100 will not be replace by historical vehicles simply because there are no historical candidates to replace them with”
Waffentrager panther has the same guns as the frankenwaffle, and would fit the branch perfectly, and the Grille 32 could take the place of the GW,
but noooo, Germany needs more ridiculous monsters
What Grille 32 ?
You meant Grille 42 ? Cant do. 420 mm gun is pointless bcus it DMG would need to be scaled to other guns and as we know 21 cm Morser 18/2 deals 2k dmg. So what, 4k dmg gun ? What for ? No tank has such high HP pool
And if you meant Grille 30 – also pointless.
Basically all those Grille SPG are nothing more than a (ingame) GW Tiger with different guns. GW Tiger and GW E100 share the same top gun so you cant put GW Tiger on t9 and t10 with different guns on both tiers…
See here.
Well its nice and all but I still cant see a Grille 32 there, only 30 (30.5 huehue) and 42 :P. Nothing about 32cm gun
the 305mm Mortar has way way too much HE (alpha) filler and would have way too much splash. And to make it work it would need to be nerffed to hell.
This is also the reason we dont have a sturmtiger with a 380mm rocket launcher…
Lets put a higher caliber in the game where the already existing SPGs have way too much alpha damage(so much in fact they ha to nerf them hard, and still they are OP if they hit – which is down to RNG). Great idea.
Considering the 1k splash for 45 secs reload in T92 a higher caliber would make em better
- KV-5 and Super Pershing will not get buffed
Kv5 is fine, but why dont buff SP, atleast buff ROF to 8rpm :(
would it help with the pen? Give it the Pz 1C’s gun then if it may help.
The tank needs that armor back or a gun with more pen….. Regret not selling that Poop-shing
the Gift in August ….. hopefully it is not another tier 3 Tank something mid to high tier would be nice this time …. have so many tier 3 premiums now its not funny …. #GiftTier5+PLZWG
It’s gonna be Te-Ke, tier 2 Japanese light tank most likely. Or the Ke-Ni Otsu, tier 3 light, but I’m still suspecting that one will go to the shop.
But I seriously doubt we’ll ever get a gift tank of higher tier than 2 or 3. Because tier 5 premiums sell for more money.
Free slot is a free slot.
true +1
I wants Großtraktor!
Would probably keep that, and not sell it like all the other gift tanks.
(LTP, what a joke that was! Tetrach probably a mistake to sell)
But higher tiers gift tanks? Dream on.
All gift tanks will be low tier.
They gave away premium t5 once, M4A2E4 for Beta Testers. You know what they did after ? Nerfed it to shit bcus “TOO OP”.
Every other t5 shred you to pieces before you will even manage to penetrate them (forget about heavys, even T-34 will bounce your shots at distance).
But at least it had decent armor and lovely gun depression (in small area but still) and that allowed it to go hulldown and act like a “bunker”
And what they did ? Nerfed armor and nerfed depression to totally shit…
Thats the WG gratitude towards Beta Testers
Probably I’m one of the last who still got this tank and plays it
- E50M is bad? “One of the best tanks on its tier. Learn to play.” (SS: *insert a QB joke*)
QB would be LoLing right now.
I don’t know whom this quarterback guy is, but if he thinks the 50m is a bad tank, your listening to a complete Moron.
- it is theoretically possible that ALL tanks will get Sixth Sense as default (SS: as in, you won’t need to level it up, all tanks will have it), but it was not decided yet.
That would be incredible. It would change gameplay dramatically, probably for the better since it may actually help educating new players. It would also change the way crews can be skilled without suffering too much… w00t
more camping hiding and crap
Currently a Commander has too many skills when compare to other crew members so I think it’s fine to do this.
Beside Player tend to learn 6th first. So the “camping hiding and crap” is already there :|
Well, this can change something on tiers 1-5, but at 6+ I think most people already have all comanders with Sixth Sense. So it will make no difference.
Actually I get 6th Sense on tier 7, sometimes tier 8. In lower tiers only my pubstomper tanks (Hellcat, KV-1S, M4) have it.
Probably they’re going to rework it before it becomes a “standard issue”, they mentioned many times before that this perk needs a rework (nerf)
wot dx11 = 4,7 fps on newest machines.
Mine is Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000
We know how bad wot engine is.
Not necessarily – DirectX 11 (without the implementation of extra graphical features) should result in better performance thanks to improved efficiency over DirectX 9.
“- the option to enter next battle straight away with a tank that just got destroyed will not be implemented (SS: as in, you not waiting for the end of the battle)”
botters so gonna like this option…
will be like start timer crash exit battle start timer crash exit start timer etc. etc.
Yes not to mention how stupid this would be so how do you load ammo etc used up in the last battle, or you now have ‘clones’ of your tank…who comes up with these stupid questions :)
Easy: buy 40 shells for first battle, use 10 of them, get killed.
Go into next battle, buy 10 shells so you have full 40 again, use 10 again, get killed.
Both games end, you have 30 shells.
I don’t really see the difference between survive and get back to the hangar and die, quit and get back to the hangar.
- SU-122-44 will not get preferential MM
And it doesn’t need it, because it doesn’t suffer from the TD camo nerf.
- it is theoretically possible that ALL tanks will get Sixth Sense as default (SS: as in, you won’t need to level it up, all tanks will have it), but it was not decided yet.
This is already implented in WoT blitz. So most probably.
Yes yes yes
So do we get all that gold back spent on training and switching crews to 6th sense…
How terrible.
And on XBOX.
NO i hate it! i have worked too hard on too meny premium tanks to have sixth Sense for them to just give it away!
I understand if i were a new player and my only tier 1 had it activated for free , the after that WORK FOR YOUR Perks!
In the future, WoT will support Dx11
I guess that will be available for the improved graphics, while the standard will remain DX9 so the rest of russians with crappy PC’s will be able to play on. Ok seems plausible.
But why jump onto a DEAD API, when Microsoft just announced DX12 coming with Windows 9. Also the best thing is DX12 will be backwards compatible with every Nvidia GPU all the way to the old GTX400 series, so there is no fear waiting for users to buy new hardware so they can play on DX12. It will be a complete waste of resources if they will implement shitty and dead API such as DX11, when DX12 is going to be available next year and it’s supposed to provide a big performance improvement and alot better threaded optimization than DX11.
Cause dx12 wont be supported in W7… and W8+ has now like 5% of all market [and probably lower when counting WoT target audience...]
I think multiple DX supports in a single game is kinda tricky, so it’ll be complete switch, more likely.
I mean, it’s a five year old technology. That’s ages in gaming, even in public one.
DX11 is hardly ‘dead’ since most games started using it by default last year or so. Moreover DX12 will just be a minor low-level update to D3D with a few new features considering that it’ll still be using the current shader model 5.x which all modern GPUs support. Besides, it’s not like they have any alternative API to migrate, DX9 is already deprecated and unsupported and if they don’t upgrade their renderer to DX11 now they’ll likely end up with a total mess in the future when they ever consider bumping it to DX12. From a developer’s perspective, the transition from DX11 to DX12 is much smoother than basically adapting their DX9-era code with DX12′s HLSL.
After all, the availability of DX12 on current DX11 cards all depends on the vendors commitment, afaik AMD won’t even be implementing it in anything older than the HD7000 series, the same goes for the Intel and their HD4000 on-die graphics.
- Nahuel will be implemented into the game and it’s possible some other South-American tanks will be as well
- Nahuel will be implemented into the game
The best part of this is it means WG may be going back to adding tanks without needing to make up an entire tree to go with them. There’s at least South American three tanks with unique models worth modeling (Nahuel, TAM, Brazilian M3 X1A2), plus a few upgunned versions of existing tanks that could be made to work (Patagon, Repotenciado, Chilean Sherman and Chaffee HVMS).
Patagon was just an AMX turret with a Kürassier hull.
I figured the SK-105 Kürassier was too close to the AMX-13/105, which WG has already rejected. The Patagon’s AMX-13/75 turret may at least bring it down to within WG’s playable range (like we need another autoloader).
Argentina Tech Tree:
- GW E and WT E-100 will not be replace by historical vehicles simply because there are no historical candidates to replace them with.
This is not 100% true. There is one candidate that could work, out of about 6-7 vehicles in total, The only problem the candidate has really is its low speed. And no it is not the Karl but it is on the Karl chassis.
They can just project models of crushed light tanks into 2D model on ground :> Btw did anyone saw/have picture of ammo racked elc amx since they introduced new ammo rack effect(does it’s turret fly off)?
It has a turret – it flies off.
pics or it didn’t happen :)
How about I post whole video? :D
- T92 Light Tank will not come in 0.9.3
But the american LT line still come, rite? I hope that there won’t be any problem with RU251 too…
Yes it’s still coming, they’re just saying the T92 won’t be a part of it
I almost forgot that T92 was considered as LT8 XD
“Apparently, on ASIA server, you can also claim the recently sold premium tanks back, but no news on the automated premium tank recovery feature the US server has”
It isn’t automated. You need to make a ticket to get it back within 3 days of selling it. It was automated at first then they had you make a ticket.
the way ripped off turrets behave is not realistic? “How terrible!”
I just realized how much i miss serb answers.
SS, any idea of “big” event premium tank? As it was in May for T34 (NA) T26E4 (EU)? And is there any logical explanation why that event had to be in time of finals?
- apparently, on ASIA server, you can also claim the recently sold premium tanks back, but no news on the automated premium tank recovery feature the US server has
US server HAD recovery tool, it was taken off for fixing, you must request vehicle recovery by ticket
- it is theoretically possible that ALL tanks will get Sixth Sense as default (SS: as in, you won’t need to level it up, all tanks will have it), but it was not decided yet.
How to ruin game in 3…2…1…
- 9.3 will come “in the Fall”
it was said it will come in late august or was I dreaming
Everyone already uses Sixth Sense anyway, so it’s hardly “ruined”.
not every one has it, and it should not be given out for free!
may be to new users on there tier1 tank commanders. ( so they can lean the spotting mechanics ) all other commanders have to EARN there sixth sense.
- GW E and WT E-100 will not be replace by historical vehicles simply because there are no historical candidates to replace them with
Skorpion hue hue hue, but that would be too op for little germans against russians, so yes, stay the wt….
- it’s possible that Leopard 1 (when reworked to HD) will get stuff like side screens, machinegun, rangefinder etc. (see picture) – but “no guarantees”
So basically the tank remodellers will have to wait and see if WG actually dresses up the Leopard 1 or not.
E50M is bad? “One of the best tanks on its tier. Learn to play.” (SS: *insert a QB joke*)
What the? Panther II, E-50, E-50M are all great tanks for their tier, the last two ones can additionally be played as heavy, E-50 probably performs even better than M103 in terms of armor and mobility. E-50M has a destructive gun coupled with a rather good DPM as well…
VkM – good, Panther – good, P2 I just cant make it work :D
Panther 2 is like a fish out of water
it just doesnt work that well but the rest of the tanks e50 and e50m totaly worth the pain of the P2
You’re right, Panther II is the last one of the line I played, then I got so disgusted by it…
“- Jagdtiger and Ferdinand will not be moved down by one tier”
WAT! who even asks this????
It would work historically, remove the top guns from both, their armor would be workable again.
Same with down tiering the Tiger and Panther.
“- it’s possible that Leopard 1 (when reworked to HD) will get stuff like side screens, machinegun, rangefinder etc. (see picture) – but “no guarantees””
Nooo., I don’t want that awful looking rangefinder/IR light. It just looks stupid and serves no purpose in the game.
Also how long will the developers pretend to be blind to the whole gold ammo problem? It’s a problem and it’s a big one. Gold ammo needs rebalance ASAP. Not this BS “gold ammo is fine as it is”. Gold ammo is fine for minority of the tanks.
How terrible.
Sarcasm does not stop premium ammo from being a problem.
I have to facepalm when a tier X TD spams premium.
To a scout.
To an elc and bounce
Try to shoot HEAT to a lt’s track
hue hue hue
- Konigsberg map was scrapped for now
Seems the devs failed to solve the bridge problem lol
“it’s possible that Leopard 1 (when reworked to HD) will get stuff like side screens, machinegun, rangefinder etc.”
please please please please please lpease pleaspleaple !!!!!1111 Want naoo!!
- GW E and WT E-100 will not be replace by historical vehicles simply because there are no historical candidates to replace them with
GW Panther would be good T10
implementing WT E100 was WG’s biggest mistake. now they have this shit which can’t be replaced.
remove the branch Tier 8-10 and let the WT noobs cry
Is WotWiki down again? I get info that I lack correct provilages to enter :/
- arty will not be removed from the game: “It would kill the game”
It would kill your income WG. Lots of potatoes would quit the game and took their money with them cause you would be removing the only class they can do some damage to others. What you don’t realise is that arty is killing the game already with its broken mechanics.
No artillery would kill WoT.
And yet somehow WoT for Xbox and WoT Blitz don’t have it. Lel.
I really wish this “Artillery won’t be eliminated” goes the way of “There won’t be Tier X MT’s, TD’s or SPG’s”. :P.
Nerf acc, reload time, aim time and mobility even more.
If you (and Medjed) spent as much time playing the game as you do whining about arty you would learn how to evade them.
- arty will not be removed from the game: “It would kill the game”
Cry me a river
Well i have more battles played than you and am way better player than you so shut the fuck up. Everyone can avoid the arty by hugging a cover. But let me tell you a secret moron. Hugging cover won’t win you a game. If you had more brain cells than two maybe you would understand it. Keep clicking window licker.
Yesterday, in Ensk, I am flanking and moving besides buildings when a Tier X kills me by doing more that 1000hp dmg in one single shot, the arty player was good but this a broken feature of the game. He was not even visible to me when it happend. It is mad.
Just don’t sit still if you hate artillery. Also WoT xbox does have arty, Such as the T57. Well they did when I played the Beta of it. Maybe they removed them now?
WoT Xbox has Artillery. WoT Blitz never will.
- 9.3 will come “in the Fall”
At first I thought it said “in the Fail”. XD like past updates. I then cleaned my glasses. Well at least they are scheduling it.
“Superpershing will not be buffed”
THIS is where i really cant understand WG.Its THE T8 tank that needs a buff the most,really.Since they nerfed the frontal armor,its armor is highly unreliable,anyone that knows that tank (and most do by now) know its weakspots anyway (which arent exactly hard to hit or penetrate,i think we can all agree on that)…And its not even able to reliably penetrate alot of its opponents,even if you know their weakspots.For example,if you have to face a Tiger 2,he will almost always hit and penetrate your cupola weakspot…meanwhile you cant even penetrate his lower frontal plate reliably,unless you start spamming gold.The gun should be similar in performance to the DCA 45/ 9cm BK,penetration and accuracy wise,yet it performs like a 90mm M3 with a very sligth amount of extra penetration.
I still do well in this tank and it is my best money maker ;-)
Christie tanks? Aren’t all tanks based upon Walter Christie? Since the suspension is basically used of every tank in history. (Maybe I’m thinking of the wrong Christie?)
Is there an article that already explains what “Christie tanks” are?
BT-2/5/7. Soviet version of Christie tanks.
Large road wheels was a distinctive feature. Some of the early versions had rubber-rimmed road wheels so the tracks could be removed.
Christie prototyped a number of tanks and tank destroyers based on his suspension.
Also, all Christie designs have coil springs, not torsion bars or leafs so some designs that look like a Christie (38T or Hetzer) aren’t.
- there will be a gift tank for Wargaming anniversary in August
Probably Ke-Ni Otsu
- apparently, developers are considering replacing other “fictional” tanks with more historical candidates in the future (SS: I asked further are this is the ideal case scenario, if there is any real suitable replacement)
Why didn’t they try harder and put historical tanks in the first place? It doesn’t seem to be a problem to delay features all the time….
- the speed of new features implementation is “normal”
- it is theoretically possible that ALL tanks will get Sixth Sense as default (SS: as in, you won’t need to level it up, all tanks will have it), but it was not decided yet.
Everybody uses it anyway.
- AFK Panther will not be replaced – for now
Too bad, anything else would be more adequate for the tech branch to Leo and RU251
- arty will not be removed from the game: “It would kill the game”
How terrible :D
- 7/68 e-sports format is not yet decided as final
Can anyone elaborate?
- Chieftain as a tier 10 replacement for FV4202? “Keep dreaming”
Who in their right mind asks these things?
- new sounds (like they appeared in test 9.1) will be implemented “in one of the new patches”
Just not the gun sounds, they sound awful.
- GW E and WT E-100 will not be replace by historical vehicles simply because there are no historical candidates to replace them with
For the millionth time already: WAFFENTRÄGER PANTHER!!! Dunno about GW though
– T92 Light Tank will not come in 0.9.3
Could be an alternate tier 7 LT or even a premium once it comes
- it’s possible that Leopard 1 (when reworked to HD) will get stuff like side screens, machinegun, rangefinder etc. (see picture) – but “no guarantees”
Would love that :)
“- 7/68 e-sports format is not yet decided as final
Can anyone elaborate?”
The 7 means seven tanks, and the 68 means that the combined tier of all the vehicles would be tier 68. Basically, 6 tier 10s and a tier 8…
Removal of arty would “ruin the game.” LOL Wargaming you’re kidding right?
This means WG does not give a shit when players whine about an entire class, SPG, TD, whatever
Does anyone have a link to a colated list of all the new vehicles planned for this year?
Only new 9.3 light tanks are confirmed.
quote: “arty will not be removed from the game: “It would kill the game””
so, WoT Blitz is already dead .. oh, wait!
Yea…and in the games when there is no arty on either team we always cry about how horrible it is that they aren’t there and that game is dead………not.
not here, I liked when there was no arty in a match – SPGs should’ve not existed in 1st place
- multiturret tanks are not implemented not because of complicated gameplay, but because it is complicated to implement the mechanism for very little gain
How about single turret with multiple gun?
like derp little gun on Maus… it’s easier to make it fire both guns in the same direction….
My question about leo ,yeaaahhhhh http://world-of-kwg.livejournal.com/299850.html?thread=58891082#t58891082