
- the automatized recovery of sold premium tanks (that was/is available on US server) is still in development for other servers
- earlier, SerB wrote that the profitability of a premium tank depends on its winrate – developers are collecting statistics about the influence of skill of players on credit profit on that respective premium tank, this data will of course not be disclosed
- a long time ago, it was mentioned that there is a possibility that immobilized tanks (detracked) with only one track off will be able to move in limited way. This was scrapped, SerB states that if they did that, the players would spend the rest of the battle in chain immobilization (SS: as in, they would get detracked over and over again, not sure why SerB thinks that)
- the fate of FV215b will not be disclosed for now
- Gavalov tank as tier 5 Soviet light tank? “It’s more like a development of T-70″ (SS: as in, no)
- there will be Object 430 buff
- the armor model will not be changed from “planes with armor values” to “full realistic armor” (SS: as in, armor plates will not gain real thickness), as this would cause all sorts of problems with calculations
- current armor mechanics are satisfactory according to Veider – the developers tried to consider other armor calculation variants, but all turned out to be worse than what there currently is.

66 thoughts on “24.7.2014

    • If you’ve lost one track, you’d still be able to rotate (I guess?) slightly, which would allow the tracked player to duke around and chain multiple 0-dmg track hits.

      I think that’s what he means.

      • - a long time ago, it was mentioned that there is a possibility that immobilized tanks (detracked) with only one track off will be able to move in limited way. This was scrapped, SerB states that if they did that, the players would spend the rest of the battle in chain immobilization (SS: as in, they would get detracked over and over again, not sure why SerB thinks that)
        - i think he means the WT does it… you can still move, but to repair it the tank has to stand still.

        • Yeah and it takes long as fuck too. So even in WT you have to be still to repair it, even though you can rotate if you don’t.

          • I’m pretty sure that SerB is hinting at the fact that since you can damage each track seperately, moving around with one side damaged would keep said side in a permanent state of completely broken, effectively leaving you immobile for much longer than if you just sat and repaired it (you’d just rotate forever if you pressed W, moving in small slow circles).

            Top tier players might arguably get some extra survivability or damage out of it in rare cases but the average player would probably just spend more time being tracked, leaving the feature practically useless in WGs eyes.

    • My guess is SerB worried that turning the tank around would increase the potential for repeated hits on that track.

      Or it’s bugged and the detracking module somehow tabulates that the tank moving around on one track is enough to cause damage.

      Or it could increase track armor abuse if you could trim your tank out as you’re detracked. It would make the benefit of aiming for the tracks pointless when you plug the first shot in a fast moving track, he spins to his broadside and immediately starts reversing to orient his glacis or cover his weakpoints at you during your reload – you maybe get one shot into his side and find a perfectly sidescraped trim of a superheavy tank.

  1. I think two of the most efficient premium T8 tanks are the KV5 and the JT88, simply because of their low ammunition cost (about 250 per AP round) and limited MM.

      • No my friend has KV-5 and he rarely uses gold rounds. What the point of play a prem tank if you spam golds?? stats padding(?)??

      • No you don’t.

        I use 3-4 apcr at most.

        If you play KV-5 correctly, you won’t need APCR much.

        I carry more HE instead for certain German TD…etc.

  2. - the automatized recovery of sold premium tanks (that was/is available on US server) is still in development for other servers

    some good news, it will be MAYBE some good stuf for us greedy caitalist dogs

    • I rather wonder, what’s so fundamentally different between the US and all the other servers, that you need to develop a perfectly interchangable piece of code to work on the others…

        • It’s clearly because of the issues with the stronk translatorering! Needs more grorious Soviet bias in it to properly work! :D

  3. ” the players would spend the rest of the battle in chain immobilization”

    I guess it is a moot point, because in real life rolling on a broken track would damage it even more, but in the arcade game we play, we repair it in ~5 – 10 seconds, so I don’t see how this would not work. Maybe an idea would be that limited movement on a broken track will reset the repair?

    • So it would seem. What he leaves open is the question of: “If you play well in a premium tank and win often, are you penalized or rewarded?”

  4. ” the fate of FV215b will not be disclosed for now” Oh dont tell me that my awesome looking, front-placed-turret Chieftain cant make it in to the game :|
    p/s: My Eng is awesome.

    • “Sorry, we couldn’t find a way to implement the Chieftain into the game without it absolutely destroying Soviet tanks, it was just too freakin’ awesome”

      • its not that — it means the model of the tank not the t10 change it is still happening but they are not ready to scrap the tank model just yet still think what to do whit it

        • Yeah I know, but I can already tell that it’s just going to end up being a mediocre heavy tank with all of the real Chieftain’s weaknesses and none of its strengths :/
          And if Wargaming wants to come and prove me wrong… well, be my guests :D

  5. ” current armor mechanics are satisfactory according to Veider ” . If moron veider says something then it is or lie’s or trolling or bullshit . So current armor mechanics is full garbage and WG is to stupid to change it with out big butthurt from players .

    • Again my Maus bounces everything and I have no problems penetrating enemies..
      I guess you are just a siemka ;)

      • Maus could use a damn buff for turret front armor scheme – it would have an impenetrable little stripe at the sides of turret front. Useful? Useful.

        • Jep, turret front a bit too weak for hightier, but the side armor of the turret angled is awesome

      • t57 heavy form WG words don’t have armor . In reality it can easy tanking 3k – 4k dmg . And why ? Because armor mechanics are fucket crap . Same t69 , b-chat 25t , obj 268 and many anther illogical paper armor tanks ,

            • How do you figure? If you can’t fire ANYWHERE except the obviously and severely sloped portions of any of those tanks except the Bat, you’re doing it wrong. In the Bat’s case, it’s your fault if you manage to ricochet. It’s genuinely difficult to manage.

              If you want to whine about magical armour, whine about the ELC. At least there you might get some support.

        • I dont have the T57. So let me tell you this. the armor is weak as f**k. Just shoot the big ass turret, point the cross hair to it’s gun and RNG do the job =]] Work every time =]]

          P/s: My Ing-lit is so awesome

    • Do tell what you want to change it with, so that we can have some fun too.

  6. “- the fate of FV215b will not be disclosed for now”

    What… Why the fuck are they still prattling on about this, hurry the fuck up and replace it with the Chieftain already, like they should have done when the brit tree first came out

  7. Sooo, M48 Fatton was UP since its release and no one gives a fug, Obj 430 is UP(not really UP, but it looks like that compared to the other two hovercraft soviet midiums 140 and 62A) and it needs to be buffed ASAP to match the soviet medium supremacy. GG was close

    • U don’t realy remember m48 release do you? It was nerfed patch (or two?) after it because it was op due to its insane dpm but I agree that now it’s weak

      • It was OP on first round of test server and was nerfed in the second or 3rd, can’t remember…it was never OP on live server. Even if it was, it doesn’t matter because it’s shit atm.

    • Is it worse than obj430, Chinese one or fv4202? Just asking, because meds I mentioned are even more rare.

  8. Premium tank profitability is based on damage done, kills, damage from spotting and wins. So if very good player gravitate to a particular tank, they will make the earnings numbers abnormally high.

    The JAG 88 has a relatively low winning percentage, so even with it’s cheap ammo it still does not average more credits per game than an IS-6 after the premium tank earnings buff, because the IS-6 has a better win percentage and average damage per game. At least for me it doesn’t.

    • While on the surface I agree with you. However all tanks, not just premium tanks profitability is based on damage done, kills, damage from spotting and wins. However SerB has singled out premium tanks which does have a different formula for generating profit then the standard tank.

      SerB further states that “developers are collecting statistics about the influence of skill of players on credit profit on that respective premium tank”. So one might ask why single out premium tanks and talk about profitability and the collection of statistics if they are not considering a change in the formula for the profitability of premium tanks.

      I guess it will come down to what makes more money for WOT. Would allowing premium tanks to generate more profit for the player make more players want to buy premium tanks? Would lowering their profitability deflate the economy of the players thus causing the player to buy gold with cash for premium rounds instead of using money earned by running premiums?

  9. ” the fate of FV215b will not be disclosed for now”

    Please, place her at the end of the firefly branch ! :$
    I’d totally (bang) grind her out.

    • Partially,
      “The VRT [Vehicle Recovery Tool] allows you to restore Premium vehicles that have been sold for up to 72 hours after they have been sold.”
      Premium vehicles are tanks that can be purchased either by Gold or in the Gift Shop.

      “You can also restore Special vehicles ranging as far back as you like.”
      Special tanks are tanks that have been given out or have been sold in the past but are currently not available for purchase via Gold or Gift Shop.

  10. Hurry up and buff the 430 it is a POS at the moment i only have 30% winrate. it’s simply not good at anything. i dont bother with it the other med are MUCH better

    • Because that is a huge and multi-turreted design, would likely go under “OP”, or better “UP”, since it could only use a (historically at least) 7.62cm L-11, and probably only that single turret, armor would be basically either non-existant or KV-1-like, dunno, depends on the tier it would be placed. Could make its way as premium though, KV-5 is also multiturret, why not T-100 as T4 prem heavy or lower? Kind of a lowtier KV-5, crap guns, adequate armor and such.

  11. The current premium recovery system is complete shit anyways, the old one was better since you had plenty of time to restore it if you wanted to.