- Storm states that over the last year, the player credit gain from tier 8 premium tanks increased, since Wargaming (several times) improved the tier 8 premium tank money making ability
- map Stalingrad is currently in development
- Havok implementation will not bring effects such as camo net appearance on the tank, it will bring nice looking object destruction and dynamic equipment on tank (SS: as in fuel cans, tools etc.) that’s hanging, moving and can be ripped off by explosions
- developers will definitely continue to develop the 0.9.1 test “Hellcat” sounds
- nothing is known of the FV217 TD/SPG according to Cannoneer
- 9.3 will bring Hellcat nerf
- the reason why WG implemented FV215b instead of having Chieftain from the start was that when the British tree was introduced, the Chieftain was considered to be too modern. After that, they sent people to measure the armor (SS: in Bovington) and found out that it’s not actually as fearsome as it was thought before.
- Centurion Mk.10 can’t be British tier 10 – its armor upgrade is already in the tier 9 Centurion 7/1 (the “/1″ part specifically signifies the armor upgrade)
- Ruinberg on fire lighting ugly and reducing performance? “How terrible”
- top light tank economy (income vs repair cost) will not be buffed
- T49 will not be nerfed in 9.3
- quality of armor (depending on material) coefficient will not be implemented
- Vickers MBT with Mk.3 turret? Storm: “I don’t know yet”
- reducing the gun aim time for most tanks to make battles more filled with action? “That would reduce the role of armor in the game even more”, Storm adds that compensating it with reduced normalization is not a solution either, as it is near zero anyway as it is
- Wargaming cooperating with modmakers? “Why? We can make such features too”
- Tundra map will not be removed from the game
- 25 percent RNG will not be reduced
- a player proposes that tier 10 tank destroyers could have their penetration nerfed from 300+ to 270-280 and compensated that with increased accuracy, Storm states this will not happen
- Type 4 Chi-To stock and elite turret identical? “One is cast, the other is welded. Look here. The top one has depression of -10, stock one of -6,5″
- too many 3-4 HT5 vs 3-4 MT5 battles on tier 5? “Coincidence”
- historical battles will not return soon
- Q: “How do developers regard “german-lover” players (wehraboos) who play only German tanks?” A: “Not in any special way. Players are players.”
- “Soviet tank only” and “German tank only” clans will not be supported in any special way
- WG will not do anything about statpadders and sealclubbers (SS: “pedobears” in Russian)
- the option for crews to remember previous tanks will not be implemented, not even for gold
- Q: “What branches will there be?” A: “Lime-tree branches. And some birch ones.”
- Q: “What do you think of Stronghold mode?” A: “Nice feature for clans.”
- the fact itself that a vehicle is very common in battles that does not make a reason for rebalance (SS: but it is a good indicator of a vehicle to watch)
- it’s possible that new British TD’s will come this year (SS: as a part of the Firefly branch)
- Q: “Will the players be able to put various stuff on their tank as extra armor plates, boxes and stuff?” A: “Very distant future”
- Q: “How are you planning to nerf Chaffee in 9.3?” A: “We will remove its wheels and gun”
- credit/XP penalties for losing will not be removed (SS: yes, someone actually asks that)
- for now, nothing will be done about gold shells for credits
- significant changes if armor when T-62A gets reworked to HD? “I am not sure that we have such detailed armor schematics for T-62A turret”
- it’s possible that the “Chinese Wall” map (available currently on Chinese server only) will return, but “it depends on player opinion” (SS: not sure how they want to collect player opinion on a map that’s not in the game)
I have the donkey. Buy me 25k gold or I will eat salami tonight.
I can give you my salami but you have to kneel to get it.
I have longer salami than you. And mine is made of metal.
hmm, lorraine wants to #eatdix? how about #getclicked
I’m serious. If you don’t pay the ransom until 12:00 PM, the donkey will be made into salami and eaten. And this will increase my drum capacity from 6 to 36 shells, reduce my reload time by 90% and reduce damage taken from artillery by 99%.
Its too bad you went to such effort the Grille crews just sent a salvo of 6 shells your way.
Only 113 can defeat me! Mwahahahaha!
My father killed ya you fuckin moronic ghost
It’s a bit like rock-paper-scissors. Lorraine 40t rapes donkey, 113 rapes Lorraine 40t and donkey rapes 113.
We need more maps!
How about Dragon Ridge? any plans for that map?
Thta’s sadly a no-go. The map is permanently removed from the game.
ok.. :( Then how about port…? I cant see that map even in training rooms..any plans for that?
I don’t know, I’m afraid you have to ask SS about that or dig around FTR archives whether it’s permanent drop or just removed for rebalancing
@SS..? what do you know about Port map?
Dragon Ridge was shelved, Port was deleted entirely
Port…Just put more wagons and we’re good to go.
Rarely I use a situation when I can shoot through obstacle.
Port was cancer, lets hope it never comes back.
no the cancer one is El Halluf. no matter how much teh devs “balance it”, no one will like it. if they flatten the hills they might as well remove it and let Steppes take it’s mm slot over. on the otehr hand Dragon Ridge is a legitemately challenging and fun map. shame them western whiners think otherwise.
i mean, grow up man. deal with it. you think i like dragon ridge and port removed? no! but if you’re grown enough to realize most things dont go your way, then why bother whining? I got other stuff to whine more about, stuff like zits and university.
El halluf will be fun when circular draw distance comes in xD
Port was removed completely because introduction of wall penetration mechanics made the map unplayable for the north base.
Is acually human being with brain asking for Port? Really? I mean REALLY?
Because this game needs more corridor maps with two ways of approach so TD tomatoes with high aplha can do ridicoulous damage, right?
Thats not true, Dragon Ridge exists both in Training rooms as well as the Global Map for clan wars…
- it’s possible that the “Chinese Wall” map (available currently on Chinese server only) will return, but “it depends on player opinion” (SS: not sure how they want to collect player opinion on a map that’s not in the game)
Maybe they were thinking about chinese players ?
I’m a chinese player and I think this map is nearly balanced
But is it a good map?
- Q: “What branches will there be?” A: “Lime-tree branches. And some birch ones.”
- Q: “How are you planning to nerf Chaffee in 9.3?” A: “We will remove its wheels and gun”
oh storm
I bet the chaffee part came from God SerB himself
Both are from Storm
The funny part is it may not be a joke.
- credit/XP penalties for losing will not be removed
- 25 percent RNG will not be reduced
Glad to see the Russian forums are as epically dumb as our own.
I’m actually worried that’s a world trend.
Reducing the RNG is dumb? Lel.
This isn’t the World Of RAILGUNS.
no but if you know something about the stuffs then you know heat have one penetration not less or more, one if its says it pen 250 pen then it pens 250mm armor not +/-25%
Stop with the reducing 25% crap. Tired of it!
Let’s it go. Let’s it go…
Cant hold it in anymore….
25% RNG never bothered me anyway :v
If you play JagdPanzer E 100 only you may not care about penetration, true.
- Wargaming cooperating with modmakers? “Why? We can make such features too”
Laughing my ass off. You can? Too bad you don’t.
But they wont and they dont.
That was my point:)
And it took them like 3 patches to implement reload timer since they announced it blaming “unexpected issues” on it.
Top kek
At least it’s good now. lol
I really laughed at this one too, guess they are too busy adding birds on the map, researching more cancer (japanese and chinese artys).
“- Vickers MBT with Mk.3 turret? Storm: “I don’t yet”
Poor UK tree :(
“- T49 will not be nerfed in 9.3″
It is OP.
“- Wargaming cooperating with modmakers? “Why? We can make such features too”
Then why not make em?
“- a player proposes that tier 10 tank destroyers could have their penetration nerfed from 300+ to 270-280 and compensated that with increased accuracy, Storm states this will not happen”
And Storm is making a mistake…
It’s not really OP.
The Hellcat is much more OP than the T49, and mostly due to it’s medium-like abilities and OPCR premium shell.
T49, unlike the Hellcat, can’t centermass everything it sees, and relies a lot more on stealth. It’s not as good as a de-facto medium as the Hellcat is.
It has a much higher skill floor, and likely also a higher skill ceiling. That’s why pubs do worse in the T49 than in the Hellcat. Shouldn’t be nerfed in my opinion… If you know how to use it, you deserve to own in it, because it’s hard to do.
Seeing as everyone keeps crying that the hellcats need another nerf, why this remove it from the game along with the batchat and arty and any other tank people cry about.
Then people would cry about Lee having crazy DPM.
Then keep removing tanks till there’s no tanks in the game, everyone would be happy then.
LOL someone’s butthurt that their OP easy mode tank is getting fixed, should I get a bucket to collect your tears?
The only thing that makes the Hellcat OP is the APCR penetration.
It has no armor (It’s frontal hull can be over-matched by a British 2-pounder (12mm armor versus 40mm gun)
absolutely egregious DPM (the worst of any tier 6 TD, except the 130mm-wielding SU-100Y (Yes, worse DPM than the SU-100 with the 122mm))
Awful traverse speed, where with my full clutch breaking and BIA, I still turn like a three-legged rhinoceros, and that’s to say nothing of the turret traverse, which takes 22.5 seconds to turn fully, longer than the reload of some T6 artillary, even if you ignore the FV304.
The camouflage USED TO BE decent, until the entire TD vehicle class lost its demasking protection (Something the tier 8-9 waffentragers seemed not to be affected by)
The regular AP penetration is eh, it’s okay. 160mm is good, but it’s not great.
The speed is a double edged sword, it’s useful to get around the battlefield, but not for much else (no maneuverability) and noobs will get themselves into trouble quicker with great speed
the damage is good, but again, not exceptional. many TDs have more accurate guns, faster guns, and guns with higher alpha damage. It also shares it’s 90mm with the M6 Heavy Tank of the same tier, which is a joke.
It’s open top, which would be a disadvantage to any tank that had armor and didn’t already receive full damage from artillery
the ONLY good armor is the mantlet, which, I can remind you was nerfed. They made it less strong and less wide.
I’m not sure what you people think makes the Hellcat OP besides the APCR, but I sure as hell can’t see it. And you’re welcome to nerf the gold shell. I never use it anyways.
You failed to mention the great view range and camo that works even at tier 7 and 8. Stop being a crony for OP tanks.
Yep, all those things you mentioned are the reason for massive statpading in it.
Why dont you explain to people that CHGC is much better for that?
If you dont see strengths of Hellcat and why is it OP then you are just bad with it.
when a noob like me can do well in a tank without trying its OP
Penalties for losing should be reduced, not necessarily removed.
A player can only do so much. What if a good player gets 14 worthless deep reds in his team, against a competent team. Maybe even a unicum platoon against his Maus-Loltraktor-Pz IC platoon.
Does he really deserve to be punished because his team wasn’t composed of humans, even if he did good? The penalties right now are too big.
Also, not reducing RNG is just lol.
Make the game about luck, not skill, as a player I know said last night. He’s right. Don’t adress the problem of the having monster alpha, no… Just make it less likely to happen. Problem is still there, it depends more on luck.
Like it was a social experiment or something. >.<.
If a player does really well, but has a tomato team and still loses, there is a way already in place so that they don’t get a penalty to earnings.
The “battle hero” medals earn you full xp and credits when you lose.
But that doesn’t only need your team to be bad. It needs the enemy team to be bad as well.
“Heroic Resistance” is a very specific set of conditions that many good games that turn out to be defeats will not fulfill.
That mechanism is just not enough. Something else needs to be done about it.
There is simple solution. Three best players of the losing team XP-wise should get full XP and creds.
^^ This! Enough to cover maybe a platoon of 3 playing good or 3 random players. Only thing i would add is minimum xp earned for this to work, maybe 500 base xp on a loss
That’ts why we have courageous resistance, when you do well and still lose at least you get the full xp and creds.
“- Wargaming cooperating with modmakers? “Why? We can make such features too”.”
Then why don’t you freaking do it…
Because they don’t care. End of the story.
- nothing is known of the FV217 TD/SPG according to Cannoneer
What is that thing?
- 9.3 will bring Hellcat nerf
Nothing will oppose my Cromwell now *evil laugh* :P
- the reason why WG implemented FV215b instead of having Chieftain from the start was that when the British tree was introduced, the Chieftain was considered to be too modern. After that, they sent people to measure the armor (SS: in Bovington) and found out that it’s not actually as fearsome as it was thought before
So they made up a tank. GG WP
- Centurion Mk.10 can’t be British tier 10 – its armor upgrade is already in the tier 9 Centurion 7/1 (the “/1″ part specifically signifies the armor upgrade)
But we could have Mk 13 instead of that Vickers crap. What are the armor values on the Mk 13?
- T49 will not be nerfed in 9.3
That thing has OP RoF
- Vickers MBT with Mk.3 turret? Storm: “I don’t yet”
Is this a typo?
- a player proposes that tier 10 tank destroyers could have their penetration nerfed from 300+ to 270-280 and compensated that with increased accuracy, Storm states this will not happen
300 pen is really overkill. IIRC only Obj 268 had ~300mm pen IRL. T7E2 is made up, don’t know about the SA58 155mm. In my opinion and also using common sense only the largest calibers (170, 183) should have 300+ pen
- “Soviet tank only” and “German tank only” clans will not be supported in any special way
There are actually clans like that?!
- it’s possible that new British TD’s will come this year (SS: as a part of the Firefly branch)
MOAR 183!!
- for now, nothing will be done about gold shells for credits
Gib me moar gold spitting T-54 and E-100 plox
The FV217 was a td/spg version of the conqueror
- 25 percent RNG will not be reduced
This seems to be a popular question. People must be unhappy with it. I CAN’T SEE WHY…..cough15-5cough.
It’s because retards don’t want realism.
We’ve already established realism=/=fun in every case. In this case no matter how accurate 25% is in representing RL behaviour of tank warfare is still too much imo in a game like this. At least reduce it to 20% if not even to 15%. I personally don’t mind 25% too much, but less would be better and healthier for the gameplay.
I would love to see the 25% RNG dropped. I could then adjust my artillery fire if my first shot missed and realistically expect the adjustment to work properly rather than have RNG push the round in a totally new direction.
Or just stop playing arty cancer or your dick will fall off.
Stop clicking your tanks every tanks a clicker. you scumbag td camping clicking clicker. play a light tank or an arty in Derp mode. Id rather deal with artys over TDs Fun fact buddy you wouldent have your freedom in real life it wasent for artillery. so please stop crying and salute those SPGs without them you wouldent be here today playing videogames with a freewill you would be forced to labor to nazi overlords or japan overlords. so please stfu and look into some history about SPGs
- the reason why WG implemented FV215b instead of having Chieftain from the start was that when the British tree was introduced, the Chieftain was considered to be too modern. After that, they sent people to measure the armor (SS: in Bovington) and found out that it’s not actually as fearsome as it was thought before.
thats cool, and the gun?
“- Wargaming cooperating with modmakers? “Why? We can make such features too”
Of course, why should you reward modmakers when you can copy their ideas?
I know you can create such features but I doubt you can be creative enough
- Storm states that over the last year, the player credit gain from tier 8 premium tanks increased, since Wargaming (several times) improved the tier 8 premium tank money making ability
Funny because i feel they went opposite direction.
- credit/XP penalties for losing will not be removed (SS: yes, someone actually asks that)
Weird question, but its going to the right way…
They gotta implement a feature that gives u the money to (at least) enough money to repair your tank. I hate it when your team cant hold a flank and u lose 20k+ credits because of that!
PS. Standard account problems, i dont want WG to force me to buy premium
How do you think they make money?
They will give you enough stuff to be able to claim F2P status, but beyond that, they still want you to buy gold.
A lot of those answers sound like they were written by SerB.
Maybe SerB is actually Storm? dun dun duuuuun
Wargaming cooperating with modmakers? “Why? We can make such features too”
no you can’t …
- the reason why WG implemented FV215b instead of having Chieftain from the start was that when the British tree was introduced, the Chieftain was considered to be too modern. After that, they sent people to measure the armor (SS: in Bovington) and found out that it’s not actually as fearsome as it was thought before.
WG why not send people to Bovington BEFORE they implemented FV215b ???
- reducing the gun aim time for most tanks to make battles more filled with action? “That would reduce the role of armor in the game even more”, Storm adds that compensating it with reduced normalization is not a solution either, as it is near zero anyway as it is
No, thanks, battles are already “filled with action” – what i mean is the lot of 4-5 minute wipes, where one team roflstomps over the other team. Gun aim time of artys shouldbe faster, but other type of tanks definetly don’t need an aim time buff.
- Wargaming cooperating with modmakers? “Why? We can make such features too”
Yeah, right, a fuckin reload timer took TWO YEARS
- the option for crews to remember previous tanks will not be implemented, not even for gold
Why players asking this shit? It would completely game-breaking
- for now, nothing will be done about gold shells for credits
But the gold ammo discounts are removed (at least i did not see such discounts since ages)
“- the reason why WG implemented FV215b instead of having Chieftain from the start was that when the British tree was introduced, the Chieftain was considered to be too modern. After that, they sent people to measure the armor (SS: in Bovington) and found out that it’s not actually as fearsome as it was thought before.”
I see WG is continuing on with their “try to make the Chieftain look worse than it was” path to portraying it horribly instead of putting one in as it should be and trying to change people’s historical perspective.
I presume they’re just spiteful about it humiliating the Soviet Union back when it came onto the scene and terrified them into redesigning tanks specifically to kill it. ;)
Anybody whos speaking russian in here? Could you please ask if they will change the 25% RNG? Cause id really like to know if they are going to change it.
In all honesty, Storm should just put the answer on top of any QnA before even reading the questions…
“- the reason why WG implemented FV215b instead of having Chieftain from the start was that when the British tree was introduced, the Chieftain was considered to be too modern. After that, they sent people to measure the armor (SS: in Bovington) and found out that it’s not actually as fearsome as it was thought before.”
British’s piece of crap can’t stronk as Russian’s steel YOLO YOLO. And remember to neft it anyway!!
“Lime-tree branches. And some birch ones.”
Obviously Lime-tree branches means Russian tanks. and birch means more British tanks.
Come on WG, you can do better than that.
“quality of armor (depending on material) coefficient will not be implemented”
Yep. Because the Russians would lose out on this, their materials were inferior to more industrially developed manufacturers, such as the Americans or the Germans. Why implement an armor coefficient that doesn’t benefit the Russians?
Again I doubt they’re using the correct devices to measure the Chieftain’s armour.
- Storm states that over the last year, the player credit gain from tier 8 premium tanks increased, since Wargaming (several times) improved the tier 8 premium tank money making ability
There are players claiming the opposite and certainly did not notice any increase…
they have removed credit bonus for high tier tanks that is way money seems less
- developers will definitely continue to develop the 0.9.1 test “Hellcat” sounds
- 9.3 will bring Hellcat nerf
Why bother and waste human hours on sounds if you gonna nerf hellcat? if you are nerfing hellcat, that’s it, that branch of tech tree is dead, NOBODY will grind it anyway, well at least nobody with common sense.
25/2 is garbage
T28 Prototype is even bigger garbage
T30 is nice, i liked it, played it while T110E4 was “Top of The Tree”. Played 400 battles and farmed 10 million credits.
But c’mon T110E4 is one of the worst T10′s ever, anyday i would play T30 instead of T110E4 if I had to choose.
“25/2 is garbage”.
Your obviously bad at this game if you think E4 is bad. We need stats to display next to people’s comments.
WG needs to nerf the Hellcat in order to profit from the soon to be released British med/td hybrid line. Time to purchase and save your free experience for the new British td’s. Hellcat to be nerfed this fall with the release of 9.3 patch along with the announcement of the British hybrid line to be released this year. WG is waiting for your money.
T25/2 is a TD/medium hybrid.
A difficult combination, one I feel is balanced around gold ammo. But it’s not a bad tank.
T28 prot is shit. Period. Too slow, open turret roof, bad hull roof armor. Functional in tier8, below average in tier9. Crap in tier X
T30 is kickass. The gun is temperamental, but aside from that, good punch, hulldown, camo, turret….good tank.
T110E4 was the only TD to have benefited from the decrease to 750 alpha. It’s a true heavy/TD hybrid that works perfectly with 16 second reload. Seriously, currently one of the most flexible and powerful TD.
T25/2 is garbage? You just can’t make a tank work and you say that is garbage. Same goes with the T28 Protoype. They are excellent tanks, but you really need to use them the way they are supposed to be used.
T110E4 is a heavy with a nasty gun and limited turret traverse :P
I know exactly what I’m talking about.
OH I SEE you play the waffle E-100 and compare it to the E4 and so cause the E4 can’t kill a maus or two tier 8′s in one clip it isn’t good enough that seems fine with me Kappa kappa sarcasm joking get it
1. Same speed as T30
2. Worse gun depression than T30
3. Turret doesn’t rotate 360 degrees (i dont personally give a flying S*** but there might be some situations where that is an obstacle)
4. No turret armor, anywhere, IS-3 pens with AP 90%of time anywhere in turret, except the gun mantlet. (that should tell a lot) (you can argue that the hull armor is better, but imho OP turret armor + gun depression > shitty turret with no gun depression but some hull armor)
5. same alpha as T30, although bit better reload speed, but it’s not sufficient.
6. What else? hmm, can’t think of nothing right now, the fact is that it’s a terrible tank, don’t get me wrong, it’s playable, but i wouldn’t bother playing it, hence I didn’t buy it when it was on 30% discount.
On the side note, it’s over nerfed, the single fact of it’s big alpha and semi working turret is not enough to be competative. And yes, you can stay in the back and do damage, and yes if you play careful you will make a lot of damage and yes it’s a good tank, but it’s not great by any stretch of the imagination. Joe Avarage. If you carry in E4 it’s down to bad enemies and your skill not because the tank is great, the tank is garbage, there are several better tanks to play at T10 and yes, there are several worse ones than this as well.
- Storm states that over the last year, the player credit gain from tier 8 premium tanks increased, since Wargaming (several times) improved the tier 8 premium tank money making ability
Right after it was been nerfed to hell and since people aren’t that dumb they started complaining about it so you increased it. Even now some tanks are earning much less than they used to.
- Wargaming cooperating with modmakers? “Why? We can make such features too”
Yes, but it takes you several years for even the most simplest things like reload timer and HP bars(OTM)
The Chaffee needs those!
- Q: “What branches will there be?” A: “Lime-tree branches. And some birch ones.”
ah im laughing too hard get me off the floor hahaha
>>> – too many 3-4 HT5 vs 3-4 MT5 battles on tier 5? “Coincidence” <<<
for my taste a little bit to often coincidence in the last time….
“wehraboos” how can one word make me blow air from my nose
need to play chaffee while i can..
“Ruinberg on fire lighting ugly and reducing performance?”
I actually created a mod, that changes the lighting for this map completely.
Sure, lets take a scout that constantly sees tier ten and nerf it. Makes typical WG sense in their efforts to OP every nazi tank in the game.
Far as the turreted american TD line? The hellpissy and the T25AT need to switch tiers; the hellpissy is way OP. The T25/2 suffers the same problem (to a much lesser extent) the entirety of the american TD line from tiers 7-9 does; underpowered gun. Only difference is, the T25/2 has the speed, camo, sight range and maneuverability to be able to stay on the second line and make use of its strength. The T25AT is no where near as maneuverable as it needs to be, Its gun is almost as bad as the T28s and T30/95 in terms of bouncing 4/5 shots; The T28 and the T28 Prot are both horrendously slow; made all the more vulnerable by their worst-of-tier guns; and in the Prots case the open top. The T30 has a good edge over the T95 in terms of speed and a turret; but both suffer from a VERY craptastic gun that spends more time bouncing its gold rounds off the ass of an SU100 (for example) then actually doing anything worthwhile; made all the worse by the nightmarish reload time. The T95, once an awesome beast; is essentially useless once gold was made available to all players for far too cheap; especially combined with how painfully slow the T95 is and how easily flanked it is. It desperately needs an engine and gun buff to be made competitive now that gold is so heavily spammed; especially from severely OP nazi TDs with insane reload time and accuracy.
Of the set; I love the T49 for its blinding speed and the T25/2 for its sniping capability. Both maintain permanent slots in my garage; with the latter already having gained its first Mark of Excellence. Of the rest, the T30 is playable but the rest are just a bloody nightmare.
Easiest way to bring the game back into balance? (Storm, I hope you see this) Double or quadruple the cost for gold; especially for the German TDs. (This would actually be fairly historically accurate; given the severe ammo crunch the Germans faced to the end of the war.) Yes, there are tanks like the T25/2 that need gold – but this could be fixed by giving it a decent (IE, NOT the POS that is in the T25AT) gun.
you do realise all those tanks pre date americas fascist days?